Largest Increase in AUSAs in Decades Allocates Prosecutors to Focus on Violent Crime, Civil Enforcement, and Immigration Crimes
Attorney General Sessions Announces 311 New Assistant United States Attorney Positions
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So basically more cartel shit. Nobody cares about this corrupt manlet.
Wtf I love mueller now. Lets charge all these israeli fucks
Que the drumph is a kike and wheres the wall screeching.
Mueller was key in helping FBI cover up for the deep state for 9/11, guy is rotten to the core. If Trump has him going after Israel, I don't know what to say. Probably optics to placate the current trend of anti-zionism from both the left and right, controlled feeding, maybe they'll sacrifice AIPAC but that's just making sense of a deep state clean up rat going after their masters all of a sudden. Don't forget his buddy Weismann is the jewiest of them all.
Mueller is going to UNCOVER 9/11 as well faggot.
So he'll be charging himself for coverrup? Are you retarded son?
Don't you realize that Trump interviewed Mueller before he got appointed? Trump is going to give him a pardon retard.
There is a thing called immunity. Though I don't see how he would be the one to charge anyone, conflict of interests and all that. What a strange hypothetical this thread is already going off on.
You don't remember Rod Rosenstein visiting Seattle a few months back to get some documents on the murder of that FBI agent who was investigating the Israeli art students?
I am aware but even still, tis a weird subject to start getting into so early in the thread.
Ok, I can see that happening. Mueller throwing everyone else under the bus, probably talks about how he was pressured from the top, gets immunity, etc.
Great. Just what we don't need. Another 331 worthless faggot welfare queens with kushy sinecure–for-life FedGov jobs.
331 shysters * $127,000/yr annual salary = $41,375,000 per year.
Thanks Keebler Elf Sessions, the US Tax Payer didn't need that 40 fucking million dollars per year anyways on top of the 4 BILLION you already steal per year in Asset Forfeiture.
Out of 331 new attorneys, it's a goddamn tragedy that not one will be assigned the task to read through all of Crooked Hillary's emails held by the NSA, and not one of Podesta's emails on Wikileaks and none of the other hacked documents about the Clinton Crime Cartel to find one single fucking misdemeanor much less an unpaid parking ticket to charge anyone in the Clinton Mafia with.
And RICO charges would be comically too much to ask for, no matter how much of a slam dunk it would be with the power of a Grand Jury to get access to NSA and FBI SIGINT systems where all of the evidence of our own govt's crimes are recorded.
The more time that goes by with nuffin happening, the more I hate SESSIONS even more than Hillary in a way, because having the absolute power to do good and deliver Justice but doing nothing is infinitely worse than just being a shitbag politicians who everybody already knows is corrupt and evil.
wtf I love criminals now
This. Just more zogbots to crack down on political dissent.
To ZOG, you're the criminal, dummy.
How many sealed indictments are we up to now?
How many of them are assigned to the Clintons?
24,500 or so.
(Damn Son)
Not nearly enough.
Guess we'll be finding out soon enough. Bill Priestap, jew who was in charge of Strzok and whos wife has strong ties to the Clinton foundation, is set to testify before a republican senate council tomorrow. Supposedly after the IG report comes out.
Congressional council*
My mistake.
Just a waste of time and money, as usual.
Not okay. How can you find something like that "okay"? Were you born to be fed?
You said nothing would happen. I said okay.
Pay attention, user.
Pretty sure I am. Did you not say that?
Bumped to next week now.
how is sessions not a carpet bagger?
when they do hearings and not trials, does that mean they never intend to do anything?
Are they replicating McCarthy?
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 25,000 fed jobs have been cut in the last 500 days. To add 300 for shipping beaners & gangbangers back to their hellholes seems worth it.
come on now
McCabe took immunity today if that tells you anything.
civil enforcement officers are /ourguy/s they're there to arrest anyone openly declaring that they'll boycott israel
Lucky coincidence?
Nigger, he asked for immunity. Depends if he'll get that or not, even without it he can use this 5th amendment barrage just like that Hillary IT staffer Bryan Pagliano did.
When did this happen? I missed this
Pedos running out of time.
Sadly Zig Forums is always right
This guy needs to fucking figure out what he wants to say.
Who is this complete faggot and what is he/she/it doing here?
Is Seamen getting the tribunals warmed up?