Summary of the article for those who can't speak Polish:
Polish government angered by US Ambassador nominee's statements
whew. lad. Well we fucked it now didn't we.
>B-B-B-But 8d chess.
I hope this bump feels like twenty centimeters of wood up your ass, kike.
Seriously what the fuck.
what are you surprised … you thought you could just make a scribble on a piece of paper and get your way?
What a piece of shit.
The east european US ambassadors are the most cancerous politicians in the world
>(((polish government)))
Media is all but saying the Polish law was created by actual nazis. Millions of otherwise innocent Americans get bamboozled by tis shit every year.
There is literally no mention of this in the English speaking press. And it appears to be real. Good find user.
Trump also appointed a new Hungarian ambassador recently. Very suspicious given the role of Poland and Hungary in keeping the west safe.
Maybe the subhumans shouldnt have promoted the Holohoax and ban its investigation.
Poles are just subhumans who are getting karma-ed.
Payback for ww2, filth.
imkikey isnt here for you anymore
Shills are out in force. Over the target much?
Hi Shlomo
Here's your (You), Moshe Goldstein
Ok. So, this has 2 interpretations ( its a fallacy i know, but bear me on this one). Disclaimer, I know next to nothing of int pol, so fell free to ass blast me to oblivion if you feel like it.
A) Trumpstein-berg-shekelgrabba meme is real and some anons dun goofed.
B) He assisgned a polarizing figure such as this would-be-soap-in-an-ideal-world bitch to further set the divide into polish ppl. In a way helping them; think of how much more your beliefs were reassured when a feminine virus carrier told you you were a buzzword.
Sry if 2nd statement sounds more entising but my english is kill and I needed more space to explain myself.
I really fucking its the latter, I have hopes for El Trompito, not as a final figure but as an enabler for greater things.
Yes, a kike would want the Holohoax exposed!
you mad kikey isnt here to ban holohoax exposer anymore?
Ok, Shlomo, I just spread my my ass because Germans wanted muh Lebensraum.
Oh look, there goes Trump getting countries pissed off at kikes again.
Trump won't do it, mark my words. He will pull her back as a friendly gesture.
Unless I am too dumb to understand why ambassador should hostile to the accepting country's laws.
Typical D&C kikey
We can't do a full investigation because of Hebraic screeching in both United States of ZOG and I*rael. Look at the backlash in Iceland when their MPs tried to ban circumcision, imagine if we started digging in Auschwitz and Treblinka. They'd rather nuke us than let us find new evidence.
You're so right this is fucking amazing chess!
Name a time when it wasn't.
Every single time, Trump is ZOG best to accept this now
Hmmm. Nope, not convinced.
can confirm. the stupid fags think they run the country theyre in.
you again?
Compelling refutation
Bin Salman is legit tho. That's why Trump saved his ass from getting comped in Vegas. Bins the reason dopey prince Alwaleed is hanging upside down hooked up to a car battery in gitmo.
What makes more sense: Trump stacks his cabinet with kikes and the biggest pro-israel shabbos goys, does everything they want and more, has kikelet grandchildren because he's ZOG or because this is all a part of some grand scheme to make people hate jews and do what? I'm thinking I'll take the side of occam here
Do what you gotta do, I happen to like the agendafor the most part anyway. There's always room for progress
Hey Schlomo did Drumpf make this woman the ambassador?
t. never watched The Apprentice
Trump always follows the same formula. He gives these idiots
enough rope to hang themselves. He was never unfairly punitive
when he fired anybody. He was just stern about it.
She's outing herself. She's making trouble with the Poles.
She'll get replaced. This was a test. She failed.
You faggots should really go back and watch a bunch of random episodes.
You can get away with being a "troublemaker" if it gets results in Trump's world.
A troublemaker who also fails to deliver? That fucker is gone.*
He has a lot of "longtime friends". In politics and business, every cunt is your "longtime friend".
And there's the fundamental hole in your argument. Trump isn't really a Republican.
*inb4 "Muh Trump's a troublemaker 2!!": He gets results.
Trump is /ourjew/ He's the kikes from the inside.
B-but heres a picture of Drumpf touching the wall!
they're not sending their best from GLP and r/the_donald
Would someone from r/the_donald call you a faggot?
Just like the pajeet Nimrata?
