Why was Israel founded after WW2? What gave the UK the authority to annex parts of Palestine? And why did they do it? Did the UK owe Jews a favor or something?
Why does Israel exist?
It was what all the cool kids were doing back then. Like fidget spinners or "Fortnite"
Kikes basically invented the modern "economy" I refuse to call a system relying on staying IN DEBT indefinitely as an economy, it is a goddamn sham.
Kikes owned and still own all major western media.
Kikes fufilled their promise to drag the US into WW1.
Therefore the dumb anglo subhumans think hanging out with the kikes will continue to benefit them further lol
Oh, and the authority? Being the "winner" after the most destructive war ever kinda give you the authority.
it began a very long time ago around the time of jesus
a notable year is 1694 which marks the foundation of bank of england (was private masked as something that is a part of the british empire)
after the battle of waterloo it was taken over by the rothschilds
long story short the anglos are retards that let the whole world get subverted by the money changing joo
Because arabs are very incompetent in modern warfare, they only thrived back when we were all using lances and swords and even back them it was because europeans were busy either fighting each other while mudslimes were uniting under Mohomo and his followers.
because the jews supposedly needed a homeland because muh holohoax muh pogroms and other such nonsense
This breaks the libs and the boomers. Not much else.
Brakes the paki apologists.
Because no one has had the common sense to drop every nuke they have directly on top of it.
*palestinian apologist
Non hwhite, possibly non European kike detected.
Or just a butthurt anglo subhuman. They are of course obsessed with pakis raping their daughters
And being completely impotent about it HAHA
I had started to look for when the jews fled to Palestine from Russia during the (((pograms))) but found this treasure trove. Enjoy anons.
Mandatory Palestine still exists. It just means the UK had a mandate, or claim on the are. After the Stern Gang terrorists had a bombing campaign, it was decided that the "state" of Israel would be formed on the existing Mandatory Palestine, only now it would be a UK Royal Navy stone frigate called "HMS Israel."
That's the legal mechanism. The why? Well, You should ask Balfour about those (((bankers))).
kys I'm Polish.
One answer to all your questions: the Rothschilds.
Because Zionist Jews wanted it as stated in the Balfour Declaration after WW1, penned by then UK Secretary of Foreign Affairs Arthur Balfour. Attached image is the letter in question. You might be surprised who it's addressed to (you won't be).
Physically, the same thing that gave them 'authority' to create an empire, nobody stopped them and those that tried died. Legally, the League of Nations (pre-WW2 United Nations but without the US) used the Balfour Declaration from the UK to justify the British Mandate for Palestine which the Ottoman Empire (controlled the land at the time) conceded to as part of their peace treaty with Europe.
The UK owed the Jews a favor.
Yes, the UK and France were losing WW1 very badly which was an especially poor position for them as they were arguably the aggressors (the UK declared war on Germany for declaring war on France because France aligned themselves with Russia against Germany for the purpose of regaining territory lost in the Franco-Prussian war), and so they were desperate for a way out. Enter the Jews who proposed that they can use their connections to other Jews in banking and media in the United States to draw the US into WW1 on the side of the UK by provoking enough natural sympathy (using media to paint Germans bad, Allies good) for American citizens to want to get their government involved. The purchase price of this neat little get-out-of-war-free package was Israel, and the Balfour Declaration is the fucking receipt.
He never mentioned jews once smd krautling.
And proud
Not to mention that you are the faggot who can't even embeed
Wasn't there an unclassified CIA document somewhere that revealed this? Does anyone have a source?
Not our problem anymore tbf.
Of course. You are like the turkroaches and the spics, but mostly like the kikes.
Worthless subhuman animals that know only to export degeneracy and filth.
Our "modern" women maybe tainted, but they are and won't be literal prostitutes. Given the right circumstances they won't be hungry/poor again and the next generation of girls may find good husbands.
