I just woke up with this idea I've never seen before, and it seems so elegant. I think I've figured it out, Zig Forums.
The left tends to blame what they call "tribalism" for racism, a sort of primitive, schoolground teaming up based on arbitrary shared traits such as skin colour, hence not just the dismissal of racism, but the mockery and contempt. But they have missed how important skin colour actually is to an organism, let alone other racial differences.
Europeans don't have white skin by accident; it is a product of many tens of thousands of years of adaptation to Europe itself. The overall darkness for much of the year, the reduced sunlight at Northern latitudes, and perhaps the most overlooked factor; near constant shade from the tree cover of the ancient Atlantic coast rainforest that covered much of the continent. Without modern civilisation, white skin is necessary here.
Brown skin in a European country clearly says one thing; I did not evolve here. It is a matter of fact that without modern medicine, darker skinned peoples could not survive here. Vitamin D is vital to the immune system.
This is the simple truth at the source of racism. Organisms don't want their offspring to be less adapted to their environment than they are. It's as simple as that. That's why despite all the propaganda and effort, actual miscegenation rates remain very low. You simply cannot overcome nature, millions of years of evolution has imbued us with a need to make sure our kids are well adapted. And subconsciously, everyone, even the most blackpilled, guilty bluepill knows that non-Europeans are not adapted to Europe. That's also why only Europeans with very low self esteem and self awareness miscegenate. You have to actually destroy a person's survival instincts to get them to.
There is no need to hate other races. They have their natural homes, their environments. But the simple fact that race is an adaptation is why in 1 million years, Europe will be white. That's why we call her Mother Europa; she created us exactly the way we are. I'm not worried about "the great replacement" beyond protecting white girls from rape and abuse. Evolutionarily it's good for us; making us stronger. And next time civilisation collapses (and it will), Europa will only accomodate those adapted to her.
It's a pretty common line here, so much that nobody even makes threads for it. You said it well, though, and it's worth saying.
Noah Evans
Noah Stewart
Technology makes adaptation to environment redundant. We aren't cave dwellers anymore. We need to defend our home.
Juan Turner
Yes. An organism evolves according to its environment in order to survive. If the environment does not provide enough for the organism to evolve into something more, then evolution will cease or take another path, or simple, the organism may migrate. Same can be found in Africa, the organisms, or people, don't have the tools or the intellect, or the resource given by the land you might argue, to flourish and build their own great civilizations. You could argue that Egypt was great or that guy who was the richest man in the world, coming in at something like 600B. However, they were in the north of Africa, and in a study done somewhat recently that I don't care to cite, it's shown that the rulers of the Egyptian civilization were more related to those in Europe than their on kind. Another example, going back to its primitive nature, is why life is not abundant everywhere in the universe. Going by the argument that if life faces a harsh environment, it will survive; however, it doesn't. Mars had running water for billions of years, longer than modern life on Earth has been around, yet we don't see tall slim green-looking martians floating around.
And yes and no. Everything is not fine. By our standards, nothing is fine. Civilization will collapse into something unimaginable and we're not going to live to see it become something again, or even be remotely close to it, unless something is done to prevent mass immigration and entire population genocide. It's disgusting seeing everyone going for it, especially after the dark ages set us back centuries in development. This will only send us back to sticks and stones, and honestly I don't mind that, but the progress that has been made feels like we just, I, just wasted our times.
Hudson Russell
Clearly you know nothing of history.
It's a multi-millennia learning process. As long as we pass down our wisdom and our grandchildren can live somehow (which they will be able to; we are tough) we have done our bit. Have faith that your descendants will rise like your ancestors did. It's what we do.
Robert Lopez
That's how we've been forming civilizations for the past recorded history, I guess that's how we're going to keep on doing. God speed user, have one of my nicest taytays
Technology is all THEY need to settle in our homelands. Until such a technological collapse happens, that environment will again become relevant, there won't be any whites left. OP`s a stupid moron that tells you to lean back and let it happen. What's the point of this thread?
