FIRST EVER PROPOSED Zig Forums MEET UP, GREET AND HANGOUT OCTOBER 12, 13 & 14, 2018 I WANTED TO GIVE EVERYONE ENOUGH TIME TO PLAN THEIR ATTENDANCE IN ADVANCE, SEE YOU ALL THERE! COME TO THE THE Zig Forums BOOTH AT KNOB CREEK MACHINE GUN SHOOT FOR YOU WRISTBAND The Machine Gun Shoot & Military Gun Show is a bi-annual event, typically held on the second weekend of April and October. The next Machine Gun Shoot takes place on October 12, 13 & 14, 2018.
The participants are machine gun dealers, collectors and enthusiasts from all over the country. The Machine Gun Shoot itself consists of three days of machine gun shooting, dealer displays, shooting competitions and a spectacular Saturday Night Shoot. The machine gunners are shooting at a wide variety of used appliances, abandoned vehicles, and barrels of fuel with pyrotechnic charges attached. The pyrotechnic charges are painted orange for the shooter to see. The charges are set off by the impact of the bullets, creating large mushroom clouds and fireballs from hell! (Click here to see a video of one of our machine gun shoots) Their objective is to destroy everything down range. A wide variety of rare and exotic weaponry will be on display for all to see, such as Water Cooled Brownings, Mini-guns, AK-47’s, MG-42’s, Tommy Guns, M-16’s, Vickers belt fed, Uzi’s, MP5’s & many others too numerous to mention. A big thank you to our sponsors.
Guns are good. Gunshoots where people with direct fed connection aren't (fucking NFA dealers, really?). If you want to go, yeah, but don't make it a Zig Forumsacks meeting.
While at first glance and IRL meetup of lonely autists originating from an online site is a great idea. IRL…. it isn't. Even in the best of situations, the most mundane and harmless of conceivable group members never really work out. At best, its cringe filled laughter for everyone BUT those involved, at worst, the sky's the limit on the potential pain for everyone. We honestly have the worst track record at it compared to anyone else, only our inability to predict dates on any happening is worse. That said, such is for the wider community and the sad situation we always seem to evoke in attempts at mass gatherings. Small group / individual meetups might work out better, I say this only since we seem to never hear of it and I hold out hope meeting another online autistic fuck is possible without the world going nuts with an over abundance of meme power and wizardry.
Now, and meet up of Zig Forums user's. That's one fucking hell of an different story. Even if we are actually completely harmless to the wider world, we are the embodiment of evil. In the vast majority of humanities eyes we are actually WORSE than pedophiles. You should really contemplate that. Especially before you expose yourself in any way openly. And doing so… at an fucking famous as fuck US gun extravaganza is…. just plain stupid on an dozen different levels of tard. Even potato's are gonna look at us and wonder about the possible intelligence of such people that show up there.
False flags, subversion of messages, de-legitimization of stance, mocking exposure of group member's, open attacks condoned by the plebeian mob, problems driving an deep wedge between our potential allies and ourselves, criminal attack by the system against us and all manor of other issues are not likely. But guaranteed.
Civic nationalists and boomer cucks JUMP at the chance to distance themselves from any of us and have shown that repeatedly so its very likely this OP works exactly opposite from any stated goal just from that. And this only gives our enemies fuel for their own goals exactly where they would want it. Such is an vastly bad idea. Any organization on our part has to be done thru chaos. This is how we win over them.
Op is a bag of faggots. Sad I get why the lonely guy wants to meet other user's tho, this world is a bitch.
I don't know exactly what you're trying to say, but from what I can guess, that filename should say either "Las criaturas de America" or "Las criaturas Americanas'"
Don't worry, the CIA will be there to make sure things go wrong.
Just part of the gun confiscation agenda.
CNN headline will be: Alt-right, white supremacist meetup ends in bloodshed. David Hogg is on the scene live . . .
Eyewitness: "After that guy tried the UZI, they started calling each other jews. One thing lead to another and he fired into the crowd. Before that, there were incels talking about raping children . . ."
Michael Sanchez
wew lad
Matthew Murphy
8ch is comped since 2014 when hotwheels cucked to his new friends in return for pinoy pussy
just hide behind more skeletons
trust me I'm an originalfag
Adam Mitchell
Possibly, I don't speak jive.
Angel Sanchez
It's something we need to fucking do again. With everything we do, it always became a "one and done" deal. We need to stick with it this time.
Oliver Butler
If there should be a meet up, it might be smart to make it part of an existing event where nobody would know who was pol and who was not.
Colton Price
so much this gotta be retarded to meet up for anything else than a charlottesville type show of force and we all now how that turned out anyway
I like the brittany venti boobcow. It feels comfortable in his crowd, hence the hands on the table.
Gavin Hughes
Zig Forums is a great place to discuss things, but that's it. Trying to use it as an identity for anything outside of Zig Forums is a level even further beyond retarded.
Don't abuse the global report, that's only there for actual illegal shit like CP, not to slake your autism when you sperg out
Ethan Scott
Globally reported you for not knowing what the global report system is for, faggot.
Nathaniel Cruz
Was it worth it?
Eli Nelson
I think I'd rather deal with the wordfilters. People seem to forget that he was largely responsible for keeping it slightly higher quality than cuckchan. Now here we are.
word filtering mohamed for pedo goat fucker was fine but nigger for double redditor was unacceptable, wordfiltering nigger at all was.
