NFL Insider

NFL owners are in full panic, piss their pants scared mode right now.

Everyone is pissed at Jeffrey Lurie. EVERYONE. The owners had hoped caving to Trump with their half-measure, would buy them some time and leyway with Trump. Yes, he was still insulting them. But there was a hope that shit would die down, since they effectively bent over backwards to him.

But Lurie and his antics has reduced any truce to ash and cinder.

Lurie had a player revolt; the players boycotting not going to the White House started threatening the players and staff who said they DID want to go. As a compromise, he tried to do a thing where the entire team would go to DC and the boycotting players would do PR crap with kids while the 80s people who would go would get the White House visit. There is even audio (currently locked away in a bank safety deposit locker) of Chris Long THREATENING one player, vowing to do physical harm to the player in question if he went to the White House.

The boycotting players kept threatening and bullying more and more people into backing out. Lurie then went about trying to reschedule the trip for when Trump would not be at the White House. This was something Trump saw through and in the end, combined with the fact that only a handfull of people were left still wanting to go? This led to Trump disinviting them.

That said, this has the other NFL owners pissed off. Combined with the Warriors and Cavs both vowing NOT to go to the White House, this leads some to fear Trump will cancel ALL future White House invites for sports teams and him salting the earth in the process, so that no future President does it after he's gone.

Worse still, is that this has got owners terrified that Trump is now going to respond to this humiliation, by going scorch earth on the NFL. Goodell and the owners know, that Trump knows that going after the NFL is good business in terms of firing up his base. The NFL knows the kneeling shit has hurt them big time, financially. And they already are fearful that the players may revolt over the half-measure compromise with Trump over the anthem protest. And that Goodell, realizing how badly the ship is sinking due to his inaction, might just go nuclear on the teams if players violate the protest bans. Especially on teams where the owners are on record for paying any fines.

There is legit fear that any protesting at the anthem will result in fines so severe that owners will have no choice but to squash any further protests during anthem time, due to them not wanting to have to shell out several hundred thousands of dollars per player.

Similarly, there is fear that if entire teams stay in the locker room? That fan response will be equally draconian. IE they fear that fans will walk out of games and that Trump will use teams in the locker room to basically stir up his base to create the feared "Red Wave" to keep Congress Republican.

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But Lurie is in everyone's dog house now. The NFL has started to realize the extent to which Trump's vendetta against them goes. How he knows that half the country is with Trump on hating the NFL. And that no matter how hard the left tries to hijack shit, Trump and his bully pulpit gives him 100% control over the narrative with voters. And the people who actually put their money where their mouth is on boycotting.

As it stands, Lurie's being pressured to shut his players down. No trips to Democrat strongholds, meet and greets with Obama, or any other Democrats. The cancelation of the childrens charity stuff was only done after the other teams found out and forced Lurie to cancel them. They legit feared that if the players were doing something else in town, that Trump would freak out and do something super nasty. IE naming and shaming the players who did so, in order to make them as radioactive as Reid and CK.

Jerry Jones and other Trump-friendly owners spent today calling Trump's people, trying to pre-emptively stop Trump's impending scorch earth campaign against the NFL. Some are promising that they will do whatever it takes (benching/cutting) players who stay in the locker room this upcoming season. Others (like Robert Kraft) are vowing that they will force their entire team to go to the White House if their team wins. And there are some owners who are putting the screws to Lurie, to make him personally grovel for forgiveness and to force the entire roster to go to the White House before the season starts.

As it stands, expect SOME level of retaliation against the players this fall. The pro-Trump owners have finally broken Goodell to get him on their side. There is whisper of massive, life-ruining fines and owners being pressured to rescind their pledge to pay said fines. As well as the idea of Goodell rescinding the sanctuary of the locker room to force all players to stand for the anthem. Anything to buy some grace from Trump after Lurie took a bad situation and made it ten times worse.

Fuck off leddit, take it to /sp/

where's dat wall at nigger?
also unplug from the electric jew.

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Sports and scouts turning into niggerfaggotry is going to win my side, straight white supremacy, a lot of support. Good, good.

Who gives a shit. The beer-bellied troglodytes will still watch their precious star nigger toss around the sportsball at the designated time. The only thing that will stop the NFL, or any sport, is when said plebs are literally too poor to go to games.

