Why Don't We Talk About the "Schools" When We Talk About "School Shootings?"

Oh my, 94%, that's quite a large number.
> We live in a time when millions of self-described “conservatives” aka stupid fucking normies send their children to government-funded schools where these families’ values are mocked and made to seem silly and out of touch. They send them to schools where when the kids get home after 8 or 9 hours of indoctrination, parents are forced not only to endure another 4 or 5 hours of homework (a concept completely foreign to education prior to the late 19th Century), but diligent and dutiful parents must deprogram their children, explaining why they don’t agree with the practices and principles that their teachers have praised all day.

That's all true. Well, what do you think the solution is?
Fuck yes, let's do that. But no, not good for everyone. Good for whites. Race traitors, dindus, assorted mudskins, jews, and their fucktarded politics would be BTFO. But you're on the right track. Eat some more of the red ones and we will talk.

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END ALL COMPULSORY EDUCATION and decriminalize non attendance and make people pay for their children's education themselves not the public at large.
In the USA schools are simply indoctrination prison camps. There the psychopaths that run these state institutions of mind control bombard the young with social-sexual experiments in societal reshaping. If you don't submit your children to this then they are taken away from you and it's off to the Gulag for a couple of years. The school system is a complete and total failure at it's publicly stated goal, but it is extremely effective at turning out brain damaged citizens that have been sexually abused by the curators of this public zoo. The public keeps searching for answers to the problems of this system by doing what? They turn to the very people who fucked it up: "Teachers" and politicians. After 40 years of complete policy failure you would think people would know that these people should never be listened to fix schools; yet the public is so stupid it continues to look there for their appeals to authority.

Lurk 2 more years newfag.

Public education is very low quality, you should save up your money and send them to private school, or better yet homeschool them as long as you provide them with plenty of social interaction (sports, etc).

As long as our schools remain unnatural multiculti hellscapes the violence will continue.

If we could get public schools to just be optional you would definitely see a rise of "They didn't have to be there." instead of the usual stupid fucking hysteria.
Eventually they'll just be considered too dangerous, rise of homeschooling and tutoring returns.
Maybe it could eventually lead to killing the walled garden higher education has created for every progress point in life, kikes would have their education industry rattled.

Thought homeschooling was legal in Burgerstan.

It sort is/isn't. Parents are forced to hire tutors which cost more than private schooling

Public schools are necessary for democracies. They need to be fixed not abolished. Removing the niggers and teaching ethics like those taught by Jesus would put America back on track to being a first world nation.


oh boy, just what we need. more religious brainwashing to replace the niggers.

Yes that would literally fast track the nation to success. Would you consider yourself brainwashed to ignore this because it goes against your anti theist belief?

Your next line will be "dead kike on a stick"

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Just do it under the table. Why bother playing by the kikes' rules? We went thousands of fucking years without public schools and we don't need them now.

in funny how christians argue very similar to jews, strange that.

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Depends on the state you are in, in Ohio online schools are not considered homeschooling so that is what I would do.

What state? I was homeschooled and I didn't have a tutor.

Humans learn through interacting with the world. Do something, success, do it again. Do something, failure, try something new. This cannot be conveyed through a textbook or in a chair. Combine that with low literacy and you have 8 hours of nothing. Public schools form idle minds. Idle minds do not create or achieve goals. Idle minds are poison to people and society, but beneficial as bottom feeders to the elite.

It would be more beneficial if a student just read literature for 8 hours. For anyone that was in public school, imagine if you had read that much. I'd be through all the Zig Forums book lists by now. Hell just cut that in half. 4 hours a day of reading mostly nonfiction. You could learn a lot about the world that way.

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What percentage of kids in the US are educeted in public schools?

found the kike.

public (gov) schools are put in place to control and condition a populace not to raise the level of education

It seems like this could be because public schools make up the vast majority of schools. Don't get me wrong, public schools are fucking awful and need to be reworked, but I don't know if this is treating the numbers right. For example blacks committing 50% of the murders in America isn't significant until you realize that they are only about 10% of the population. This might be a reverse of that where a seemingly large number is made normal by more information. Like I said, public schools are shit and I imagine they have an over representation in school shootings, but it seems a bit disingenuous to leave out the difference in students attending private and public schools and to have readers infer a 50/50 split.

I'd think the percentage of schools that are private is higher than 6%. I grew up around niggers though, so maybe they're not as common in white country.

