Razan al-Najar was helping an injured unarmed protester

Field nurse murdered by Israel


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Good. Every more of this filth being cleaned from this world, the better.

Are the Palestinians subhuman niggers tat they attack barehanded armed troops? Even afghans put better opposition.

If they were smart they would move to Europe and attack there the jews, the authorities would protect them.

Based Jew York Times makin cash money dolla dolla bills off her brutal murder. Judeo-Capitalism at its finest.

Jews are never attacked because those attacks are orchestrated by jews.

The palestinians rush the israel border with knives and rocks and get shot by armed guards. How dumb is that? If they moved to europe and planned an attack with a car on a crowd of jews after they got out of the synagogue they would be more effective.

It's weird how they never do this even after seeing jews shoot unarmed muslim women. Almost like the muslims in europe work in conjunction with jews or something.
I wonder what the koran says about jews.


Why did you kill her, Trump?

Attached: Palestinian Medic Killed by Israeli Soldiers at Gaza Protest - NYT News.mp4 (1280x720, 11.47M)


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Trump was a big, fat mistake.

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The US, of course, sides with israel. Good thing you stand neutral.

Looks hot, would fuck.

Reminder that just because we are against kikes, that doesn't imply that we are for sand niggers.

Every time they will each other we win.

Where's your faggot RED TEXT you dumb sand nigger?

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Why isn't Trump attacking Israel the way he attacked Syria after Assad murdered muh beautiful babies?

Why the fuck are you putting that in spoiler? This is exactly the problem

These retarded people rushing the border are asking to be shot and killed. The only reason they even do this is because they are brainwashed by Hamas.

They are acting out the wishes of terrorists and should be killed on sight.

We got a live JIDF in this thread boys

Do you support Hamas? I am actually a Muslim that just so happens to not be retarded

Oh noes another dead sandnigger. Do something about it yourself you useless goat-fucker. Not the West's problem.

Guess it's a good thing he isn't your president shit-dick.

You are definitely lost.

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daily reminder that Hamas doesn't even exist. Sons of Hamas is a biblical term for the enemies of the Jews.

The whole world knows that when the Jews of Israel hold each year's summertime murder-fest in Gaza there are always dead bodies aplenty, enough even to satisfy the Tribe.

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The fuck? Hamas is the political party in charge of governance in the Gaza strip

Having been to Israel and stayed with both kikes and Muslims, and having been all through East Jerusalem and the West Bank, I can unequivocally say that Israelis are the biggest goddamn pieces of shit on this planet. The Palestinians are some of the friendliest, most welcoming, and helpful people I've met while traveling. The Israelis are total fucking assholes from start to finish. I used to be a zionist idiot until I saw how it actually works there. The Israeli motherfuckers are 100%, without a doubt, completely at fault for everything that happens there, and they cause all trouble–total brutality and oppression like you wouldn't believe–very deliberately. Anybody who is on Israel's
side who's actually been there and dealt with people extensively is completely evil themselves.

Israel and the kikes are pure satan on earth. There is no other way to describe it.

Why are Palestinians rushing the border? Simple question.
If Jews are such fucking assholes, why do they expect will happen when they rush the borders? Do they WANT to get shot?

I see you learned your english from south park. Very bad form, jude. They don't exist.

Hamas is the political party in charge of governance in the Gaza strip

An honourable death. Your ilk know nothing of that, and repeating the same lies you shred will never make them true, kike. Get lost.

They aren't afraid to die for a righteous cause. Good for them, its fueling global anti-zionist sentiments.

If I wasn't married, I would be trying to marry her.

Maybe you're not praying to the god of a dead pedophile hard enough. You know, the one that says producing children with your first cousins is a great idea?

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It's a wasteful death. What does it achieve?
And kikes support Hamas. How else would they get the chance to shoot Palestinians rushing the border? If it wasn't for Hamas they would never be able to retaliate and bombard Gaza like they did before

Yep, Hammas are sunnis, controlled by Saudis/Kikes.

Also I wouldn't say its wasteful. The recent massacres and Razan's death is driving anti-israel sentiments big time among normies.

International attention. The only way israels siege ends is if america makes them stop.


Kike free first post.

Why did they refuse Mike Pence entry into Palestine? Why don't they want to have dialogue? They should be coming to the table and talk peace plans

Fucking disgusting terrorists, and Zig Forums supports then. This board is fucked

dc7ad4 got flustered all of a sudden, guessing his workstation got taken over by another jew.

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You're going to need a lot more than your mid-2000s dialogue to make any leeway, here, you kike stooge.

you'll get there eventually

Damn these hasbara kikebags are a real show when they're no longer parroting their 9/11 era talking points on the boomernet finding their way here with us.

"terrorist" this and "terrorist" that, like that word means anything here.

Shills trying to damage control so hard that they're bumping this thread and its getting noticed. Their mantra is 'muslims are subhumans so who cares'. Its probably one of the only times they get to tell what they believe is a subjective truth to shill. Empathy has always been used to mobilize western nations into action, and now they're hoping we have none. All it takes is one story, or one picture. Shes a beautiful woman who was risking her life to save others. This is one story they really need to make disappear.

