The Pen is Mightier than the Sword: Welcome to Pen Island

In This Thread, we sharpen our most basic weapon: our writing ability. To write well, in the Information Age, is tantamount to strengthening the influence of your ideas on your corner of a network.

Please join me in collectively and constructively exercising this muscle. When our ideas become sexy to the outside world, and are articulated masterfully, they will spread even faster. May the bad ideas die in fire.

To participate in this thread, please write at least a paragraph, and please try to compose it well, and with logical consistency. Topics that are relevant are: logic, memetics, what makes a good writer, information technology, political speechcraft. Together we can patiently and deliberately help each other refine our ability to express ideas efficiently.

I encourage anons to filter ids from this thread that do not adhere to the logical/1-paragraph constraint, or that attempt to demotivate or derail; I will comment once on each ID that I believe does so.

Is there a topic of an essay that’s been gnawing at you recently? Now is the time to explore it.

Let the games begin.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Penis mightier kek
Pee pee poo poo pisssssss
Semite free first post

The pen is mightier than the sword in civilized societies, the savages the EU is importing aren't going to bother with paperwork.

I don't think there's any need to limit the topics to only those listed.

So there are


You have to be literate in order to be able to write first, and most of this board isn't.

To the original poster of this thread:
I am greatly troubled upon the discovery of your recently posted thread. Not only has the creation of your thread forced a perfectly good thread out of existence and into the abyss of 404 or archives, but your thread has no original topic of its own. What could the topic of your thread possibly be? Is it only to fill the board with pointless threads, or could there be some hidden meaning to your original post? I, for one, am confounded in trying to discover what the topic of conversation is intended to be inside your thread aside from replies longer than a few sentences.
s this thread simply an excersize in writing? In that case I do believe you may have the wrong board.

See a perfect example; thinking that Elements of Style isn't outdated by 100 years.


Well, why don't you show us lowly plebs your superior literary ability then?


Where did the mighty /Polacks/ go. For I once only see with my own eyes, Nos postulo ut adduceret chaos retro

So I guess I'll do a layman's primer on humor.
Every subject can be viewed in two universal perspectives. The lens of conceit, and the lens of humility. To make a humorous statement examine the subject from both perspectives and expose a hidden truth, one that is true within both perspectives. Humor is important for being able to broadcast into conversations where communication has broken down. Humor must be universal to be an effective meme. It needs to make both the humble and the conceited chuckle to form a harp-string that reaches the great masses between them.

I brought some random books from /pdfs/. Does anyone know of any non-kike'd ways to learn poetry?

Can you give/find an example of this?

I disagree with you. I do not think that humor must be universal to be effective, and I also am of the opinion that universally funny humor is impossible. The best humor is always an "inside joke" in one way or another. Essentially everyone that knows who/why the butt of the joke is the butt of the joke is "in on it" while everyone that doesn't know/is the butt of the joke will not find it humorous.
And, yes, every joke has a butt.

Study the style of poetry you are interested in by reading poetry of that style.

we game!

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Machiavelli has been defamed unjustly by modernity. Niccolo Machiavelli, son of Bernardo Machiavelli, served as Florence’s second chancellor and secretary to the Ten of War, the body in charge of the city-state’s defense, during a political tempest. This specific political tempest arose thanks to a societal phenomenon that won’t be unfamiliar to us nowadays: a merchant banking elite, the Medici, had entrenched themselves in the government of a republic and indirectly usurped legislative and judicial power by placing hired golems into the legislature. The Medici were run out of the city ten years after a once-corrupt senator, Bartolomeo Scala, risked his life by writing a dialogue, dedicated directly to the Medici, that argued that just and commonly held laws should be used to resist monarchy and tyranny. In this dialogue, Bernardo Machiavelli outlines a realistic psychology of power that shows why laws should rule even the best leaders: “All too often we see how immoderate desires dominate those who hold the reins of power,” so they turn human affairs into an endless battle for precedence, reputation, and riches. This work, it is believed, contributed significantly to the propagation of ideas that turned revolutionary and led to the forced removal of the Medici from Florence and an experimental revival of the rule of law.

Although best known for his work, The Prince, and the political amorality it espouses, Machiavelli held deeply virtuous views of government. For example, during the entire 18-year period of the Medici’s exile, the Florentine republic’s collapse and the Medici’s coup to regain power, he never stopped insisting that without the rule of law, human life is far worse than that of beasts. In his Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli states that monarchies and republics alike “have need of being regulated by law. For a prince who can do whatever he wants is crazy, while a people who can do whatever it wants is not wise.” Let us consider the radical departure of his sentiment from the elitist bastardization of his ideas. He did not agree with the view that the demos is too dim to govern. Rather, he held that self-governing peoples—whether or not they are “shackled by laws”—are less likely to judge crazily than princes or elites. Unlike other democrats and populists, however, he said that republics needed king Luke laws to check democracy’s signature disease: civil divisions that turn to extreme partisanship. In this wise warning against the threat of factions, Machiavelli reveals himself to be of likemind with the United States’ founding fathers, who can be seen in the Federalist Papers to warn that factions may destroy the young republic.

