I've recently stumble upon an Image of SS soldiers throwing this Jewish sign, I'd like to know more about Judaism within the Third Reich and other subliminal signs of Judaism hidden within in that are over looked. Would Zig Forums be kind enough to englight me about the hidden Judaist agenta that roamed underneath the last bastion of humanity
Judaism within the Third Reich
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Post the image then faggot.
I've heard that Soros was in the SS and saw few infographs about a jewish SS legion. Anyone care to share those infographs or sources?
I cant believe i've found this on kikepedia.
Hitler had Jewish ancestry roots.
Can't seem to find it but i vividly remember it being posted here
Manly P. Hall said he saw synagogues being built and shit lmao
Hey mods do your fucking job
aww something goes against the consensus on your hugbox :'(
Yeah, real quality thread. Mods better give someone BO sooner rather than later. It's clear that you guys are incapable of running this place and the shills are taking advantage.
fun fact that gesture signifies the disunity of the two pillars as opposed to the united middle pillar
This thread makes me want to expose the ADL some more.
Want something done right, do it yourself.
I have to do fucking everything.
Those are an 'M' for Mary Maggie, user.
They represent the knowledge that Jesus had a son and a bloodline, i.e., the holly grail.
But you have to believe that shit, first ,tho.
also maybe the illuminati and masons are not jew but have been jewed and subverted and accused of jew crimes.
There was nothing 'hidden' about jews during The Third Reich.
You act like both interpretations are mutually exclusive or something.
i think they are.
In the immortal words of Ernst Zundel, if you can get your hands on an phone book from mid-1940's Germany,you'll find there were many jews living there completely unmolested throughout the war.
Mid-twentieth century National Socialist Germans were too civilized to 'exterminate' anyone. Twenty-first
century Americans? I wouldn't count on it.
That's not how symbolism works.
>>>/cuckchan/ is that way faggot
Not every jew is into the bolshevik fad in 30s Europe, in fact quite a number of them joined and formed an SS Division of their own just to fuck with the bolshevik scum in russia and in Central Europe
he's just an errand boy that took advantage of 'jews = victims' meme so he can murder people be it they're jews or whites, even if it meant sucking up to the SS officers with their filthy non-degenerate goyim ways, and of course the occasional literal dick sucking to various underground groups like smugglers and black market merchants for favors and valuable pieces of info/objects
That's nonsense, he was never in the SS. SS membership had strict Aryan purity requirements. The truth, which he admitted, was that as a teen he hid his Jewish identity, and collaborated with the occupation Government in the confiscation of Jewish property.
What was the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS then?