Moike, the Striker and Jayoh are bringing the bants today! A very powerful episode.
TDS 301: We NazBol Gang Now
fuck forgot my sage
Go make your publicity somewhere else.
I see Mossad came early to the thread this time.
Fuck off Mike peinowitz
2 more.
Get this filthy kike shit off my board.
you right now
He's not Serbian, Croatian or Norwegian, he's a yid.
This reminds me, what happened to Ironmarch after TRS disavowed them? They went offline entirely. Try again.
Show me them divorce papers then.
It doesn't matter if they're divorced now. She was on the show multiple times, that's all that matters.
I refuse my daily dose and TRS doc. Cure me of the alt-kikes and pacifists.
Just reading your copy pasted advertisement of this fluff show reminds me how haz-cheeseburger tier TRS' memes are as they hilariously try to masquerade as real life Zig Forums, to rapidly diminishing effect I might add. Enjoy getting bullycided as always, fag.
Gold, to think these faggots still think they're apart of the same cause. Dumb kikes, all of em.
You're all irrelevant fags lmfao, Zig Forums is irrelevant whereas the alt-right continues to grow.
Most accurate representation of the situation.
Fuck off TRS. You have no power here.
I know this is a shitpost and you're a cunt but I lol'd.
Good to see striker on.
What I really want is to see a deep dive on why exactly american/anglosphere women are so cunty and how to patrol thots. I might try and donate to strike and mike to do this, I could use some advice on putting women in their place
Just find a fashy jewess like Mike did.
Then why the fuck are you here?
to shill for baste fashy kikes
Yeah, imkampfy said the same thing when he was getting blown the fuck out of here. We're so irrelevant that people go to great lengths to tell us how irrelevant we are. Get good enough at it and they 'll even start paying you in something other than FTN shirts and assless chaps. Lucky you, huh?.
Meme magicka works my friend
Anyway those watermarks look ugly
Their alpha as fuck
You realize that TRSodomites were kampfy's greatest polemicists right?
Good to see the D&C shilling aimed at getting us to fight where it is entirely unnecessary has once again resumed. Frankly TRS is of no interest here and I doubt highly that TRS is interested in here.
Wasn't the Nazi Pug guy a SELF-ADMITTED commie?
Also when the fuck did we do anything against him?
Let me reserve my doubts over your doubts. The literal faggots were downright obsessed with full/pol/ and the fact that cuck/pol/ seemed of less interest to them than we were, though it would be a more sizable and malleable recruiting ground, is (((highly suspicious))).
don't forget the last time they got BTFO by 8ch they were in a complete shambles
lmao good times
I wonder if this actually is some TRSodomite posting this or just somebody looking to stir shit.
/trs/ BO here, I'm still laughing these sodomites are still trying to shill
TRSodomite posters are dumb enough to do this to themselves. they were dumb enough to think that they could convert a board populated by national socialists to their gay ideologically vapid jewy 'fashy' libertarianism
Race traitors like you are worse than kikes, you know that right?