Public Schools give incentive for the beta humans to breed because they don't have to face the consequence of paying for their child's education.

public schools were created by the social marxist manipulators ages ago to condition a populace. plain and simple

The modern American education system was designed and funded by Rockefeller to train children to work in factories. Though I do agree that schools now are used mainly to indoctrinate children with victim mentality and collectivist ideals.

Bunch of nothing.
go gas yourself you retarded cunt.

Jesus wasn't a jew you say? Let's verify with the holy scriptures(the literal word of god in every way shape and form) who it was that jesus descended from?

x41 and x77

Matthew's gospel (Mat 1:2-16). Starts with Abraham and lists his descendants all the way down to Jesus. There are 41 generations in total, divided into 3 sections as follows:

- David
(from Abraham to David)
- Josias
(from David until the carrying away into Babylon)
- Jesus
(from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ)

Each section contains 14 generations. Note, that David is counted twice: Once at the end of the first section, then once again at the beginning of the second section. This explains how 41 generations are divided equally into three. See Mat 1:17 for further explanation.

Luke's gospel (Luk 3:23-38). This genealogy starts with Jesus and follows his line up until God. There are 77 generations mentioned in total.

But totally jesus wasn't a jew

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the initial guise was probably for work, but we all know the enemy is a long long long con type, they knew damn well what they were building

Yeah, I just looked it up , and the number of kids attending private school is just over 10%. I guess that kids attending private school are almost half as likely to shoot the place up compared to public school kids. It's a pretty big difference, but it's not nearly as big as it would be if the shootings were spread the same and private schools made 50%.


Oh absolutely. The common core is a direct attack on boys and young men. Their feminizing them and pushing socialist feminist ideals that everyone must adhere to.

Turn on the radio and hear nigs talking about shooting up their gang rivals in pop culture music for teens, turn on the tv and see a super hero film where their always shooting a gun. flood your kids brain with pharmaceuticals and gun/gang culture for kids.

that's a very stupid idea (((who))) do you think has the money bankroll a decent education for their children? the only thing this will achive is create generations of uneducated peasants that will be more easily jewed by the chruch/goverment/banks/media/etc
if sometihing is broken you need to fix it, especially because the main problem in eductaion is marxism
the only way to fix education would to legally brand marxism and every kind of social science even remotelly asociated with it as heresy and burn it all at the stake
I think there are people who still can aford private tutors and schools, are they too forced to atend public schools at some point?

Obviously indoctrination is a problem, but pitting conservative children as the ones most likely to commit these crimes is wrong. They're not. It's left-leaning children of single mothers. Also, aside from just what's being taught, how about who's being bused into these schools? Aren't many of these schools heavily diverse? I don't think you're going to find any school shooters in heavily white rural public schools. Back when I lived in Philly, although the neighborhood was white, and white people payed taxes on the local middle and high school, they bused in so many niggers the schools were minority white. I wouldn't be surprised if a tormented and outcast white kid shot those schools up.

An older stat for sure but it's what google gave me first.

how is that different than what we have now, except for the fact that the guberment takes taxes at the barrel of a gun to pay for it.
The whole system might have had good intentions, but it's devolved into nothing more than day care.

I've argued to dismantle public education many times, based on the fact that inexpensive and ubiquitous technology mostly eliminated the need for brick and mortar schools and high priced teachers, and the counter argument always turns into "well parents depend on the school to take care of their children for X hours a day"

Wrong. Get rid of the 14th Amendment and with it, all of the Anti-Segregation nonsense, and purge the higher education system of kikes and kike lovers.

Otherwise, sending kids to private schools does absolutely nothing.

In fact, if anything, abolish private schools and homeschooling. Force the Rich and Upper Middle class to have the same stake in the quality and safety of public schools as the poor.

And make sure to send the Rich and Well Off to all the Culturally Enriched schools.

Left/right is a lie.

Children do not need to believe in religion/politics/society/corporate in any form whatsoever. They can and will invent their own society using knowledge that is easily available on the internet, or in books that they will simply choose to read due to sheer curiosity.

School deliberately brainwashes and destroys children and turns them into slaves. Religion is just as poison as schools. Do not be naive, you fucking moron.

