Can anyone explain wtf is with the fascination leftists/soy bugmen/snarky shitlib thots have with dinosaurs?
Can anyone explain wtf is with the fascination leftists/soy bugmen/snarky shitlib thots have with dinosaurs?
Anti-Christian-Creationist triumphalism in (((media))).
They generally lack fathers, so authority is always a thing to be undermined and laughed at. They have also deracinated themselves so thoroughly that not even swearing an oath to (theoretically) die in the service of your people is an occasion for being serious and adult. They are also immature fucking babies who still need mommy and her boyfriend to do their laundry and pay taxes for them, so why not be silly?
Silliness has to be burned out of your soul like a leech from your leg. Lacking hardships to overcome, they never developed the seriousness of mind that would make them useful to the Volk.
They'll get serious some day. I did.
Dude if you don't like dinosaurs go fuck yourself with a pineapple. I don't have to justify my love of extinct nature to some slide threading Jew. Why do you love scat so much?
Self-projecting much, Chaim?
out of all the things to be mad at in that picture, you choose dinosaurs?
Dinosaurs are cool.
Same with space. It's just epic and sciencey and makes them feel smart.
>>>/back/ or >>>/b/ now fuck off
I'm gonna need some more examples before I see a pattern, OP.
that article is from 2 years ago I think
Dinosaurs are rare nowadays reservations of permitted high testosterone action figures/culture. Also black athletes and rapers. Guess what is popular?
Same thing with comic books renaissance into capeshit movies. They were high test action figures made in the past before defeat of toxic masculine culture. Such artifacts of the past are in the high demand in the soy wasteland. But left recognized problematic properties of comic book superheros and changing them the accordingly to meet the standards of the current year. Make no mistake same fate eventually await dinosaurs. They all would become soyboys or black.
Kids love dinosaurs. Leftyfags are kids.
not even a typo, just unintentional fact
They're manchildren.
They have the minds of children.
The liberal lives in a state of perpetual childhood.
Children like dinosaurs.
∴The liberal likes dinosaurs.
It's a connection libtards share.
You're very close, but the ol' jewdar needs a slight adjustment. If scat-user was a Jew, he'd have used commas. This is a degenerate IFLScience fag who's passed through SciBlogs and FtB. Possibly a Molly Ivins fan.
They have not matured.
Children love dinosaurs.
I too love dinosaurs, but I've matured.
How do you make a dinosaur a soyboy
How do you make a dinosaur a nigger
If you believe in an imaginary creature you should be shot
It’s part of the fake nerd thing they try to cultivate
They disprove God.
What's their argument?
this whole thread
you are making sweeping generalizations based on your small; small little world. you are completely ignorant, unable to reach above projection and shouldn't be able to cum inside any girl much less one of the same race as me.
The Liberal has been isolated from natures harsh dictates and has never been allowed to suffer in any way and so has never actually grown up or had an actual father figure, only women. And so is stuck in a womb, unwilling to be born.
How does this relate to leftists?