And this is objectively false
Nothing new
i didnt scream kike. i made fun of reatrded redditors that think the wahabbi monkey is based and think trumps kosher moves are some secret moves at X cause.
yet anytime i ask those retards why trump would wanna act against his masters in the first place they just stop responding.
next youll say ISIS aint that bad
trump didnt save anyone. it was the CIA that needs a stable KSA to defend the petrodollar. And even if trump did have anything to do with it it would be because hed wanna suck dick for some oil money
yeah, its called a power struggle. reatrded monarchies have that, and the US is gonna support a fucking 6yo king if it means their oil is secure.
So she's a treasonous cunt and needs executing?
Her job as ambassador is to look at AMERICAN interests with respect to whichever country she's assigned.
You're talking to a mouthbreathing Q-tard. Just ignore him.
nice reddit spacing newfag.
1) sell out
2) ???
3) profit
from what? everyone knows the US is a zionist patsie.
no, hes just a regular sellout thats in it for the PR.
Hey Imkikey, enjoying your visit?
that cunt had a cringefest thi week in the UN when the entire room told her to fuck off with her resolution
newsfalsh shlomo, not everyone here is a kosher burger
holy fuck tell your bosses to send someone better than you.
It's been hard to tell who's a shill, and who's Kikey being a retard. I mean, both shills and Kikey are easy to differentiate from actual Anons, but it's hard to tell a difference between shills and imkikey, the funniest part is one gets paid to be a faggot, and the other is just naturally a faggot.
Nobody misses you, you dumb fuck. Quit trolling hoping people ask for you back.
Awe, one off. The digits would have been befitting.
Hello plebbit, you need to lurk more.
Hello kike, Trump was never a kike puppet no matter how desperately you kvetch and how many times you show us the magic touchingwall.jpeg
You should immediatly kill yourself.
Of course she has to say that she'll do that.
(((Who))) do you think controls these hearings, what is their biggest beef with polan and what do they want done. Well besides the fact that she's jewish, which is probably the main reason she's been nominated as Pissrael gets pissy if a country turns out to be a bad goy.
Besides she has to obey the foreign ministry. Her personal opinions have no weight when it comes to doing her job.
There is no law in Poland protecting the holohoax. The only thing propping it up is propaganda.
Zero surprise what so ever.
Any poles willing to share his opinions on the JUST act regarding heirless ww2 propriety?
Hello Zig Forums your memes are total dogshit as always it is not surprising though, they simply reflect your mental attitude and capabilities.
Stay salty, nigglet.
Is baste on the bingo card? If it's not it should be.
Hey plebbit, just so you know, practically anyone Trump has known for or over the years can be described as a 'longtime friend'.
So if you pathetic piece of shit want to make an argument, go ahead and find something more about the quality of relationship between them, instead of trusting kikemedia descriptions.
Why do you think you need to lie?
In Poland, Holocaust denial and the denial of communist crimes is punishable by law.
Kikey chill
Yes it does exist, but I don't think anyone's ever been convicted or even prosecuted. The cases are usually thrown out by judges because of "negligible damage to society". Unless you go on national TV and say "Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong" I can't see anyone ever going after you. There was some outcry on TV when some random Poles celebrated Hitler's birthday by dancing in a (((gas chamber))), sieg heiling while naked and simulating a gassing and nobody even bothered to file a lawsuit. 3 years ago the director of the Auschwitz Museum even admitted that Leuchter was right about the gas chambers and that they were built after the war.
They are obviously going after us, they have been for decades. I see 4 possible options:
1) Israel simply wants gibs, nothing more
2) They want to pressure us to act like good goyim in exchange for not extorting money from us
3) Judeopolonia scenario (The plan is that all the Israeli Jews would move to Poland at some point, and that's why they're trying to make us go bankrupt: so that we can comply and embrace Juden without being able to defend ourselves)
4) They want to obliterate our identity and national pride by making everyone believe we're descendants of murderers and thieves, just like they did to Germans, while also trying to extort gibs
The turkroach isn't here anymore. You need real arguments now.
As it stands, pooland supports the Holohoax narrative.
It can work in every country that signed the terezin declaration.
it's anti-latin civilization in principle.
In civilized countries heirless property = property of any kind that doesn't have any named or a logical inheritor (family, close friend), such property goes to the state the deceased was a national of, it's then evaluated and put up for sale.
Jewish official stance is that every jew born after the holocaust is autimatically a holocaust survivor, and jews are a hivemind so if 1 jew owned something, every other jew is eligible to seize it.
