51st anniversary of Israel's attack on the USS Liberty this Friday, June 8th.
On June 8, 1967, 34 American sailors of the USS Liberty lost their lives serving their country. These Americans died when Israel, America's "ally," launched a murderous attack on the virtually unarmed American intelligence ship. To this day, many Americans are unaware that this attack even took place. During the two hour assault there was two different American flags raised yet the attack still persisted. After the crew was rescued 16 hours later they were immediately ordered silent under threat of court martial "or worse" by command.
This attack was not an "accident".
Hear the testimonies from the ship's survivors. Watch these documentaries:
Guess who is going to tell everybody at work about this? Me. Good work, OP.
Ethan Nelson
Mason Bennett
This is the best redpill. Criminally underrated
Bentley Jackson
Bump for starter redpill. Let's go boys, spread the word far and wide. Let's make unsere Führer proud.
Nicholas Powell
Appreciate the reminder everyone, I send these memes to whoever I happen to have the most influence in during this time of year.
Grayson Gomez
Elijah Ortiz
I once had an anglophile try to tut-tut me about the USS Liberty incident by claiming that Israel paid reparations, therefore they can be excused. His username was Joseph Smashington if I recall.
I call bullshit.
First, if it actually happened, it was paid with money that the US paid to Israel as aid.
Second, this does not excuse the deliberate attack on US Soldiers by Israel.
Third, it's highly likely that it never even happened in the first place. (Then again, this wouldn't be the first time an Anglo lied to me. This guy even tried to claim that Proto-Cuckservatism aka Churchillian Conservatism was the solution as opposed to the cause of our problems).
Id don't know what is up with these British Israelist faggots, but if there was proof positiive that Anglos were wrong about everything, this woukd be it. And that conceit is why they're suffering under an Orwellian 1984 government.
Anglophiles and Jews. NOT EVEN ONCE.
Aiden Evans
Why were we shipping cranberries to Palestine in the first place?
Art Jones, our candidate for the house seat for Illinois' 3rd District (who has won the Republican primary and made it onto the general election), will be doing an event related to the USS Liberty this Friday in downtown Chicago. I will update with details here:
I got some proof that proves that the USS Liberty was not an Accident. It's too cohencidential. I have to track down the links, there are two of the links, is anyone interested?
But we should forever remember the 666 gorillions tho, amirite?
Isaac Richardson
>An article by Seymour Hersh, in the Jan. 18, 1999, issue of the New Yorker, titled “The Traitor,” listed some other beyond-top-secret documents—among the tens of thousands—that Pollard had stolen and sold. They included the “National SIGINT Requirements List” (SIGINT standing for Signals Intelligence), which revealed which communications channels of which military powers, in which regions, the NSA was intercepting in what order of priority. In other words, it would give the reader a heads up on where and what actions the U.S. military might take next.