Kike infiltrates Greek re-Hellenization movement

I Spent Two Months with a Cult That Believes it
Can Solve Greece's Debt

A.k.a. I infiltrated this organisation like the filthy kike I am just so I can write a hitpiece on it.

This is an old article but this thing is going to be very big next year(or this year, depending when elections actually happen in Greece). It's already big in Greece. That's why I decided to give you guys a head start, since it is probably going international.

I've been away for long so I don't even know board etiquette anymore and I don't have much time but I will try to answer any questions you might have regarding E.SY. I know imkikey or whoever used to run moderation on this board hates me so I half expect this to be erased. Anyway. Have at it while I'm gone. I'll drop in with more info and rebuttals against the kike that wrote this article later.

Attached: 1487769069311-1484231376064-sorras_cover.jpeg (1920x1080, 174.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Keep in mind that almost every single thing stated in this article is an outright lie or a half truth. I know how experienced you guys are so I just want to see just how much of the bullshit of this vice article you can see through before I have to show anything else.

kike spam meter: +1

From now on I'm filtering all that don't even bother getting into the source material and resort to insults

Great poisoning of the well right off the bat.

Anyone else having problems with the link?

Attached: kikery.png (134x116, 4.74K)

It opens after you wait a while.
I think I found a photo of the article's author. Can anyone confirm it's him?

Attached: index.jpg (200x200, 4.91K)

Just read the article. The author is one hell of a kike, but, out of interest, how legit is this Sorras guy? I've seen plenty of similar movements/organizations where they just gather membership fees and deliver nothing but promises.

Is there any non-kike'd information on the Assembly of Greeks? I can't trust a single word this kike is saying, so reading this article feels pointless.

Artemis Sorras is bad news. He's twisting the words of the real Hellenistic Re-Establishment Group.

First of all. I'm glad you see right away that there are many things wrong with this article. Just a minor correction: It's not the assembly of Greeks. It's the Assembly of (H)ellenes. Yes I know that might seem like just semantics at first but it really isn't at all when you start to understand more about it

If you want any legit information-or any legit insider information-that's why I'm here. I'm a member and I've given the oath of the warrior mentioned in the article. Which I oath will translate. There's not much translated material available right now and it is hard to find. We have only just began moving into that area. I will give in depth explanations of what the kike in the article said that is false-in context with this board, as I understood from lurking and posting here for over a year(so relatively nothing, but at least I'm not reddit). I know there is a lot of stuff that you are not going to like right off the bat.
For example: We're not natsoc, we're quite anti-natsocas we are anti-anything that doesn't adhere to the 12 values The reasons I will also explain in detail. Whoever tags along might see it for what it is even if they don't agree.

I know I shouldn't let the enemy know too much of what I'm thinking(as they lurk and post in this place), but because I respect your intelligence I'll say it outright.
I'm more concerned with getting the truth out before the kike media can tarnish it any further, rather than proselytizing anyone or attracting followers. I was quite alarmed when I saw that there is some coverage about Sorras and E.SY. in foreign media. I know how Zig Forums values truth so I hope I can post here and discuss things without much disturbance**I don't think they have any foreign agents on this yet
, so any resistance will be either organic or a leftykike**. Expect this to be a long thread-or series of threads, depending on how much sliding I get.

Holy mother of kike schizophrenia. Where the fuck do I even begin with this. I'll be back later, so If you have any more of that please post just for reference.

apparently that's him

So that's where that image I've been seeing posted here comes from.

Attached: n-s-o.jpg (743x1024, 373.49K)

I just noticed that "cosmic organism" is a Birkeland current. A plasma pinch. The universe is 99% plasma after all. It is a helix. Like the DNA helix. Like the snakes on Herme's kyrikeion. A wave. Everything flows. Time after time, that saying is proven to be right. I don't know more about this, but I would assume that shape to be what the universe probably looks like. As above, so below. Just thought I had to share this thought I just had. I'll return with actual on-topic posts when I find the time.

A "cult" requires some form of dogmatic belief that guides its members. We have no dogma. We espouse only what can be empirically and logically determine to be true.

There were actually three temporary founding council members, of which the two turned out to be traitors later. Vicky Charalambous and Theodoropoulos Vasileios

Not only does he claim he can, he has proved he can. Two court decisions, the country's budget for 4 years in a row and a tax receipt of 27 billion dollars for a donation that never got through. And that is just the beginning. There are monetary tools that use the hereditary trust accounts created with the Bretton Woods system, for all the countries that took part in the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement, that go many times over the donation of Artemis Sorras and have already been approved for works in Greece, Cyprus and wherever there is Hellenism. There is yet more but I will go over all of it in length later.

No you weren't, you're a paid shill and you probably have loads on contracts with your local lodge.

