I am a total newfag into all of this so forgive me, but I have a really stupid question. I have read opinions that state that Hitler was actually "created" by Zionism. Just so Germany could lose the war and so they could create Israel. Any sources on that? Or is it just "their" lie?
I am a total newfag into all of this so forgive me, but I have a really stupid question...
Source: **OP's ass*
Actually I've read in numerous places that Jews have actually helped Hitler get to power just so they could start a war. Stop fucking hating me for trying to find the truth, I'm asking a legit question. I dont know if it's true or not, that's why I am asking for your opinion here.
Lurk another 45 years before posting again.
Thanks, care to post moar?
What more spoonfeeding do you need, faggot? The answer is in those two images. If you still don't understand–
stop being so fucking offensive man
Gee, fellow Goyim. Look at this new thread….Here is yet another totally innocent and wide-eyed newbie asking a Jew-centric hasbara-narrative question.
But I think some of us with an inside view from Zig Forums can see who is behind things like this.
In all seriousness that's what you should be doing, lurking. If you have another question, go to the catalog and search QTDDTOT - Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread.
I dont give a fuck what you think pal, I'm 23, electrical engineering student from Czech Rep and I am sitting with one hand in my pants right now. Butr for you I have a beard and I am paid by JIFD or whatever jewish superforces you want me to be be. Feel better? Kys fagget
Then cite one, faggot.
Here's some more, shitdick.
Don't know if you meant to reply to me, but I appreciate that video
very helpful, thanks!
You're right, meant for
Why are these shitposters never banned?
This sort of thread is worth a ban, and this poster specifically has very-obviously been making posts with this same content.
suck me off faggot, its my first post here in like fucking 5 months
Regardless you deserve to be bullied because you refuse to listen and are still bumping your shitty thread.
The "hitler is a jew" nonsense is just PRfaggotry taken to its logical conclusion.
Please die.
Points that might lead someone to believe this-
Wars are seldom won on the battlefield. Probably much of the western powers feared Germany and wanted to keep it down.
Please correct any obvious errors. Thank you.
But despite all this I continue to believe he was genuine. The greatest German who ever lived. And I worship him above all.
ankering not deleting this thread
Mods are jews and will hang on DOTR