EU being served a really spicy meata-ball!
including ending the forced migration policies
EU being served a really spicy meata-ball!
including ending the forced migration policies
Good shit going on these days
Hungarian Salami all up in dat shit.
usually i seriousfag but if anything else this thread deserves celebration stuff
enjoy duck and tartufo spaghetti
ciao amore grazie mille! Europa di amor!
I'll congratulate them when they manage to do it without other people's money.
Way to go, Italy.
Lolwhut? How does "other people's money" have anything to do with ending forced migration to EU states? Do you shills even read the threads or just copy and paste from a prepared document?
Something I can get behind:
The whole EU is fucking them in the ass with the "migrant" scum and the inflexibility of that toilet paper currency the (((euro))). The paltry gibs the unelected (((tecnocrats))) throw at them is not worth it at all. If they were only allowed out of that bullshit union, their economy would skyrocket.
Fuck the EU and fuck you for defending it.
Hm. I doubt it. The power in Brussels is jewish-financial.
I do share your optimism though :D
Hail Victory!
That was speedy
Proofs? Would be big if true
based salvini
A carta on the direction of DB derivatives and not only Europe falls, the entire world falls too. The so called Jew financial power has always on the brink of complete absolute collapse.
To the other user, there are more nationalists, fascists, and new right people infiltrated everywhere than you think.
Italy should set a logical precedent by hitting George Soros with an enormous $ bill $ for the full sum of money the Italian taxpayers have had to pay outin order to care for all of the Muslims and Black Africans that Soros-funded NGOs and ferry boats have brought to Italy's shores.
Italy should also $ bill $ the rat-like government of Israel for sending jews of Israel to welcome fake refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and even Somalia. to Italy's (not Israel's) shores. The Tel Aviv supported jews of IsraAid gave the non-White invaders kosher advice about how to game the system for free gibs in Italy.
In bringing such lawsuits for financial recompense Italy would set an example for all of Europe in how to pressure Soros and other jews for some logical financial $ pay back.
Hungary, Poland, and Italy lead coalition with Lega are by far the hardest right Europe has been since WW2. The black flag shall fly in Europe again.
I definitely agree with that, but that doesn't make them "hard-line nazis". Though I'd like to hope that's the case.
>that toilet paper currency the (((euro)))
Which is mainly toilet paper because of the PIGS.
Those ethnic little shits are nothing but Berlusconi's pawns who will lead Italy from the backseat again just to serve Bruxelles and leech those euroshekels.
Alright, kick the "PIIGS" out then. Oh, right, that's because the (((EU))) does not benefit any European nation. It's a parasite that seeks to suck the blood from Europe and give it to The Chosen.
Berlusconi has no power here. It's Salvini and Di Maio, and the goal is to crash the EU with no survivors.
I just want sicily to be airlifted and dropped in north africa
It can be cleansed. Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.
Whatever you say buddy boy.
moors were arabs/berbers
Is Trump related to Hulk Hogan? Why are they both extremely orange?
This is even more relevant now that Italy is set to take Britain's place as the third major power of the union.
Still, the Union itself needs to die as it is. A united Europe can not come through de jure legal means but de facto collaboration of the different governments.
Trump isn't really orange at this point. When he started his campaign he was orange for sure. Hulk though, he's never lost that hue. I think he may actually be part orange, the fruit.
Fake tanner, both the Hulk and Trump are self conscious for being very pale. Not sure why?
Artificial tanning
As opposed to leaving it?
They are preventing a bank run or artificial flash crash. Euro crash replacement with minibots will happen on a Friday evening according to their internal memo. Someone link that economic policy paper
It's not so easy to leave, look at the UK, not mention they have the Euro to bog them down. If they were to transition back to the Lira, they'd have to print $8 trillionfor an economy of their size, Italy isn't Greece. Besides, ending forced migration helps every European, even White countries with semi-cucked leadership.
I imagine it's a ploy anyways, Italy is cozing up to Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus, and Russia because they want to make an axis that's a non-cucked union without the (((EU tecnocrats))).
I just hope that doesn't wear them down later. Permanent alliances are a troubling thing.
Cautiously optimistic. I do recall not so long ago Italy demanded Nordic countries pay more to protect "the common european naval border" after having squandered funds intended for just such a defense. That was another government, though.
Would still prefer the entire EU dissolving and each country being left with their own borders again. After sinking the bridge between Scandinavia and Europe to the bottom of the sea, of course.
It can be done with accords, agreements and voluntary standards. You don't need a regid unelected autocracy that answers to no nation because they are "enlightened post-national gurus".
Dont know what paper youre talking about, but here's a video by the guy explaining the minibots in great detail
They are trying so hard and not even Normans buy it any more.
I mean they may as well just subvert the EU from a Communist eugenics project into an actual functioning government.
Now that's something they know how to do!
They'd have to print it with hard backing, because if not they'll get smashed with inflation that would make Venezuela blush. The EU would do everything in their power to bully lenders into not loaning to them at favorable rates.
he looks like he came off a boat
Um, yeah, there's so much money out there, retail is dying and these fucking REITs are still building new retail space. The EU can try to bully, but if there's a good deal out there, investors will be on it.
benis :-DDDDDD
Italy, beauty that needs constant attention
Please rebuild the engine every 5000 miles to maintain performance. In the case of Alfa please renew the wiring loom every 10000 miles.
That's better than the racecars that these vehicles almost are. F1s get rebuilt after every race.
daily reminder that it's NOT the jews you dumb fashies
Subtle trolling is best trolling.