> (((who))) do you think has the money bankroll a decent education for their children?
They already control the content. They might as well have to pay for the right.

you have a bounch brainwashed goons preaching muh marxist doctrine to the four wind but i don't think having a population od inbreed goat fucking peasants is much better, it only takes one crazy priest to lead them with torches and pitchforks to burn anyone who studies natural science becos muh witchcraft
antifa faggots are kinda similar but a lot less dangerous cus they had to be emasculated to be indoctrinated, a cultureless peasant , on the other hand, just has to be riled up with a good scapegoat for all their ills and when he and his horde comes for you they are gonna hit a lot harder than femtards and betamales from universities
Back in the gudolddays that was the mother's job but now womyn are stonk and independant so they go and get jobs cus the salary of the husband alone is not enough to suport a family hand rubbing intensifies child rearing is just another patriarchal construct to bring down…

a nation NEEDS public education, good public education, look at japan, you think they would have recovered after WW2 had it not been for their good education?
wich is why i insist that all forms of social science should be nuked from any elementary or highschool curriculum, math is incorruptible, one of the few absolute laws of the universe that kikes can not manipulate, language is developed as one grows but there is some room for subvertion there, history will be the bulk of the (((revisionism))), and in biology you can be sure there'll be the typical (((one race, human race))) bullshit, but then there's chemstry and physic wich are mostly like math, the only way to subvert them is by suvberting the organisations that oversee the study of these sciences, but that's an issue that's avove and beyond basic education level (as in, it´s a fight that belongs to profecional scientist not teachers/students/parents)

I'd literally rather go back to hoholistan and raise my kids there than send them to american pub schools

dude, my beer

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Except that Joseph wasn't Jesus' father, the entity that created everything was.
So Jesus was only 50% jew at best, and obviously you would need to prove Marys lineage and one poster (that implies incorrectly Joseph had something to do with Jesus) doesn't cut it.

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Yea it's a complete mystery why people feel like they need to take revenge on their peers.

Ayyo, hold up. If we get rid of public schools then who will babysit her kids for free for 8 hours a day from the ages of 5 to 18? Who will teach them right from wrong, anons? Who will feed them? It's going to rain and without a roof above them they will get wet. Aww hell nah.

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checked satan
he's still a desert dweller around whom a cult was formed and used to destroy yurop, to burn centuries of pagan culture tradition and legend and replace it all with desert bullshit then sinking everyone into the darkages where the (((church))) controled everything with an iron fist
jews, christians and muslims are all the same monotheist crap
monotheism endgame has always been to establish tyranical theocracies
even the aztecs did not exterminate the cultures they conquered leting them keep their gods laws and traditions so long as they bent their knees before aztec law and pay their taxes. ironically that might have been what killed them cus when chritians arrived they riled up every subjugated native culture against the aztects bringing them down and with them the last barrier stoping christians from genetically and culturaly destroing the region and turning it into Mexico
kinda the same thing kikes are doing in merica right now

This is a poorly written post, but it's not entirely wrong.


What a

Are you retarded? The Aztecs' "taxes" meant staging flower wars until the subjugated tribe's men were all gone then either driving the remainder out or selling them off as household slaves then shoving their own colonists into the empty squatter village they just emptied.

What the Spanish did wrong was not exterminate the shitskin locals like the Yanks did with their injuns. Because Latins are softies.

Our goal should be to destroy cultures; by destroying the people that compose them. Give a single material reason why would should spare one saracen, nigger, spic, kike, or gook? Japs though different are at least equal, these "people" on the other hand have no utility and should be cleared off like weeds.

This is a proper post. Honestly, killing every single one of them is an act of mercy for both sides.

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Just blew in from reddit huh? I suggest you go back.

Get rid of the 14th amendment and still send your kid into a jew run school. You're only addressing the surface of the issue. Any compromised state using compulsory education on its populace is committing a criminal act against the people. Go back to the traditional European and early American model of real wordly education through apprenticeships and work.

Public education has become the epitome of communism. Administration gives themselves outlandish bonuses, the subjects (in this case, students) are treated like cattle, and the handlers (the teachers) all have their balls tied in a vice grip. Either we put a proper focus on public education (ending federal jurisdiction over it, forcing local authorities to handle it) and actually focus on education rather than "making sure kids succeed" (AKA letting jamal pass because he a gud boi), or we just say "fuck it" and dismantle the entire thing and leave it to the free market.

Besides, with the advent of the internet, any kid can learn shit if they really want to now. Public education currently serves little to no purpose other than hand-crafted indoctrination machines. Not because it could never fill any other kind of role (ideally it would still be good hand crafted education), but Current Year politics would never allow academia to be anything else.

