If you faggots can tear yourselves away from INFOWARS long enough. Ursula Haverbeck is still in jail.
You gonna break her out?
Wonder how long this thread will stay up for. Considering the other ones like it plaguing the catalog I'm willing to bet a good few dozen hours.
They let Sylvia Stolz out yet. Do German women have more balls than German men. Everyone knows The Hoax™ is a lie. Are there no German men who will stand up in their defense?
you have to be 90 years old by now what the fuck are you saving it for
Fuck you you piece of shit you can go back to masturbating over fantasies of Hillary going to prison.
Much like you losing your virginity it's nevar gonna happen
According to codoh, this is her new prison address. Everyone, please write to her.
JVA Bielefeld-Brackwede
z. Hd. Ursula Haverbeck
Umlostrasse 100
33649 Bielefeld
She hasn't got any of the financial backing from jews like trump, Tommy goy Robinstein and the rest of the CIA clowns that hasbara jews are paid to shill for, which is why this thread languishes with a handful of comments while TRS threads reach their limit.
Which is why I'm beginning to think conservative [jewish neocon] Americans are perhaps the greatest hurdle to white survival
Thanks, I've been looking for that for a long time.
Thanks for that.
Check out the Little thread and compare to this rather muted one, yet Ursula is actually in jail as a result of her brave resistance and that doesn't seem to matter to those who are determined to keep feeding Zig Forums their pretend patriot CIA frauds.
I never thought much about Patrick Little until today.
Just observing the exact same isreali jews shilling and attacking anyone with exactly the same methods and language as they did whenever they were shilling for Wilders/Trump et al tells me how easy it is to see the legit resistance from the jewish controlled opposition.
Free Ursula Haverbeck from jewish tyranny!
First day in the Astroturfing department, faggot?
Why would a thread bringing attention to the plight of Ursula Haverbeck be considered "astroturfing" on Zig Forums?
Meanwhile the same isreali hasbara jews that destroyed Zig Forums along with Imkampfy are openly doing the same promotion of Patrick Little as they did for every other 'fashy based necon kike' they did before, using the same insults and methods of attack that they did before Kampfy was gassed off here.
Only now the jews haven't the same power to ban anons as they did before, it must kill the jew to know this.
ProTip - You cannot astroturf a board by highlighting a legitimate opponent of jewry on Zig Forums while there are currently threads with openly jewish hasbara shilling and attacking any user in numbers for not going along with their jewish lies.
Who said anything about Patrick Little? Imagine all those Patrick Little supporters with guns marching on Sacramento while scared little zionists canaanites shake in their loafers.
Sorry too busy formulating why sucking jewish cock is 69D chess, don't worry OP I'm sure the boomer civnats from qlarp and MAGApede jewdogs will be here any second to shit up the thread.
Oh look there's one now.
Look you filthy go- …shill, by giving the Jews what they want, Trump wins and so does America.
dead policy makers and their pet police can't lock people up for wrongthink
I love your well thought out plan of how we can break her out of jail. Her old age may be an issue, but you got that covered too i guess. Here is your (you).
Now get the fuck out of here you filthy cuntowner.
Are you retarded nigger? Everyone on this board should know who this is.
Anons, her time is short on this Earth.
She will die in jail and become a hallowed martyr. We will march with her portrait too. An inspiration to all women and men alike.
Go wash your filthy mouth. That "cuntowner" has more balls than you will ever have jew faggot.
Can someone please tell me specifics of what she's saying and why she is in jail?
Yeah, insult us and associate us with jewish shills. That’ll surely make us care about your thread.
She said words about the Holocaust. That's illegal for Germans.