After that Roach faggot Kampfy was disposed of, Zig Forums was suddenly revitalized more than it has been in months, even surpassing /v/ as the top board on the site. Then the site went down for maintenance and all of a sudden we're back where we started. What happened?
What happened to our PPH?
Other urls found in this thread:
r u retarded
Because its 12am?
It's dead jim.
most of that was shills and rubberneckers.
It's going to take time to heal from the damage
It's just weed, bro.
captcha didn't work for one day
They'll be back tomorrow screaming about "Le blumpf is a kike!!!" some more.
He is a fucking kike puppet you stupid asshole.
So's your mother, but we don't need to make a hundred fucking threads a day about it.
Apparently we do because faggots like you haven't fucked off back to /r/The_Donald yet.
Been here all summer, have you sport?
Still haven't found another board to infest, Kikey?
Called a raid m8. Raid ended when user mentioned free speech is stupid for lying jew mouths and is different than being raided by ultra tan commies. The raid also demoralized a few anons. They'll be back. Shills and anons.
Wow you really showed me.
This, and the fact that the Nat-Socs grew retarded from the stay in Kikey's hugbox.
brb Japan.
quality posts bring quality people, stop meta posting about imkikey, he's fucking gone, finally so we are moving on from his bullshit
sperglings chased them off
Have you looked at the front page you fucking dip.
kikes did what they needed to do and ruined the board.
Neither will you fuck off back to Zig Forums. Don’t you have more dick to suck like your board owner you colossal faggot.