One of my neolibral teachers at my neoliberal university brought him up today and I swore I'd heard the name before so I decided to look him up, presuming him to be yet another marxist kike.
>He also points to examples of important news stories that have been ignored by U.S. mainstream media because reporting on them would reflect badly upon the U.S. state: For instance, it ignored the murder of Black Panther Fred Hampton with possible FBI involvement, the massacres perpetrated in Nicaragua by the U.S.-funded Contras, and the constant reporting on Israeli deaths while ignoring the far larger number of Palestinian deaths in the conflict between those two nations
Help me make sense of this, because if ever there was a "good Jew" this guy looks like he's doing everything in his power to be it. Is this just (((them))) playing both sides as usual, or something more? Tell me what Wikipedia is not telling me, because going off this alone I am finding it very hard to dislike this man.
From what I seen he calls out the Jews and is /ourkike/. But I never looked into him so I don’t really know if he has shekel backers.
Anthony Peterson
>Is this just (((them))) playing both sides as usual probably, they never omit to do this, compartmentalizing and "fighting" each other, order from chaos, watch corbett report episode on him for balance probably.
Luke Cooper
A useful stepping stone in waking people up, but not an ally.
John Lewis
His debate against Foucault is famous and a good showcase of why he’s important
Julian Richardson
I've since forgotten the specifics of why, but I distinctly remember shouting out 'what an asshole' about him, and categorized him as equivalent to Žižek in terms of sophistry.
Wyatt Watson
He's kinda like one of those Bernie jews who hates on Israel and calls out the Jews And Their Lies
he's just one of those super compartmentalized professors that has read a lot books in a single line of thought. pic related,you should always spread out your education. i've read his "on anarchy" personally it was inspiring but on a very deep ayn-randian level
kind of like natalie portman being a guilty jew apologist. they like to be on the right side of things, kinda like those uncle tom type niggers
Chomsky calls himself a Zionist "with radical Marxist leanings". He hates authoritarianism. But his books about how media manipulates opinion in our society are good. I read Manufacturing Consent in the 90s and it was a revelation. Until then i was genuinely ignorant about the media. This perspective helped me recognize the antics of the Lugenpresse.
He's some kind of super-specific-brand-of-communism-that-has-never-been-tried kind of Zig Forums fag. Just because he names the jew doesn't make him /ourkike/.
He calls out the NWO BS in a hard to understand low volume droning mumble while blaming it all on "capitalism". Occasionally condemns Israel in the same unintelligible manner. Reading his writings it's nearly impossible not to fall asleep while he goes on endlessly without ever coming to any point.
He is a fucking rat jew, and the definition of controlled opposition.Don't trust him!! disregard everything he says or writes period.He gets the gass,end of story.
Isaiah Parker
Also, he illustrates well the media's lies but in a way that's a thinly veiled (if at all) defense of communism.
Meditations is basic grandpa advice, while Being and Time is incomprehensible requiring 10 readings + lots of googling.
They should not be on the same level.
Thomas Gutierrez
I don't regret not passing the red line on that infographic. you're an embarrassment to the lit community
Logan Ramirez
Gabriel Taylor
This is the thing. Kikes disagree amongst themselves the same as anyone else, but even within that disagreement they exhibit the same desires and flaws from their genetics and morally dubious upbringing. Very rarely you will get one that wasn't aware of the fact they are one and actually fully believe they are white and have white interests in mind for the most part, ex: Bobby Fischer. Even then their loyalty will always be in question, solely because they aren't white and will never really be part of the group. Yes, some of their beliefs may mirror or be aligned with what is good for whites, but their end goal will never be for the same reasons or even the same. Nor will they ever fully have the best interest of whites in mind, solely because only whites have been so badly tricked in to putting everyone before themselves. With that said, the enemy of my enemy is a useful enemy, but never a true friend. Two competing lions can take down a buffalo, but that doesn't mean both get to eat afterwards.
He was in the news recently for suggesting an autonomous Syrian Kurdistan, just like they've already achieved in (((occupied Iraq))). As we see, the leftist Jew feigns opposition while supporting tribal interests. This is also relevant because Cofnas' critique of K MacDonald's work basically boils down to that fact, that not all Jews support Israel and other perceived tribal interests. Diaspora Jewry v. Israeli Jewry is a meme just like Sabbatean-Frankist Satanic Jewry v. Yahwist Orthodox Jewry is a meme.
