How to deal with being called racist

How do you deal with guilt being called a racist?
I can deal with being called a sexist, because feminism destroys family values and woman's role in her homestead, and puts society in degradation. I can deal with being called homophobic because homosexuality leads to society that lives off sex and turns into sodomic shithole of varying degree of aids and self destruction through fucking things against nature, which also leads to emasculation and constant social bombardment of stable straight families and lowers birth rates and desire for children because of disgusting buttsex fetishes.
Islamic religious cruelty is also understandable in subject of their totalitarian religion that beheads and cries for killing of non-believers. And same about judaist hate of all gentiles and desire for enslavement of them which is racist by itself. And Zionist desire for expansion in middle east is without a doubt an aggression that's being covered by media.

But i can't shake off the feeling when i am being called racist on biological factor that i am at fault here. Because i don't respect rights of other people of color that are just as people as me and you. Of course i do know about black crime rates, and the amount of degeneracies that's spreading across asia, and other stuff, but they are just victims of social constructs that were created by both their communities and leaders of new world seeking to benefit from their misbehave. That includes top media producers spreading thuggery across black teenagers through rap and hip hop music, making thuggery "fashionable" and shit.

So what do you do, how do you put yourself into position where you don't regret being called racist? I also will never understand why subject of racism always elevated to same places where homos and feminists stand up. Its like they themselves want to get behind people of color like a life shield so they can protect their degeneracies by standing on same moral high ground and constantly virtue signal.

PS: yes, this is why i was constantly banned at kampfypol, because i never felt right about being racist for no reason.

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I laugh and ignore

If I tell you to jump off a bridge would you do it ?
What if I make it fashionable, would you do it ?

Just stop.

Stop drinking soy the post.
Who the fuck give a shit if someone calls you a racist/sexist/buzzword? It simply means they are your envious of you which is pretty pathetic given how much you come off as a faggot.


Thanks buddy.

Raid thread or real?

If raid, insert thumb into anus and rotate.

If real, feeling guilty is stupid, so stop it. Own it. Of course you are racist. You see that races are different, and whites are better. Asians are ok, smart but hivemind. Poo in the loos can be smart, but lack knowledge of where to poo appropriately. And niggers are the niggers of the earth. I know that's defining a word by itself, but there is nothing lower I can think of. Whites do it all better, but we've been attacked for so long by an enemy who knows our weakness (compassion / empathy). Laugh in the face of the jew, and enjoy being a racist.

P.S. you claim to be banned during kampfypol era, but this thread sounds like just the sort of thing he enjoyed?

1.Don't care


The mixing of races destroys family values and your role in society and puts society in degradation.

Who gives a shit what you are called. I make fun of these faggots that call me racist because they are living in a fantasy world. You've been sucking in too much tv and the like, you need to think for yourself and have confidence in your own ideas, if you really believe them, then its doesnt matter what they call you.

"I don't judge people based on race but based on the pollution they are creating for the planet."

Congratulations, you can now loathe all the degenerate shitskins you loathed before without being a racist.

came to post this.

also, get fucked op.

But i can't shake off the feeling when i am being called racist on biological factor that i am at fault here. Because i don't respect rights of other people of color that are just as people as me and you.

so, you are comfortable with the idea that some groups of people are different and should be treated differently, but you don't want be called a racist?

grow a spine.

there are plenty of good reasons. africans, to make an example, as a whole, are the scum of the earth.
a good 60-70 years after decolonization they really do not have any excuses left.
war, poverty, famines, and ignorance,and colonialism are nothing that held back for long, china, or post ww2 gernany, italy and japan.
and their culture is pure barbarism.
they are dumber and more violent anywhere they go and in any context and they keep shitting nigglets they cannot afford to support.

why should i consider your average boogango and 'mbagongo "people just like me"?
not to mention that those coming to europe ATM to be parasites are the rich ones…


Pretty simple, all you gotta go is go "Yes, and?" If you feel guilt over that, then grow some fucking balls.

Nope. 85 average IQ and high prevalence of a gene sequence associated with crime and risk-taking euphemistically called "the warrior gene." They're chimps and they're gonna act like chimps.

If you have no reason to be racist then why force it? Do you feel compelled to join our clique for whatever reason? It's natural for us, its in our nature, self preservation or what have you; that alone could spark a debate in and of it's self. Many don't see the world like we do - a never ending competition for resources, demographics, power, and money. We can't even afford to play it cool like our parents could, we're hitting dangerous levels and it ticks a switch off in our heads, again, a self preservation perspective. My tribe over your tribe, your tribe kills my tribe? Then its my tribe against your tribe.