I feel that the following passage from the publication Lapham’s Quarterly illustrates his views well:

“Florence’s anti-Medici republic died young because it’s conflict-regulating laws were not strong enough. But what kinds of laws keep healthy tumults from becoming poisonous? Those that guarantee equal opportunity to take part in government and hold public posts regardless of party, wealth, or connections. Machiavelli had nothing but contempt for established elites who claimed they were more qualified to govern republics than non-elite citizens. Likewise, his notion of republican justice forbade persecuting individuals just because they were upper-class. If the more ‘popular’ party in a republic refused to share authority with worthy men from backgrounds it branded as elite, these men would have reasonable cause to complain and destabilize the republic. Punishment or reward based on group affiliation rather than individual deeds and qualities undermines the rule of law. When that happens, the republic’s ruin is only a matter of time.”

As Plato said, one who claims their political knowledge is superior to the laws, “such a person must be called a tyrant”.

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what did he mean by this

WE need chaos back

We wuz
*smacks lips*
KeK and shiett

BAN JIM OFF Zig Forums

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Filter. Thanks for dropping by.

Derailment, although this would serve as a proper political essay if you had the care and chops to craft a persuasive argument with supporting reasoning. Filter.

Technically filterable, but I am sympathetic to your sentiment. Please in the future simply back up your claim with support — I certainly welcome the expansion of topics but not at the expense of the purpose of my thread. Thanks, user.

Elements of Style is a great and concise book! I encourage you to use its principles to write like a man.

Demotivating, filter. Purpose of thread is to inculcate in ourselves this skill.

We’ll make this board great again, anons. Patience and determination. Ink your quills.

Thank you for writing. This post is a direct act of political defiance against a system that attempts to suppress free speech. This board’s denizens profess to be in possession of dangerous and true ideas. I seek to point out that by writing well, such ideas are unleashed from poorly managed containment chambers.



Fantastic. Have a (you).


Filter. Note well anons, how simple the act of deliberate, logical exposition of one’s ideas can be. And how it strikes fear in the heart of those who seek to control you. This is because that which they seek to control is your ideas, and their spread. Sometimes the ultimate revolutionary act is the simplest. Pick up your pen. In this thread we have a training ground, even for those who are not good at writing. We’ll improve, and the temperature will increase until the shills are desperately sweating bullets and the mods are brought in to lock the threads.


You are pretty retarded filtering the 10 people that are still on this site and talking while the rest just lurk like idiots. Neck yourself>>11682854

Limiting the number of topics may benefit those who already have decent writing skills but no ideas, however it will most likely push away those whose writing skills are not great but nonetheless have a topic they know and can talk about which is not listed.

Good poetry in my opinion exhibits the best writing of all. It’s memetic fitness exceeds expository writing on the topics it covers. Its beauty both attracts more attention from readers and enables readers to more easily remember it. A poem could perhaps be seen as a semiotic vessel for ideas: the artful construction is the signifier, and the ideas contained are the signified. Poetry can deliver cataclysmic payloads.

Do you have a favorite poem to share with us that could illustrate the virtues you seek in poetry?

As expressed before, this may have merit, but I see it as irrelevant since I’ve alresdy conceded that. For now it is more important that we anons write about ideas that beg to be developed. Although I guess in a way, meta-quibbles about thread management themselves can be seen as NEETish treatises on government. Thanks for thoughtfully participating user :)

This is brilliant. Concisely phrased, and I enjoy the content - it’s new to me.

Are you familiar with phenomenology? It was a philosophical method developed by Edmond Husserl in the twentieth century, intended to provide a tool with which we can uncover truths by exploring an idea from a diversity of perspectives, and performing a reduction of sorts. The theory was that this “eidetic reduction” would distill the essence of an idea into that which holds constant across varied perspectives. Your description of humor reminds me of this. Would you agree they are similar?

Regardless, it makes sense based on your description of humor that it is a) memetically fit and virally spreads, and b) can be so enlightening to audiences. It’s truly the ultimate vector for redpills.

These look compelling user. Could you write out a summary of a few key passages from within these books? It could be useful to you and us as well.

I was always the butt of those jokes. Some of them were quite funny. I was terribly conceited. I actually found those jokes funny in a "thats all your capable of?" sort of way. No one ever figured out that I had a phimosis covenant with God. They just assumed I didn't have empathy. We mutually thought the other ones were posers.
I posit that the humor is sound in your example. And that the outgrouping and bullying a separate matter and biblically dictated. And that to ascribe the outburst to the humor is to show a lack of empathy.