That said, as an amateur linguist, I've always admired Chomsky in spite of him being a typical kike. The concept of recursion is a big step forward in the field, and while his universal grammar isn't perfect, he has contributed much to the field. Likewise, fellow MIT colleague (((Steven Pinker))) has written some good books on neurolinguistics, and engages in dialectic with Chomsky.
Not all Jews do bad and reprehensible things, but of course both these Jews support tribal interests, which is to be expected.
Gavin Hill
It's not entirely true, but it's a handy heuristic to viewing kikes in academia. They are a destructive race that sometimes destroys things that should never have existed in the first place. Manufacturing Consent, for example, is Chomsky's typical activist swipe at the media complex. He also attacks America's imperialistic foreign policy except when it benefits Israel hehe. He's not a neocohen, but he shills cultural Marxism at every turn.
He's like a mumbling and highly respected broken clock, right twice a day.
I remember seeing a few interviews with him. He is deceptive as fuck. I remember one of the things he said was "There are republicans and republicans who call themselves Democrats", which leads you to believe that the America isn't left enough.
He has consistently condemned authoritarian Left regimes.
Luis Mitchell
So? You still tried defending him by saying he was anarchist, which you've now definitely proven he isn't because he defends private property.
Nathaniel Williams
You might be too simple minded to converse with.
Christopher Diaz
Did you miss the part where I mentioned that he feigns opposition. Promoting Middle East balkanisation is lock in step with the Oded Yinon plan, regardless of his opposition to Israeli apartheid. I am familiar with his supposed opposition to Israel and his ansoc economic views, which boils down to
I get that he's a principled man and you seem to admire him, but he's really a typical kike when you step back.
Owen Robinson
These threads are the most obvious /trannypol/ b8 I've ever seen. Try again sweetums.
Connor Anderson
kys faggot
Angel Kelly
Literally not an argument to be honest. Honestly, I'd love if you would explain to me what I'm not getting about your statements. I'm just saying that you shouldn't try to defend him by saying is an anarchist, as in
because that would still mean he supported the abolition of private property and the seizing of the means of production from the bourgeois/capitalists.
Wyatt Taylor
Or maybe not, it's hard to tell sometimes
This. I had to do a report on one of his books a long time ago, it was some shit about language I can't even remember the tittle for, and the thing that stood out the most to me is how fucking boring his writing is. He's incredibly redundant, going over the same or very similar shit over and over again for pages at a time, only to change the subject and do the same once more; it never fucking ends. It was so bad I actually complained to my teacher about it, he acknowledged the problem and agreed with me but besides that didn't care or do a thing.
He's an anarchist generally and an libertarian socialist and anarcho-syndicalist specifically. (although I don't think he likes being put in categories)
He is dry to read. His interviews and talks are were he's most accessible.
Jonathan Ortiz
Except that you will blow your head off adjusting the volume and rewinding in an attempt to hear the important parts.
Juan Ross
Oh boy, /liberty/ is gonna have some fun with this
Austin Foster
Chomsky is a liberal kike, nothing to be said about him.
Adam Bell
Chomsky is a post-modernist kike who believes that truth is whatever you want it to be.
Ryan Edwards
He is the modern equivalent of a court jester. To understand how he functions you need to sort of understand clowns so read attached.
But to summarise. He voices opinions that are in opposition to those desired by (((them))) in a manner that is safe for (((them))). He discourages action and provides a release valve for the negative sentiments and frustrations (((their))) machinations create. He is the court jester, mocking the lord in his own home. Everyone laughs and forgets why they were angry with the lord.
Chomsky's thesis in "Manufacturing Consent" is that the media naturally defends the government, and that there is no collusion. He also strongly supports central banking and says, "The only reason poverty exists is because the Federal Reserve refuses to raise inflation rates." Yes, he really says that. Chomsky also openly advocates communism, but he calls it "libertarianism", in the original sense of the word, meaning communism. He's just a high-level sophist kike. He gets the rope too.
Juan Sullivan
Stop reading shill/SJWpedia OP. Anyway it looks like the zionists didn't give Noam Chomsky enough shekels so he said fuck you guys I'm going expose your lies.
Oliver Russell
This is what I meant earlier by saying he's deceptive as fuck.
Levi Cook
forgot to embed video
Aaron Thompson
Diaspora focused kikes tend to oppose Israel because it is openly Jewish. It goes against the survival strategy they adopted and have maintained for a thousand years, ie hide among the goyim. Whether this opposition is deliberate and thought out or merely an instinctual fear of being exposed probably varies between kikes.