But the eastern subhumans, namely you, will always be poor and inferior. And thus your women will always be whores. Not out of brainwashing but of hunger.
1589% mad
B-b-but anti hwhite d&c
**Funny how they completely stop their spamming of that same "nationalist" rallies 3 years ago the moment the turkroach was booted out"
Prussia was a "vassal" to you subhumans too lol
The moment the mutts are gone, like how imkikey was booted out, is the moment the subhumans will get partitioned again.
We don't want to embarrass you further, Saulius.
Big words for a country that never won a war.
Ok, I broke the subhuman.
Show is over.
How does it feel licking our toilets everyday?
whats a matter, sad you lost all your land janusz?
good thread niggers
Because we've been slacking.
Burgers pressuring Britbongs to let it happen even though the only time there has ever been peace in the Middle East was when Britbongs were in charge. Britbongs didn't want to let Israel happen at all.
UK declared war on Germany for invading Belgium. Not France.
Our people remained, you're still a minority in your capital lamo. We don't even want them yet they're still loyal to Poland. #youwillnotreplaceus
Done already? How does it feel prepping the bull for nüGermans, Hans? Don't worry yes I'm sure they'll be "good wives" like you said.
Isn't this a win? sjws poolish like subhumans probably tried to attack our identity again and failed hilariously, even in this occupied failed state.
Funny how your subhuman low IQ can't even comprehend that.
Truly a race of cthnonic creatures.
It doesn't
My map clearly calls it Palestine
lies, it is majority lithuanian, 63% percent, poles are barley above russians as minority
What a bland reply.
You should mock the subhuman for it's ignorance-arrogance combo.
The German courts ruled that you can't force Aryan men to piss sitting.
But the paperless poolish subhumans will probably have to do whatever the neon haired dyke freaks at the office of a German factory tell them to though, lol
Is there anyone who still wonders why the subhuman poles are being displaced by LIDL and ALDI, kek?
And learn to read first. This is embarrassing.
Has anyone read the book, 'Against Our Better Judgement,' by Alison Weir yet? I put the PDF file up on two threads.
Look at the white boy cuckold in that picture! The girls are probably his sisters!
Der deutsche untermenschen kontra Slavic Bull Warrior enroute to impregnate g*rmanic women with his seed. We know who's the real Aryan and who's the mongoloid here.
Lucky to us pakies don't know how to operate franchises, well seize the buildings after they're done displacing you, its our tradition.
Here is the PDF in this Zig Forums thread…
Not even me.
did krautchan come back from the dead again?
Oops read wrong disregard. Read as PIDF lmfao
Has anyone even tried to read this book?
Besides me?
truman's election
Lurk more.
The UK controlled Palestine directly. They gave it to the jews as part of their deal with them for WW1: bring the USA into WW1 to destroy the German Empire, in exchange you can mass migrate into Palestine. Kikes worked their magic and brought USA into WW1 by running guns on "civilian" vessels until the Germans destroyed one and the kikes had a casus belli to get America into the war, USA stepped into WW1 after Russia was defeated and France and Britain were on the verge of surrender.
Kikes started moving into Palestine, albeit somewhat slowly, and after WW2 they waged a campaign of terror attacks against British forces in Palestine until the brits left and let them establish Israel. Poles are subhuman and when we Anglos get our shit back together we will kill all of them next to the jews. The Germans know mercy, we do not.
All rightful clay, considering it was the second time they saved the West.
by this reasoning, Lwow should be Poland
Zionism started long time before that - when they discovered oil in the middle east and its usefulness.
And who are you? A jew that mixed so much you dont even look middle eastern anymore?. Jewish mens kids dont count as jews, by default, thats how cucked you are, that you dont even bother with checking in any way.
And Germany declared war on Russia thus dragging France and starting this whole shitshow.
Germans ENDED the great turkish war, not the subhumans.
The commies came back with a vengeance and fucked everyone, because subhumans believed their own inflated opinions of themselves.