Cameron Reed
Technology is fueled by societal need. Society leads technology in a capitalistic society, since it creates money. Yes, the technology of policies implemented by self appointed corrupt politicians whose goal is to undermine western society. Yes… forcing races back to their places, most likely. A technological catastrophe of that magnitude won't easily come by, and will most likely lead to the end of major populations. die juden finally shows its true colors
Go back to your hole you filthy rat. No one likes you and when we rebuild we're going to make sure not to make our fathers' mistake of letting you live.
Why should we let it be destroyed in the first place? Most of what you just said makes no sense whatsoever. This is even beyond trolling, its just pure stupidity.
Charles Turner
Big poo
Nathan Ortiz
Let it burn and then we can rebuild from the ashes, like we always have.
meh, decently pretty face, not much curves, no child bearing hips…i wonder about those who find a female with the figure of an effiminate german boy to be lustful…
WHY? If anyone is a Jew here its you. You are advocating the destruction of our nations, saying we should ignore the masses of niggers and other foreigners because "in a million years" it will be better? Are you fucking retarded? Lets tell our children, they should just wait a bit longer while becoming a minority in their own homes because things will change IN A MILLION YEARS. Our future isn't just about survival, its about advancement. You wan't to destroy everything our ancestors build so nature can sort out our problems.
You chimed in to a discussion/conversation without reading half of it. You're the fool here for thinking it hasn't been discussed already, in the same thread.
checked Trips and you still somehow manage to be wrong.
Ryan Harris
Implying we were all niggers once. GET THE FUCK OUT MOISHE!
Xavier Hall
I actually didn't imply that. We were all squirrels once, user. Squirrels aren't white. We evolved whiteness. Calm the fuck down.
Because it's already burning. Societal structure is decaying, we can't even go to the moon anymore and we're stuck here with the majority of people who think equality of outcome is the most important issue ever. Mass immigration has already occurred, there's no democratic solution to this.
Civil war, financial collapse, ecosystem collapse causing famine and plague is coming to the whole world, and you think we're going to fix this shit with a few extra STEM degrees and fiddling around with tech? You need to realise it's a house of cards. Fucking antibiotics are becoming useless. Nature is getting ready for a cull. You think they'll still be producing vitamin D pills during this chaos? You're blind if you can't see this coming.
What did they build that we still have? Stable homogenous societies with the family at the centre? Gone. Safe nations for our children? Nope. Wealth? Democracy? Well, we have the illusion, although that too is breaking. So we're left with old buildings that are great, but will stay there pretty much whatever happens unless they're directly bombed, like the Parthenon in Rome they will stand for a long time. And if you remember the US constitution, then the idea of America survives.
The point of this thread is that this collapse is a good thing, for us, as it will give us back our natural habitats and toughness. It's a fucking disaster for our enemies. We obviously all have a duty to do the best we can with the time we have and this thread isn't about action, it's about whitepilling. Human development advances in the same pattern as the stock market, we reach a peak and then crash, before gathering ourselves up and eventually climbing the steps to new heights. We're the generation that will witness the collapse, so that's a potential blackpill to blind idiots like you.
The 'million years' thing is just an example that literally whatever happens as long as there's a vaguely similar climate and some of us left to populate it, we will always pull through because nature has a niche for us, and those who go against nature get killed eventually by their own stupidity (like those in high finance today destroying the world through greed, and will starve to death once they've fucked it up enough).
Colton Williams
ISIS produced not mere vitamin D pills but speed pills. In the utter chaos of Middle East war where US and Russia dropped thousands bombs om their head every month for 2 years, unprecedented in the history campaign of destruction. Don't underestimate enemy and don't expect survival after conquest.
Any betting on the technological collapse of the enemy is absolutely illogical. If you except such there is no reason to accelerate their invasion in your lands. Instead you should accelerate their technological collapse if you believe it is that easy. After such collapses you enemies would be in your mercy. But you don't actually believe that enemy is weak, instead you surrender and submit expecting mercy.
all a waste of time as long as it's pushed by jews and not adhered to by jews. That's hypocrisy, that's evidence that it has nothing to do with any left wing ideology.
Christopher Baker
This is so stupid I don't even know where to begin. Go waste someone else's time.
