Okay, so I can't spill the beans much, but I have it on good authority that Vaughn will be returning within the next few weeks. He was able to raise a lot of money post-dox and now works full time for TRS and some other alt-right outlets. NeetSocs, spergs and goons alike tried keeping the man down and failed.
You shills can't help yourselves. Everyone knows Vaughn is lowkey sympathetic to white nationalism but prefers a more subtle approach to appealing it to the masses. TRS, DS and the general alt-right continue to grow now that they've purged the NeetSoc elements from the movement.
Thomas Myers
This is why we are hunting you double nigger cucks down. Race traitors are arguably almost worse than jews.
Nicholas Brooks
Your kind are NeetSocs, goons, spergs, WN 1.0 types, people with bad optics. The alt-right learned a hard lesson when they realized YOUR kind were holding us back from reaching the masses. The Nazi memes are funny every now and then, but we don't promote a "fascist worldview" or become EH kooks like you lot. We just want a white America and that doesn't involve larping some German ideology that failed.
Jason Sanders
you know that you`re the shill here.
go suck a tranny dick, im sure that will help with your optics
Jack Roberts
I remember one thing Ricky came in at about 25 on the top most influential twitter posters or some shit. I was somewhat amazed.
Adam Cruz
Drown yourself in semen, you cockmongling niggerfaggot.
Objectively the gayest terminology ever. Why is TRS and all the other larping kikes so terrible at memes?
Chase Flores
Jackson Wood
that`s what happens when you let boomers meme
Nathaniel Wright
They hate Hitler and they hate National Socialism, and yet they think anyone who isn't a total mong will buy that they're pro-white. I'm so sick of these Jews, they aren't even interesting anymore. The collapse of America can't come soon enough.
Brandon Perez
Of course you're not, you Zionist cuckold. Now leave.
Owen Collins
Because he ran a trump meme twitter for boomers.
Daniel Smith
Because he can actually contribute to the movement unlike you fags.
Oof, edgy.
We're the best at memes, actually. Nobody comes here for a reason.
You guys…..never change. Don't change. While we're out here making a difference, you guys can have fun trying to figure out who you think is Jewish in the movement or who's an informant.
Juan Sanchez
You're an irrelevant nobody. Go fuck yourself.
Leo Edwards
who cares, cry about it you cuck.
John Lopez
Brayden Cruz
This, it's like their brains are incapable of understanding memetics.
Jonathan Johnson
Threadly reminder to filter and report TRS shill threads. The cultists argue like jews and just come here to shit up the place. Don't give them (you)'s.
Hudson Roberts
The one time I miss the roach faggot is when I see TRSodomites around here.
Josiah Powell
Movement? What movement? Lmao we're not a part of the alt-kike nor where we ever, you just stole our message and memes and distorted them into a neocohen flavored mess. Your faggotry rivals that of Chanology.
Angel Turner
So money other than his side job of selling the information on everyone in the Alt-kike? Go figure the first thing TRSodomites would do is throw money at a man fucking them all over Careful man, Ricky will disavow you for being a "wignat" and bad optics for that
Jaxon Turner
Link me one, i`m sure it wont be hard
look mom, i`m projecting
Blake Gray
well at least he didn't 'MARRY A FUCKING KIKE', amiright?
Logan Adams
Hi Mr. Mackey! Enjoy the sage, go back and cry to your alt-kike fags like Spencer.
Kevin Perez
is there some way they can both loose?
lol eceleb thread byebyte
Juan Miller
Uhm no sweetie, maybe try proving it. Smartcheckr is a Republican consulting firm and there's no proof Vaughn tried selling peoples' data to any third parties.
Colton Sullivan
TRS and DS got behind Vaughn post-dox and not before that, unfortunately. The head goys did what they could to let the people know that Vaughn is one of ours.
Luke Sullivan
Jayden Reed
Then explain why your Alexia rating is so low Anybody can shitpost on social media and get a following, doesn't mean jack shit IM does this as well, albeit much better than your faggy pool parties.
Jacob Taylor
Do you really think our propaganda isn't powerful to the point where (((they))) have to constantly censor and try to dox us? Do you really think we're civnats simply because we don't use Zig Forums and haven't adopted the "fascist worldview" or whatever? The majority of us just want a white ethnostate with no kikes and ideology comes second in this movement because ideological purity spiraling is anathema to race.
Nicholas White
bumping an anchored thread for salt
Joseph Hall
What's an Alexia rating? IM doesn't do shit btw. Sven banned them from the TRS forum and their Uzbeki Führer purged the website last year. I've spoken to different people who were from IM and I can confidently tell you that you guys would hate them more than you hate the alt-right.
Exactly what I said. Glad we can agree that his job was to get Zionist Republicans elected.
Never claimed that. I claimed that he works (yes, still works for them) for a Zionist Jew and his job is to help elect Zionist Republicans. This is fact.
Charles Jackson
All of that is fake news.
His job is to infiltrate the GOP and get /ourguys/ in, or at least was until NeetSocs on here ruined it.
Yes, his Jewish boss hired him to elect anti-semites in the GOP. Perfect logic. Not at all a display of your low IQ and inability to apply Occam's razor.
Nicholas Thompson
TRS loves repeating Jewish and communist propaganda from the 1930s.
James Garcia
He doesn't have a Jewish boss. Try again.
Adrian Smith
We didn't used to have trash threads and trash anons like this before.
Connor Mitchell
NeetSocs gtfo
Dominic Rogers
This is just embarrassing. The shillings has become so lazy since the moderators stopped banning people and only started anchoring threads, because people know they have basically nothing to fear and can shitpost just like theyy do on cuckchan.
Nathan Flores
Nathaniel James
Richard Schwartz, neocon Jew and former advisor to neocon Rudy Giuliani, is his boss.