His criticism of authoritarianism and desire for an atomized society is completely compatible with kikery. Libertarianism was founded by kikes as well. They are diaspora and are more comfortable living in a society where they can engage in nepotism and in group preference without anyone stopping them or countering their interests via their own national/racial organization, ie making laws that preference whites or exiling jews as numerous nations have done in the past.
He wants a nebulous society wherein power is hidden and utilized via manipulation, so basic kikery. He opposes direct violent hierarchy which acts for the good of a discrete nation and the perpetuation of that nation's nobles, ie the basic white form of social organization.
Kikes are not good at personal violence and whites excel at it beyond the capacity of any other race. Thus it is in his interests to oppose it. While it is my interest to kill every kike, mudman, and libshit.
I meant to type "selfishly refuses", which is what he actually said.
Parker Gonzalez
Chomsky is a Howard Zinn revisionist supporter. Zinn is a prominent white-genocide-by-guilt activist. Possibly the single-most prolific fountainhead of white guilt memes.
He has the same basic outlook on 911 rag heads did it because of merica hate for freedoms .
Blake Morgan
Kayden Garcia
Is there a Trudeau version of this?
Kayden Thomas
Austin Perry
>(((you guys)))
That was likely even a bot.
Jaxson Powell
Has he revised his position lately?
Ryder Green
>Is this just (((them))) playing both sides as usual Yeah.
Andrew Watson
When it was becoming obvious that Mossad carried out the 9/11 attacks at the WTC in NYC, Chomsky was asked what he thought of the attacks. He said it doesn't matter who did 9/11.
Imagine if after December 7, 1941 Roosevelt had given a speech to Congress in which he said "Boys, it doesn't matter who bombed Pearl Harbor." Or try to imagine an American academic saying, "WTF - why bother the Japs about it?"
Chomsky is a duplicitous Kike.
The most comprehensive, well thought out and hard hitting reports about just who and what Chomsky really is was produced by Jim Corbett.
That was the video I was looking for thanks for posting it user. He said it doesn't matter who did 9/11.
Charles Evans
some leftist kike that leddit-tier liberals love, they see him as this omniscient peace-loving hippy that only a monster would disagree with on anything
Ryan Bennett
What, all five of you?
Jason Myers
He's pretty much the sole reason why you aren't living in a totalitarian Skinner box and the technology is kept mostly in games and institutions. He proved universal grammar is innate, contra those morons John Locke et al. There's just way too many varieties of sentences for kids to learn them via experience.
Isaac Campbell
Is this that koestler man in the machine shit?
David Hall
Chomsky is actually a very deep cover Zionist. He denies the Jewish lobby has any power and blames all of American foreign policy on white supremacy. He is very subversive, but a lot more clever and nuanced about it than most kikes.
Gabriel Moore
some jews are messianic and they may be OK but not usually
masonic jews may also be OK but not usually
two problems: they tend to kikery, and they are usually in a cabal you're not allied with
Jonathan Edwards
He isn't. He's a hardcore Zionist. You have to understand political esoterism to see it though.
Camden Gray
Here is some of his literature
Jaxson Cox
Isaiah Davis
When a kike has a go at other kikes he is only interested in boosting his position in the kikedom.
Free speech as an ideal is retarded. You left out his criticism of capitalism and corporations, which is his best political commentary. Also, search for what he has to say about refugees in Europe, for example, to find out why he's not a good jew.
Hudson Morales
He's a 'libertarian socialist' who shills for refugees. Just because he's right about a couple things we all know doesn't make him "baste".
Samuel Stewart
Forgot to sage
Asher Baker
Easton Price
Most lefties suck his dick regardless of where they are on the spectrum. He is not a good jew in any way and a lot of hist anti-capitalist arguments are simply childish.
he's a jackass that got some recognition in the field of linguistics then spent the rest of his life shitposting about anarcho-communism, except he calls it libertarian socialism
Noah King
By today's standards he sounds like one of the founding fathers of the alt-right
Oliver Bell
hes a commie
does it makes sense now
hes anit capitalist , which means hes anti free will.
He calls this gov a one party system … but really its just not his one party system that he wants so he complains
basically an academic loser who has done nothing but gets tons of attention
Easton White
but ur a liberal jew , what would you know
Grayson Phillips
He's a Kike who dislikes the government, so his solution, rather unsurprisingly for Jews, is more government but of the Stalinist variety.