go ahead, search it
Google censorship of white people
Proof that this is an old meme already.
I think this is most effective with Boomers, really. Those, and computer-illiterate millenials (a.k.a., "women")
Yes, yes. We're well aware of this bullshit and have been since it started.
Did you have a point, or was this a blackpill thread?
holy shit this is some 2014 4/pol/ shit.
its cause those stock photoweb sites use shit like "white teeth" in black people photos.
Still pisses you off though.
Old shit. You should fellate a gun for using Jewgle in the first place.
pick one.
More like this
Fifth time I've seen someone entirely too new discover this phenomenon and report it here.
Yes, Google is a Jewish company. This is the exact thing we're always complaining about. For the newfags:
1) Jews exist
2) They hate whites more than any other race, because we're the only people in the world smart enough to spot their tricks, but honest enough not to join them like the chinks
3) They own everything valuable, and when a new technology comes along, they use their already-strong bases to leverage their tribe into monopolistic control of that too.
4) None of them are immune to poison gas, so this is eventually a self-solving problem
Google is ran by jews, of course they'll prevent white people from seeing other white people.
Anyway while you're using Google get on translate.google.com and set it to Somali to English translation.
About that Google censorship - A search of Russian internet for the surname Brin is a blank, but the surname Zazubrin is well known.
Might there be some irony in America, that old foe of the Bolshevik Reds, the Communist-fighting USA, now succumbing to censorship by one of the Bolshevik families?
You're surprised by the platform that says pedophiles must be respected?
Now search those terms without "white"
nice shilling you faggot.
search stock photo robber OR burglar
[repost because the link was taken down]
What a strange cohencidence.
Nickidy neck yourself.
Nah. You can spot the rebbitors and newfriends pretty easily.
They're the ones who call everyone a jew shill instead of forming an argument.
So what's wrong with discussing this again even if a bunch of oldfags know it?
All these (1)s and still no (you)
Which I think it's funny that oldfags are so keen on being known and called oldfags; you would think it doesn't matter when it comes to processing and pushing out information or discussing it. Your eliteness doesn't make you any more useful to the endeavours you would supposedly espouse. Least not in the case of a mongolian basket-weaving website.
One could argue that it shits up the board by creating the same thread especially if it is truly different people making them. But I don't think it merits any of this attention, and I don't believe it's wrong to have people come here posting about legitimate things. This helps push the board into a more malleable state and if one does not take advantage of that tangibility because they're crying havoc about it. Then it is ones own fault for not seeing what is right in front of them; which is an easy opportunity.
See this is a worthwhile post that is worth extrapolating upon, but, of course we're gonna see everyone act like niggers instead
As much as I hate Google, this is just retardation of the code. Usually the majority of the people that use those terms are cucks and kikes because they're the ones who'd obsess over it. So they end up clicking the racemixing ones and the code recognizes that as the "right" answer as a result.
< he's parroting jewgle lies
wow , totally organic, thanks (((user)))
Google doesn't validate its seaches for truthful results on images but mentions in contexts on page
This is also why when you google "red" in google images you get blue images or when you google "jew" in images you get antisemitic images (because of mentions of word "jew" next to, or in close proximity of the picture)
yeah it's bullshit but caucasian instead of white still works pretty well.
"white" is a shit term anyway, but sadly it's pretty useful too.
I wish it weren't though, cause fuck the umbrella term of white, it is only needed in fucking America but since the US was the sledgehammer the kikes slammed onto Europe it's what we are stuck with now.
I never said it wasn't bullshit, but it's inherent to the way the algorythim works. You'd have to rework it.
You didn't deserve those dubs. The fact it hasn't been corrected is significant you ADHD having faggot.
its a million times better than (((caucasian))) might as well call me a snownigger
The conspiracy starts with the stock photo companies who are (((encouraged))) to add diversity and interracial to their images by the (((companies))) that pay for them.
Are you having foreskin phantom pains?
If there is a more appropriate thing to talk about on Zig Forums it is the societal problems we face as white men. I'm getting sick and tired of all you faggots complaining about "muh blackpill" this and "muh blackpill" that. What, do you think that the right outlook is to not worry and that everything is fine?! What I've come to notice is that most of the time a blackpill is just a redpill too big to swallow for some anons.
pretty much.
I think the point of the user's op is to do a little online activism.
Holy shit the family resemblance
But all that crap on the right hand photo makes it look manipulated.
< he still parrots jewgle's false claims
are you a nigger
OP or whoever made that infographic obviously misclicked on the fill button, nothing to worry about.
Search "White people" or "White males" or "White men" on Google news. Hell, search anything on Google news.
This is a Google thread.
how new are you? welcome to Zig Forums, you're here forever, but keep the shitty threads to a minimum. this is old as fuck.
If I were a shill my top concern would be to keep my instruments of oppression under wraps.
Interesting results when you put in "normal couple" instead of "white couple."
Also, (((their))) hatred of goyim is still strong I see.
Didn't Zig Forums explain this as Google's shit algorithm? I know some tumblr blogger posts are appearing on Reddit and Pinterest which in turn bog down search results and image results. Something like MedievalPOC or whatever. Technically Zig Forums could do the same thing if they made a few blogs on free platforms like blogger and tumblr, then automate their queues to pumpout images of white people. You'd have to exploit the tags on Tumblr, remembering that only the first five tags are picked up. Then you exploit Pinterest and Reddit by submitting your posts to a sub-reddit and account under the same name. You could even go full gook and have the same posts go to Twitter, Wordpress and similar sites to the point of saturation but remember you need to do some basic SEO and shilling to get it picked up.
If a bunch of anons do this, reblogging and liking each other, they could ultimately fuck over most search results.
That's not a bad idea. But this is actually deliberate and not some algorithmic issue, though.
You know that this is proven as bullshit by simply using quotations in the search, yes? "White people" is one phrase.
t. mad kikes
In case of genuine idiocy, the picture isn't for us to learn from, it's for us to spread to the normalfags. You dipshits constantly forget that you have to play to your audience. Pic related, something we don't blink at but can make bluepills doubletake
Seo user here.
Google is good enough to read images and you would be a fool to think otherwise. This isn't as basic as Google just reading alt text from websites, this is most certainly done on purpose through their algorithms.
Even Facebook's public imaging API is very very accurate and detects smiling, amount of people, scenery and others. There is no doubt Google is capable of much more.
Google is left-leaning as you all know, with the snopes fact-checking and what not.
This is on purpose.