You need to go back to T_D, faggot.

Meantime White Genocide goes full ahead.
Homo agenda directed to children in schools, TV, movies, books, also is full ahead.
Muslims still are coming.
Mestizos are pouring through the border non stop.
Wars for Israel didn't stop.
Hillary and the nigger ex president are still roaming free.
Financial support to the commie factories (Colleges and Universities) continuous.
And the list goes on and on.
And you start a thread for sports?

Get out, then. This seems like something we should co-opt.




gas yourself

fuck that shit, the players don't want to go and that threaten other players that want to go should be blacklisted and never play football again

sucking dick of dumb niggers getting paid millions to kick a ball

Teddy Roosevelt also hated football. We should bring back the patriotic imperative to avoid this retarded sport.

just wait til trump appoints another constitutional conservative to the bench when justice ginsberg steps down within the next 4 years :^)

Nigger ballers are very important.

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As much as this all seems like bullshit, (wheres your sources, faggot) I hope he actually considers doing this. Hosting sports teams and celebrities at the White House at all has always been stupid and pointless.

With this branch of nigger ball they have some sort of LAW that prevents competition. Which makes wrestling guy McMahon (that the name?) starting a new league unusual to me. Anyway, Trump can fuck the NFL league but revoking this anticompetition shit they have going on.

If it interests/bugs you, shit on the fans. Call them cucks. That seemed to work well.

This, but I still hope OP's thing pans out.
Like he said, it's a good way to stimulate the base who would
otherwise zone out when these same issues are framed in a
political or societal context. That shit's all chinese to them.
Sports they understand.

wrong. the NFL and niggerball in general is suffering. Normalfags CAN be turned off to niggerball, they are burning their jerseys and season tickets, stadiums are getting empty. Also, you make yourself sound like a pretentious, out of touch faggot.

Hopefully the Nigger Felon League gets back in the news negatively somehow. All the normies I know are returning to niggerball watching like the sheep they are, the fallout from the kneeling fiasco is dying down.

All my friends fucking watch these days are the apehoop playoffs and baseball, which has apparently turned nearly 100% spic since the last time I bothered to watch. I fucking hate it.

If you watch sports, you're a faggot.

Why is football called niggerball but not basketball? Aren't they both niggerball? Is football more niggerish than basketball?

Fuck the nfl. jews got the niggers to wear pink for bitches but then they lie about all the brain damage their niggers are getting and refusing to pay for damage done.

I'm enjoying the death of the NFL

i had always thought of basketball as nigger ball but not football as nigger ball…even tho its overran with niggers.

pro sports in general is fucked regardless unless they can prove they're just focuing on sports and not being used in some cultural marxist context

I dunno ? Sucks coz most of these niggers all sold their soul to some fraternal organisation already and we know what they're all about and as far as fake troll media bullshit we still haven't seen Trump unZOG in any way besides the odd blurt out here or there calling CNN fake news. Does everyone know 9/11 was an inside job yet ? Do they know the government did false flags and hoax events ? Nope.

I'm ok with this. Overpaid Niggers shouldn't receive special honors for being extra special Circus freaks. Fuck them and fuck the Sports bread and circus in general

Nobody cares about niggerball. On the day of the rope, sports fans will be rounded up and shot.

It blows my mind that these retarded kikes didn't instantly respond to all the kneeling cuckoldry with massive fines.

Kikes are so fucking dumb. How does anyone believe the 115 IQ meme?

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no (you)s for jews.
oh yeah we should be too sophisticated and evolved to care about sports, even when the controversies around them may be useful in bringing people around to our ways of thinking. we should even slur people who care about bringing normies around with bullshit like "leddit" and "/sp/" lel.

these guys are right.
this is good for us, useful to our side. anything that turns the zeitgeist/shifts the overton should be encouraged. it doesn't matter how we personally feel about ANY cultural phenomenon, what matters is whether or not it is good or bad for our side.

another jew without a (you). see above.

Give us a wall and we might listen. Otherwise if he wastes even a minute of time on nigger ball I'm done.

Of course, we all know what happens when someone's primary form of escapism is taken away from them.

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Sports shit is a waste of the president's valuable time, tbh.

In fact, professional sports in general are a waste of time. We should outlaw all government financing for such pursuits. Let the bastards pay cash for their own damn stadiums.