Whites will not evolve in Europe again if we keep modern technology. We'd have to go full primitivist. Plus, that sentiment is really fucked up. You don't care if niggers replace you because they'll evolve to be white? You have absolutely no respect for your ancestors and no respect for the scantily of us alive today or your future children.
The only thing I can assume is that you are a weak willed faggot who would rather die and pray that niggers become human instead of fight for what is yours by bood.
Leo Hernandez
Your rather badly researched 2000 characters before that sentence won't protect you from wrath for that dumbass statement.
Get some historical context, read March of the Titans.
Darwinian evolution is required reading before you even get into the neighborhood 8pol is in.
The computer you're using to pollute my mind.
Not a creation of our ancestors.
That idea of America is wrong.
Gavin Sullivan
Gene pool variance is only as good as the source of the variance. Seeing as miscegenation results in the incorporation of sub-human genes, it is not good for us.
Interesting read. I always thought the white was more for camouflage like rabbits but I like your explanation too.
Jace Brooks
obviously I stopped reading after 1 or so sentences. OP is a faggot. Fortune favors the bold not the bald.
Alexander Young
Strawmen, not the point I was making or anywhere near what I think. Is Zig Forums too paranoid and autistic to have a discussion anymore, do you just want to browbeat anons at the first opportunity to misinterpret any one their statements in the worst possible way?
I'm not worried about the great replacement because I believe it can't happen. It requires a lot of infrastructure to enforce it and before it can happen or get much worse the infrastructure and system will collapse under the weight of all the gibs and crime it brings.
I know I shouldn't respond to shills but I like destroying your half-baked arguments too much.
By evolutionarily it's good for us I mean it's like a test. We have a lot of surplus. Population of Europe peaked at 100 million or so, far less than the number of conservative whites there are in the world today. Let the cuck genes die out or be lost to miscegenation, future generations will be descended only from those strong enough to resist emotional propaganda.
Henry Hill
Nobody makes threads about it because it's literally just common sense. How badly were you brainwashed that you think this is some great insight?
Gavin Roberts
Dude you're either 50 years old, in which case how the fuck did you find this corner of the internet, or you're channeling your boomer parents really fucking hard right now. We know of no historical precedent where a bunch of niggers showed up in a civilized country, destroyed that country intermittently, and then evolved to outshine whatever was there before. I will name Greece and Egypt as my examples here. Both started off with a de facto (and for purposes of this discussion) White elite, both ended up overrun by niggers, both are nothing like what it once was today.
To the greentexts: 1) Yeah, go read a book. 2) Part of making this gestalt that we are carefully raising here in these dissident spaces capable of making waves in the real world by informing the White racial consciousness means moving beyond justifying our beliefs. We can't constantly sit here and just recount and rediscover the same concepts over and over. We have to militarize them and start taking the next 3 steps. We've been redpilled since forever and this place doesn't have room for the uninitiated. It is simply too abrasive for them to stay for any meaningful duration of time, its why we use the term "nigger" to keep the uninformed away. Its up to them to come with the prerequisite knowledge. 3) Debt slavery is a myth, there is no incentive and no biological reason to give a foreign tribe a bunch of your resources when you could just eradicate them and keep all your resources too. Clearly the nuance went over your head though. 4) Our real ancestors, if I am to channel Sparta here and post about the Aryan-Heroic race that once ruled there, despised the degenerate city of Athens with its gay democracy and pederasty problem (not to mention the niggers they lived among). Rome is lulzy as an example of a democracy and the Enlightenment influence that was (((anti-monarchist))) was of semitic origin.
Come on lightweight I'll punch you out of this ring.
Being resistant to emotional urges kills mammals. You need to do a bit more reading about the mammalian brain and how its developed a unique balance between high cognitive functions and the emotional intermediary, both informed by the reptilian framework "below". Humans need to be able to be rallied by emotions and religion, all those who did not do this were killed off by increasingly religious races over the millennia. The solution to genocide the foreign is simpler, faster, and more promising than the off chance that we will evolve a cognitive complex that allows us to determine ingroup from outgroup oriented propaganda, especially because of the interplay that altruistic behavior (evolved to be racially blind, not acted upon because they are a lower rank than the ur-disgust behavior that lead to destroying foreigners before 1500 AD or so) and semites (((presenting white))) being able to trick naive Whites. You can forever be vigilant, or you can just solve the problem once and for all.