That's subtle, is it?
I know I'm American first and foremost, and don't pretend otherwise, But I've always felt a special connection to the Italian portion of my heritage. Let's see what they've got.
Modern fiat currency is a fiat fiction to enslave people, and your obsession with it is simply worshipping the people holding the whips.
Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.
I can't imagine what tearing down one of those motors is like.
So you're saying it's the Jews.
If it's not the kikes, then why are there kikes in every single position of power giving us grief? You speak as if Zig Forums isn't simply calling it like it sees it.
Why are you even responding to Zig Forums?
I want to see if he can come up with an actual response.
I mean, it's a (1) from 2 hours ago. I doubt he even remembers he made the post. Checked, though.
He wasn't defending the EU, but shame on him for blackpilling and shame on you for misreading his arguement
Too bad. It's always funny when they flail around trying to blame "white" capitalists who always turn out to be jews. Guess they have good reason not to back up their arguments.
Idiots. I was trying to make fun of Zig Forums and you just took it seriously.
We're so far into Poe's Law that it's all the same now.
Thats one spicy meat ball.
Not Italian myself in any way, but I did visit when I was young with my family one summer. Gorgeous country, great people, amazing architecture, history everywhere. So happy to hear that it's Happening down in pasta town.
I have a 17 year old and very pretty cousin that will be going there for a year as part of her architecture major in a couple years. Seeing them swing nationalist and anti-rapefugee is giving me some reassurance that maybe things will be cleaned up a bit by the time she gets there in 2021 or so.
Go back to your containmentboard, Zig Forums and take your pathetic excuses for memes with you.
here's another one for you
The EU needs to realize that if it has to have migrants in it, then it needs to begin allocating land purely for indigenous Europeans like in may other countries.
I cannot see any other way of this shit working without the EU collapsing. Hell, even if they make the reserves I doubt adding migrants to the EU will be a success.
Plus a ponzi economy is unsustainable and cannot be the long term policy.
Can't help themselves with propaganda do they?
I can't even tell if that's satire or genuine.
That particular one is satire, but these (which it is based on) are most likely genuine since I found them on a leftist subreddit
I suspect they are already pissed off at having a jesuit pope which is forbidden then have the stooge say homosexuality is ok ahahahaaa jewsuit pushed to far now all their shitskins have to leave SOUTH preferably send them back where they cam from with a complimentary ape crate of goodies whites paid for.Be cheaper for us in the end than supporting these fucking subhumans and just look what happens when you try to educate them …a few very few become productive but their off spring always revert back to the mean as a 80 iq monkey with no value to society other that picking cotton… oh wait we WHITES have machines for that now fucking rise of AI an shit.SO they have absolutely no purpose living in white created civilization other than drain jew tax money >They should do the right thing and go back home to africa …oh wait africa is a shit hole they would never agree to that and why should we pay to entice them when without our welfare 85%of them will die anyway without the white tax payers dole.To think any white woman would want to breed with any of those subhuman apes attest to retardation by media propaganda .
Are these faggot shills still trying to push that crap? here on Zig Forums!?
low energy
The fact that leftards made all these lame memes about the fact that they can't meme for shit tells you how butthurt they really are about it.
(and confirm the fact that they can't meme for shit)
Facts!? facts are racist, whateverphobic, toxic and problematic, did you forget about that, comrade?
We go together
Like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong
Filter and report
the faggots are too busy spreading toxoplasma gondii. we only need sprinkle cat piss on our boots and they'll invite us into their secret bunkers with open arms.
maybe that is why there is no reasoning with them, it is impossible to herd cats.
Unless that is code for burning it to the ground it's not good enough. You can't reform a fucking cancer created for the sole goal of exterminating all Europeans.
If Italy is getting its balls back, does Germany still have hope? I remember 10+ years ago, Italy being one of the most cucked nations in the EU.
Yeah, people are slowly boiling because of the government doing increasingly dumb shit, but voting manipulation is insane here, so i'd guess only after the (((EU))) is fucked beyond repair.
There is still hope, although you have to keep in mind that Germany suffered through 70 years of (((re-education))), has no free mass media, no free speech and an electoral system (installed by the allies) that grants voters the lowest power possible.
Though there are news about migrant crime almost daily and people see their towns changing for the worse as well.
Nontheless this time I will not be us at the spearhead of change for the aforementioned reasons. The others need to crash this EU so we can all be free.
As someone who is not Italian, nor German… I can tell you that in history, the peoples in what is now these two countries have time and time again seemed like they were down for the count but came roaring back and shocked the world. I'm not surprised about Italy but I give Germany 5 years or less for the horseradish to get spicy as well.
Now that Italy joined the "fuck white-genocide" train it's time for Greece to elect Golden Dawn. Having enough based (or partially based) govs in EU could protect Greece from being broken apart by (((NATO))) with "revolutions" for its oil in the Aegean Seas. Golden Dawn said they'll join Russia if elected. This would never be tolerated by our good friends at (((NATO))) and (((EU))).
(((Hollywood))) recently created a movie with ebil Nazi's aka Golden Dawn rioting and using RPGs in Greek protests in Athens film: Jason Bourne. They prepared US and EU public opinion so that they don't complain.
Let's not forget Austria is moving to the hard right and Spain is getting a little wacky, as well.
The irony in these shitty memes…
Best day ever for a gear head like me
It's happened many times throughout history. Each time prompted by kikes.