If this is bait, congratulations.
If you're serious, fuck off, lurk two years, and read a book about race that wasn't penned by a kike.

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Stop living in the anti white country.

Well, suicide social network groups exist. So yeah, there are such people too.

What soy has to do with desire to be just with people regardless of their biological origins, even if culturally those people are retarded? Even if i would deal with blacks just like Zig Forums would, i would still feel fucking guilt for that. Because inside myself i know he's a victim of cultural brainwash too. Same goes for immigrants without religious motivation to do crime.

How exactly mixed race pairs destroy family values?

If anything pollution is a crime of large chemical dump companies and military compound.

But how does elevating my own race makes me better and not want to elevate the others? How would i feel if i were a "shitskin"? Angry? Jealous?
I feel sorry for them.
No, i just kept silent for a while.

Yes, i was motivated to make this thread by watching rick and morty, i am not hiding that.

No, i am compelled to sort my standpoints on truth and justice, and that includes question of race.
But that makes us even more even with "inferior" races because we don't see our community as civilized and advanced to be far beyond tribal shit.

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Economic success, crime rates, etc are primarily caused by low IQ. There may be a cultural aspect that can be improved to lower black crime rates and improve black economic success, but the gap can never be fully closed because it is biological not social.

It is also absurd to have multiple ethnicities living in the same area. Non-homogeneity decreases social cohesion, creates a low trust society, and causes conflict, violence, and war.

You should not feel hate for other races, but you should want them out of your people's lands for practical reasons.

< Fagtow talking points
< PS: yes, this is why i was constantly banned at kampfypol,
Faggots should be banned.

Q: Gee, where do all these threads come from?
A: The foulest place on earth

What is to deal with? Everyone is racist. EVERYONE. White men and women legitimately so.

We were, what do you think the last couple hundred years was? "The White Mans Burden", why should we continue? That isn't to say we allocated all our best efforts forwards "enlightenment" (for the lack of a better word) of others, yet with the tools given, they should've risen above it if we were truly equals.

Look up nonwhite crime statistics as you haven't already, then tell me what "justice" means to you.

I usually just laugh and ask them to define "racist." No one has ever tried to define it after being asked either.

understand that they're calling you a heretic and learn how not to care. They're not concerned with the truth, only branding you as a heretic and getting power over you or casting you out. Deny them what they want and see what they do.

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It has been a non-stop raid since they kicked the janitors.

Here's the thing, idiot. Black "culture" does not spontaneously appear. Blacks create it. Every where they live they create degenerate cultures. They are not victims of circumstance, they are the cause for their own suffering and it boils down to biology.
If you sent 1,000 niggers with amnesia to a brand new continent and did the same for whites… in 500 years tell me what do you think their societies would look like?

Do you think the negros will create a high society free from the poisons of rap and single motherhood? No. Look at the negro tribes who are completely isolated in Africa today. They are violent primitives.
Sure, the white society will definitely not be advanced as ours, but they will be much more civilized than the negros because it is our genetic disposition.

It all boils down to genes we evolved. Our brain, an organ, the nexus of all of our thoughts and behaviors, is created from DNA which has been under selective pressure for millions, if not billions of years.

That sounds fucking hilarious. We should fund this.

Racist by knowing there are different races in the world we live in?

Well, i guess that's the only real answer to question of multiculturalism rather than blind racism. Thank you, that actually makes sense viewing it from that standpoint.
But should that mean i should actually say i am not racist, but rather against multiculturalism specifically?

We already did this it was called Liberia - and yes, it was hilarious.

Nature is tribalistic. I'm racist because I want niggers to have their own country(they do). I want spics to have their own country(they do). I want Asians to have their own country(they do). I want whites to have their own country(they don't).

It wouldnt really be any different from what you see in isolated groups of black Africans today. If the white man never tried to "civilize" the niggers, we'd already be witnessing it.