Though if they care so much, they can take whatever they owned in warsaw, provided they can assemble it back together, pic related.
bonus points by israeli ambassador to Poland szewach weiss:
(((Even if only 6 million died in the shoah, you have to account for how many weren't born because of that)))
with JUST you come to a target country, say
1. Nobody in sane mind denies Holocaust. We can argue about the numbers or specific aspects (whether it was committed in camp X, or who was the worst: Germans or Ukrainians), but the fact stays the fact.
2. Dariusz Ratajczak, 1999
Hi, wroclawa. How's life?
paying once enables paying until there's nothing left becuase they can immediately notify jewish news outlets for Americans with a simple headline
Kikes figured out israel is surrounded by 200 million muslims with varying degrees of negative feelings towards jews so they plan to kill off ukrainians in a civil war, then move israel there, combined with eastern parts of Poland
also if Iran gets nukes, every other country will want those too.
4 is a good reason too.
Now you get it. Real nationalists hate you and don't give a fuck about you, because your narrative harms nationalism worldwide.
Next axis round, you can die on the giant electric chair, vermin.
Maybe you forget what your lord kikey told you, it is "Holohoax Exposure".
Did kikes die as burnt offering to some god? No. So there wasn't any Holocaust, per definition.
But it is in your globalist cockroach interest to regurgiate the same propaganda over and over, as if something every nation does in total war is special and "evil". (Locking up foreign elements and traitors).
Subhuman kike loving shit country.
Okay, he was prosecuted but the charges were dropped. The case set a precedent that if you say you're just stating someone else's views on the gas chambers and not endorsing them yourself they won't do shit to you. A little legal loophole.
Typical kike D&C, as usual
Yeah the problem with (((them))) is that you never really know what's on their minds. You can analyze and draw conclusions, but how can you predict what people with virtually unlimited money will do?
0951cf either cannot into realpolitik, or is, as I stated earlier, a hooknose.
kikey was a chesscuck you retard. he banned /sg/ because they were talking about how america supports terrorists
then respond to the argument
get them more shekels?
You know that "not giving a fuck" - i.e. "indifference" and "hatred" are emotions that can't occur at the same time towards a singular object, right?
Care to name the nation with "real nationalists"?
Nah, thanks, I don't trust homeopathy.
You got an example of a guy prosecuted for Holocaust denial. You were also informed, that Holocaust isn't denied 'round these parts, so what would you want for Poland to do? Prosecute people for the crime they don't do?
Reading with comprehension, level: kindergarten. Focus, bruh.
I fucking said earlier that
The case we're talking about happened 20 years ago and was eventually thrown out because the judges couldn't factually prove the guy was wrong, just like in the Zundel trial. He was a history professor and wrote a book about the camps, that's why the kikes even filed a lawsuit. They knew the charges would be dropped, they just wanted to drag his name through the mud and kill the book before it was released (and they succeeded).
And it's not like we're the only country in which denying 6 gorillion means endless character assassination attempts. Look at what (((they))) did to David Irving.
Yes, but you're a kike.
Once again. Try to pay attention: you got an example of a guy prosecuted for the Holocaust denial.
Your words were:
Were he prosecuted? Yeah, he was.
Also, #2 you constantly forget about (ah, the selective perception of the leftist…): we don't persecute people for the Holocaust denial, because we simply don't deny it. Don't expect for people to be persecuted for crimes they don't commit.
Nice pilpul
Also, what the fuck do you know about Poland? Do you live here? Do you know people who live here? Have you even been anywhere outside of Tel Aviv, Shlomo?
Speaking only for myself, I always had doubts about him fixing everything, but that wasn't why I voted for him. I voted for him to piss off every single limp-dick and feminist on earth, and as far as I'm concerned, it's been an amazing return on investment.
We shouldn't expect Trump to name the Jew, not with his connections. But the Overton Window is shifting rapidly thanks to him and we have to take advantage of this fact
W rzeczy samej, coś tam wiem. Zatkało kakao?
Poprosze o zdjecie nosa w takim razie, nigdy nie wiadomo prosze pana
Here's what you're looking for: (unzips pants)
Also: RODO, son, do you even?
Why are all of our ambassadors these irritating leftie Jewish or good goy women.
Because that's what America is.
jews are the fucking worst
Rude. I assure you that I am white and it is you that is likely the kike.
And now they are D&Cing Poles and Americans