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How do I strengthen my vibrations in quantomic scales?
Robert Martin
Other urls found in this thread:
Eli Fisher
William Smith
not politics
Leo Wilson
Wanking with Bengay.
Caleb Jackson
Pls anchor and warning ban.
As others said, this is /x/ tier bullshit to gaslight us. Cheers
Josiah Kelly
Train with krillin
Nathan Adams
Stick two vibrators in your ass while hanging yourself
Globally reported for faggotry
Elijah Murphy
Ha / ouch also stop masturbating
Focus on it. When we observe phenomena we influence the result
I like to practice when I first wake up in the mornings by using my closed eyes to see my room
Inb5 muh cxxxxxxxzzsssssxxxxxxxxx
Fuck off deniers it's real
Elijah Kelly
No, Vicks Vaporub.
Jackson Scott
Henry Moore
For sure man
Playing sports and being athletic is top notch
Levi Williams
Learn how to remove etheric implants (and keep doing it) and get rid of them (for example, send them to Source for transmutation).
This will unclog your body from parasites that try to lower your vibration in order to feed off of your energy.
This will free you in many ways and make it easier or you to complete the 'mission' you chose for this realm.
Also, try listening to this (but not too often):
Also, take care of you body;
Ban fluoride from your life (for example commercial toothpaste and replace it by something like clay-based, fluorfree toothpaste).
Fluoride calcifies your pineal gland by acting as some sort of 'glue' for calcium and other materials that heavily impair its functioning blinding your third eye, which is a necessary organ for more than hormonal regulation.
Filter your tap-water to remove xenoestrogens and other shit that try to reduce your male hormones' activity.
Cut off all sodas.
Jewgle "Wim Hof" and learn from him.
Eat and drink organic if possible, see paleodiet.
If you need to lose weight, try eating only once a day
Drink lots of water and herbal tea (not soy tea, obviously).
And remember:
Fuck off, the human brain needs orgasms (but not addiction to it).
You can fap in moderation as far as I know (to keep your organs stimulated and working and maintain a sane state of mind), but stop watching jewish porn.
Adrian Perez
take care you get good quality, some teas can contain high enough levels of flouride that people use it as mouthwash
James Wilson
I haven't jerked off since late 16
I choose to fuck my wife daily instead
Not gonna argue with you though mini Satan , you sly dog you, fucking carry on
Jeremiah Cox
Henry Wood
woke and checked
Levi Howard
Tonal people have harmonic spirals that you can shift. Modern day trepanning is painless and a proper hexagonal hole (w/ removal or peelback of the meningal "brain sac") provides a means of putting crystals in direct secure contact with the brain to GREATLY amplify sigma coherence waves. I have had two symmetrically cut holes in my skull to insert amethyst and quartz crystals (am inserted into left brain hemisphere; qz in right) and have never had clearer vibrations and sigma coherence. It's p fucking great if you want your 8th chakra solved/shifted.
Daniel Rodriguez
Lemon Pledge
Also ripping open the Dural membrane protecting your brain and filling it with Lemon Pledge.
Michael Richardson
You hook your dad's car battery up to your little dick and leave this plane of existence. Join your six gorillion buddies in Hell.
Brandon Anderson
That's crazy, but I believe it.
Kevin Richardson
In order for you to Ascend by synchronizing your Resonant Frequency with the Quantum fluctuations of the Dirac Sea, there is only one way.
You have to kill a Jew.
Namely, yourself, you JIDF faggot.