/plg/ Patrick Little General: election loss gloat edition

How will the MOSSAD ever recover?

Attached: Little-1.7.jpg (3062x1935, 1.05M)

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By having Feinstein win, probably.

sage and report


Attached: little poll 7.JPG (778x141, 27.53K)

Trying to figure out what kind of kikery this is. A kike is so assblasted that even his anal fissures developed anal fissures and pretends Patrick Little is a kike, knowing that the worst insult he can throw around is his own species. Then, an hour and a half after polls close declares Patrick Little lost, while pretending that kikes would not throw elaborate child sex parties with that news?

Attached: 182562018.png (1295x993, 1.42M)

The kikes favorite move is to call you a kike

What's horrifying is how that picture is losing its hilarity and just becoming a depiction of normality.

wait, i'm confused, did he only get 1.7%? or is this another poll?

Attached: wut (6).jpg (456x337, 21.24K)

Cenk's mistress was a meme candidate too.


Wait, no, it's the results of the first influx of votes. But they're not all in.

You're the enemy, OP.

It's moarpheus

Wasn't the election today? What are his chances? Seems like a lost cause doing this in the most pozzed faggoty state. I guess i didn't follow this close enough.

Attached: wut (19)


Attached: California Senate Primary.png (913x964, 116.92K)

It was always about gaining visibility. They're not done counting the votes, and he's already got 30k. That's the whole population of the city I live in. This shows that there's room for this kind of candidate, and more people need to step forward to normalize what he says.

Fuck thats alot of gop candidates. Doesn't california do some weird fuckery where it heavily favors democrats and republicans don't even make it on the ballot?

Attached: faggots (9)

I'm sure there is fuckery, but the GOP could also organize and rally behind one candidate.

feinstein likely won't get to see out her term (prison, hopefully, Death seems to be loathe to rid us of these rancid kikesses) and Little has an electoral run under his belt with a higher public profile for the next effort. He wouldn't have expected to win knowing what he was up against.

How is that a loss for Mossad exactly? They are going to have direct control over one of the largest and most prosperous states in the USA.

Fixed that for you.

California has a gigantic economy. If it was its own country it would still have one of the biggest economies in the world.

thought it was almost bankrupt? doesn't google pay like 20% of the state gdp?

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what a shitty jidf meme.