I enjoy a lot of poetry. Old English poetry often contains thoughts and lamentations that I myself often consider, however it is difficult to find books of poetry regarding this period.
Here's an extract from The Wanderer:
Where is the horse gone? Where the rider?
Where the giver of treasure?
Where are the seats at the feast?
Where are the revels in the hall?
Alas for the bright cup!
Alas for the mailed warrior!
Alas for the splendor of the prince!
How that time has passed away,
dark under the cover of night,
as if it had never been!

Here's a Japanese death tanka from a Jap nationalist (Yoshida Shōin) in 1859. Do not mistake me for some pathetic weeaboo faggot. I am pro-European through-and-through.:
A proper translation is:
Though my corpse rot
beneath the ground
of Musashi,
my soul remains forever

I do empathize with your anecdote in that you can find the humor in jokes of which you are the butt. However I would argue that it is not the intended humor of the comedian that you enjoy in this scenario, but essentially your own joke in which the original comedian is the butt.
Therefore I do hold my original position that it is quite impossible for humor to be universally hilarious, and do still reject your original notion that "Humor must be universal to be an effective meme".
Thank you for replying to my post and do consider requesting to the OP that he not filter me, I do not think he understood that my offending post was in jest to another shitposter. Alas, it is his thread and he may reign upon it with all the faggotry he desires, I just find it quite unfair.

Well argued. I agree that quality humor can’t be universal. The knock-knock joke is a good example of universal humor, and it is derided as being sophomoric for being so. Is humor dependent on an asymmetry of access to the joke?

I’m confused - which jokes were you a butt of? How does your “covenant with god” relate to the topic of humor or the jokes made about you?

Has to be vigilant because there was a high shill ratio. Looks like you’re a human with a brain, unfiltered.

The soft mud squelched beneath his heavy tread. It had been raining. It occurred to him that this was how the world was meant to be, as God had intended when He first covered the ground with dirt. The mere act of walking would see the Earth beneath mold to his every step; simply by making his way through the world he was shaping it, making it form about him, changing it from what it once was into something that more resembled himself. His very tracks proof of his existence, of his impact upon the land in which he lived. The world outside was different. The world of men so unlike the world of God, where an individual might influence his surroundings. In the world of men every step was met with hard concrete; unbending, unyielding. The individual could not change it, his impact would be little, his influence unknown. If he were to gather a thousand others then perhaps they could grind and shatter the concrete beneath them; but not alone. A lone man could change nothing; a leader must have followers.

He stopped and gazed into the night’s sky. It was dark, full of obedient clouds that bowed to the whim of a furious gale. On occasion the moon would break free, the veil of cloud temporarily pass, and the shadowed world below would be just a little brighter. Only briefly. That fleeting glimmer would be snuffed out soon enough; the roiling clouds submerging the world in utter blackness once-more. Darkness. It soothed him. Calmed his very soul. It occurred to him that the light was no longer the refuge of the righteous; where once it revealed the truth, now it only blinded those who looked upon it, at best obscuring reality though often burning away their ability to see entirely. That world of men: run by rotten thieves, murderous tyrants and ravening perverts. They dwelled in the light, shielded by their vile machinations; the lowly man accepted their lies as fact, saw in them heroes and friends – all whilst they sucked away at his soul, draining not only the strength of his limb, not only the provisions of his stockpile, but twisting his heart and manipulating him to be against those who would see him freed. Better to live in the shade, out of the searing leer of the wicked. Surely the light would expose them in the end. Surely it would not blind the whole planet.

He called into the darkness for his companion, and was answered by a dozen soft splashes. The small dog sniffed up at him, then put a single paw – still wet with mud upon his knee. He smiled. It occurred to him that there was something of the Divine in this animal, aspects of God revealed through His very creation – not all of God, for no single Earthly creature could contain such a magnitude – but certainly some of God could be seen, some of His nature understood. The furry little creature was so full of love; she followed him everywhere. Always she sought to play, to walk, to eat; and always only with him nearby. On the odd occasion where his wrath was stoked against another, she would growl in unison with his shouts – a grim threat to his enemies, supportive of him even unto danger. When sick she lay beside him, snuggled against him, never to leave his side until he was well once more. A dutiful companion, a hairy ball of love and devotion, a paragon of loyalty.

It occurred to him that even in this stubborn, dark, oppressive world of men – God was ever close-by, revealing Himself to all who have eyes to see. He smiled.

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Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Although my sympathies lie with Western traditions, I wouldn’t react to sharing of eastern ideas as “weaboo faggotry”. Or at least I’d hope I wouldn’t…

These poems seem deep, but personally I don’t find they resonate with me. What is the nugget of truth that they provide you with user? Have you ever written any yourself? I must admit, I am no poet.

Did you write that? That's great.

