Did evolution really affect the races differently?
I'm a Christian Republican so I don't believe it. God made us all equal. It's in the bible.
Did evolution really affect the races differently?
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What the actual fuck happened to moderation here after the recent happenings. Is it just nonexistent now?
If you don't like free speech go back to reddit
Non-sequitur argument. Being "equal" is an umbrella term, it signified nothing. In case you aren't a massive shitposting faggot, check out these IQ charts, and then lurk 55 years.
The only thing that changed in human physiology over the last three million years dating back all the way to the homo erectus days was cranial volume. Literally everything else stayed the same (well obviously not everything, skin color changed too but you get the point). Compare the cranial volumes of the main three or four anthropological groupings, or races to see if they have differing evolutionary pressure. That's all you really need to know.
kill yourself
I'm sorry, but you've just posted a bunch of sudoscience graphs. those dont follow the scientific method.
It's really hard to determine whether the current state of Zig Forums is a true improvement. I almost miss kikey.
The burden of proof is on you, Rabbi. Even blacks born to white parents still have a lower IQ. Also, it's "pseudoscience."
You are an shill who has only given the Bible a superficial glance. Heretic. >>>Zig Forums
It was a noble idea to have an open discussion problem is the /b/ thread popping up since mods aren't enforcing ANYTHING except extremely loose rules in the meta thread.
No fuck face. You need to fucking read cryptome.org
Your reading comprehension is shit. Cool it with the knee jerk hysterics. I was reaffirming race realism in that post, not contesting it. Good picture though, proves my point succinctly.
Sorry user, I'm pissed off at all these 2014 4skin tier threads.
not surprising
God didn't made everything equal, he made all humans equal and put humans over animals.
So what is equal depends on your definition on what humans are. What is the definition of humans in the bible? They are the descendants of Adam and Eve.
Do you belief Niggers are the Offspring of Adam and Eve? That at one point Sub Saharan Africans, Caucasians and Mongoloids came from the same people?
From OP:
You know how ID's work don't you Moishe? But here's the answer to your fucking shit question.
I knew the Christian Republican angle was bullshit. The picture is some mgtow propaganda, it's yet another "JAPS ARE THE NEW WHITE GRILLS FK THE WHITE RACE" thread.
God also separated the people by land after man kind came together during the tower of Babel… God also speaks of not mixing those not meant to be mixed.
Equality applies to civil rights, not biology.
A cripple is going to be treated the same as an able bodied person in court, but s/he sure isn't going to have the same quality of life and opportunities as long as whatever condition isn't being fixed.
how can we all be equal when the kikes claim they were chosen by God?
Species which are geographically isolated from each other develop different evolutionary adaptations. The answer is YES
Sickle cell
Skeletal differences
No neanderthal DNA in subsaharans
Also sage
Besides that, saying the Bible says we were all created equal is so retarded it has to be bait.
The Bible is a series of struggles between ethnic groups competing for dominance, and it goes all the way back to the son of Adam murdering his brother. The Bible says the Jews are favored by the Creator. Who draws "equality" from the Bible is full of shit, selling you something
hope you and your children have fun fucking monkeys and sucking flesh for the heeb on the weekly for salvation. cucked faggot.
I don't know the Bible. Never studied it.
Isn't there something about everyone being of one blood or something?
What is it with Christians and going on missions and sponsoring shitskins to live and worship among their own families? There's a Presbyterian church near me and it's run by whites but there are a lot of actual African niggers, assorted South Americans, and some slopes. Why do they have to do this?
Not trying to troll. I really don't understand.
Found it pretty easily.
What gives, Christians? Are there contradictory passages somewhere? Is this a bad translation?
Acts 17:26-28 (NKJV)
26 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, 27 so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’
Go back to Reddit? What so he can upvote your posts you fucking faggot?
Why do the mods only anchor the thread and not ban the poster?
This sort of a post is well-worth some degree of a ban.
OP here you guys really took the bait
No one gives a shit what you believe. It's a scientific fact, and yes, it has been proven. Every time a unique mutation is discovered in a group of people that helps them to excel in their environment, it proves it. Of course, no mainstream publication is going to extrapolate this to "Europeans and niggers evolved differently, and are thus different," but that is the case, and every time someone's allowed to slip through and make the claim that so-and-so tribe in some third world country evolved an ability to do something far and beyond what the rest of us our capable of, it proves environment directly impacts evolution and makes us different.
Go back to Zig Forums, faggot.
That's just a poetic way of saying we are all from Adam's sack. The Bible does not explicitly explain how Adam's family reproduced, but it does mention fallen angels making babies with human women. The implication is those bloodlines are tainted with evil and are no part of discussion of Adam's pure line leading to David and the messiah