How do you deal with guilt being called a racist?
I can deal with being called a sexist, because feminism destroys family values and woman's role in her homestead, and puts society in degradation. I can deal with being called homophobic because homosexuality leads to society that lives off sex and turns into sodomic shithole of varying degree of aids and self destruction through fucking things against nature, which also leads to emasculation and constant social bombardment of stable straight families and lowers birth rates and desire for children because of disgusting buttsex fetishes.
Islamic religious cruelty is also understandable in subject of their totalitarian religion that beheads and cries for killing of non-believers. And same about judaist hate of all gentiles and desire for enslavement of them which is racist by itself. And Zionist desire for expansion in middle east is without a doubt an aggression that's being covered by media.
But i can't shake off the feeling when i am being called racist on biological factor that i am at fault here. Because i don't respect rights of other people of color that are just as people as me and you. Of course i do know about black crime rates, and the amount of degeneracies that's spreading across asia, and other stuff, but they are just victims of social constructs that were created by both their communities and leaders of new world seeking to benefit from their misbehave. That includes top media producers spreading thuggery across black teenagers through rap and hip hop music, making thuggery "fashionable" and shit.
So what do you do, how do you put yourself into position where you don't regret being called racist? I also will never understand why subject of racism always elevated to same places where homos and feminists stand up. Its like they themselves want to get behind people of color like a life shield so they can protect their degeneracies by standing on same moral high ground and constantly virtue signal.
PS: yes, this is why i was constantly banned at kampfypol, because i never felt right about being racist for no reason.