卍Hitler appreciation thread卍

Seeing as how the Newfags are here to either shit up our board, or become red-pilled, we should introduce them to the greatest man to ever live, the greatest story never told, Adolf Hitler. 卍

Post your best pictures, gifs, videos, Webms… all of them, in appreciation, and commemoration to Adolf Hitler

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Newfags get out xD

That footage is sped up.


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Hitler, a Biography, Part 1

In his youth, Hitler served as an altar boy and sung in the choir at a Benedictine monastery. Each day, attending mass, he passed beneath the first swastika he had ever seen, graven into the stone escutcheon of the abbey portal.

Hitler’s father, a customs officer, hoped the boy would follow in his footsteps and become a civil servant. The clergy encouraged him to become a monk. Instead the young Hitler went to Vienna.

In Vienna, Hitler lived in shabby, cramped lodgings. He rented a piano that took up half his room, and concentrated on composing his opera. During his early days in Munich, he spent no more than a mark per day for food. He lived on bread, milk, and vegetable soup. He did not even own an over-coat. He shoveled streets on snowy days and carried luggage at the railway station. He spent many weeks in shelters for the homeless. But he never stopped painting or reading.

Despite his dire poverty, Hitler somehow managed to maintain a clean appearance. Landlords and landladies in Vienna and Munich all remembered him for his civility and pleasant disposition. His behavior was impeccable. His room was always spotless, his meager belongings meticulously arranged, and his clothes neatly hung or folded. He washed and ironed his own clothes, something which in those days few men did. He needed almost nothing to survive, and money from the sale of a few paintings was sufficient to provide for all his needs.

During his exile in Vienna, he often thought of his modest home, and particularly of his mother. When she fell ill, he returned home from Vienna to look after her. For weeks he nursed her, did all the household chores, and supported her as the most loving of sons. When she finally died, on Christmas eve, his pain was immense. Wracked with grief, he buried his mother in the little country cemetery. In his room, Hitler always displayed an old photograph of his mother.

Have some correct swastikas OP, and ϟϟ runes while I'm at it. Also

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Hitler had child abusers executed with trial. Heil Hitler!

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He rally was a shit artist.

I take it Klaus Barbie was out of town that day?

H*tler single-handedly destroyed the prospect of Nationalism ever being accepted as a normal ideology in Europe and killed almost as many whites as the black death. Fuck you and fuck any stormfaggot who thinks H*tler was remotely good.

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Friendly reminder that Hitler was unironically the single greatest man of the 20th century

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Hey Mordecai, while you're here check out this video

Wow, they really aren't sending their best.

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This man is the greatest white pill in human history

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>>>Zig Forums
Of course a fag like you would defend child molesters.

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You convinced with your empirical logic and reasoning stating the absolute facts My Fellow White. I must disavow the Fuhrer now.

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Good speaker, but I wish he would've used his ability for global equality instead of mass genocide. What a fucking sicko

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Never stop believing. Never stop doing.

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Considering Hitler died in WW2, I'd like to say one thing that I appreciate about him, considering this is the thread for it.
I appreciate he's dead.


imkampfy kept kikes like you out

imkampfy did nothing wrong

Over 70 years later, kikes are still triggered at the sight of the great Adolf Hitler. May he forever strike fear into the heart of the kike.

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There are some great photos itt and triggered kikes and/or leftyfaggots. Thanks for sharing Anons.

how odd, he ended up in south america


Get the fuck out. Go stand in front of Terry's car on the highway, you bioluminescent fuckboy.

He only strikes fear into the hearts of Jews because of a relentless, post-war propaganda campaign crafted by Internationalist and Zionist Jews. Hitler did nothing wrong.

Sick of seeing these threads, Hitler deserved to die.


Why are you so negative?

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I would just like to add the perspective here that Hitler had truly united Germany for the first time since the fall of Rome. (I don't include the Weimar (((provisional government))) Republic to have ever been a legitimate power)

I have an honest question that I have been wanting to ask here, been lurking for a while but I'm drunk and hoping for an answer not from the JIDF. Anyways, my Omi and Opi came to America during WWII and have always talked down about Hitler, saying he was taking their land and that they had to leave their home. They never really spoke much about him other than that, and that they saw him speak in person. They told me they were afraid when they saw him speak.

Were they fucking with me? Did they want a greater life in America as immigrants and forget the past? My Opi ended up going into the US army when he got here, as a translator, and had to see the destruction of his home country, and that's mostly what he said to me. He ended up dying at a "young" age (about 67) from drinking too much. But yea idk, just kinda searching for answers of what really went on. At my later age looking back on it I think they knew they couldnt say anything.


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Some very nice stuff ITT

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bump to cause high blood pressure among shills

pretty edgy kid. reddit is that way.

This place has really gone to shit seeing that bluepilled niggers like you can still post freely here.

I apologize if I upload any duplicates or images already in this thread/post.

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Checked and heil'd.

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I know I'm shitting up the thread with all my posts but OP your swastikas are facing the wrong way. 卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐

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