Vaughngate: 2 months later

Another user posted a thread saying that Ricky Vaughn will be returning soon, and while I can't confirm if this is true or just a false flag, I figured I would talk about that situation 2 months after the whole scandal. What happened to Vaughn was simply wrong and despite him not being the most likable person, he didn't deserve to have his life ruined. The man was making a good living in the heart of the Zionist Jewish empire known as New York City while secretly fighting for our cause and movement. It took HuffPost a few days to write a hit piece about him and they had nothing they could use to slander him. Vaughn was just a normal WASP making a good living while also naming the Jew and this is something (((they))) fear the most. They don't care about spergy NeetSoc types like the TWP and had fun reporting on their cousin fucking implosion, but they had NOTHING on Vaughn. I sincerely hope he's doing fine and can eventually make a return because many in the alt-right miss him.
But anyway, here's an old article from Anglin detailing the situation. He also admits that he had nothing to do with any of Vaughn's supposed "subversive activities", which I believe to be true.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Get out faggot


He named the jew on twatter years ago, but he eventually went kosher.

RV did nothing wrong.

His doxxing was a fucking travesty.


It's no meme, fuckstick.

This dude himself fucking doxed people and got paid for it. Then went on alt kike shows and told the viewers to cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
Fuck RV.

This is the opposite of the truth. He was working as a gatekeeper to deradicalize the alt right and bring them into the Republican party fold. His job is literally to convince people to vote for the Republican party. This is why he appeared during the election, to convince alt right to vote for Zionist Trump, and tweeted 10-12 hours a day. There is no way he could "secretly fight for our cause and movement" from his position.

Take 2-3 seconds to think in the future.

Why are these shitposters never banned?

The same people make the same posts/threads, REPEATEDLY, and all the mods do is bumplock the thread.

Ban these subversive fucks, you lazy lazy globalmod cumdumpsters.

fuck off

You got your cantwell talking points wrong. Von was supposed to create the data mining company. The proposal was to cross reference facebook profiles of page likes on Paul Nehlen's facebook page with twitter profiles and other social media to target ads. For that to work, you had to like Nehlen's page with your real facebook profile, have public info on that profile, and have profiles on other social media with that same info. Trump's campaign used Facebook for targeting ads, so this isn't some ground breaking idea.

Don't call Ricky Bobby "RV".

"Stodles" is Ryan Faulk

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Vaughn's entire argument was to NOT show up at honeypot marches run by Feds and get arrested. That creates exactly the type of propaganda the media wants. He was in favor of taking over local groups and moving them right. Even if you don't think Vaughn was radical enough in his goals, you could use that strategy to takeover groups and continue to move them past where Vaughn wants to stop.

The people who hated Vaughn want to sit in their room, masturbating to 2d waifus and pretending to be NAZIs instead of actually going out and accomplishing political goals because it would mean interacting with people in real life, which they aren't good at. It reminds them of their failures and makes them fee like shit. Instead of motivating themselves to improve, they want to LARP on the internet. Pied pipers like Cantwell make money off these people. Cantwell is a pussy btw. When he interviewed Vaughn he sucked his dick. Over a month later he crowed how Vaughn has always been a liar he called him out on his show. That never happened. He's just a scam artist working with the feds.

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Now that kikey is gone can anons finally use the given dox to find the rest of his information such as where he lives without the threads getting deleted? This guy deserves a pizza

Get your astroturfing the fuck out of here faggot. If you want to entertain yourself with twitter personalities you can do it on twitter.

Ricky Bobby and Weev were close personal friends according to Weev. Ricky has all the info of people on DS and TRS. Thanks to the paywall he has all the paypig and Eceleb information, info on anyone who bought merch, or signed up for the forums. Also the company was even using facial recognition software to match the Alt kike at events to their IRL identities

I don't listen to libertardian cuntwell.

Yes, this was the new Republican strategy after Romney lost in 2012. They knew that Romney lost because millions chose not to vote because the republican platform appeals to almost nobody, so they needed a way to bring in non-voters on the fridge right. This was the job of people like Ricky Vaughn. After 2012 is when the republican party really started targeting dissident right such as white nationalists, alt-rightists, etc.

The idea that he would even be able to secretly "fight for our cause" with his job position is retarded. His job position did not grant him any leverage to "fight for our cause." He could only do the opposite, attempt to turn the alt right into Republican voters, which is what we saw him doing.

Unfortunately, the alt right is 99% unreconstructed conservatives and libertarians who don't understand politics and generally support the Republican party, so they don't seem to realize that this was his game.

Daily TRS shilling thread?

Fuck Douglass Mackey, he deserved to get doxed for the traitor he was. He was using the TRS and DS forum databases to power his jew business partner's lobbying firm to microtarget alt right for election purposes. And we are supposed to weep when he gets doxed and is thrown to the wolves. Nope.

He "went kosher" as part of opsec, not because he sold out.

No, it is. Try again.

He never doxed anyone. How about showing proof of this? Who did he dox?

