ITT show signs that NASA is faking stuff and keeping shit secret from us.
Question: Do you trust the FBI? The CIA? FEMA? Any government institution at all? Why then is it seemingly that noone dares to question NASA
For example:
This here states on page 7 that NASA basically is just the public sector of the military spaceprogram and pretty much underlies it making me think its even more likely that NASA is mostly just a front to cover up the military program
Sources for the pics
The Statue
The Rodent
The Spider
Why is it that non of these were closer looked at appearently, despite being possible evidence of sophisticated life existing in the past (sophisticated enough to build statues at least) or that there is still something alive (something flying around in the second pic).
(Pics are either just zoomed in, or have some adjusted brightness and contrast)
On a sidenote the statue looking thing resembles a lot this guy here
being a possible hint that those are actually pictures from earth
There are multiple reasons on why they could fake things which all have nothing to do with flat earth. They could try to hide Ay lmaos, secret military space programm, some hidden continent the elites use as their small paradise, some openings in the polar regions (Hollow Earth) or a sheme where they say nasa gets 20 billion a year, but will only get a few million for some fakery, coke and hookers, while the rest is used for blackprojects like some false flags, some coups against a government that doesnt want to be a puppet, or said military space programm
Either way I believe NASA isnt there to provide us any information.