I beg your pardon, I do hope you weren't referring to me, you absolute cretin? If you weren't already informed about my Navy Seal graduation I'm here to remind you, I was involved in numerous clandestine attacks on Al-Queda, and I have over 300 confirmed casualties. I'm an expert in simian warfight; moreover, I'm the most prestigious marksman in the entirety of the US combat platoons. I deem you no more worthy than another quarry. The way in which I conduct my wrath will be more than note worthy, you can bet on that. Believe your remarks on the internet won't be addressed? You are mistaken, imbecile. I'm having a talk with my informatants in the United States as we speak, and your IP is being traced as we are having this exchange, it would be in your dearest interests to expect me, larva. An onset to talk of, one that decimates your miserable being, the one you call existence. You are, by all expectations, no longer with us child. I can appear from any direction, from all vectors, I could end your life in some seven ward ways, using nothing but my hands. Not only do I posses more than adequate knowledge of how to fight martially, I am also in access of arms of the United States Marine Corps, and I do hope you believe me when I say i won't refrain from utilising it's means to unmake your wretched bottom from this terain, you ignanamous idiot. Had you been aware of the sheer magnitude of retribution your "bright" remark would've deemed, I'm more than sure you would've kept silent. Yet you were unable to, you chose not to, and I will make sure you recieve what you've ordered, you incorrigible bafoon. My excrement will drown you out. You nothing more than a corspe, young one.

Powerful content. Did you write this?

The theme of beast and divine duality has always been attractive to me. Could you help me analyze your writing by summarizing what you think is the deepest bit?

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lol triggered

Twelve times a distant trumpet of fire and thunder echoed through the sky, all creatures of wing fled in great clouds. The landing pods were working as intended, balloons deployed, all were on course, they would alight within moments. Tension was surprisingly low in their cockpits. This wasn't the first new world man would step on, these were not the first signs of life seen off Earth, and this wasn't be the first major accident in space. This was however the first time rescue would never come. The ark ship Troika had lost its main engines mid flight, and systems decided to gamble a gravity break at the nearest star system. One not slated for autonomous drone exploration for five hundred years.
The astronomers cheered as they found a habitable moon they officially called Lucerne. The hapless colonists would unofficially come to call it Lucifer. A place that induces passions of all manner, for better and worse. This is their saga, their strife, their victory over themselves again and again. This is the Iliad of Ichor and Iron.

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I was the butt of religiously organized gang-stalking and shunning. They always called me a faggot but just became homos themselves. Because of how memetics alter your reality. My covenant essentially made their brainwashing impossible to take hold. They would try and tell me that they were withholding women from me and I knew that no I was withholding myself from them.

That's a fair sentiment, OP. I could potentially shower some of my ideas into this thread. The problem is, much like an old Model T, my engine has a hard time starting without a good crank to get things moving. In school I was never much of a writer until I was given a prompt that struck me as particularly relevant.

While posts such as these >>11682979 are well written and decent in terms of prose, I don't actually find them very engaging. What is one to write in response to such a post?
I'm sure either you or one of these other fine lads has a topic that they would like to discuss, or a position they would like to argue.

That I share ideals with men who died thousands of years ago and whose names we do not even know. That time will always pass and civilizations will collapse, yet the spirit and will of our people shall never die.

Checked and kekked, what a magnificent piece of copied material.

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The poopoopee man here arose
Pure poo and pee from head to toes
Twisted creature and it shows
Lucky tho no working nose

Great theme.

Metempsychosis was a belief and ritual practice supposedly held by the Pythagoreans. They held that immortality of the soul could be literally achievable by the movement of an old soul into a younger body as infinitum. While I understand your poetry speaks to a metaphorical spirit, it reminded me of the sometimes zany attempts throughout history to grasp and engineer a literal spirit in man. Pic related is a still from the film Being John Malkovich, in which Lester, Craig Shwartz’s boss, also practices metempsychosis to achieve immortality. While I don’t see the plausibility of such attempts, I’ll admit they capture my imagination, and I would find it difficult to ignore well-reasoned theories of achieving such glorification of the soul.

By the way, I’m seeking improvement on my writing style as well. Please offer critique, praise, engagement as you all see fit, user. I have noticed in this thread that I rely on passive (as opposed to active) voice more often than is necessary. According to the Elements of Style, this makes my writing drier, and likely comes off as affectation. I’m going to practice writing more actively.

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I honestly wonder why you would think that writing eloquently would have much effect on the strengthening of ideas, especially in the age of information. we have already seen the contrary to that in the form of memes, which have proven to be the most effective way of propagating ideas. the age of information is typified by the extremely large amount of data one is subject to. normal people don't need the idea to be covered in word-sauce, they need to have a clear and concise message they can see and understand in seconds.

Critical feedback: I don’t follow your line of reasoning, and I find your presentation of victimhood distasteful. I encourage you to flesh out your discourse into a more pallateable and approachable fashion, but I really don’t know what you’re talking about so I’m resorting to giving you writing feedback.

Chill w that Socratic bullshit fam.