Take 2-3 seconds to understand low time preference, which Vaughn had. You can't just openly name the Jew and expect a 1933 or March on Rome situation to follow suit. It's fucking retarded.

I feel like I know who this is.

Won't comment on Cantwell, but the rest of your post is spot on. Vaughn understood the political process as he likely inherited strategies from his dad and he was practicing the best opsec you could think of. Trump, despite not being who we want him to be, opened the door for the more harder right wing types to filter their message a little to reach the mainstream and thus move the Overton window of the court of public opinion to the right. Instead, we've sadly been doing nothing but infighting and letting literal NeetSocs and Siegetards run amok spreading lies. They have to be dealt with swiftly.

This is foundationally ridiculous and the fact that you losers are allowed to spread these lies without any repercussions is worrisome.

Nobody in the alt-right supports the current GOP. We support taking them over as more of your standard cuckservatives are getting older and dying, and the newer ones have no following. TRS and DS have been cultivating an environment in which you'll be seeing tons of young blood running for office in their local areas with our message.

Again, none of this is true and people who keep peddling these lies are very (((subversive))).

Why are these shitposters never banned?

The same people make the same posts/threads, REPEATEDLY, and all the mods do is bumplock the thread.

Ban these subversive fucks, you lazy lazy globalmod cumdumpsters.



No, his argument was not not openly state white nationalist positions. In other words, his position was to avoid normalizing white nationalism.

You're an idiot.

Wrong. He was in favor of voting for the Republican party.


This post right here:

This is

The chemo is the ban.

Are you going to go (100) again wyatt?

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No idea who Wyatt is.

You're dealing with an open shill. Argumentation is a waste of keystrokes - they aren't here to argue, they're here to shill, and that's why you see posts like this

wherein the content amounts to nothing more than concensus forming and "lel no ur dum" responses to any statement made contrary to the narrative being shilled.

These kinds of posts/threads rely upon low-info people only skimming the thread and coming across this empty rhetoric and internalizing it.

Lurk 2 Years Is Not Just A Meme Either

it was coined by paul gottfried who is jewish you absolute niggerkike

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The alt-right label is used like the term conspiracy theorist and racist, if you question the jewish narrative or question basic facts that liberals disagree with you are slapped with the alt-right label. It was created by jews to put you in a box, to invalidate your ideas. I assume everyone here knew this

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No, he didn't. He actually had very high time preference, which is why he advocated infiltrating the Republican party (or at least his character did). He was not down for long term revolutionary struggle, and neither is the alt right, for now at least.

It's the only way to normalize the idea.

Yes they do. FTN advocates voting for Republicans all the time. Anglin and FTN supported Bannonism (i.e. voting for zionists). All of them support Trump.

You idiots couldn't even take over Zig Forums, but you think you will take over the (dying) Republican party? And run on a platform that is even more extreme than the current non-viable Republican platform? In a country that will be minority white in a decade? Retarded.

The only way we will have any chance of winning is if all false right has been destroyed. This means polarizing politics and eroding the center. The alt right is attempting to do the opposite, so they are our enemy.

He deserved to be killed.

Get off my board TRSodomite.

Wasn't FTN behind the blackballing of Patrick Little?

And there is proof. See the PDF from smartcheckr. Look into Richard Schwartz (who proceeded to delete fucking everything after the Mackey dox dropped, proving it was legit).

Pretty sure that was weev

Weev and Douglas actually, who were purging the AR of anyone who named the jew openly. Really, really makes you think.

I thought Patrick Little implied that Jizzhands was behind it in that stream he did with a random TRSodomite? Maybe I'm remembering wrong.

You deserve to be banned for being this blatant and unabashed.

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do you have any screencaps or proof about this weev purging shit? I always thought Weev looked Jewy but I won't throw him under the bus without actual evidence

How bout all the faggots itt provide screen cap examples or counter examples of the claims made about RV? Shit thread so far queers

No, Vaughn was a fucking faggot who wanted to become the optics police. He wanted to "bullycide" everyone he didn't like and start purges in a decentralized movement where you aren't forced to associate with anyone. Embarrassingly, nobody was intimidated by his gab and twitter bantz and instead he got himself bullied from the internet.
And he pulled all this faggotry of purging attempts, in the name of his allegedly superior Republican cuckservative posturing that has been losing to the left for more than a century now. Of curse, he was commanded by his fellows of mypostingcareer, an anti-white nationalism cuckservative forum full of people who likes to LARP as "elite" despite how increasingly obscure and irrelevant their echo chamber is.
Have you seen how shitty his employer site looks like, there is no way he was making a good living in such sketchy company that can't even afford a WordPress blog.


I tried to explain that you and the other TRS-haters were insane members of a cult, and now even more people will see it..

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They believe that it is clever to repeat a strategy that failed in the 60s, when America was still 90% white and racism was the norm throughout most of society. Somehow, they believe, the crypto-racist strategy will work in 56% white America.