Totally agree.
End one size fits all Public Schooling NOW!

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The Kike reveals himself.
How do you think the Jew molds the mind of the future generations you fucking Nigger cock loving piece of human shit. Your answer is more Fags fucking your children more TRANNY indoctrination of your son's. If you don't make enough money to put your children in private school or home school them with your wife then you are a FUCKING FAILURE as a white man in the USA. Your are worst than the lowest form of MGTOW or beta cuck fucks. KILL YOURSELF NOW.
Your post shows how absolutely fucking retard you are fuck yourself back to Reddit after you livestream yourself pealing back your face so we can enjoy watching a kike cock sucking pieces of shit like yourself do the best thing it can do in this world and rid us of your presence in it.
Yes attendance of primary, secondary education through the age of 16 at either a public/private or home school alternative is the law in virtually all states in Jewmerica. That alone shows what a fucking retarded waste of human skin you are.

Think about posting after you pull the nigger's dick out of your mouth and put it back into your tranny lovers ass before you post. Your a fucking LARPING kike. All public education is fucked beyond all repair on purpose.
I agree with Kike disposal and sending Tyrone on a one way ticket to Wakanda. Good luck with that you stupid "Muh Constitution" nice try and sounding like a NatSoc; you fuck. While you are jerking off to your "CONstitution" you CivNat Kukistain douche bag; generations of white kids will be raped by the faggots, jews, and niggers in the public schools you love to send them to. Burn your face off with a blow torch you Kike loving nigger.

you watched apokalyopto way to many times faggot, Spaniards were masters of ancient atrocity porpaganda, they tell tales of more than 180 people being sacrificed at the capital as a celebration they day they arrived, but with only 8 sacrifical temples in the region and using obcidian tools the temples must have been working like auschwitz ovens to process that much human meat in such a short time, naturally the spaniards who claimed these shit neglected to descrive the logistic of the whole process and if they performed sacrifices en mass they also forgot to mention it
Aztecs fought proxy battles and they took prisioners to sacrifice and canibalize cus there was no other red meat source in the region but they weren't as execive with human sacrifice as christians would like you to believe nor were they even half as savage and primitive as mutt injuns who would dirve an entire packs of buffalos off a cliff only to get a few scraps of meat from a couple of them
when christians came, they spread their goat fucking pestilences across the entire conitnent and burned all traces of ancient knowledge that may have been left behind by the preflood civilization becos muh heresy, just the same thing they did to yurop calling pagans barbaric savages
Hitler didn't like this faggotm sure he should have holocausted the kikes but when it comes to ethincities and cultures he wanted everyone to stay in his own land and nurture his own
all these groups are mongrels created and controled by kikes whatever trace of culture or good genes they might have had are now gone after centuries of breeding good traits out
if you think any of today's mexcrement citicenship can be even remotelly compared to ancients you're a dumbass, any good genes among these populations have alrready been breed out

ancient desert dwellers from whom christians ripped off most of their lore
and likelly the first custom made reptilian slaves if the anunaki stories are real

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you obviously know nothing about ancient sumeria
also it took you that long to google those?

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you jids really need to learn how to shill, just throwing isnults around does not constitute a proper argument, much less a btfo
only a kike would think like this, a state's propouse is to help its people, but kikes would rather every service being private, education, heatlh care, etc, nothing like savage capitalsim the imarait faggot?, never mind that it's literaly the other face of the same shekkel just like communism,
and this is bad?
it ensures that people, on the very least, knows how to write, read and count and the law is not forcing you to take specific (((education))), it just demands that citicens take education, any kind of education, but what would i know, i ain't no mutt, i'm an argie, we got state backed education over here all the way to university and out sistem, although flawed and facing many problems, is reliably producing more competent profecionals than the average first world university, sure we got poz and niggers but since we don't have money for trustfund babies most of these cancerous demographics are filtered out in the earlier levels, it's sink or swim in our education sistem and it's likelly the only thing that has kept this country somewhat afloat and in a better condition that most of our neighbourg nations find themselves into

But muh based prussian education system!

Most public school shootings take place because the teacher unions don't want their teachers to make tough decisions, so zero tolerance is a thing.