I actually agree with this user. Over the course of history man has gone through thousands of different writing styles, and we have settled upon the "Top text, bottom text" image macro. It has been the most effective at getting ideas across, although possibly not as thorough as other methods of communication.
Some happy medium is probably best, and the "Elements of Style" writing techniques probably come off as cringe/not effective to most modern readers

Hence my fascination with memetics - well put critique. I view writing as the clear conveyance of crisp ideas. I agree with you that memes portray ideas in a highly transferable fashion. I also agree that word sauce is to be avoided. Where I disagree with you is your claim that practice in honing ideas via writing is futile. My contention is that the most potent memes are distilled through the practice of condensed writing. If you have a suggestion for another means of clear and logical expression of ideas, such as pictures, I’m game to entertain the concept. I’ve considered logical diagrams like pic-related to possibly fit this model.

This reminds me of the approach endorsed by Lorenzo de Medici in his financing of the renaissance: art is the vector for truth, and should employ lust to lead to beauty then to love them to truth. This was the philosophy of Marsilio Ficino, and basically resulted in painting talent being weaponized into advertisements of philosophy to the masses. Video discussing this in depth:

Titian’s Three Ages of Man illustrates this marketing funnel well. Notice the brevity of life bubbling up to your attention on close inspection of this beautiful painting.

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These "normal people" that you speak of are not important beyond their revolutionary value. Whilst I hope they ascend and become worthy of the title: "Man", I doubt many of them ever will. They are too concerned with the temporal and inane; the success of their favourite sports team or the fullness of their belly far outweigh any concept of transcendence. It is we few who seek to understand who we are, what we are, and what we one day might be; that these writings are truly meant for.

The sad truth is that memes are for plebs and always have been. Rhetoric, fancy images, humour; these are tricks used to manipulate others into siding with you by making them feel a familiarity to the one thing whilst forcing them to subconsciously link it with the thing you want them to approve of. What we desire is to not to manipulate or deceive; but to explore. The search for truth was the first true goal of Zig Forums, and I think it is fitting that we have a thread devoted to it.

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I feel a strong sense of camaraderie with you, user. These two sentences of yours resonated deeply with me. Know you’re not alone!

What topics have you explored that might be considered adjacent to your concept of the real vs the temporal, and the navigation involved in deciphering between the two? I would suggest Plato’s allegory of the cave, the classical trivium, and Gödel’s unpublished philosophical lectures are related to your sentiment. I have layman’s introductory references for each of these if anyone’s interested.

This. You would have to "compress" information into concise quantities through memes to trigger entry level interest. The real challenge is entangling many of them together to form self-propagating memeplexes. Because you could go as far as to describe the nature of culture itself as a product of many interdependent memes which drive it. So when they all condense together, they naturally lead to forming a set of beliefs, inspiring more complex information to be generated.

I think this is a better order for your sentences:

thanks user. as for memes not being as thorough in communication, that should be considered a secondary goal. in the same way a presentation is used, with short sentences and pictures to keep interest, a meme can rise interest in an idea and allow as many people to be subjected to it. clarification can come after people are interested in the idea.

oh, i don't mean that writing skills are unusable in this day and age. It certainly has use for the clarification of an idea, but raising the interest of said idea should be a priority, as explaining an unknown idea takes effort and time, things people don't value cheaply. Diagrams and info pictures are useful in that it has reasonably good interest-raising abilities and clarification of the idea, but it is not as specialized as well written texts or memes, which are more effective in their respective field.

Honestly I was speaking in a much coarser way than you assumed. I simply meant that persuasive devices are not so important as genuine truthful accounts of experience. Everyone will see the world differently and everyone is entitled to their own perspective; but the man who knows many perspectives will have a better understanding than the man who knows but one. To give a proper and thorough account one must be well versed in language otherwise they are unable to adequately express their knowledge; which not only hampers their own growth, but that of everyone else as well. As such I think it is very important that Zig Forums as a whole becomes literate and articulate. Society right now thrives off of ignorance and manipulates people into acting as they desire; the most obvious examples being how wrong-think is decried as 'bigotry', 'racism', 'sexism' and so on.

I should also add that whilst art can be great and inspiring; it is ultimately much more open to interpretation than writing is. The best our enemies can do to our writing is claim that we are being satirical, and when we speak about obvious truths that all men feel deep within them then such an accusation becomes no danger at all. Art can be portrayed in numerous ways and the message is easily distorted; and this becomes exacerbated when you take into account that we now have authority figures masquerading as 'teachers' who inform people of what certain devices in art mean; if students believe them then the 'teacher' can take all meaning away from what the artist intended and instill in all witnesses the belief that the artist actually meant the opposite. They of course try to do the same in literature but it is much more difficult, especially when the author is literate and articulate.

… And thus I support this thread and your intentions wholly!