It's just cowardice. They believed (wrongly) that Trumpism signalled some mass political awakening in America that they would be able to steer. It offered them any easy way out and they took it, but in reality it is a dead end. Now it will be many wasted years before people come to their senses again.

I'm just going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't a shill, does Mike Enoch being married to a jew not bother you at all? ==The owner of a supposed white nationalist forum literally married to a jewish woman==

Attached: Mike Enoch TRS.png (1080x1144, 1.24M)

Weev is a jew. He's related to Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, at his own admission. His mother is on record stating he has extensive jewish ancestry. His name and appearance also beget this if you still havent caught on. But this weev / ricky purging shit is part of Angloon's rebranding of WN that he's calling American Nationalism. I don't have screencaps of them saying 'lets remove 1488ers' but it wouldn't be hard to find if you looked. This is not that hard to figure out. The TRSodomite who was in our thread yesterday going (100)+ admitted that he 'helped purge DS of 'neetsoc' elements'.

I just looked for the thread but I couldn't find it.

And now we have wyatt showing up ITT:

Le blackpill face

You might get a few memes, and if you don't buy into their insanity, you are a TRSodomite.

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Gonna go (100) again wyatt?

Your zero evidence isn't convincing me sorry.

You're all irrelevant 8kike shills who nobody cares about. TRS and DS are growing, Vaughn might hopefully return, the alt-right continues to grow and change our culture. You're all worthless and irrelevant.

No really. I mainly care if people spread pro-white memes and talking-point, while mistakes people made before they did before they were red-pilled, should be treated with leniency.

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Read his own words for yourself:

I see your point. Now that Imkikey is gone I can finally say that if TRS is out redpilling young white men that's a good thing and we shoulden't be fighting over trivial shit. I don't trust Mike Enoch, Spencer or Weev but I support what you claim TRS is trying to do

Almost makes me think something is being planned

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I'm not Wyatt, and I'm not going away, so you'll only discredit the TRS-hating cult if you keep this up.

I'm fine with that, btw.

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Nehlen did nothing wrong

this is not uprisings

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Why does Enoch being married to a Jew prove anything? He married her 10 years earlier, when his beliefs were much different. The city he lived in and the social circles he existed in meant that the probability of marrying a Jewess was pretty high.

More evidence needs to be brought to the table than this. I've heard the guy talk for something like 800 hours, including discussing his family and personal life, and nothing gives away that he is anything other than what he claims. Plus, the hit piece would have found something.

I wonder when you're going to swallow a gun

Third Jimpact. Never forget.

I'm saying that a WN who has a podcast called "the daily shoah" being married to a jew is pretty fucking hypocritical.

And that she recorded content for the show, don't forget that.

I don't trust them either, and I'm not even a fan of Spencer, as he calls himself identitarian in stead of pro-white, and I dislike that.

With Identitarian the Merdia can say that Identitarian is a euphemism for the so called 'alt-right', while tricks like this it is a lot harder if you just say you are pro-White.

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When are these lazy as fuck mods going to get rid of this shill? Is this thread going to have to get flooded with gore?

Filter these sodomites wherever you see them. Hopefully they get banned, this is ridiculous.

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Why should I do that, now that my camp is winning?

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Dwindling listeners disappearing behind a paywall noone pays for, is that winning? And you do this all sans salaire for a fat beady eyed kike. Is that a win for you?

Really makes you think. Also Imkikey is gone, you can't cry to daddy to have everyone you don't like banned

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Kek you sodomites are so transparent

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You are talking with a nationalist cult that developed under ImKampfy's hugbox, so you will not get reasonable answers to reasonable arguments.

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sure thing alt kike

I just said above I don't trust Enoch, Spencer or Weev and I don't trust TRS but scream Sodomite some more and post anime pics that will help you win the argument


Just filter and ignore, these sodomites will tire eventually

They look to be popular enough on Jewtube, so that they are shrinking is probably just wishful thinking from your side.

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Is the TRS sodomite shit just divide and conquer shilling that was pushed under imkikey? I'm starting to wonder about that.

You wouldnt need to shill here wyatt if it werent true


And the mods come in with the anchor. Took those fags long enough.

didn't you say you were going to filter me for being a sodomite?

Give em credit, they're starting to learn about the TRSodomites

I'll give them credit when the faggot kike OP has (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) under it.

Why do you eat da poopoo?

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It used to be that the 'TRSodomites' were banned by Kampfy, so the cult-members ended up thinking that it was a winning argument. Kind of similar to the jews thinking that screaming anti-semite win the argument even after the thought police are gone, as it used to work when people were scared of being labeled one.

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thread is dead wyatt, you can go home

Like I said, you are insane, and you only cement this by acting this way.

i know you feel the need to project


How do you expect anyone to take you seriously?

Because I have done shit like this before.

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Shilling? Yea every day. We'll see you tomorrow wyatt.

This is how I know the person who made that and the person posting it are not from here.

Don't teach him

It's like he'll learn. They don't give him enough free TRS merch and subs to take the time to learn.

You'll continue to call others for Wyatt tomorrow as well, for the simple reason that you are insane.