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you get that LMAOOOOOO

It's OK you fucking take the Zyclon B tonight. A FUCKING Argentinian!!! So you know nothing about the education system in the US. Sorus Fuck; how many Shekels did you get for your posts? Your a fucking Commie LARPING as a NatSoc; mother fucking KIKE. The only way to cure you faggots is to apply lead to your head.
What a bunch of fucking useless niggers you and all of your country is. YOU are actually worse than a nigger. It makes me laugh seeing the fucking mess you impotent fucks have made of that shit hole country. More oil than the Saudi's but your such a stupid bunch of fucks you can't even use your resources correct. Why don't you apply your "Education" and hand yourself after watching your mom take an anal cream-pie by a mulatto. Shit Columbia and Brazil should just kill all of you fucking worthless pieces of Jew shit as you run away from the Zimbabwe tier mess of a country you live in. My advice stands kill yourself tonight. If you are in the USA=you have to go back you FUCK.

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No, you just have to be smart enough to teach your own kids, so they can pass the standardized tests.
But one of the things they brainwash children into thinking is that government has absolute control over them. This is why stupid shit, like a kid eating his pop-tart into the shape of a gun, is punished…they want the kids to grow up thinking that, even if the reason is petty and crap, they can still be punished by the all-powerful state, so be scared of the state and pay the teachers their tax money, without complaints.

Teachers are, on the whole, assholish motherfucking cunts.

i do this for free faggot, your talmudic salt is payment enough

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10%. Considering you usually need money to go to a private school, it isn't surprising or revealing.

White children will always learn how to read, write, and do math. They will learn it from their parents.
But inner city black…what can they learn from a single-mother parent that goes out to "raves" every night, and depends on the government to sustain her?
Without schools, those black kids might not even get a meal, every day…what would they sink to? Their practically feral, as it is.

But would this be a bad thing?

that's a fair point
i ignored it cus we have no niggers over here
feels good not living in jewnited states

Most of our niggers are in cities, with some outside the cities, but in the south.
Where I live, we have no niggers at all.

Say we have some private "religious" schools, and it's religion is 1488 or "Esoteric Hitlerism" or something less obviousish like "Spirtual Europeanist" or something, where, we have a spiritual connection to preserving the white race, and since you can't discriminate against religion, they have to accept that we can't allow non-europeans into our schools or even compounds / gated communities that are religious grounds. Like scientology built up, start small and after you get 50 people signed up I think they legally have to recognize it. There's that "Going Clear" documentary about scientology, it's crazy the things they did to the IRS, but eventually they even go tax exempt. But if it was minimalist in ideology like, "Our spirituallity is a basically summed up in the 1488 but we accept all whites with "varients" in their ideas, like, regardless if they're theistic or not, it's a physicalist cosmic connection to the here and now of our white family". God forbid, just flushing that all out and refining the details would be worth it enough even if it were to make a website to troll with. The Salt alone would be worth it. They'd be like "omg a world wide National Socialist Organized religion!!!"

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Pretty good article, I bet it might cause the average norman to at least scratch their head on this one.

I don't think I learned anything useful in school. I didn't even learn how to socialize correctly, since school was just a warzone where you're assaulted by the presence of niggers and their dysfunction all day. The only thing I learned from school was how much I hated non-whites and how to avoid provoking them.

Nice try Jew.

White children do not need expensive lesson plans to function in high agency societies. They are already predisposed to be high-agency. Plus, with the internet, there is really no need to ave a "formal" education.
Some of the greatest minds came from times where mandatory schooling didn't exist.

I am slowly growing out of that

Because as we know anyone can just learn algebra and history from Wikipedia right? Especially history, he he he…

Is important, but only with people worth interacting with. There is no value in regularly subjecting your kid to, for example, the broken kids in public schools. Normalize the behavior you want your child to exhibit and your kid will recoil at the sight of degenerate society.

public school is pretty much just socialized daycare

Daycare would be better, at least it used to not be full of Marxist propaganda.


Democracy is communism. If you want that, please fucking shoot yourself directly in the asshole.
Fuck commies, and fuck the democrats that suck their cocks.

This never works that way. "Forcing" means there arbitrary force that commands it. But who commands that force? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Oh wait Rich command it. Also pro tip: state authority never ever is responsible for their fails (intentional otr not ) in their work. Police is not responsible to protect you, politicians are not responsible to keep promises, education commission is not responsible to not sending rich to the public schools. Inaction is never a crime for the state. You conservucucks fall into the same trap over again


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Paganism is weak though. Its mysticism is not mystical enough to make people literally believe in pagan gods. Who do nonironically believe that lightnings are thrown by Thor? Really? But concepts of Heaven, Hell and Sin are much more abstract and encompassing for people to literally believe in them even with advances in the society and science. But men running in the skies? Pls. Paganism is outdated and was doomed to fail against more advanced Abrahamic religions .