I like sleeping well at night so I prefer final solutions over perpetually intermediate ones.
He's being too "holier-than-thou" to be some sort of a recently unplugged normie. Perhaps he is on mount stupid and will only discover just how high the mountains of reading are over the coming months.
No one here knows anything. In the Socratic sense, of course
It’s literally happening right now, as we speak, and has been for decades, you mentally defective lunatic.
Jacob Thompson
I live in the UK. Hope that answers your question.
You're quite right about a lot of things, but what's your point? My contention was simply that, since the (((western))) world is collapsing as it rightly should, being corrupted for over a century, we can take comfort and faith in our environmental niche which is in colder climates, which will allow us to reclaim much of what has been lost. Am I wrong? We're not overrun. Britain is more than 80% native. I feel like you're arguing semantics for the sake of it.
No, an attempt is happening right now, and has been for decades. It's not working, as can clearly be seen from the awakening of whites and the collapse of the system.
Jack Rodriguez
Racism is natural. The divine maker made niggers for the jungle. Taking them out of it causes them immense unhappiness, as they're not surrounded by higher beings in an environment they're not adapted for. That's why the jews manipulate this mechanism to keep us servile.
Ryan Edwards
Fucking kill yourself, shill. Do you honestly think anything you're saying is going to work here?
Carson Phillips
Also, debt slavery is a myth insofar as fiat currency is a myth. For your average person getting thugs sent to their door to collect debts, it doesn't matter.
Also your Egypt/Greece examples prove my point because even though they fell, here we are still, more numerous and informed than ever before. After them we went on to conquer the whole world a few cycle peaks later. So why stop the West falling again? To save our computers? To save our parasites?
Hunter Rodriguez
Grayson Sanders
Liberal cucks are happy to point out the (often obvious) fallacies of creationist myths, but fail to apply the same logic to their own virtual religion.
It's the same thing with fatties who use the "muh genetics!" argument. If you're claiming that you're not just a lazy piece of shit, but also genetically inclined to be a disgusting blob, then you shouldn't be surprised if nobody finds you attractive.
does anyone have the cap of the user who pointed out the evolutionary basis for not accepting the "muh genetics" argument? shit was funny, I can't find it though
also thank fuck we can mock fatties again, turkroach was triggered like crazy by any mention of fatty hate
It is not fail it is modus operandi. Doublethink (aka dialectical materialism) is the basis of Marxism.
Jose Long
Kill yourself leddit.
Angel Thompson
We've always mocked fatties here you lying sack of yid shit.
Adam Sanders
Even if a collapse happens, things can't return to normal, because by that time, no whites will be left, or at the very least not enough of them, and not pure enough to repopulate Europe to its original state.
An extinction might happen tho, in that case, semi-adapted mutts would inherit the lands of white people.
Christopher Thomas
This post encapsulates how genocidal kikes think. If by some miracle I ever find out your name jew, I will personally execute you.
Ethan King
The source of racism is DNA and the resulting phenotype and it's interaction with the wider biome and environment. NATURE IS RACISM.
The future lies in NATURAL INTELLIGENCE. Even artificial intelligence is developed by mimicking nature. Libertarian Positive Eugenics, the conscious selection of desired traits via gene editing, is the future… and it will arrive in Asia first, unless another 'Hitler' arises first in Europe, or 'Washington' in America.
It will soon be possible to edit every single letter of the genetic code. The first country that applies this on a mass scale to consciously evolve will be like gods among apes. Of course if done by governments, conformity will also be selected for… and western strength is not a result of conformity but separatist free-spirited competition among the best.
Communism is a primitive expression of this.
We need another Wilberforce or Washington or Hitler or Adolphus.
This thread is Jew, the "HAIL BRITINNA" is Jew, the Jew cannot understand multiple infinities or an infinity of infinities without greed whiteout.
Evan Bennett
Explains the amount of defeatism, cuckoldry and sense of defenselessness. I will not disagree with you though Britain is indeed a lost cause.