Dude, quit being such a feelyfag I know it's difficult, I grew up with women and I had it, too, but it'll inprove your life in all aspects at least tenfold. Just laugh at them, say something painfully polite, and walk away as if nothing happened. That's it, you'll be beyond good, they'll be perplexed to the reaction enough to give up most times, but they lose either way.
I personally just agree with them, that I am a racist, and joke about it, but I live in a place that is 90% white, so… But hey, I told someone at work I was basically a Nazi Satanist, that loved both Hitler and the occult, and they just laughed.


some highlights

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*tipping my hat*

I usually say
Pointing out that judgement, not facts themselves can be racist, therefore they would be the actual racist ones usually results in even more screeching but it's satisfying to get the moral high ground tbh

Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. The world is what it is. Pigeons are pigeons. Cats are cats. Apples are apples. If niggers are just smart enough to realize they will always be the shit tier of races, well, that's on nature, not me. You can't "fix" niggers unless you're a genetic engineer with more talent than any current one. You can, however, be a proud white man filling the world with more white people and helping his own race, by self improvement, by education, by example.

Just calmly correct them with "I'm actually a racial realist" and ask them what's so bad about wanting to preserve your people in the face of an obvious threat. You can easily trigger these people into raving about how whites deserve to be mistreated exposing their hypocrisy and bias and automatically winning the argument.

I don't see why it would even bother you, the word has been overused to the point where it is completely defanged. It's a just thought stopping word that has lost most of its power.

You know what's the funniest thing to top it all off? Even considering all the truly shitty conditions they went through during slavery, better nourishment gave them higher IQs, and they actually managed to make a pretty functional society before it collapsed some dozen years back. Just how shit were the initial conditions if slavery technically did them better?

Keeping this in mind, the nigs you see in America are borderline genius tier for nigs. Does that put it all into perspective, OP?

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You need to learn how to verbally fight. When someone attacks you, you completely ignore it and go on the offensive. The first person to become defensive loses. Straight up mock them if you have to. It's not about logic; turn the autism off.

How about not?

we're in times of deception, and your pawns know who moves them?

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"How do I deal with being called racist! Bonus: fagtow talking points and Imkampfy is baaaad!"
"Weev is a based goy fellow Alt-Righter, totally not a kike!"
"Please help me geta GF! I need a GF!"
"I can't resist BBCs!"
"Fagtow thread #8746: never reproduce, fellow Polacks!"

Q: Where does all these threads come from?
A: The foulest (((lace))) on Earth!

This comes before teh Patrick Little thread? Reminder to sage! Sage and report! Mods, do your job! Kill the shill threads!

You are either naive or your survival instincts have been eradicated or both. Every living being wants to see their progeny prosper. They want to pass down their genes to have their genetic influence grow. They want their children to resemble them, as they are an extension of themselves and of their group.
Only humans, through years of social programming, can be convinced that our no.1 animal instinct should be shunned and replaced with the opposite. It is downright suicidal.

Race mixing is suicide. You may have convinced yourself it can't be true, but your animal brain won't accept it. All humans have been studied to have the "disgust" centers of their brain activate when viewing interracial couples. Human infants have been studied to feel fear when seeing members of another race.
Mixed breeds have a genetic predisposition for mental illness, as well as have issues their whole lives with identity crisis.

And if you're going to say we need to mix up our genes for better genetic diversity, I'd ask for proof. There is no biological advantage to being a half breed in modern society. And if it's just a wide array of genes you believe to be necessary for "strong offspring", tell me, if humans were capable of breeding with gorillas, should we? Just because they are genetically distant? Would it be to our advantage?

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Anyone who uses terms like racist unironically are morons who are so committed to their ideology reasonable rational thought is not possible.

You're a bigger faggot than the offended person if you talk like it's the seventeenth century.

ITT: OP cares about being called wacist because hes a deeply programmed sheep, I mean jesus christ look at you getting your thoughts and feelings from reddit and borty, do you have any critical thought beyond what you absorb on TV? When you get called racist, laugh in their face, its just another name that holds no power over you, seriously.
Wash this marxist filth from your brain, talmudvision is poisoning you, in conclusion thanks for making your thread and giving us a rare intimate view into the mind of someone so deeply conditioned.

if someone calls you a racist just say thank you

"Tribal" in the way he was using it does not mean a shelter made of sticks and stones. It means one's people. We don't use my "Country" because most countries are kiked to death and filled with shitskins and civnat cucks who think when we say "countrymen" we mean a based black MAGAPEDE, so instead we say tribe. It evokes a much stronger "Us vs Them" mentality. A tribe can have advanced technology or social structures.

