Channels like TheAdviseShowTV, where the black host advocates for violence against whites, as well as spreads blood libel against whites, like whites systematically rape children in Africa or have sex with animals, are monetized and receive money and ad revenue from YouTube.
Of course, the reverse is never true. If a white nationalist channel came even close to what these black channels spew, they would be banned in a month. More (((zio-elite privilege))) at play. Just one channel. Then there are others like Umar Johnson et al, some of whom even get national attention on (((mainstream TV news))).
Black supremacist videos are coming up in searches I do that have nothing to do with race. They're being artificially astroturfed by ZogTube.
no it isn't, its just keeping monitisation on their channels which would change if you started to report them for hateful content which applies to all supremacy.
Chase Ramirez
Doesn't work, YouTube doesn't find anything wrong with them (not even kidding).
I think also exposing who these black supremacists are and who they receive funding from might also be beneficial. For example, the supposed human hosting The Advise Show is named Phil Scott of Houston, Texas. He is apparently married to a latina mudshark and has biracial kids. He calls for the death of all whites and celebrates whites getting attacked by blacks. Yet he is pretty well funded for some angry nog on YouTube and when you listen to him, he is clearly not an intelligent person, even for a black. It might be of good interest to see if there is someone Levantine beloning to a three letter agency also giving him orders.
Another one, Tariq Nasheed, was even alleged to have been a Hollywood cutout over ten years ago.
Jaxson Williams
what if someone sets up a channel that acts as a channel inspector, holding youtube to their own standards and rules?
Twitter and Facebook do similar things - I remember before they deleted both of mine, that I had reported some Niggress who's page was basically just her calling for genociding whites in extremely explicit terms and they said it didn't violate their terms of service. Like her full on saying "We need to kill all these cracka muthafuckas." And that didn't violate their terms of service. And then I get my account deleted for making a very dry rape joke. Don't try to use their tools against them - try to create parallel infrastructures which sounds like an impossible task, but hey - they did it once right?
This is a good idea, make a youtube channel that points out specific anti-white youtubers like the one in op and point out youtube's hypocrisy in not holding its standard for everyone.
Even if youtube didn't do anything about the channels, it would still point out how kiked youtube is.
Caleb Thompson
It's always a good time for a fun dox on nigger faggots.
Steps 0. Publish ebin contact basic info 1. Call cops 2. "911 Nigger communist has heroin in his room and sells it please send help" 3. Even if he doesn't sell it's obvious he's got something illegal or stolen 4. Niggers locked in their closest similar to natural jungle habitat, jail.
Alright, I'll explain ya fucking script kiddie n sheit.
Find Trevonious Welfarious Youtube's channel. Google rl namein google Trillion of US free directories at arefinex google search.
Anime is the clear sign that you have stopped being useful for Earth and are only wasting oxygen and sewage capacity. The best solution is suicide. Definitive cure for anime faggots
Brandon Thomas
here's a nigger kid who's a video gaymer and a weeb and is subscribed to tariq nasheed and this advise show ape
i have a feeling he would make a great target seeing at what a faggot he is in his vids and liked vids
Ryder Evans
Sneaking in SJW stuff and soy shit is (((Jewtubes))) endgame to get everybody in line with goodthink, while banning all badthink content.
Thomas Howard
FYI here's a list of publicly anti-white niggers on ZogTube:
Tariq Nasheed, born Marcus Sanders, probably an FBI informant Umar Johnson, may have been born Jermaine Shoemake(r) ditto but he's lulzy Elliott Andre Blount, aka Sara Suten Seti (narcissistic pseudo-jipshun name), closeted gay drug addict Phil Scott, host of TheAdviseShowTV and Advise Show Media YT channels) Brother Polight, real name Michael Noak Irritated Genie, former DHS agent, most likely still an informant for the government
And that's all I can recall on the top of my head. There are others that you can easily find with a YT search.
Jayden Anderson
Doesn't work well, but is fucking hilarious anyways, especially if you can make it appeal to retards.
Juan Flores
Bumping before the kikes slide this off.