Lincoln Butler
yes, it takes no effort to filter troll threads and shill posts were always obvious in the first place. If you can't handle typical kike banter being thrown at you without dishing it back twice as hard then you're weak and should fuck off.
It is this or risk being b& for not sounding like an anti-assad 4d chess faggot from r/the_donald
It was a bunch of autists. We had a lot of fun. That being said, I'm not taking my guns all the way to Kentucky. If there was a west coast one, like in Nevada I wouldn't be opposed to it.
FYI OP, at the /v/ meetup, the guy made a google hangout, had an itinerary about the local hotels, bars and where we all met and shit. If you are serious about it, put out some effort
They were cuckchanners and only migrated here because their mods deleted every hwndu thread on sight
Jacob Bennett
Honestly I'd do it but probably won't be able to make it. Paranoia can be a good thing but some of you take it way too far. Believe it or not, most Zig Forumsacks are pretty normal and would be able to meet up and not cause a scene. What do you expect would happen, a bunch of autists dressed in full SS gear goosestepping all over the place? Please. If you're a memespouting sperg then cuckchan is more your fit. I have faith that Zig Forumsacks can get together and shit would be just fine.
Parker Bennett
And one more thing, it seems every time a meetup is proposed, there is always accusations of kike, shill, FBI, etc. This seems strange to me. On one side you have Zig Forumsacks wanting to meet up with like-minded individuals and form a bond, and on the other hand you have people who seem desperate to make that not happen. Now tell me who's the kikes in this situation here?
Kayden Taylor
Literally everyone on the internet is a jew trying to jew another jew. You should know this you fucking kike
Caleb Scott
Jeremiah Nguyen
I know a couple people from Zig Forums
Just go post a temp email in /meadhall/ and get lunch with some bros. Though I feel it's better to do on this board during a local happening, because threads get deleted more quickly.
How much of this board is simulated shilling/Spookposting at this point?
How's the weather at Eglin Airforce Base today?
Isaiah Turner
Honeypot shill Report him!!!
Possible scenarios ID anons
Angel Reed
OP is shill, honeypot thread
Post watermarked content linked to your ID
Gavin Phillips
No, fuck off. There is a reason it's the first in a very long time.
Xavier Green
Jack Baker
First in a while because mods banned it in past for good reason, plus most of the attendees at one a while back were questionable whiteness at best.
William Hughes
this tbh. Publicly identifying yourself as a user of an anonymous forum is backwards and retarded beyond belief. Bordering on identity politics. noice
Easton Cooper
we have had regular Zig Forums meetups for years. No one has been seriously injured at one.
Blake Long
If you're going to meet, have some kind of secret handshake or passphrase so you don't end up being tricked and IDd by a FED or something.
Jason Wilson
Honeypot shilling Check this:
Ian Martinez
How is my post a shill post exactly ?
Blake King
What could go wrong?
Bentley Wright
He's giving you the benefit of the doubt, you're either a shill or actually retarded enough to think that you can discuss a "secret" handshake in a thread for a meetup and the feds who will join aren't going to know it. The reason the feds will be there in the first place is because they're monitoring this thread, or even the ones organizing it.
Owen Thompson
Free Thalía, Gloria Trevi and Paulina Rubio Concert, free Menudo, free Cerveza, and no ICE will be there, come one come all!
Eli Adams
Awesome, can I get my very own Zig Forums photo ID too? I have been here forever, my card better have a low Zig Forums ID number.
Carter Gutierrez
Totally not a honeypot set up by the CIA to exact revenge on the very board that just outted them. Fuck you. As if Zig Forums would ever leave the house. Autism will be the downfall of the deep state.
No it isn't. Radio renegades (Psycho Sinead and Cucky Kyle) tried this before with their "FED PROTEST", which by pure coincidence, also involved the carrying of firearms - who would have guessed? The controlled op shilling has really taken off this week, 120db (rebel media/kosher GI), Zionist controlled op "Little", this, and probably tons of others.
Owen Ward
Zig Forums bans third party embeds, why not Zig Forums deep down, you know why
Dylan Taylor
Alphabet is invited, as well as Zig Forums doxers.
Yeah this is the most obvious honeypot ever. Only plan in groups of two or three. Make DVDs with warfare manuals and extensive advice then dead drop them to other local anons in a good opsec way. Fight clandestine and go hot and loud only according to plan and with the goal to inflict more casualties than they do on you. Do not invite others or blab about your cell. Only write ideas on paper do not speak out loud when planning. Burn all papers after writing. Do all planning innawoods or away from electronics. Support your fellow goy emotionally and encourage them to follow through. Make sure both agree to fight to the death and fulfill your radical potential. Be the Spartans not the jews.
Nolan Stewart
drown yourself in semen
Joseph Clark
that would actually be cool as fuck
Christian Reed
just wear your "white pride world wide" t-shit, we'll know you're Zig Forums then
as long as you are legally allowed to rent a firearm/own are firearm all pol member will receive 250 rounds free, you have to pay for your own range time, and machine gun rental at Knob Creek if you are not shooting your own carry. Grab a full auto MP5, an AK47, or an M60, step up if you want and have a go with the Browning 50 cal or the mini gun, on the firing line. All applicable state and federal gun safety regulations apply. Don't be a fucking nigger about this. No douche bags, niggers, spics, muds, arabs, coons, felons, lowlifes, or criminals need to appear unless you want you ass kicked and jailed. American Patriots in good legal and moral standing only.
My favorite is the MG 42
Xavier Howard
I'd actually take a chance and go to this, if I had the money.