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11% reporting. I'm off to bed. Interested to see the number of votes reported for Little when totaled, as a potential measure of our reach in California.
I wonder if that incandescent (127) faggot is going to try and shit up this thread as well?
Just remember, his life is just to sit there all day long and shitpost for his slave masters.
Same well hopefully we have a larger number of us than the kikes ever expected
Speak of the devil
One more. Compare, contrast.
30,000 voters in Cali, better than I expected to be honest
Oh well, I guess it's time to try another approach.
I was getting really blackpilled about Patrick not even cracking the top 10. But then I remembered that even our current President himself got fucking obliterated in the primaries of the 2000 election. As long as Little keeps trying, he might eventually win.
it is necessary to remember that since patrick little voters most likely asked for paper ballots, his votes will take the longest to report.
But anyone expected he would get more than 100k votes? With zero funding.. people did not even know who he was.
Inb4 the kikes don't even count them
they (((excluded))) some candidate on the paper ballots, for sure
btw what was the name of the TYT supported candidate? It was a female. I think Alison Hartson.
so Alison got 28k votes being backed up by a 3.5million subscribers youtube channel while Patrick got 21k votes being backed up by 1k subscribers youtube channels…
It's hard to spread the word when every platform wants to censor you for speaking out.
Something interesting is that republicans are doing rather well down the ballot in the house races. The democrats are actually poised to get locked out of some elections. /our guy/ Rohrabacher is doing good so far. Considering the democrats are banking on California for taking the house, it's not looking too good for them.
Good idea, I hadn't considered that. Although in my state they scan paper ballots right after you finish filling it out. That could be the case over in California too. Surely there are some voters ITT.
Most of the retards that watch TYT are lemmings with far-left neocons, so they are comfortable with voting for Queen Kike Feinstein.
Never underestimate the promise of free stuff in a leftist state.
Turtleman canceled recess today as well which will keep Dems from campaigning for a month in contested districts.
Scan you say? What happens when the scanner reads all the ballots as votes for Feinstein?
Then the kikess wins.
Although we should take care not to cry wolf about voter fraud. It's obviously happening, but if we automatically assume everything to be fraudulent then no one will take these claims seriously.
28k votes for a literal nazi in a leftist den is fucking insane. Shaking rn.
Patrick Little said it himself that all he needed was 10,000.
It takes 10% of a group to share a belief before the meme spreads and becomes the dominant position among the entire society. Little didn't get close to that. Your shit got rekt.
we cannot vote our way out of this situation ffs
Interwar Germany was a completely different situation because ordinary people were literally starving they were so poor. They were desperate and were willing to listen to anybody that offered a solution. Do you think that NSDAP won elections because the average German agreed with them ideologically? No, they won because the average German had no fucking food in his stomach and he wanted to feed his children! That's why the communist party was such a threat- they also claimed to offer a solution, and that's why NSDAP adopted some of their rhetoric and imagery (Workers's Party, red background on the flag, socialism). seems to be implying that all of a sudden, for some reason, the ordinary normalfag white people will all of a sudden start voting for Zig Forums candidates in droves until such a high percentage of the white population does that it outnumbers the nearly half of votes that are non-white. And then that those Zig Forums candidates would miraculously deport all the muds and save the day. This is absolutely ridiculous. Not one link in this chain of events is remotely possible.
Anyway, I'm referring to what Pierce talked about with the lemmings. The vast majority of people are not motivated by intellectual logical arguments, or moral values, or political ideologies. They are motivated by their own self-interest, and will not put their comfortable lifestyles at stake for any of those things. The only time they will do anything useful is when their own personal comfort is lost, and they will only do so to regain that comfort.
California is minority white. The whole point of him running was to draw attention to the JQ, not to actually win. It would be nice if he did, of course, but it's obviously not possible. Considering he got a fair amount of media attention, made a name for himself, and got an impressive number of votes, I'd say mission accomplished, and I hope we continue to hear more from this brave man in the future.
14 percent still. Going awfully slow. Might have a surprise on our hands.
Didn't you make your own thread for real Zig Forumsacks to celebrate in?
Why don't you fuck off back to it?