The ideas I have for my stories go deep into non-kosher politics, I was just using this as an outlet for the very start. Getting it off my chest.
What kinds of stories would you like to see develop in a Congo without niggers or jews? Heart of Darkness with LDS taken to its furthest extremes? Genesplicing furries accidently splitting themselves into a new species, all the dumber for it? Traditionalists outbreeding the Terra loyalist "liberals" to the point of displacement? The specter of communism and enlightenment philosophy being swallowed by a foreign land's apathy.
By the end of it I was going for a Heinlein style fascism with a Doge leader. As in the Most Serene Republic of Venice, not the meme. Reconnection with humanity cliff hangers with the implication that they would memetically subsume the weaker cultures, kind of like the Foundation in Asimov's works did with technology and trade.
When one enters post-scarcity the new scarcity is willpower and reasoning for breeding.

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Thank you friends. I’m busy for the next couple hours but I’ll return and respond to each of you. I’m thankful for your thoughtful contributions.

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Quick aside: my post was completely based on my reading of a passage in Lapham’s Quarterly’s Spring 2018 edition on the Florentine republican experiment and Bernardo and Niccolo Machiavelli’s peripheral role in Bartolomeo Scala’s revolutionary writing that directly led to the ousting of the Medici.

In case you didn’t care to read the fine print, the Medici are analogous to the modern international banking dynasties that lurk behind our governmental apparati and subvert sovereign rule by capable modern non-elites like ourselves. As you should know by now, history repeats itself. I am doing the legwork for you to condense a low-circulation

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For the record, ID changed due to mobile network post.

If I may ask what exactly are the king Luke laws mentioned in your previous post?

I am not, in any way whatsoever surprised at the amount of shills present in what is a watered down self-improvement thread.
Yet, I can't help but wonder if they do not know, that people who participate in these are less likely to fall for their (bad) memes.

Truly can't their time be used more efficiently. An example that comes to be would be the purchase of a firing arm which could then be used to artistically splatter their walls with brain matter.

The ability to communicate through writing is a tool. The audience is the medium to be worked. Depending on the goal of the writer you select the tools that are correct for the job.

The FAGGOT OP killed a thread so people may sharpen their tools for writing in (((proper))) form, but form is quickly corrupted and it's original intent lost. Pictures of cartoon frogs pissing and shitting all over a room with a cartoon politician crying on the floor will have greater impact than writing beautiful prose that is above an 8th grade level, because people are primarily stupid animals that live off of basic emotional responses.

To be effective is to be free from form, be like water or the frog that swims in it, but don't be rigid and confine your methods of effecting change in the world to what some may deem as the only appropriate method. As a collective we may through mud on the wall and through our combined autism we will find what works will sticks and what falls.

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While that worked in the past against our enemies worked in the past, that wont work for ever situation. After all the education of others requires some type of form so that the information given is accurate and coherent. It may be funny to post memes at our enemies but it does little to improve or educate people

Check 1st and 3rd paragraph.
1st says choose the right tool for the job.
3rd says if your mud doesn't stick use the autists mud that does.

move in a cycle and let the creative power of our obscure mass crush that try to stop us.

Remove all jews from this world and all things will solve themvelves.

Not sure what king Luke laws are, sorry.

I admire the allusion to Bruce Lee’s “be like water quote” but my impression of your post is that you are framing my argument as being unhelpfully restrictive. I’d like to clarify again (although I sense that you understand this well and are attacking for another reason altogether): the intent of my thread is to provide a ground for anons to practice writing in a manner that successfully propagates their ideas. That is all. Much like practicing “(((proper)))” Mathematics or fundamentals of any sport, there is much utility in focus until one can creatively innovate. You seem to be arguing that practice in effective communication is subversion somehow… I suppose you would have your children “creatively and formlessly” be educated however they as infants see fit. So be it, you have free will. Note also that I have not attacked “pee pee and poo poo frog memes”. If your intention is to engage in this thread’s dialogue, I encourage you to play a little game of reading to find the posts where anons discuss the merits of memes with popular appeal. They have their place.

If by participating in the board in a positive way is “killing a thread”, so be it. I’ll murder any of them. Cheers mate.


Agreed, you formulated the challenge well.

Well put here as well. I would like to emphasize the dichotomy you seem to allude to between memes that spread references to ideas, and the refinement of ideas themselves. Here I want to practice the refinement of ideas. Posts on memetically completely welcome, it’s a fascinating and critical topic in my view.

See pic related: I think the logic and rhetoric divide in the classical trivium is a concise meme describing what you’ve touched on.

Quote text messed up and I’m on mobile. But the last line of your post is a very engaging bit. Perhaps this is something you could use to attract and engage readers?

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Now this is interesting. Are you familiar with John Boyd’s OODA Loop? Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. It was applied originally in fighter pilot warfare strategy, and applies just as well to an information warfare environment.

My pen is Bic.
On a more serious note, I'm writing a novel right now and I'm totally monitoring this thread for pointers.

