Brit/pol/ #2828: No Deal Edition

Brexit: Talks between Tories and Labour set to close with no deal

NHS nurse stared into London Bridge terrorist's 'evil, empty' eyes and asked him 'what's wrong with you?' before he snapped back 'no, what's wrong with YOU?' - and then slashed her neck

Woman abused by paedophile Imam -who fled UK to avoid jail - slams police for failing to arrest him even though they KNOW where he is hiding

Islamic school head forced out after weapons and £400,000 cash found at flat

Homeless man jailed for 20 weeks for sitting on the ground 'without reasonable excuse'

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Other urls found in this thread:

Make England Great Again

burn it all tbh

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smh tbh

Ummm, sweetie x

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Huguenots were good lads.

Imagine taking this clown seriously. He didn't say anything of merit, it's nothing but le wacky quirky reddit upvote nonsense.

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They still aren't anglos

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the ANGLO AI is awakened

Attached: lindy.png (958x718, 758.58K)

Need to make a "honourary Anglo" list tbh

luv protestantism
luv skilled immigration (whites only)
luv bullying cathlicks
ate the pope
ate the frogs
ate the dagos
simple as

can't wait

Attached: ai (2)

leftists have the mental capacity and reasoning abilities of children, so they are all attracted to this easy digestive "man make funy" shite

Lindy transcends the linear confines of conventional historical narratives.

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Henry was a massive cunt tbf
Edward VI would have been one of our greatest kings if he actually lived long enough

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I thought it was because they wanted people to think they were water tanks to hide their true purpose?

Yeah it was to disguise their true purpose during development, lindy peddles half-truths all the time.
I think those ones are the biggest offenders.

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Brexit referendum talk collapses


try calling a referendum, start a civil war so you can watch your feet kicking at the end of a rope

Attached: brexit ref collapse.PNG (774x543, 55.69K)

civil war wont happen until they cut coping mechanisms and bennies

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The eu elections next week is pretty much a referendum though

Even for the inaccuracy his videos are 100x above the legion of utter drivel on pootube.

Attached: lindy tfw druids.jpg (1920x1080, 365.16K)


It was just 40 minutes of Lindybeige being corrected by an actual historian.

Who are the best history youtubers anyway?

Has the lad from yesterday captured the honk moment on last night's QT yet?

he's fun but he's still a memi

Real Crusades History is great for Crusades stuff, can't think of any others off the top of my head.
Or you could go watch Extra Credits.

Attached: lindy (3)

Historia Civilis
Real Crusades History
Epic History TV
Kings and Generals

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can imagine lindy going full dafty in the event of a war tbh

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tbf we did win the 100 years war. losing french territory was worth the eternal glory of Crecy and Agincourt. and it made our french kings speak english at least.

Henry V was better than him tbh.

He would be dangerous.

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This will be memory holed. There will be no highly publicised investigation. Trump is such a lickspittle, smh.

Fair enough, I'll add

Military History Visualised
The Chieftain
History Matters
Feature History
Potential History

Thanks lad

Forgot to mention The Great War
also British Pathe and British Movietone are old historical footage so I dont know if you'd count them but I do tbh.

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Three scoobydoos control the US
Adelson, Singer and Marcus
Trump has no say tbh
Will never understand how people think politicians have any say in decisions or that they indeed even matter

because thats what they are told

Jihadi John killed by US drone - 'angle of beard and walk gave him away'

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Meant people on 'ate chan and assocs

Dating isn't difficult

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Ignore the degenerate lad.

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Just get yourself a good Christian lass from the church. Thoughts?

I like I said last night, the darkest reaches of the internet have the purest morals.

No one is saying scouse birds aren't slags, you'd better wrap up lad.

Lad this is the only place that you can call a spade a spade without getting permabanned or downvoted or having your IRL name dragged through the mud.

filthy slut…scouser to boot
utterly immoral

Your church or mine?

Always do.

I know, I've been on chans for ages now I was already an adult when 4chan started

whatever good church steiner has in America, but OPC and independent baptist are based.

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makes me sad that one day this place will decay like all the other websites

1984 new instructions from MiniTrue. Climate skeptics now non-persons.

Nothing lasts forever lad.

Yeah lad the way things are going the eye of sauron is on us now and they're going to shut down the chans sooner or later. But at least we'll all meet again in Heaven.

Why do 20 year old women all look 25+?
Also, if this is you talking to her - why the fuck are you such a cringey degenerate?x

alcohol, drugs, and makeup

oh and poor diet too

doubt theyll shut it down because people will just make more, theyll just control it like they do with 4kek

You can't really control something like Zig Forums because the boards are all self-created. Plus there's TOR.
If they need to they'll shut it down.

this and breaking natural law, adultery fucking with the heads of women probably affects more than just marriage sucess

I imagine sugar and those niggery fats (unsaturated?) play a part too. Also the pill. My mum was saying the other day she thinks the pill has ruined women's bodies. Not sure how much impact it can have though - assuming most thots don't start taking it till they're at least 18. Then again, I'm probably being naive about that age.

Even if the internet goes down the fact is we had some good chats here.

yeah I followed up lad

She's right.

because I can: >>1168417

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becos wimmin are inveterberate liers

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Yeah that sounds like it would have no repercussions or side effects whatsoever, all hail modern technology!

We all fall for some form of propaganda.

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she is but plus a poisoned diet and associated degenerate life choices/styles

Your mum is right. Pill destroys woman's body both physically and mentally. Add promiscuity and state benefits to this and you've got a perfect recipe for a disaster we've got now.

The obsession with modern medicine and science is a cancer.

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what manner of picture are you using lad

This one

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Dating isn't difficult

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feel a bit sad for daryl tbh, probably was "let me shag tyrone or ill leave you"

I'm guessing she's looking for the bloke who knocked her up, but if he sees this he'll just swipe left.

Pics are mine. Body shape like pic related but a bit younger.


check out recently uploaded Tinder screenshots

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Biggest killers of muslims are….MUSLIMS!
but anyway

lispy paki cunt

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i took it as
she is making sure she does not find her bf (the guy in the picture) which is fair enough but puts her pic on just encase someone likes her

Yeah but why wouldn't Daryl tell her to fuck off at that point?

are you shirtless lad

Wish she'd lose her life.

something that completely falls apart if under any scrutiny at all, yet we'll have laws made against islamophobia.

3's a stunna but have to admit would like to help Daryl out by watching my unborn babies dribble down Kellie's CHIN, 1 can keep on truckin'

prison gets lonely and people want to end it if they have nothing to look forward to when getting out

no, it's too cheeky, play with her imagination a bit

Speaking from experience?

gee i wonder why people are afraid of these desert cultists who started their religion on war and enslaving and raping anyone and anything who moved