Signing up to be a magapede if this happens and is taken to its logical conclusion ie No Appropriations Bill without full funding for the wall.
Bannon: No Wall = Government shutdown
Except we have heard this before. I'll believe it when they actually start building it
Is this guy even relevant anymore? Only a kike clusterfuck like CNN would give him coverage
(((Servers))) UPDATE
Post made during update about Bannon, leader of the (((Alt-Right))) internet crew who bought out hotwheels…
Is the wall really functional? Wouldn't it be smarter to hire more border patrol? Done right, Trump could create his own right wing death squads that could be used for other purposes later when the left will chimp out.
The wall doesn't solve anything. I changed my mind after realizing the spics made Compton and every other place they took over safer actually genociding all the niggers. If you can get rid of the nigger problem, then you can get rid of the spic problem but most importantly you must get rid of the jewish problem so which Bannon is an integral part of the kike loving POS.
No shit.
Trump have not done anything to save White America, so there is no reason for pro-whites to support him.
What team Trump did was to shill the base, instead of giving them anything they wanted, so he could continue the US policy of sucking Israeli dick. If they had only shilled the base, I wouldn't have minded so much, but team Trump's shills also attacked pro-whites, and that is unforgivable.
So they drove the niggers into white neighborhoods, and you think it's a good thing?
You are paid to post this, because I doubt a real Zig Forumsack would fail to understand this.
get out
Instead of building a wall we should just conquer Mexico
this but unironically
can you niggers and arabs put your computers down and start smashing rocks together in your dusty shitholes to prove this point????
Bannon is hurting for attention. Tried a euro tour and most "populist" leaders ignored him.
This way we only have to use one bullet instead of 2. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
But they do all have to die though. No matter the process, the eventual outcome is the same.
Niggers appropriated white languages.
Trump has been hinting that he'd do this for awhile. He said he'd never sign a budget as bad as the last omnibus again, and he said he was considering a shutdown. I was assuming that he'd do it just because getting the wall just before the elections would let him in in a landslide.
Spics are more evolved than niggers, so it's natural for people to prefer associating with them, but don't be fooled. Africans are stagnant at about 13% of the population, but Mestizos are growing exponentially. Also it's not like they're tossing blacks in gas chambers. The niggers are just moving to other areas!>>11673215
Real shutdown of government would be more beneficial then The Wall.
Niggers are up to 25% different from compared to other races. Nigger probably should be genocided
It was hilarious watching how fast Trump cucks ditched Bannon when just a week prior they were defending him. It's like whatever Trump says, his cucked followers just go with it, and these are the same people who make fun of libfags sucking Obongos nigger dick
I mean Bannon was no prize, but he ended up being better than Trump by degrees. They said he was leaking info but I mean wasn't everyone in the WH at the time? Trump keeps removing the people who had his back. I knew something was wrong with the Trump admin when they let Flynn get taken out tbh.
I suspected from the start that Trump agreed to temporarily extend the funding without a wall appropriation precisely to move the fight over this closer to the elections. If this becomes an election issue, Republicans are going to win in a landslide.
None of that was actually proven though, Trump just thought all these people he kicked out were simply riding his coattails or something but they were the ones who got him into the spotlight in the first place, then Trump dumped them and all the trumpcucks followed, I mean, to be fair it's not like any of them will suffer at all, people will all forget and they'll be fine but it is really suspicious plus it's obviously telling how fast all the trumpcucks just follow around like retarded sheep.
Either way though I stopped really caring after the election but it's been fun watching the utter shit show. Trump will probably win re-election because there's no one better, but it's going to be a rather hollow victory from a disillusioned base
So, "I interviewed a nobody who had brief access to Trump and got the boot."
I can't wait for the inevitable "the wall was never meant to be physical. It was just a metaphor" type of reasoning from trumpcucks.
He's been hinting since before the election. At what point does he start doing?
He's said alot of shit user.
I'm ready to see something get done. Directly. No 3Dchess "if you look at it from this perspective he actually kind of did do it" shit.
The wall was in our hearts all along.
The wall is in isreal and Trump secured even more US taxpayers dollars in the last bill to make it even more secure for the isreali jews who Americans elected
The server update was announced in advance you god damn weekend warrior
Only complete retards would be for this
Fuck the wall. It's literally meaningless.
50,000,000 illegals in the country, MINIMUM. We have 20 years left before a race war is FORCED to start, and I'm not sure we can win it if we have to wait the full amount of time.
September 30th.
You are proof kikey did at least a couple things right.
You have been cited links before regarding construction. Eat shit.
Three wall projects have already been built in California Shlomo
The survival of the white race is forfeit in my eyes. At this point all I want is to see the responsible whites face the music and get slaughtered by the goblinos. The vindication from finally seeing the look on their faces will be worth the nightmares that follow it.
3 wall projects are currently ongoing, those three wall projects amount to 35 miles…… pretty piss fucking poor for a US President who claims to come from a builder developers background, behind schedule, why the motherfucking over budget is all I can say.
Based niggers, spics, and jews need their cut man.
Just trying to figure out replying
And they aren't walls. They are fences.
The DACA shutdown was the warning shot. Trump showed he would gladly shut down the machine over wetbacks, because all it does is reveal zogbots as traitors who will side with dirty foreign criminals over Americans.
It's not even chess; it's basically playing tic-tac-toe with a retard. He's just going to get what he wants by bullying the jews into making a choice. Either give me what I want or else admit you are criminal-loving traitors right before an election and then I get what I want anyway. Done and done.
Wrong, Satan. Replacement fences have been installed where fences had already been previously. It's just maintenance of what little fences already exist.
The fences are bigger though, and the main difference between these fences and "the wall" if that once design is final, is that there's no concrete wall section on top of the fence.
And either way, you can't blame Trump for "only improving a fence" if that's the only thing he's allowed to do with the budget the senate gives him. The idea that "hehe the wall isn't built yet" is because of Trump and not the kikes blocking him every way they can is ridiculous.
Trump didn't have to support it. Could have shut down the government. But he caved because he's a worthless cuck.
And, as has been pointed out since he was elected, Trump has full authority to have the military build the wall. He doesn't because he's a worthless cuck. He also has the authority to shut down the FBI. He doesn't because he's a worthless cuck. He has the authority to deport DACA babies. He doesn't because he's a worthless cuck.
Military projects need to be supplied and done by specific companies which cost five times as much, which he doesn't want. Shutting down the FBI would get him impeached because "see, he's scared because he's hiding something."
I'll admit he's acting retarded when it comes to not deporting the DACA fuckwits, though.