How can we get white people in america to stop watching zionist shit like anime?
will we ever see a growth on white population in america if the zionist anime garbage gets removed from the premise?
How can we get white people in america to stop watching zionist shit like anime?
will we ever see a growth on white population in america if the zionist anime garbage gets removed from the premise?
You can't, its illegal to market anything to teenage boys/young men
thanks moishe, you're my greatest ally, japan did nothing wrong, time to fuck a chink and read child comics.
This, lol.
Looks like another goon thread.
Nuclear family is shit tier, extended family is the patrician choice.
A thread died for this bullshit. Sage.
Good post
Anime girls look white, behave well, wear dresses, look and act womenly. If thats bad, i dont know what you want to be presented in media. Agressive feminists like in (((hollywood)))?.
Reminder that real women got brainwashed by jews to go on strike, not men. Men still like ideal women, nowhere to be found.
Anime women look like prostitutes or children, and they act like men (they're loud, aggressive, they fight, they're dominate etc.). On top of that, watching anime leads to a near worship of gooks, leading to the usual soyboy man-child, in the same way wiggers look and act like niggers. Asian men are small, frail, weak, and passive. Men who watch anime and like Asian entertainment are exactly the same. Anime watchers and gamers all act 14 into their late twenties and refuse to grow up, immersing themselves in their stupid fantasy worlds. They're also mostly diversity loving, cultureless filth. Want to see a post racial society? Go to a fucking game or anime convention. Bunch of sick fucks. There's no one more against the concept of a homogeneous society than anime and video game lovers. Why? To their core they are a globalized mutt people. They have no ethnic values, no culture, and they feel like they belong to that group over their actual nation. The video game community, anime community, or just general "nerd" community, is successful post-racial, post-culture depravity. Even antifa types–the loud, in-your-face lefties–segregate themselves for the most part by race. These anime lovers and gamers? Nope. They have no concept of diversity. They literally view everyone as the same. To the core. They don't even second guess it. Their natural instincts are completely gone. It's no surprise. Worshiping gook culture as the central aspect of your entire entertainment world tends to globalize your mentality and turn you into a piece of garbage. Go to fucking twitch and tell me these anime loving, video game loving freaks aren't globalism realized. Tell me that's not a post-racial society realized. Your sick fucking cartoons and slant-eye nintendo and shit have manipulated an entire generation of boys into becoming cultureless, self-loathing man-children who have no comprehension of their own culture and see culture as being foreign. They fucking love Japan and gooks, and crave their women, they're weak, and frail, and effeminate like Asian men to the point where white women are disgusted by them, and they won't ever grow the fuck up.
anime is not even that popular
None of what you said is true. Minus the possibility of asian obsession, otherwise get fucked.
Beware; triggering image for the likes of you
I'm not so much of an anime fan, but would you say that classic Japanese movies portray main male characters as weak?
fuck off hebe
I like the boxing related animes like Hajime no Ippo and Ashita no Joe. I think what's funny is the creators, especially of Hajime no Ippo shit all over the Japanese style. They constantly let you know that yeah this dude is great in Japan but on a world level he's an insignificant speck.
It's all true, actually. Look at you, obsessed with depictions of children. You're pathetic.
I watch anime and have had sex with more hot ladies than you ever will. I did a bunch of MDMA yesterday and watched hentai with a 9/10 girl. you're so mad because you suck at life
Sure thing pic related
Oh how wonderful. The irony being, these freaks who watch anime are exactly the same. Social outcasts, completely undesirable to the opposite sex, bad morals, man-children, no useful real world skills etc. Just like gooks, all these anime lovers tend to be frail, weak, no-skill societal trash who sit on their ass playing video games and watching TV all day. You dumb fucks could do a simple home repair or replace a tire on your car if you needed to.
couldn't do a simple home repair*
Check out these totally normal gook lovers.
Japan will be ethnically Japanese long after your country has descended into full "la luz extinguido" status.
Looks like this thread got bumplocked by cuckfy and his shills. Proof the turkroach faggot never went anywhere.
anime is the only thing zions dont make money off of becaue they cant copy it
if you not gonna use ur money for baseball then use it for japanese shit
anime bitch
Japan isn't even ethnically Japanese now. It's mostly Chink mutts. Also you have no clue where I'm from. For all you know I'm from Poland, monkey.