Really, what I would like to see is a return to the culture of participatory sport in the US. We need the exercise and the camaraderie. Too many people go through their lives with no friends at all outside of work.

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nip it at the bud, not afterwards with taxes

It would be nice if all of that could be done at once. However, the fact of the matter is that Trump is effectively stuck in molasses. He has to do things one at a time. I guarantee, that if on January 21st, Trump had: banned Muslims, fired all commie teachers, cut off commie education centers from their sweet student loan nectar, nationalized all national guard forces and put them on the border, and had called Benjy a kike to his hook nosed face, that Trump would have been impeached and imprisoned in gitmo by the end of the week. The status quo is not on our side, so even if Trump really is with us, he's going to face a ton of resistance. It's better to focus your strength on pushing one boulder at a time, than trying to push two at once.

Reminder that Trump's bad blood with the NFL goes back decades when he was the owner of a USFL team. Trump was instrumental in getting the USFL to go head to head with the NFL and pushing to file an anti-trust law suit against the NFL for predatory business practices. The USFL actually won the law suit and anti-trust violations are punished with triple damages, however the kike judges only gave them 3 dollars. Literally, $3. Citing that they were in the right but "your league was doomed anyway, goyim."

Ashkenazi IQ is closer to 103 - 105 with an advantage towards verbal over spatial ability. The 115 (one standard deviation) maymay came from an old study in the 1950s that looked only at elite Jewish universities. Remember, Pissrael's average IQ is around 95.

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Major sports networks with more television rating than news are certainly relevant to pol. Especially since it's a vehicle for cultural marxism. It has all the ((issues))… muh white owner… muh plantation slave job…muh affirmative action (Rooney rule)… muh platform (weaponizing a new type of celebrity)… muh handout (free stadiums for billion dollar enterprises)…. it's a pretty big deal… especially when it has been the primary weapon to attack nationalism. Imagine if all NFL fans said fuck the anthem… we are one step closer to more "refugee acceptance"

IQs in 90%+ white areas of the US test at around 105.

Having lived in LA and NYC for 30 years I'd say kikes are at least 10 points lower than that.

Meh I think the players should be able to voice their political views w/o professional repercussions outside of work but the fact is this protest is not making any sense to me. They don't even want to initiate a private dialogue with trump, something they could easily do by attending the event. Maybe they don't want be perceived as legitimizing trump or white men in power by accepting the invitation. That's just not a viable method of engagement, if black people want to start a dialogue they need someone genuine and serious to be a figurehead. Not just a gaggle of virtue signaling activists that do nothing but complain about "the system" not fixing the black communities problems. Perhaps these players should take a play out of MLK's book and just start peaceful protesting in large groups during the off season. They certainly have the cash and clout to get permits and organization arranged.


Initially there was talk of incurring an in-game 15 yard penalty for teams that knelt. THAT WOULD HAVE MEANT MORE TO THE NORMALFAGS.

How true is this? I know jews can listen to themselves talk for hours on end, but all it ever really amounts to is stupid quips and insults. They're great at verbally harassing people, and maying spewing so much rhetoric for so long that it becomes confusing, but they're not exactly great at making reasoned and concise arguments.

Uppity, ungrateful, obsolete farm equipment that needs to be sent back to Apefrica or killed along with any of it's genetic remnants i.e. (half breed ape babies).


Acronyms are for twitter niggers. Go back there.

You might be misremembering the USFL v. NFL lawsuit where the USFL successfully sued the NFL for violating anti-trust law, but the USFL was only awarded $1 by the dumbfucks in the jury, which was tripled to $3 because of the nature of the violation. As far as I know, there is no law granting the NFL a monopoly on professional football.

No legal ramifications are going to collapse niggerball. They'll pay a fine or get a slap on the wrist, per usual.

I am pretentious, but not out of touch. Unlike you, I interact with these retards on a daily basis. Know what they think? Tyrone Niggums made a great 40yd run that last game. Impressive, eh? Makes the 13$ beer worth it.

Let it continue. Watching half breed mutts like CK and all the other feetsball players kill the golden goose with their TNB is extremely satisfying. Hopefully they'll piss off enough dumbfucks who are still glued to the niggerball game that they'll no longer get their multi-million dollar contracts, which will fuel further spoiled TNB and eventually destroy the NFL.