Owen Bell
I'll try to look it up my hoard.
Charles Hall
For an Aryan comeback to be possible, Britain must be liberated. Britannia, the motherland, where the hour of darkest is the place where the fires of revolution must spark. Put on you female muslim garments and start the asymmetric resistance. Light a fire in the hearts of the people!
and that is why we need an ice age again. Memetic wizards, direct your energy to bringing about COLD the niggers and muzzies can't survive the ice, their bodies are ill adapted, their societies won't function and their faith will tear them apart.
Im pretty sure it was morphine instead of speed. The reason them ISIS niggers were all hopped up on it is because American .223s go so fast that they enter and exit the body without causing any serious internal damage. Just imagine you are in some stan shit hole gunning down mudskins when all of a sudden you realize they stop going down after 2-3 shots. Now thats what you call pyschological warfare.The Germans had the right idea tactically using amphetamines
Jose Rodriguez
Yeah I wish I was. In extraordinary conditions an otherwise inferior organism can displace the superior one, even ending his reign and existence. You're telling us to sit back and let it happen with some vague promise of it being alright in the end. By blood it cannot be so. By blood we fight for us to be, whatever the conditions may be.
Yeah I'm German, you think I'd be wrong about anything?
I am SS nigger.
Currency is a medium of exchange. All currency is fiat at some level, the question is where the material wealth is going through the series of exchanges involved. Do not set equal a convenient tool of exchange (currency) with the jewish wealth extraction scheme (debt slavery). The economy (and currency) is a tool that is subject to our whims and wills.
Yeah, in a very limited sense "we". The nigger races could not penetrate far enough north or west to pollute our ancestral stock. You're arguing that its ok since they only managed to take 3/4 of the ancient world and by extension, it wouldn't be a problem if they took the last quarter too.
Because I demand to be part of the Aryan-Heroic race ruling this Earth. If we perish, the next Ice Age will come indeed, and then a new race will be forged, and hopefully they will learn from our foolishness and genocide the nigger races instead of tolerating them. I do not wish to be the "spiritual ancestor" to some race in the distant future, I wish to set the stage and future for my own children. I want to be the conqueror, emperor, superior, and commanding race today. I am a member of the first superior race to spawn and I want my race to be the superior race forever. I find no consolation in a knockoff of my Aryan kind 40,000 years from now.
You be careful and watch your tongue.
Jack Evans
what's the science speak when it comes to petri dish cultures sharing and fighting over space and resources?
Camden Rogers
Fuck off kike
Angel Smith
Race-realism is not "racism". Racism is an irrational hatred of other races. Zig Forums's hatred is objective and empirical. Another shill thread.
Carter Gutierrez
(((leon trotsky))), the guy who 'invented' the very 'word' (tip: it's not an actual word to begin with) and 'meaning' of it (i.e. anti-anything traditionally/culturally/ethnically white). he's also one of the founders of the red army and one of the founders of the communist ideology, and by extension it's bolshevik offshoot. thinks rotational living space for people mixed with non-family members on every available living space (even if said living space is a fucking henhouse) and public cafeterias while banning the very concept of the family unit and private dining room for the common man and his family is a great idea
also the guy who ended up dead with a pickaxe lodged to his brain, just like lenin, only the latter was mummified much to his dismay
a basic description of trotsky (and lenin) would be; he's the kind of guy every leftypol faggot and every antifa group in the whole planet would literally and unironically worship as a god, a walking talking antifafag only less retarded but still damn mentally ill as one would expect from a commie filth
Gavin Walker
I do know that a book exists that blows their argument out of the water and sets it on fire to burn away its sins. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration Dr Weston A Price. TL;DR Modern diets cause horrible health problems and fuck up your development, while primitive or purely farm raised diets make you a handsome beautiful specimen with radiating health and Fibonacci patterns inherent in the geometry of your face and strong jawline and teeth. gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html
With everyone living in doors and wearing cloths all the world who is not white will be vitamin d deficient. Even the blackest of niggers will head indoors and put cloths on if you give them cheap enough air conditioning.