This isn't philanthropy, this is total war against the global system of control.

In this case he must be talking about the 600 billion dollars Artemis donated to the Sovereign might not be translating this right Hellenic Democracy. This is not the private company that rules the geographical area of Greece today. It is a contract of US Treasury Bills. More on this later.

If anything we claimed wasn't true, we could get up to 15 years of prison.

Of course you "visited". Bet you were collecting personal info the whole time like the snake you are.

First of all, you don't just take the oath "in front". You take the oath WITH them. The oath does NOT make you an "official" member of E.SY. You are an "official" member just by signing up. Unless you want to twist the meaning of words like you've been doing up until now.

cont. tomorrow.
Things I will be posting:
1)Rebuttals for the rest of the article
2)Translation of the statutory declaration
3)Important Official Documents explained

and more

Yeah this is a popular metaphysical belief related to solipsism that our observations and interactions with the universe are what determine our future in a sort of ouroboros sense. Don't over think it. The universe is more chaotic than you would prefer it to be.

typical tricks again. Antisemitism goes hand in hand with jewish behaviour.

He calls the man a fraud (which he might very well be)
But he fails to discuss the fraud which is fractional reserve banking, and the concept of interest on loan.

Refugees are known to do this, or just throw them into the ocean or whatever.

this is just another example in a long list of examples why the first and last rule of any political movement or philosophy MUST be "NO KIKES"

not a single one

Is it true this is your real leader?

Want to know a secret? They really don't like beauty and truth. Roman and Greek golden ages give them the heebi-jeebies. They want their goyim slaves, not Spartans and Philosophers. Or their Delta and Gamma workers, not Platos and Alexander the Greats.

The Germans tried to revive it - the columns, the eagle, the salute, the classical art and a vibrant youth.

Beauty and truth are the ultimate rebellion.

I'm studying ancient greek (attic, of course). You?

Dude, that is no secret. That is the most obvious truth that has been apparent to me since the first time I started seeing the third reich from a different perspective. That's irrelevant of the fact that its aesthetic appeals to me. It's also an aspect I wish more natsocs would understand. What natsoc would have lead to eventually if the conditions were actually perfect and the germans weren't stupid enough to keep "royalty" and jews in leadership positions, along with letting christians and any other dogmatized person influence politics, would have been a return to logic and truth, a return to the knowledge of the self, which is the core of (H)ellenism. I don't think it's a coincidence that the name for Hellas(Hell-land) is as it is. The jew does not fear the German. It fears his polar opposite, the AWAKENED German, which himself is a Hell-ene, or a philo-hellene. Which is a name we Greeks abuse today

Just some friendly advice: Athens had already fallen by the time of its "golden age". A lot surviving material is contaminated and some is outright fake or false. The gefyraioithe bridge builders-bridge masons, check the euro bills and the macavaioi jews had already done their damage. The third century was apostatic. The murder of Phillip the second, the king of the free world, was the start of a fall that has been on-going even until today.

Sorry for spam.

There are a lot of small-time jews that join our organization because of the economic aspect. So far their betrayals only help strengthen us and teach us valuable lessons. Our organisation is shaped that way.

Of course, no jews will be allowed to hold any government position in the Hellenic Polity we will found.

Yes. The rumours are true. Grizzly is behind the scenes. He has eaten at least 12 jews by now, so expect him to be even fatter now.

You're asking too much of this rag. Both are things we are going to tackle and I don't see how anyone wouldn't be on our side on that matter.

You might be right but it certainly isn't as chaotic as YOU would like it to be either and our existence is evidence of that.

Sorras claims to have sold to the US ancient greek tech from god== ==Apollo.
Search engine this: Οι αρχαίες τεχνολογίες του Σώρρα

In check article:
Λαμπράκης: Ο Σώρρας έστειλε… διαστημόπλοιο χωρίς καύσιμα στο διάστημα για 17 μήνες [βίντεο]
Sorras is the very definition of a nutjob! He even believes he has $600 billion.

He was convicted to 3 years in prison so far.

Lamprakis can say whatever he wants… it won't make it true. The reason he was convicted is completely unrelated and the charges against him were ridiculous, it is obvious what he had these charges for.

I don't know. Legal jewry is nothing new, but wouldn't they use their big guns against the Golden Dawn instead of this guy? I really need to hear a reasonable proponent of this Assembly of Greeks before determining if any of what the kikes say is true.

They just can't help it, fucking lol.

Don't even waste one minute of your time on this guy. He is the ultimate charlatan.

Did Sorras say he sold Apollonian technology to the US or not? You are spending your precious time on someone like him. We all make mistakes, sometimes very stupid mistakes. It's OK.

Try promoting the only party that can help Greece.