Attached: My penis fucking enormous.jpg (450x450, 35.42K)

So you’re fucking retarded, then.

You may need to be the one providing tips at first - how far into writing your novel are you? Any lessons learned so far?

Also, what is the topic?

It's a fiction, largely fantasy, type story. As for writing into the novel itself, I've only got a couple chapters. Actual stuff done, however, numbers around 200 pages of notes, drawings, etc.

Let's see.
As I posted

Wants me filtered by everyone.

While in the same post talking about memetics in the context of writing, actual literature.

Now, let us think about which kind of camp uses "memes" in an incredibly wordy way and which camp does not.

Sorry, Zig Forums.
It's okay to be white.
Around blacks never relax.
Burn the coal pay the toll.

Will always be superior to your essay level memetics.

Attached: meme_power.jpg (1196x616, 86.69K)

That’s huge, congratulations. I’d like to hear more if you want to share.

A bastard I am, like God, I wage jealous wars.

What adjustments would you make? God being a bastard and there being a generation of bastards, going OT on modern society I think is a pretty sick battle cry for the disenfranchised Whites, it'd spook jews too. People often confuse jealously with envy though, all jealous means is that you felt that you've been wronged.

We oughta make a shared setting together. Are you down for some Aryan techno-magic?

Already got you covered, fam.

A bit from my notes:
Magic -Magical stuff
  All forms of magic in this story stem from psychicism in some form or fashion. The Ilu’s technology was based around harnessing the power of intent to shape the world. The rest of the magic wielders perform old fashioned rituals to unlock their psychic potential.
  These psychic phenomena manifest generally as various physical forces, such as fire or kinesis, and also as spectral things like ghosts. The Ilu had such a degree of mastery with this that they could manifest anything they could imagine, given enough dedication and practice. Traditional “psychic” type abilities are observed in this world too (mind reading, etc.), also lumped under the magic category.
  “Enchanted” items are things altered by techniques very similar to Ilu material-mastery. These altered items are slightly sapient themselves (sometimes to a lucid degree, such as with Grim’s armor) and can sometimes seemingly act on their own.
  Keep in mind that the word “psychic” is never found in the book.The Ilu call this "Zeal", and the word is interchangeable with "magic".

The main race from the story is essentially just whites under a different name. The Ilu mentioned above are in sort of the same category as the Olympians, where they're dubiously immortal but still flesh and blood. These are considered the gods by most folk in the book, and indeed the word "Ilu" is the word "gods" borrowed from Sumerian. The antagonistic species are either blatantly not human or mud-colored, and for good reason.

This will be the only post I make in response to this likely de-rail attempt.

There is more to life than just Jews. We are all agreed that the removal of the Jewish parasite is of utmost importance and that the survival of the West (and indeed the entire planet) depends upon it. With that said, why should we settle for mere survival? There is so much in this world that is beautiful and valuable, and only by honing our abilities of expression can we truly experience it; only by experiencing it can we weave epics that will inspire our progeny for all eternity. The parasite has done such vast damage to us that many of our people are reverting to their baser forms. Intelligence appears to be plummeting, a hunger for knowledge is entirely gone, and the only curiosity the modern person has is related to depraved sexual acts. What happened to all the explorers? What happened to those great heroes of old who sought to separate Man from mere beast? Where did the value of existence disappear to? For example; marriage and sex used to be sacred; a special and almost magical event that celebrated the beauty of unity and gestured towards the miracle of creation and life. Now how do people view sex and marriage? There is nothing magical, nothing sacred, nothing of worth. For many this ends in despair, it saps all their resolve and their will to fight; only by making them realise what they have lost, and that there is still so much to gain will we be able to galvanise their resolve and elevate them from mere animal to Man. Those Men shall help us slay the Serpent and its children.

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Remove all kikes and golems and the rest sorts itself out.

Anyone know of any good material for improving oratory and/or rhetoric skills?
sage for off-topic

Both extremely good posts.

The book thread had a dump specifically about that

*Smacks lips* Aye yo wassup nigga? I hearz u be askin' deez cracka ass board niggaz to be flexin' dey melanin muscles n'sheeeit. Aight cracka, imma spit some ancient nowlege yo way, ya feel?
Personally, I would suggest reading and reciting a piece of classical literature every day if you're looking to improve your linguistic intelligence. While I personally believe that writing is a very important skill to have however, the ability to form a legible essay with zero spelling errors and logical inconsistencies will serve you no use when a mutated nigger decides he wants to devour your torso and ferment your brains for his bootleg lean.

Attached: Niggest.jpg (920x960, 78.02K)

gay af tbh fam

Interesting. I was confused as to why the hell it said "island". Curse the kikes. Curse yahweh. Curse yidsrael. Curse op and his mother and father.