I see shit like this daily, where people have lost the ability to see the meaning behind words and can only take them for their literal meaning. You see it in media too with shit like Game of Thrones fucking destroying the old nordic myths of the world ending in Ice and Fire, where Ice is the slow stagnation and Fire is the fast collapse. Now it's just
Basically OP and any other faggots who think like him. Man up. If you need someone else to tell you that you shouldn't feel guilty for being better than someone, you need to fucking neck yourself. You're basically just a right-wing normalfag at this point.

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You say 'Nope! :^)' and fuckin shrug it off.
What kind of man is afraid of words.

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Also, realize that the feeling of shame and reflection you get from being called a racist is not actual guilt over your own beliefs. Social pressure is a strong influencer on our behavior and emotions. Being shunned from a group ilicits the same response from the brain as physical torture and prolonged agony.

If you know it's the truth, then you have no need to feel guilty. You are probably just panicking that you are engaging in antisocial behavior, something you are programmed to be averse to.

The reason you feel more guilt over racism than homo shit/feminism is because society is still semi-tolerant of dissent on those fronts. Racism however is the primary sin, it cannot be argued, and anyone caught being racist will be tarred and feathered before anyone else. Even murderers and rapists are permitted to have social lives.
This is the origin of your "guilt", societal programming used against your instincts.

Sometimes I wonder what is more strong in humans, the desire to fit in, or the desire to pass down your genes? Seems like the white man will kill himself and his lineage in order to keep his social standing. Wonder how long it will last.

please tell me more about how dan harmon sexually interfered with his show staffmates and how great of a "antiracist" and "feminist" he is them.

the worst someone has done here is post unpleasant racism and sexism online and maybe saved a bit of loli porn.

dan harmon is a real sex pest who assualted real women and was systematically racist by including real racism in his program such as rick talking about israel which is 100x more powerful than one person letting off steam here.

Zig Forums prevents elliott rogers and dylan roofs by lettting people let their frustrations out on a canvas much like twoxchromesones does for women on reddit typically of a sjw bent.

It's time to stop being a class cuck OP

Get rid'a'ya spoox. Degeneracy, Race, Gender, these things aren't real. You can never be free while you let them rule you. Get away from IDpol. Destroy capitalism and break your chains.

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rofl, Liberia. It was alright until the whites left and left it for the niggers to maintain. Then in came General Buttnaked and crew. He fought naked because he thought it made him invincible. They sometimes ate the hearts of children before battle because they thought it made them more powerful. Such is the way of niggers when left to their own devices.

Oh, in case anyone thinks I'm lying. Look that shit up. General Buttnaked is not only real. Now he's apparently a preacher and openly talks about the old civil wars and their insanity.

Rick and Morty is just Futurama minus the soul and wit

You don't. Because being called a racist doesn't mean anything. It only matters if they call you 'wrong'.

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Shit taste fam. Stop watching TV, get your news on the net, and replace ricky and morty with anime.
Also it's obvious that you're on this board for less than a day. WTF?
Let me clue you into the basics:
Race is complex, different races evolved differently, race mixed children become a piece of shit because their genes are too far apart just like incest children whose parents genes were too close.
There always will be people who do it which is fine in bordering countries if it happens in a limited amount. SO YOU SHOULD NOT BECAUSE THAT AMOUNT IS RESERVED FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER AND YOU ARE NO LONGER PART OF THEM BY READING THIS.
This doesn't mean they'll automatically be retarded or have health problems but the same applies to incest.
Also interbreeding with lesser races like niggers or pajeets is utter nonsense because at this point you could already fuck an ape.
And Chinese aren't smart either. They only do manufacturing. The last technological thing that came from them was gunpowder and they are 1/5 of humankind which means they are a bit smarter measured by progress/brains than the niggers in Africa 15% (that's already higher numbers I remember are years old) who didn't invent anything.

On topic: don't react at all. Make some meaningless statement of unimportance like "Whatever"
Racism is being mean to someone for being another race btw. So you probably aren't but more because of their behavior. As long as you don't go running around shouting "NIGGER!" you aren't racist. Also: IT'S NOT A PERMANENT STATE OF BEING which means as long as you don't claim to be "a racist" you aren't one, speaking practically.



Never say this, even if you aren't because once you say that, it confirms to everyone around that you really are a racist, because only muh ebil racist would have to defend themselves.

Better to say "I'm the most racist bigot homophobe in the world and I really really really hate everyone who's not white" in a sarcastic voice.

