Why are all cucks/soyboys/numales exclusively cumskins?

Why are all cucks/soyboys/numales exclusively cumskins?

Attached: f0499cab2cd1b570d126a696be287daa8496dc7bf6481dc7e2a6f343329ce744.jpg (640x816, 75.42K)

Kikes, but their days are numbered.

So you're agreeing the white race is inferior because jews have already outsmarted them, yet you somehow expect them to turn the tables?

What do you base this on?

So are you a "Latino" (mutt) or a hapa (mutt)?

Why did the jews execute millions of innocent Aryans after WW2 and demoralize the rest so severely that only their grandkids have a semblance of a fighting spirit?

Nvm don't bother answering jew troll nigger.

Threadly reminder that the SS was the largest multiracial army in human history.

Go back to Turkey, Imkikey

The (((Nazi's))) won't be outnumbered 5 to 1and the crypto-kikes won't be hiding behind their fellow white man ruse next time around .
You're fucked, Moishe.


I bet you think the Mets are a superior baseball team, too.

Oops, my spoiler

Because you've literally defined them that way.
The term just doesn't apply to any other race, even with identical political views, since non-whites at least believe they'd have something to gain by destroying western civilization. Cucks are self-hating whites knowingly and happily taking the road to extinction.

Probably quite a few reasons.
Rate of homosexuality is higher among blacks so if not for these reasons there would certainly be more black soyboys. Here's an picture of a black emo I found on google just to show they're not above falling for the same shit whites fall victim to.

Attached: Emo_negro.jpg (300x450, 13.65K)

Social engineering has made them more like pet "toy dogs" than human animals. The raw power of cultural conditioning to destroy lives shouldn't be undestimated.

To become a soy boy/cuck,you must suck the cock of your univertity professor,MSM,then go further beyond and consume Vice,Buzfeed and share them with your fag friends at college,and your masculinity spirals down.

As far as I know,niggers and latinoes don't such their college professor's cock as much as the white,privileged boys of Berkeley and shit.

And don't even get me started on Europe

Blacks beat the soy out of each other as kids, and there are plenty of mystery meat and latinx cuckinos, just nobody cares, because why would you?

Attached: BlackTrannies.jpg (550x412, 60.25K)

Attached: Faggots.jpg (634x764, 63.48K)

Attached: Blackfaggot.jpg (599x800, 55K)

Attached: 3fags.jpg (835x470, 52.72K)

Their women prefer violent/aggressive/misogynistic colored men leaving them to become cucks/soyboys/numales and faggots.

Why do the mods only anchor the thread and not ban the poster?
This sort of a post is well-worth some degree of a ban.

Cuckoldry is a jewish behaviour. Kikes have used their media control to make Whites act like kikes. What does the soyboy look remind you of?