P/S: you have to be of worth in SOMETHING, if you expect "help" from geopolitical entities.
But the subhumans are too stupid to understand this. To be expected to be quite honest famalam.
Pooland lost so fucking miserably to the Insurgents I'd say the Ukrops should keep it.
And so the JIDF history revisionist quote mining, missquoting and disingenious missleading paraphrasing and blatant lying spam begins
That isn't even true either. The Jews where the ones who broke off diplomatic talks, using the Arab refusal of the completely absurd division plan as an excuse to chimp out and started the violence which was greeted with obvious counter insurgencies. The option of negotiating a fair deal was thrown over board by Jews.
Kosher Historians and propagandist always ommit this crucial part and jump straight from "Arabs refuse le peaceful plan" straight to "Arabs are attacking the didnjoos"
The only reason why they accepted the "peaceful" plan of receiving a foreign land they mostly didnt have any claim to anyways, is obviously because its a free present and would give them an advantage to steal more land as still to this date. They never where interested in peace just because they accepted free gibs either way.
Literally all they did was trick the world into believing the holocaust lie, then were all like…
Laughing ass my off
Kill yourself achmed
The UK controlled the territory and the jews say that they would bring in the US in to ww2 like they did in ww1 if the UK would give them israel. Read Irving!
This second image is a thumbnail. Anyone have a better version?
What gives any superior culture the authority to impose itself on an inferior one?
Because they can.
When the Ottomans kicked the juice out of that region, and indeed the entire middle east and North Africa, it was because nobody could stop them.
It's bad when the kikes still infest our countries and advocate for open borders and Marxism everywhere except Israel, newfag.
Kikes are the enemy no matter where they live or what kind of community they set up.
Why are Poles such dirty subhumans? the niggers of Europe.
Even Judaism is against Israel.
Fucking lots of Jews are opposed to Zionism
funny how it was these orthodox Jews that were killed off during ww2
Albert Pike. It's all in the plan user.
I have. It's very good. I don't know how much is accurate though.
Pike was a great man.
No it's not, you colossal Reddit newfaggot. You only get to see Orthodox kikes being "against" Israel because they don't believe the Messiah hasn't come yet. "Anti-Zionist" kike movements like Nuterei Karta keep lying about how the Talmud is a book of "love" and Zionism is the only main problem.
pic related
Also, no kikes were intentionally killed during WWII. The Holohoax never happened but it should have and it will.
prove me wrong
Does the term anglo-kikes mean anything to you?
The jews were expelled from or rejected by nearly every european country. Only the anglo-kike aristocracy welcomed the kike brood with open arms, provided a safe-haven for them and joined their wars and scams, which continue to this day. The judeo-masonic collaboration (romeo & jewliar) and anglo-kikery are one and the same thing.
Some guy probably already said what I am going to say but whatever. Israel was created as a deal between the mercantile British Empire, and the jews. This deal was to give land specifically partitioned for the jews. The purpose of the land was as an escape route. Example: After WW2, many arab countries expelled the jews, over half of these went to Israel, especially jews living in Syria and Iraq.
All that shit in one room, so primed for flushing
How could these quadra-quads be left unchecked?
You can't "steal" something from a thief.
This deleted post 11704360 contained a photograph of FD Roosevelt surrounded by 33rd degree shitmasons.
Have you seen all the bibliography in the back 1/2 of the book even?
Actually that was just a family reunion picture.
Lurk for two years. The sights you'll see will amaze you.
jews wanted a sovereign central base of operation for their criminal enterprises
so diaspora jews could jew native populations as much as they want safe in the knowledge that they have somewhere to run to that won't extradite them
When did libs switch from supporting palestine to supporting israel?
Listen to the Martyrmade podcast on the founding of Israel. It's a master class in antisemitic concern trolling.
He quotes Zionist and British politicians from the time period.
Reddit got all butthurt when they found the guys twitter feed.