I'm a Freeemason. I keep hearing that we play a role in the globalist conspiracy. Help me understand.
I'm a Freeemason. I keep hearing that we play a role in the globalist conspiracy. Help me understand
Proof that you're a freemason?
OP is a stonecutting faggot.
You're a kike-worshiping shabbos goy retard.
remember when shills tried?
sage itt
you might not be from a respected (or even recognised) lodge. Also the true teachings are saved for the higher ranks, lvl up goyim
You need to get out of that organization.
Bill Schnoebelen is a jewish conman. He currently identifies as so-called "messianic jew" and wears a yarmulke to his speaking engagement.
Edgy fraternity, bunch of bros/edgelords sharing experience.
A more estoeric, conservative and committed version of coffeehouses.
Do you even understand the essence of Talmudic Judaism? It's a reactionary movement against Christianity. The very identity of the kikes, even the etymology of "kike", is based on a rejection of Jesus Christ. To become Christian is the most anti-kike thing a kike can do. If you're making the case that he's a disingenuous Christian, I'd like to see your proof.
Go to Switzerland. Book a dinner with a member there.
A sincere Christian wouldn't call themselves any kind of "jew". "Messianic jew" is no more Christian than a "messianic Satanist" or "messianic Muslim", and it should go without saying that the problem with jews is ultimately racial.
He also claims to have seen werewolves and vampires and whatnot.
And here's a video of this great "Christian" man being introduced as "rabbi".
Freemason conspiracy in America largely took off after the French Revolution. The populist party supported the revolution, and the pro-Great Britain federalists were against it. During the reign of terror and after the XYZ affair, the populists were decimated. The coup de gras to establish the supremacy of the Federalist system was to further discredited the French revolution. US politicians claimed that the revolution was orchestrated by the Illuminati, and the Freemasons were conflated with that. The Anti-Freemason party headquartered in Albany, NY spawned from this campaign.
"Rabbi" predates Talmudism. The Bible also says not to call any man "father", so I guess Orthodox/Catholics aren't real Christians either. This is denominational bickering and I won't respond to it anymore. He does a good job of exposing masonry and that's why I posted his video, so stay on topic.
He's a subversive racial jew muddying the waters in defense of his fellow parasites. Here's a video where he claims the Talmud is essentially no different than the catholic catechism, leaving out that it condones sex with infants and claims Christ is the son of a whore who's in hell boiling in his own semen,
Kill yourself moshe.
good goyim
Well, any interesting stories?
yeah that jew is lying
what if masonry is the most celtic shit ever and the jews hate that they can't into building, cryptography, or creative pursuit so much that they subverted and stole it over the past 2k years
what if the same with bavarian illuminati
things jews steal:
dna (european)
names (weis)
holidays (yule)
food (pickled dill)
language (hebrew)
history (persians)
land (palestine)
the list goes on…
also fug whoever is anchoring threads like a turk