Niggerball needs to die, its the bread and circuses holding the white man back. Rome will have second life once again.

Yup. Trump Curse. Only cost the NFL $1 or $3, depending on how you look at it. Burn it to the ground.

never been there although I hear a lot of screeching about it,how was for you?Did ya like the jew circle jerk?

Yea when you see young white women that have and actively mate with subhumans in public parading around like they are something special you know its kike programing that destroyed them and shitskin extermination time with the race mixers heads on spikes along with their offspring for the whole world to see.I guarantee THEN niggers will understand they are nothing but monkeys and cry,beg and plead for forgiveness to save their own sorry asses and get a free ticket back to ape land opposed to what is going to happen to them.

You haven't spent much time around them have you? I envy you

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I'm checking your digits but I have to say your papers do not appear to be in order comrade… tell me again where do you think you are and what do you intend to do during your stay here?

The NFL getting dropkicked is fantastic news from a political perspective. You know the old saying about bread and circus? What if trump actually took the circus away from all of the normal faggots? What would they have to talk about on Mondays? this would have huge political ramifications.

they would talk about how they are getting fucked by these rat jews!!

I was joking actually, but we all know online forums and the like, especially political ones, are filled with shills from who-knows-where. As for football, I don't even know how popular it is. In my opinion gaming is worse. Younger people are far more into it, it's loaded with diversity, and it's an almost completely post-racial environment (twitch being a great example). Plus it's not a weekly or seasonal event, it's daily, for hours. Most gamers that I come across are completely devoid of culture, and I don't think I've ever come across a racially conscious one. Getting rid of the NFL is good in that it kills off access to money for niggers, but other than that I don't really see much happening. It's not exactly a defining part of anyone's life. Gaming (as well as other forms of entertainment) and social media are a thousandfold worse than the NFL. They don't just keep you distracted, they completely alter your world view.


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Now is not the time for fear. That comes later

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This thread is not about gaming but I guess I can agree with you at least partially. Do you normally fly off on tangents like this? The internet is full of shills, and games are largely degenerate, but the new media is more engaging than TV; TV was one-way programming that gave us BabyBoomers. VR chatrooms gave us the DoYouKnowDaWay meme. And while it is childish humor, the crux of the joke is that africans are garbage and we can all laugh at them for having ebola. Kids in gradeschool were repeating this meme. Internet has given anons direct access to the normalfags. I don't mind sharing this space with the shills.


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good thread. How bad are the ratings? I don't trust the numbers that are given in the media.

I look at it as expanding on the subject.
The internet has given normal people some power of influence, but they still control the largest online mediums for information and conversation, and thus they control the language, the politics, what is and is not "socially acceptable" etc. Social media, in my opinion, is the worst thing to happen to society in decades. They've got the infrastructure to influence, manipulate, and indoctrinate hundreds of millions of people, and now they're working on securing it with laws, TOS, shadow bans, algorithms etc. As for gaming, television, movies etc., that's the usual subversive propaganda like a nigger and a blonde, the token nigger in every group, and so on and so forth. Japanese entertainment especially is among the worst. It's a foreign culture, and thus it doesn't draw a homogeneous group, nor does it incite racial, cultural, or ethnic awareness, it draws a very diverse group. Have you ever seen the people who attend conventions? These people have no culture, no grasp on race or heritage, and no care for anything except their fucking fantasy worlds (NFL viewers at least live in the real world 98% of their life, gaming and the like are defining parts of many peoples' lives). These people, to me, are worse than the marxist filth who push diversity. They are post-racial. They have absolutely no instinctive desire to be amongst their own. Every aspect of their world view is foreign and artificial. I'd love to see the NFL, NBA, Rap etc. go down, and take all the niggers with it, but these things aren't exactly influencing diversity. More modern forms of media and social interaction are moving people past their natural limitation into accepting a diverse world as normal because it's the only thing they're ever presented with. It's dystopian. I don't even know what the solution is. Aside from "burn it all down," I don't think there even is a solution. I just don't give a fuck about this NFL stuff. I see it as a non-issue in its overall impact. At best it gets a few people a little more interested in politics, but only on a superficial level that is guided by controlled social media, or a controlled flow of information.