(though, I must say it's quite lulzy, a thread named Penis Land"

Gents, I want to share something that has been kicking around in this headnode recently. Fear. What is it, really? We hear it used frequently, we can describe attributes of it, maybe even define it neurologically, but what bearing does it have in a situational context on our lives, day to day? What does it mean for society? Do you need fear? How can fear in others be leveraged? What is it’s relationship to leadership? To violence? To justice? In history?

I have an intuition that fear can be conquered.

But I think this gets said so much that we — or at least I — need to relearn what it might feel like to rid ourselves of fear, and what sort of consequences we could imagine from doing so.

When I imagine what it feels like to be rid of that which I associate with the feeling/behaviors of fear, I imagine myself to be a different person in radically positive ways. For one, I would have more bandwidth when evaluating important decisions in life. If I were to feel unaprehensive about the future, I could ironically spend more time on the present. It’d probably feel a lot like advising other people on their problems feels for me. I love solving their problems, and have boundless optimism and pragmatism, and imagine if only I were in their shoes, I could fearlessly execute the creatively imagined plan. I am starting to realize the difference between solving my own problems and solving someone else’s is primarily a difference of amounts of fear.

This is likely highly specific to me and people like me (whatever that means), but if there are other anons out there with whom this resonates, I’d like to suggest to us that I think the great sages were right. We must first rid ourselves of fear, and possibilities begin to open up and we begin to foster conscious conscientiousness.

If a small segment of people were able to successfully rid themselves of fear, I believe they would somehow stand a chance at radically changing all of society - assuming they also have the requisite values and fundamental aptitude for strategy.

Anyhow, it seems like a good plan to me. So I started looking into believable people’s thoughts on the matter. I found a couple gems from Seneca:

“Limiting one’s desires actually helps to cure one of fear. ‘Cease to hope … and you will cease to fear.’ … Widely different [as fear and hope] are, the two of them march in unison like a prisoner and the escort he is handcuffed to. Fear keeps pace with hope … both belong to a mind in suspense, to a mind in a state of anxiety through looking into the future. Both are mainly due to projecting our thoughts far ahead of us instead of adapting ourselves to the present.”
Seneca, Letters from a Stoic

He also goes on to say that hope and fear are both challenges for the dumb masses to overcome. Hope is like fear, only opposite fear’s valence: it similarly focuses unfounded emotional intensity and attention into the future. He suggests to plan and execute those plans, to think but not to hope, not to fear. “Cease to hope and you will cease to fear”. I’ll have to dig up the quote when I get a moment.

Pic related.

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Also, throwing out some topics that I’m sure other headnodes in this h1vemind have considered (if our paths through the inter webs have overlapped at all). Please feel free to jump on one with an initial commit, and we can sort of adlib hack together an e-treatise on the topic.

—> How truth digging anons differ from other consumers of information
^ my intuition says that this could be a source of culture study and self creation for us. For instance, I think that a piece that could fit into this essay is: when binging on information like we do, we need to compose theories and share them, or to at least write to clear out ram and buffer space to continue on.

—> Semiotic rebellion in the 21st century: taking shocking memeshells and refitting them with live payloads of cultural medicine. Or how Neitszche would have totally been dispensing redpills on a Chan from a canton cafe in switzerland.
^ my intuition here is that this Chan has been particularly masterful at playing the attention economy game. We also just happen to have somewhat of a respect for primary source attribution, logic, and are technically savvy for the most part. I think we are, in a decentralized way, providing the cultural medicine of philosophy (nietszche - reinterpreting the modern world) to society according to a fusion philosophy that is emerging from the plethora of open data and wisdom online. So on the one hand, we’re using symbols the media will be forced to overtly attack, but those who speak the same language know that the true payload in the use of these symbols is ambiguously ironic - we have projected a stoicism, a yearning for a new golden era of humanity, justice and strength, survival of the fittest and the pushing forward of humanity into a brave future among the stars, where each generation grows in strength, wisdom, and prosperity, onto whatever the sharpest most aesthetic symbols we can find. It’s a brilliant gambit to have emerged from a collective consciousness, with little central organization. The media (corrupt and bleeding) either focuses attention on a Trojan horse meme campaign, which when brought into the gates of all American homes, unleashed presents of primary-sourced truths that are far more empowering and intuitively true than cultural drivel pumped out on prime time and by Hollywood (win - idea spreads); or they let us spread a revised worldview in peace under freedom of speech, and we out-argue them (likely win over long enough time scales - so long as what is spread is only based in truth).

—> reinterpreting old gods as attributes of the collective consciousness to manifest through ritually spent attention
^ we have seen this first-hand online. Phenomenologically, what is the difference between the emergence of a meme and he emergence of a god?

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I am not aware of ooda loop, but employ loops in situations where heuristics can be employed. meme's are product of our innate hivemind .


Ass faggot mods deleted my post
Don't do it again ass faggot mods

The penis mightier peeeeeeee peeeeeeeeee


Actor sabotuer to sick the jidf on us. Filtered.