If you can shrug it off unphased, everyone will get that you aren't a racist and whoever is accusing you will look like a paranoid asshole.


better yet call them out on exactly what they are doing:

beating you over the head with mindlessly regurgitated ad hominem attacks in an attempt to make you defensive and silence you without actually heaving to make an arguement themselves because their positions are absurd, out of touch, and indefensible

I own it
It's ok to be racist. I'm racist. I'm ok. It's ok to be racist

If you live in America and not a country which will arrest you for it, then answer with "So what?" and "And, your point?".
something smug.

First: Non-whites are animals, not people. Blacks in particular lacking any neanderthal DNA makes them a completely separate species from every other race.
Second: It's not a "social construct", it's the product of 80,000 years of evolution in different environments.
Third: racist =/= genocidal. There's no more reason to feel guilty about knowing that niggers are inferior than knowing that the earth is round.
Fourth: Vae victis; "Rights" do not exist. Send them all back to The Congo.

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Remember to yell fascist before you punch them. It's OK then.

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"Racist" doesn't mean anything. Go ahead and ask someone who calls you "racist" what their definition is. They'll just say "You, you racist!". The definition I'd always assumed was standard (hating someone for just their skin color) isn't even relevant, because people don't passionately hate one another because of mere inborn aesthetics; it's behavior that generates hate. People of various races act, and rationalize differently from one another, and thus they don't like each other. It makes sense to not like people that counter your efforts in this world.

Kill yourself or lurk forever.

First of all, you sound like a shill.
Secondly, race is biology. Race is genetics. Race is science.
Non-Whites are not "just like us" and the differences are not "cultural." The differences are genetic and are NEVER GOING AWAY. There will be no future where everyone "gets along" and are "all the same." (Other than through massive genocide and racemixing into a 80-90IQ mass of brown slave cattle for the jewish NWO, which is what the (((elites))) are aiming for) Everything is going to shit and the only way for things to EVER be better again (for Whites) is for White countries to be made White again.
Genetics is pretty much everything.
Race is genetics.
Rejecting the reality of race is simply rejecting reality.

There is no "elevating" of anyone or anything. Different races produce the societies that they are genetically capable of building. This is why Whites produce advanced societies, spics produce shitty spic shitholes, and blacks produce backwards hellholes. The ONLY way that blacks and browns could be "elevated" is through massive multigenerational eugenics, and all that would do is make them ugly, brown skinned, substandard knockoffs of Whites.
Bringing non-Whites into White countries is White genocide. It is destroying White civilization and turning everything to shit.
Race is not a cultural construct.
Culture is a racial construct.

Also, there is no "advancing" beyond genetic reality. Genetics is what defines us. Genetics is what we are. "Culture" is just a thin veneer applied over the top of genetic reality, and the veneer itself is also heavily affected by genetic reality.

Furthermore, most White Nationalist don't want to "kill other tribe," we just want OUR FUCKING HOMELANDS BACK. Remember decolonization? That whole shitshow was nothing other than "kicking White people out of non-White countries." You probably support such things. Well, we want that. Only in reverse.
White countries for White people and only White people.
No oppression, no exploitation, no "second class" citizens, no killing, none of it. Separation. Fucking separation, you anti-racist moron.
Also, mixed race couples is genocide.

Get your head out of your ass and grow some balls. Or a brain. Or, preferably, both.

Make them define the word.
Counter with "it's not about hate, it's about truth"
And "race is genetic. race is biological fact. recognizing race is simply recognizing the truth"
And "do you oppose science, or are you simply ignorant?"
O course, most "anti-racists" would simply scream louder to shout you down, or storm off.
They care not for the truth, only their multi-cult.

Culture is a racial construct.
Culture is heavily affected by genetics and race is genetic.

"Being against multiculturalism" is racism.
Racism is not wrong.
Racism is simply recognizing the biological reality of race.
Racism is not the same thing as "racial hatred"
Recognizing that races are different, and that some of those differences result in some races being smarter and better able to create a high-quality society than others does not equate to "hatred."
Hatred is an emotion.
Racism or "race realism" is logical. It is science.

Also Haiti.


Satanism is degeneracy.

Use the marxist's own tactic against them.
Accuse them of supporting genocide.
Accuse them of supporting the genocide of White people.
Diversity is White genocide, after all.


One of the kikes/ marxists favorite tactics is to distort and muddy the meaning of words. This makes intelligent discussion more difficult.

