FBI didn't plant spies, ISRAEL DID
Mueller Investigated ex-Trump Adviser Papadapoulos as Unregistered Agent of Israel, Wife Claims
Notice the absolute lack of pro Zognald posts after liberation from kampfy. This is sacrificial lambs to the slaughter. They are trying to satisfy you adhd people with circus not political change.
Next headline: "Greek man spied on Trump campaign, could his white racism have caused him to break ethical boundaries?"
Good. I hope Trump and Kushner are charged with treason and sentenced to death.
Well now that you shills are free to spam and act like retards and shout everyone down it makes having an actual discussion kind of difficult.
But as long as we have "free speech" right?
How could anyone believe the jews or Israel would attempt to usurp America's government or foreign policy?
Next your going to bring up how Russia is a Jewish puppet.
its abhorrent to see the intellectual dishonesty running rampant on Zig Forums now. Its become cuckchan, no discussions to be found. At least we have self-improvement and art- thread again… i guess.
The best part of Zig Forums Zig Forums is, you dumb shills can't incessantly spam because we can filter you.
Q posted something vague about this!
Isn't it beautiful.
Immediately filtered though.
Sure thing moshe, stay mad.
Doesn't make you less of a newfag fucking retard.
We know you by your posts, not your IDs.
First post is the only based post ITT. Enjoy the show T_D faggots, they will sacrifice more useless cryptojews like Roseanne Barr to you alt-kike ZOGnald suckers so you calm down and deradicalize. Remember the march of tyranny dumbasses. The swamp will never by drained from the inside not from the (((DNC))) or (((GOP))). Look at Italy and Hungary, now that is what it looks like when you resist ZOG. Sanctions, financial attacks and endless media smears.
Stay deluded and impotent T_D cucks! Civic Nationalism is for the retarded and the jew shills. It is cucking to cultural marxism and jewish revisionism.
It's not "one guy worked in Israel years ago." The guys wife says he pled guilty to avoid a charge of being an Isreali spy.