Sounds like bullshit. Sounds like super giga bullshit when you get to:

top kek, do you even have any idea how much a lot of these guys make? If some guy like Richard Sherman were to get fined a couple of million (not that he would for not going to the White House) it would hardly be a life ruiner. Sure, some lower caliber guys could get fucked but they'd just not be the ones who'd stay home; it'd be the big guys who'd sit out and that would make the narrative bad for Trump and the NFL. Just think of it now: "Poor not-quite-millionaires pressured into visiting Trump to save jobs; brave superstars stay home to express solidarity".

Hilarious bullshit.

You don't sound like an insider, you sound like you watch a lot of espn and lurk infowars. Your post is speculation based on what's already in the public sphere. Tell us some real insider info, specifics, time lines. Tits or GTFO.

user, i…

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ave satanas

they are a different species they can never learn no matter how much the (((rat))) props them up to oppose WHITES who should rule the world after ridding them selves of a parasite called jew

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Ignore this twat. He's been spamming half Chan with this pasta for the past couple of days.

This is another path for political fighting.
Jeffrey Lurie and half the other owners and scouts are all jewish. Deciding to run it as another hollywood psyop. They've done similar to other US leagues.
Killing it financially or spiritually in the form of lack of interest only helps things going forward.

I've stopped playing videogames but come on nigger do you know where we are

XFL is making its comeback with presidential approval

no one here watches football , football is not important

we dont need huge steroid men to do our dirty work

we have robots and robotic skeletons that can do the same now.

This particular set of the population has become obsolete. NFL will be reduced to a poor / dumb mans sport.


Hockey is still white, but becoming pussified.

its about time nigger ball died.

we'll see just how loyal those pack of niggers are when they're hungrier than their pit bulls back at home.

It has been for years and just gets worse. Been like this pretty much in unison with them trying to capture the American market more and more. And now if I try to watch a game on an American channel (which isn't often as I've pretty much given up on the sport ever going back to being good) they're pushing diversity bullshit. I remember seeing one some former black player for the Devils (I can't remember his name but he only retired a few years ago and was their captain a for awhile, I think) complaining about how no one played rap music in the dressing room until he started putting it on, etc. And no, I'm not trying to make a joke with that.


is that why your posts are permitted?

he didn't hate football, he actually liked football until his son got hurt playing in college and then he freaked about it trying to change the rules.

That's a nice tax and competition exemption you got there, NFL. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it because of non American activities.

Are you trying to prove his point?

Your ID is ruined now.

I think the cloudflare incident demonstrated just how well they can control the internet. Search engines, hosting services, registrars, filesharing. But they can't actually just remove you from the internet, just make it harder to find you.

tbqh haven't watched much since the '80s when every other player started doing that stupid monkey dance when they made a touch down.
No class at all.
Fuck the NFL.

Sasuga, leftypoz.

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It's going to take more than one Pres to change things.
You know they will kill him before they let that happen so fast.

He hasn't changed anything though. Not even things that he could easily change.

This, Eagle Scout here, shit's really infuriating.

Kek, who still watches the National Felon League? You'd have to be a giant cuck to proudly wear an African's name on your shirt in big letters.
Its ironic that these old boomers fund the lavished lifestyles of these Africans who despise whites.

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Trump turned out to be as low energy as jeb bush, maybe even more so.
WTF happened to his "our so-called allies" speech, of his determination to find and spread the truth about the 9/11!?
What about his anti-muslim stances and whole "drain the swamp" affair!?
Yes he did some good as well but it's like putting a band-aid on a broken leg.

This is bread and circus though. It's just part of a show to keep the gullible goyim focused on non issues. Am I seriously supposed to give a shit about some sports team being "disinvited" to the white house? Even if we weren't being actively invaded and living under a genocidal regime I still wouldn't care about this. It's a non story.

Hitler did it in 1

Who? I've never heard of this name because I'm not a cuckhold faggot who watches the NFL.

Kaepernick is a rapist

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I don't understand why would anyone rape somebody else, this is so low tier.

It's not rape, it's sexual misconduct.

Goy vey

It's fucking nothing, get in your bunker and wait for Hitler, goyim.

Convinced this one is a bot.

A capital idea. Also sauce me on that hate.

Botspam again?

Fuck your opinion of the man he's a piece on anchessboard for you to mamuever with or around. Whining he's not the big man of your dreams is faggotry.


Have a bump!