Genocide and guilt are legal construct. If laws says acknowledging genetic difference is genocide and crime then it is so. To make opposite you need to change law (ha ha ha).

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"there is no race" I don't understand how anyone could believe this since this can be seen with then naked eye observation and a study of culture.

To be fair I've seen shittier threads just not many of them.

yes goy racism is bad

Easy, op, just don't be racist! But, you can still believe that groups of people (including white people) deserve the right to national self-determination. And it's okay to recognize patterns, as long as you can back them up with facts. It's not socially acceptable to persecute innocent individuals, even if they belong to a group of people that tend to be violent criminals, and that's why securing borders is so important, because as soon as they get into the country they're home-free.

If something you believe is making you feel guilty then you need to sort out your thoughts.

Liberalism is a religion minus the traits that are beneficial for a society.

Being a racist today means acknowledging that there are differences between ethnic groups. There is nothing wrong with that. If you feel guilt about that particular truth that's not our problem.
The social ostracizing that comes from being labeled a racist is different. It is for this reason why hiding your power level can be beneficial depending on your circumstance.
If you don't feel like you've ever "felt right" about being a racist then fucking don't be. And preferably leave this place. Zig Forums is not here to coddle your intricate and specific sensibilities about the world. It's a place for people to share uncomfortable truths about the world we live in. One of those truths are that there are innate biological differences between races.

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That is a funny way of saying a lesser animal.
Also, I don't understand why you took that long to write this when "Hi Zig Forums I am a kike." Would have taken less time and you still would have been paid.

point and laugh and tell them that they are ignorant for thinking that race cards are still redeemed.

Why would you feel guilty about doing something that everybody of every other race doesn't feel guilty about doing? The niggers favor their own, the jews favor their own, the chinks favor their own, the japs favor their own, the Amerindians favor their own, etc.

It's simple: race is essentially an extended family. A white man looks like another white man for the same reason he looks like his father and mother - because we had a more recent common ancestry than people of other races. And for the same reason that I hope you favor your own family over strangers, you should favor your race over the races of strangers. It's perfectly logical.

Since you are obviously white as only whites get called racist, simply call them a hypocrite.
Only (heterosexual)whites aren't allowed to be proud.
Only things that don't deserve to be proud require gibs for parades and protests and projects (like history months).

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It really hurts when you see them get so close, but then turn away at the last moment, because their beliefs are more important than the truth.

Islam is not a race.

Stopped reading there


The term racist is as weapon used to make you feel guilty. How people define racist today are people with just blind hatred. You don't have to hate to know races are different. Hell technically you don't even have to claim one group is better than the other just that their better suited to the environment their ancestor were raised in. Fact aren't racist because it just information with no bias. If you have the facts to back you up you aren't racist if you feel guilty that people are upset because of this just call the fact racist and it's another reason to outlaw AI. This will change the subject and you'll be fine.

Don't call them that, you're insulting the actual animals. They are beneath animals

If you are a white male no matter what you are going to be called a racist.
It is the black people and liberals go to. Throw away your guilt that was taught to you by liberal schools and laugh.
My question is why does a race of people get mad over words. Blacks call us crackers which is obviously towards the race of white people and think it's ok. I actually laugh when they do it. Then they cry like women when they get called a nigger. You know damn well it does not hurt there feelings. Being called a racist is a weapon to shut you up so the Kikes can destroy the white race.
I had about enough of the double standards.

Don't be so fucking pathetic. Racism used to actually mean violence or inciting hatred against another race. Guess what motherfucker, if you are white, and you dare criticize anyone or anything that is non-white, you are probably going to be called racist. These psychopathic marxists moved the goal posts so far off base of what racism used to mean that now we have "micro-aggressions" and "cultural appropriation".

When the demand for racism outstrips the supply you need to manufacture more, which is just what these clowns do. Their ideas don't hold any water whatsoever, so they use shame as both a defensive and offensive weapon; to keep other sheeple in their group, not asking questions, and silencing dissent from others in the group, and they use to to silence outsiders, and whip their idiot friends into a frothing rage so you can't have a discussion.

Quit playing their fucking games.

You ask them what the word actually means.

How would you deal with being called Hitler for having politically incorrect ethnocentric views?
Trick question fagget. Laugh it off, don't apologize unless you get something factually wrong and not in the Jewish sense then be proud you're doing a small part to wane the Jewish control over the WW2 narrative.