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What school history books have articles about false nature of Holocaust? Actually wikipedia is better than books, at least it has conspiracy articles.

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Christianity is weak though. Its mysticism is not mystical enough to make people literally believe in the hebrew god. Who do nonironically believe that heaven exists? Really? But concepts of science, reason and logic are much more abstract and encompassing for people to literally believe in them even with advances in the society and science. But men running in the skies? Pls. Christianity is outdated and was doomed to fail against more advanced Materialistic ideals.

For real though, the mysticism of Paganism is no more fantastical than that of Abrahamism, you just see it that way because you're biased.

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Pagan mysticism is more grounded and anthropomorphic after advances of science it is much difficult to pretend it exists. Abrahamic religions mysticism is much more abstract and science and such mysticism could coexist much better. One could vulgarly say that Abrahamic religions are better in the moving of teh goal posts in the discussion, yes they are and this constitutes to their success.

Its really not though - if anything, such advances add depth.
Its not though, that's merely your bias.

I say again: The mysticism of Paganism is no more fantastical than that of Abrahamism, you just see it that way because you're biased.

That's just not realistic though.
Their success came from two factors: 1) appeal to the dregs of society (which is quite-literally how it even entered the European context, and was perpetuated beyond) and 2) promotion via the sword (Islam and Christianity have both imposed aggressively upon conquered peoples).

The 'success' of the Abrahamic religions had nothing to do with the things you're attributing it to, but rather, their appeal to the lowest echelons of society and, subsequently, their promotion at the tip of a sword.

And, while we're on the subject…

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Such advances make stories of comic books supermen laughable.

Promotion via sword is not a free card. First of all religions needs to to make king believe in them and find it useful.. Those first kings like Charlemagne were absolute cutthroat opportunists, you need to be very good to make yourself useful for such bandits. Why doesn't he just behead all these privilege demanding priests again? Who do even THE KANG should ever bother with anyone's opinion besides his own? He has sword.

First of all these concept of Hell is very persuasive, didn't you witness many people turning to teh Church when their days are over, just in case? This doubt sits in teh everyone head. Kings are not exceptions, indulgence of the sins.
Second regions was great tool to control masses. Not only dregs of society but also average peasant who constituted to the 90% of working class who feeds others. Good Christians are very good citizens.

Abrahamic religions outlived countries and empires, they are most effective transnational organizations ever existed, you should give them credit for that.

No one is perfect. Abrahamic religions don't contain knowledge about genetics are such problem doesn't existed much in teh past. And this is a weak point that drags them down now.

Trying to win the award on how to be the most wrong in one sentence?

Missionary faiths require constant maintenance and refreshment, stop doing that and people forget about it.
Wheras paganism?
Survived the 2000 years (not even 2000 since Christianity crumbled into many different things pretty much immediately) without constant sermons, scripture, mass, and co.

Remember, thinking there's someone playing bowling in the sky when the thunder rumbles is the default thinking to all humans, not assuming the universal stance of telekenesis, fingers to the temples, and recreating the Christian faith from scratch verbatim without having been told about it before.

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Its default thinking of the child. But humanity grew out of the childhood.

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I'm afraid not.

That which is the truth does not require constant repetition.
You don't need to be told every sunday that dogs piss on walls because everybody who knows dogs know that dogs piss on walls.

Things that must be taught but would be not arrived at without being taught are never true.
Holocaust: Must be constantly shilled because it's physically and logistically impossible.
Liberalism, marxism, communism: Must be shilled forever, when not shilled people revert back to proper things.

Missionary faith = literal makebelieve.
You need a missionary to make others believe in something they did not believe in.

So far, it has failed to fully convert any people on earth.
It just doesn't work and instead decayed into its own weird way of polytheism.

The jewish god of the bible cannot be evil, so a satan had to be invented, granted, not a god, but still a superhuman being.
Then the trinity, etc.

You cannot have a single god that does everything, including evil because then it means nothing and the moment you split things up, then problems arise if you still want your deity to be the mary sue yahweh is said to be.

Modern Bongtopia on one image.
(not even D&C. Just self-loathing at this point)