ITT: sketch out your communist society and how you establish it
What do?
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Heh, so easy a baby could do it.
This, pretty much.
Very elaborate.
Anyways my communist society is the Soviet Union around 1980 but more productive, with modern tech and video games, and more culturally open / "liberal" so to speak.
Anyways I'll leave getting there to others.
Oh right I forgot, Nazbols are still tankies.
tankies are nazbols in denial
What about the gay ones or feminists.
You have Nazi faggots so i fail to see what's so unthinkable about Nazbol faggots.
Read Limonov
Sounds like a pretty fascist society OP.
Where's the fascism?
Don’t ask don’t tell
Depends. Radfems and Libfems get the Gulag. Luxumburgists and TERFs are fine.
t. fascist
t redditor
nice colonial bourgeois ideology you got there, you fake communist asshole
A) I dindn’t say that
B) I’m not a “straight white male”
The colonial bourgeois ideology of cisheteropatriarchy is not bad (just) because the ideas are bad. Like capitalist ideology, which it frequently accompanies, it is bad because it is a justification for material oppression.
Opposition of LGBT people and feminists is not only oppressive on its own terms, but is a critical barrier to worker solidarity. Why should you care who people fuck, or what pronouns they use? We all have a common interest in destroying bourgeois domination.
Women's, gay, and trans liberation are part of workers' liberation.
I hope you realize how abrasive you’d come off to people in real life. Socialist feminism, anti-racism and pro-LGBT issues should be 100% concomitant with class-struggle. For all your crying about “identity politics” dividing working people, you sure seem to divide them up and say “this group of people’s issues aren’t real, they don’t matter! It’s bourgeois!”
Therefore I am pro-LGBT
Therefore I am a (socialist) feminist
Therefore I am anti-racism
All of these issues are concomitant with my view that class differences in society should be abolished
Where did I make the case for Patriarchy. Also 90% of people are cishet. This was the way it was from Hunter Gather times. It isn’t because of capitalism.
I’m bi
My post here said I’m fine with Marxist Feminists, but not the ones who are liberals or who hate men. If feminism is pro-equality and pro-Marxism than I’m for it, but if it’s going to be making excuses from female Porkys and man hating than count me out.
read I’m saying the same shit you are
Read Thomas Sankara’s speeches on International Women’s day in “Thomas Sankara Speaks”, read Kollontai and read Engel’s on the Origin of the Family
I’m not attacking socialist feminism. I’m attacking types who say we need more female CEOs.Have you read my posts?
No I know, I was just providing some readings on the topic in case you weren’t too familiar with it.
A good quote on bourgeois feminism versus socialist feminism that you would probably agree with:
Then there's this Sassenach
Mine would resemble Pol Pot mixed with the violence of Ungern
You're not alone, comrade. Together we shall make Zig Forums into the Internet's bastion of Pol Potism
Blessed year zero my comrade
surely there will be no broken supply chains causing dissent in this utopia of yours
That is what bullets are for
This. If you can't accept some little deprivation of meaningless shit you are subhuman and deserve to die. Thank you for having highlighted yourself making our job easier.