This thread IS NOT A REPOST I will be dumping info on all parkland kids ITT I have Info on Hogg (((Kasky))) and Corin as well as nudes of baldy lesbo she sent me herself. Neither myself noir the last OP were responsible for the swatting of hogg. That being said I don't condemn it either these kids brought this shit on themselves.
This couldnt have gone in the Hogg thread? This thread sucks fat cock
Adam Lee
We have nudes of goblina on the way after hogg got swatted. rejoice user and enjoy the coming keks
Daniel Hughes
What the hell is anyone supposed to do with his fucking phone number? Call and ask him to stop being a kike, pretty please? Or ask him to tell the truth?
Also, make fucking sure goblin is legal.
< The production of sexually explicit materials is regulated under 18 U.S.C. 2257, requiring "original" producers to retain records showing that all performers were over the age of 18 at the time of the production for inspection by the Attorney General. - kikepedia
Brody Reed
Goblin is 19 goy so long as they were made in the last year user is good AFAIK
Xavier Hall
Ever try to figure out how old those people are? kikes at kikepedia don't know either.
Goblina admitted she was 19 not to long ago in an interview.
Jacob Jenkins
By the way, kikepedia used to not have the date, here. Of course, she's not a survivor - the shooting took place at the Freshman building - a building also incredibly at risk to arson, due to it having only two entrances/exits.
Im willing to bet she sent them since she turned 18. OP can be that stupid
Jonathan Perez
I still think it's very interesting that by her voice she betrayed that she was one of the ones that bullied the alleged shooter. Quite fascinating, really. But the kike news always covers everything up, and lies about everything.
Luke Rodriguez
Who do you think swatted hogg?
Jayden Campbell
Probably himself to keep his name in the news.
Noah Jenkins
Oh god please let this be so!
Jaxon Reed
Considering the fact that he's been a douchebag towards literally 50% of America, it could be pretty much 25% of America (women just spread their legs and take it).
Camden Powell
Nolan Hall
Jesus Christ… Yeah- no shit its in another DB. It's probably in every DB on the planet. This is probably the test email Mike Hawk used in 1992
Jason Rivera
Brody Richardson
Um. There are new mods. They don't care… Zig Forums is the new /b/…
Ayden Collins
Also all goblina has to do to dox op is catch wind of who posted her nudes, and backtrack to whom she sent them to. Unless she's a roastie who's sent the nudes to multiple people. I'm not sure op will deliver those.
Owen Martinez
Bitch uses alot of filters. Can confirm photo was made in last month. Flirted with her on snap while larping as a lesbo KeK SURPRISE EMMA
so we have proof that the shooter wasnt framed and planned it from his admission in the video and all that… yet (((someone))) put hogg in that school from california prior to the shooting; was that spic kid in on it? why would the shooter go along?
That is the infamous Bonzi, leader of Antifa. He lives at 67 Hawthorne Place, North Mobile Alabama. He dabs to keep himself eternally young, a technique he learned from John McCain after himself having been taught it by the wicked sorceress Hillary Clinton. You might also find it interesting that Logan Paul dabs to help keep himself eternally young. Logan Paul may look Aryan but his soul is Bonzi. Bonzi was the original Jew. He's going to reboot Ed, Edd, n Eddy in Calarts bullshit style. Stop this dab machine before it is too late
Daniel Wood
OK I am mailing him a virus right now he will not last long.
I'm going to send him pizzas with meat to offend his vegan sensibilities
Sebastian Allen
Who kasky?
Luis Lee
Anne Tifa, aka Bonzi, is the current leader of Antifa and enemy to the white race. For the sake of all humans he must be eliminated
Christian Smith
Thats right goy leave (((kasky))) alone he isnt important nice derail attempt
Joshua Moore
You cannot distract me, foul juden. I know the true enemy is Bonzi, who lives at 67 Hawthorne Place, North Mobile Alabama. He must be stopped before America as we know it becomes really gay and shit To prevent this we need to go to 67 Hawthorne Place, North Mobile Alabama and bully him until he ceases to live. 67 Hawthorne Place, North Mobile Alabama in case anyone missed it. Bonzi is at 67 Hawthorne Place, North Mobile Alabama. Let's all stop Anne Tifa together
Wyatt Carter
Jesus Christ… He should be killed before Israel becomes a world superpower.
Josiah Adams
(((He))) could live in a pineapple under the sea for all I care but he must be stopped. We must levy all of our forces against him to destroy the prostrate and disguising Anne Tifa god king. Onward to 67 Hawthorn Place North Mobile Alabama for our eternal blood crusade against the one time world leader Anne (((Bonzi))) Tifa, leader of the neo Americ communist nazi party.
Bonzi, I know you're reading this thread from your computer at 67 Hawthorne Place, North Mobile Alabama. Tell me, if you can, what is that thing for? You know what thing I'm talking about. It's in your house, located at 67 Hawthorne Place, North Mobile Alabama
Zachary Robinson
I like her tits.
Charles Bailey
o. That's a bad photoshop with a shittier filter to try to cover the artifacts.
Niggers, faggots, Anne Tifa, and even Hawthorn, send them all. So long as it fits in a media mail envelope. But this new deadly degenerative menace that Is Bonzi Anne Tifa will be annihilated from the new world clean image eye site. We must remove the menace of Bonzi globalism to achieve a friendly, non communist, idealism nation founded on four chan, no, 8 chan neo Non Communist brainwashing interbreed-able with Aryan, race loyalist non communist idealism wives. We will end the evil penultimate perjury that is the Bonzi human brain takeover machine from ever happening on this planet.