Jews are completely void of empathy, that is what makes them different than all the races of the world.

good hopefully they'll blow up some kike bus in retaliation


Its a PR nightmare for the kikes. This shit is gonna snap so hard back on them. Any populist liberal or conservative cannot possibly be pro-zionist anymore. Israel sealed their own fate.

True, its why they get spotted so easily when they pretend to be white supremacists on cuckchan and go all "kill all shitskins am i rite pol" specially in Iran/Syria threads. Now look at these lepers trying to insult Razan like it isn't a compliment coming from them, just like they insult Jesus, God or anything that is good or humanitarian in this world.

I rush the border of your mom's cunt. Then I run because the scent of gefilte fish is too intense. Until they cross the "border" they're in their territory jewstick.

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Why is anyone at the border surprised of being shot? She accepted the consequences by approaching the border.
Basically a field medic for a much of terrorists. Many women join ISIS, should we mourn for the dead ISIS women?
And as for snapping so hard back on them. Israel doubling down on cancelling the Iran deal and their racist rhetoric regarding trying to keep all of Jerusalem for themselves (both caused by Trump FYI) already is isolating them on the world stage. Letting Hamas brainwashing innocent people to die has no effect on the world's stage and generally people don't give a fuck. What the laymen and plebs think has never mattered before anyways, so why would it now?

Right like all the '0 days since last terrorist attack' threads were just a meme.
We have always hated these terrorists and Hamas includes them. They kill anyone going against their rhetoric in the areas they control and use any inhumane tactic they can think of to get the job done.

I already said I'm a Muslim. And look thread is dead, no kike would want to bump this and bring attention to it


Yes they were a jewish zionist meme that went along with fake attacks.
Is that what you pretend to be, ok.
No we have always understood one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter and examine the truth.
Israel has illegally settled Palestinian land, they want it back, and you cunts shoot them for it. The Golan Heights are Syrian but you cunts want the resources out of there so you cunts attack them and made the heights unusable.

TDF alrerady crawled out of basement

How is rushing the border and wasting lives going to help anything?
The Palestinians should actually protest and march in a civilized manner instead of burning tires and throwing rocks like retards


Note the plurality of children. Aisha was ONE child. You need to prove Muhammad lusted for 1 other prepubescent girl or it doesn't count.

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Mudslimes can't do anything the civilized way. They even die like stupid animals.

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So is it good that they are being shot dead or… Why should a bunch of Jews get to freely shoot the people they are occupying?

Point is, these retards are dying because they are brainwashed by Hamas and Israel is just defending the green line as outlaid in the armistice agreements of 1949.

bump because fuck Hamas for letting Jews get free kills


fuck the kikes id live with muslims before more jews

and abraham lived to be 300 yrs or some shit…..there calendar was differrent

You only need to fuck one goat to be a goat fucker.

Its so telling that this got no media coverage. It wasnt even signal boosted on social media. A couple of well timed celebrity deaths, and now no one will ever remember this story or Nikki Haley vetoing even talking about it. Israel is free to continue doing whatever the fuck they want. Im beginning to believe they could launch nukes at palestine and nothing would be done about it.

The only reason they haven't is because they'd irradiate the population of literally the lowest form of scum on the face of the earth: THE ISREALI SETTLER. I'll bet if you traced the ip's of most of the shills itt they'd lead right back to some shitberg settlement block.

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Always take a side against Jews.

Always the lesser of two evils, Palestinians never taxed me, they never crammed LGBT in our schools. They didn't even attack us on 9/11.

That was Israel.

Not buying it.

Long live Razan al Najar! Long Live Rachel Corrie! Hail Victory!

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Do you understand that they're trapped and being poisoned thru the drinking water? The Arabs used to be allies we could trust until the Jews started framing them with terror attacks, bribing our leaders and decades on negative pr from the Jew media. We have to use this as an opportunity to expose the hypocrisy and genocidal nature of Jews. Two Jews safely filmed a new documentary called "Killing Gaza" exposing Israeli war crimes. This is being done in our name, we have a responsibility to know the truth. Lets expose and spoil their evil plan to enslave the world. From what i've seen the Palestinians have welcomed anyone who will listen. It's time for them to be heard. In memory of all the victims of Jewish Supremacism, from the Bolshevik Revolution to the "War on Terror". Some upload the full version, it's being suppressed.

Good interview



Cuz generally, male moslems don't care about them. They would cut their own mothers throats to fuck White women.

Literal liberal scum
They denied entry to Mike Pence and refuse dialogue towards the Peace deal

Heres a peace deal, Jews gtfo out of Arab lands and diminish their power forever, never to be heard of ever again by any race of man ever again.

ever again

that language, gah, sounds like they're always forming a loogie to spit up.

Not at all like the angelic resonances of the Hebrew tongue. Which sounds like a people perpetually trying to get a cat hair out of their collective jewthroat.

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