30k votes is pretty fucking impressive.
but you forgot to check my dubs,
I know we had no stake in this, but he asked for 10,000, I can promise you he will have over 30,000 to say the least. This loss was inevitable, but we now know that our numbers aren't so insignificant anymore.
Who is Kevin de Leon and why the fuck are there so much republicans competing against each other?
It's still possible that we "vote our way out of this." Don't fall for the jewish "either be a neocon or a terrorist" false dichotomy. What's essential is that we build up a proper movement. Once American National Socialism gets to the point where it has competent leaders and passionate followers then both electoral politics and violence will be much more effective. From what I can tell there are more racist nationalist types than there are libertarians. I think that once a Zig Forums group is able to match the libertarians then it should be able to snowball into the forth Reich.
PL isn't even a NatSoc.
The Cruz bitch literally came out of nowhere 3 weeks ago and right out the gate she was declaring her love for israel and the jewish people I shit you not.
Why are you guys speaking as if we're dealing with totals here? It's still less than 14% reporting, according to the NYT. Wait for it to actually be over first, before you say things like that.
I saw that but still 30k god damn. Predictions? I'm going to say around 300k by the end based on current rates.
those paper ballots better not be scanned by the zognet.
Yeah, more by the time this is done as well. Comfortable knowing that an entire small city's worth of people in just one state are done with kikes.
hold on, little's votes just dropped by a few thousand!
Take heart, anons. This one state, California, is the most kiked up, liberal, commie, faggot, anti-white state in the US. To do this well, deep inside enemy territory, is admirable.
Its afraid.
Yeah I noticed too, he went from around 30k to 25k. WTF.
Now it's 28 thousand.
fienstien dropped 200k votes
look at the past voter turnouts
2016 Presidential Election was under 50%
so, now multiply Little's numbers by two…
It's fucking over. Kikes rigged it. (((democracy))) is a fucking scam. We need to stop playing this rigged game. We need a fascist coup at this point.
Kill yourself
no one won the first time
Hi Bibi
Reaganite republikikes are not our guys
who could have predicted this?
Yeah, I should have specified in the most pozzed and fucked state in our kike controlled union.
I expect small discrepancies because it is so early, but with that said we all know that they will underreport the amount of votes he got in hopes that those of us and like us that voted against kikery feel alone. I guarantee no one that voted for PL thinks the true amount of votes will surface, but none of us that name the jew should feel as alone any longer.
Natsoc or otherwise, the heeb needs to be addressed before a better world can be achieved. This is a step in that direction and it stems from the very heart of their playground.
I can tell this post is meant to be sarcastic but that's an incredible result considering the circumstances you just described
These numbers exist in California mind you.
county by county reporting statuses
note that there are only 5 counties that are reporting more than 75% of votes counted
and all in all
16.8% (3,610 of 21,487) precincts partially
reporting as of June 5, 2018, 9:52 p.m.
this is actually good
the Zionist Feinstein has it, but Little's numbers are indeed impressive.
—This may sound crazy and a bit overzealous, but……..
if there were 28,000 counted votes for Little so far
and only 50% of voters turned out,
(28,000 x 2 = 56,000)
and there was only 16% of the votes counted,
(100 / 16 = 6.25…..6.25 x 56,000 = 350,000)
I estimate, using these calculations, that there is a possibility that there are 350,000 potential Patrick Little supporters in the state of California.
Pretty much this.
Was too strong on the JEWISH SUPREMACY stance. Should have promoted his other stances more, and stop smoking and wearing sunglasses when talking to people, Jesus Christ.
Ive come to see these posts as moarpheus hopping ips and arguing with himself cause he knows everyone has filtered him by now.
This "hide your power level" shit is no different than "shut up and sit down". The kike needs to be named, addressed and identified. No change is made by hiding. 30k and counting in California alone agree and voted their distrust for the merchant.
just think what the results might be if this was happening in a Southern state
This. Optics cucks are fucking cancer. Nothing will change if we don't change the narrative.
nom nom nom
Id like to see what would happen in Alaska with this platform.
omg! the shills!
White nationalists haven't gotten numbers like that since the 60s. It means things are changing. What have you done for your race today?
That's a retarded metric to use with no other data points. The highest voter turn out is among people who would support little. So not to demoralize but your numbers are no where close to accurate estimations.