One thing that's funny is how niggers fight with each other a lot on YT. I guess they can see each other's degeneracy and get catty with it but don't like to hold themselves to higher standards. Here's Young Pharaoh, a very popular schizophrenic homosexual nig complaining about some other schizophrenic nig.
Levi Cook
And another one by the same schizophrenic homosexual nig where he claims that some other nig called Brother Polight is a closet pedophile lol.
Gabriel Perry
Of course they are, why do you think they have Logan Paul fighting KSI. Logan Paul clearly has exercised more, especially considering that LA has only slightly less estrogen than the UK. Yet he will somehow take shots and blows from someone with a funny Jamaican accent.
Report them again. And again. The left doesn't give up, why should you?
Leo Fisher
roleplaying stormfag
Angel Clark
im not sure, even trans channels are getting shut down en masse from YouTube
Jaxson James
And yet these channels aren't and have been allowed to remain up for years.
Hunter Peterson
Anyone else notice jewtube is pushing jew hosted/run videos? Watch a car video, jt suggests jew run car channels, cooking, jew run channels, pick a topic of interest or video watched and I'm seeing jew run channels presented. I guess this is their strategy of trying to take back control, where they changed the algorithm to give you a bunch of jew run everything. All the non jew run channels are still there(for now,) but they're stuffing jew channels in everywhere and first.
Logan Evans
Co opt this with we still be kangs if only those Jews didn't help with slavery boats
Colton Long
Yeah, like all the prominent channels are either jews or shitskins. No whites allowed.
Adam Richardson
Give example please
Robert Kelly
Wait so you think the stuff people say on this board is a joke? Cultural marxism.. white genocide..whatever name you want to give it is real as fuck.. this post while certainly another example of subversive influence… is not eye opening in the least. Why would zog companies care about giving you a platform? They don't. They are liars and hypocrits and their eula means Jack shit at the end of the day. Their sole purpose is narrative control and they will remove and demonetize anything that doesn't fit an anti white narrative. I liken this post to posting an example of cnn double standards… your only response as a reader should be "no shit".
Grayson Kelly
what the fuck is arefinex?
Jacob Powell
Watch Hot Ones on First We Feast. Get recommended Bon Apetit jew Claire Saffitz.
ps. you can't do a regular search on jewtube anymore, they decide what they think you "want" to see, giving you (((their))) selective results, so even without deleting or shadow banning people, they're able to make their content non existent, effectively another form of shadow banning.
William Wood
You don't belong here. Go back to halfchan.
Anons, the SJW kike shill reveal what tactics they are afraid of. We must organize boycotts and social pressure action against the revenue sources of the platforms. The companies have become so pliant to social pressure, and our cause is just, they will fold easily. DON'T FIGHT AN ARMY WITHOUT ALSO GOING AFTER THEIR SUPPLY LINES
Jaxon Powell
can't boycott what I already don't use. If you really want to be effective, find and promote non jew alternatives, and if there aren't any, need to go into business to provide that alternative to take away their market share.
William Gomez
Another example of their weighted algorithm, you know how you watch one video the next time you refresh they fill the jewtube screen with the same videos for awhile, I check up on pewdiepie every once in awhile, but the jewtube page doesn't become filled with pewdiepie videos like with everything else, even though he's the #1 jewtuber, he's a bad "goy" so suppression for him.
Are you new? I'm not going to fight to the death to defend the rights of communists and niggers to turn my children into trannies and then rape them. That's peak-cuck. Free speech is for upstanding whites only. Get the fuck out of here with that.
jews allowing a fiction they created be funded on their jew tube not shocked nor am I shocked that these retarded monkey brains fell for the bannana up the bung hole and actually think a mud hut spear chucker deserves to even breath the same air the creators of the civilization they leech off of and are completely incapable of contributing anything unless we are talking about jew clown world affirmative action apes who actually know they are nothing standing next to whites or they wouldn't need it. LEL
Isaac Barnes
Who do you think the people giving bans/suspensions are, retard? Youtube/Google, like many of these companies, are filled with diversity hires and soy-laden do-nothing pussy lefties who got a career in a cubicle sitting on their ass all day leeching off of greater society. You can report all you want. There's no objectivity in the process. No amount of reports is going to get you the same results.