No, it's not a "shut up and sit down" situation, it's a situation of using common sense. He never talked about his policy, all he talked about was the kikes. He alienated voters and gave them nothing to work with, even his supporters drew blanks on getting people who didn't care about his anti-israel shit to vote for him. If he had any sort of tact he could have subtly talked about jewish bullshit like the wars in israel that way he could win the primary, then start dropping the redpills. It wouldn't matter if he won, he'd have national fucking news broadcasting the JQ. Instead he acted like a faggot and made his position look like a joke. If someone even fucking mentions israel next senate election they'll get lumped in with the "crazies" and dismissed instantly.
That's why this shit pisses me off so much, he had a fucking shot and he ruined it because he couldn't reel it in even a little.
"muh PR" was a known jewish shilling tactic that's been banned on here since even before the presidential election, now that the floodgates have opened these kikes are back to their old tricks as if we've forgotten
just ignore them - they don't get the point - and it's no use explaining it because they argue about it for no reason.
Do you suggest less? I am bumping up that number to 50 on purpose. If 33 % showed up, then I would have to multiply 28,000 by 3, which would increase my final 'crazy-estimate'
After watching this I think (((they))) might be thinking about that as well. Maybe overtly fucking over whites with (((their))) victim star on their sleeve was a little too obvious.
Honestly, after seeing just these numbers I hope a good percentage of his voters become more outspoken. This is a man who spit and stepped on the flag of our worst enemy and got respect from tens of thousands of Californians so far. He is hopefully the first of many.
That is literally what I implied.
He's setting unacceptably low standards to hold.
Even Little himself said he would feel like this was a waste if he were not to win and cause the 2020 election to be full of people naming the jew.
Just like moving the goalpost back farther and farther is shit, so is moving the goalpost closer and closer.
There is a lot of potential here
You should be fucking impressed. He ran solely on a "fuck jewish ownership of our country" platform and got that much respect on that and that alone. Every vote for him is a vote for one ideal and one only.
I do. Because of the voting population the group that would vote for little has a higher vote turn out than liberal vote turnout rates. The conservative voter turn out is higher than the liberal voter turn out.
Don't you remember this from the presidential eleciton and Florida? When all the polls were adjusted for voter turnout by the voter political stance it was clear FL would be red.
His numbers are impressive all things considered.
During the campaign, Trump qualified for the Michigan and California Reform Party presidential primaries. Both of these elections were held after Trump exited the race.[110] On February 22, Trump won the Michigan Primary with 2,164 votes defeating uncommitted with 948 votes.[111] Trump won the California primary on March 7 with 15,311 votes (44.28%) defeating perennial candidate George D. Weber who received 9,390 votes (27.16%), former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development Robert M. Bowman who received 4,879 (14.11%), former Congressman John B. Anderson who received 3,158 (9.13%), and political activist Charles E. Collins who received 1,837 (5.31%).[112] Pat Buchanan was not listed on either ballot. A slate of Trump supporters petitioned to list Trump on the New York Independence Party presidential primary ballot but were denied on a technicality.[113]
Pat Buchanan eventually won the Reform Party presidential nomination at a chaotic[114] National Convention in Long Beach in August 2000.[115] Buchanan had lost the support of the Perot faction, which accused Buchanan of fraud and held a counter-convention, nominating Buchanan's only major opponent physicist John Hagelin of the Natural Law Party.[116] According to Russ Verney, the Perot faction lost faith in Buchanan when he emphasized pro-life and anti-homosexual issue positions after promising to respect the party's neutral stance on social issues.[117] After the filing of a complaint over the party's matching funds, the FEC ruled against the Perot faction and invalided the Hagelin selection.[118] The decision was affirmed on appeal. On Election Day, Buchanan appeared on the ballot in all 50 states and received 448,895 votes, 0.42% of the popular vote. George W. Bush defeated Al Gore in a close contest[119] that required a recount and Supreme Court intervention.[120] The Bush campaign recruited Roger Stone to oversee the recount.[121]
IT'S OVER 31,000
Fucking rigged
That I will agree to. It's fucking commiefornia and any whole percent or greater vote take is a pretty big pull for his methods.
lmao this whole thread is one big cope
for an internet campaign that popped up two months ago, I'd say our little autist did us proud
t. redditor
is that you, kikey
Go home and never come back.