Thomas Mix @NoctisFL as been stating on Twitter that he is going to burn Trump at the stake. This begs the question is Twitter endorsing having Trump burned at the stake? And should the CEO of Twitter & all Twitter Admins be hauled up in font of Congress to explain why they should not be tried for treason?
Thomas Mix Burning Trump At The Stake
Based. Trump is a kike
Fuck off kikleberg
Hee-hee I said it again Schlomo!
Your Kushner Project Alamo shilling has no effect here anymore now that kikefy is gone.
You aren't being surpressed. We're just laughing at you because your propaganda is retarded. The only way it ever made headway here was kikefy banning anyone who opposed Zionism and zog emperor Trump.
Free speech, goyim.
Not a trumpfag, but your propaganda is extremely blatant to me.
Back to (((Zig Forums))) you bitch ass faggot. Stay contained or get fucked.
First post is pretty much a dead giveaway every time
They want you to stop supporting him and to not vote for him in 2020.
Yet Trump has done more good for us than the last four Presidents combined. Are you saying kikes are our ally?
Who? Kill yourself cunt.
not true i said shit like "trump is a jew" all the time and never got a ban
people only got banned if they lied/blackpilled about trump
and eventually verry few were being banned the mods would redtext a summary about the post and leave it, no matter how shit it was
no one should be banned btw, and if they are posts should never be delete, it makes posting no fun
if we dont war with jews and keep giving them our monies no one will be voting for him in 2020
How pitiable.
What good?
Israel will be washed into the ocean.
If I wanted a Twitter accnt I'd go make one you fucking faggot
That is obviously Gochiusa.
If impeaching Trump could hurt the passage of jeruselem to israel, it would be worth it. There is literally nothing else Trump will be remembered for, other than the fact than in pop culture he will go down as a russian traitor. In 20 years, the next simpsons and family guy will commonly refer to him as such while your nephews laugh unaware.
Yes, don't worry about it goy. It's all just 32D interstellar Stratego. Don't lift a finger to save yourselves, Trump will fix everything. :^)
I have my job to do, he has his job to do, and I already know what your job is.
Horry shit why are you reaching out in such a way? Kikes are all about the sacrificial lamb, but you must cease these Trump threads. If the stupid-ass-hat on his head (((skullcap))) wasn't enough, then Greater Israel Project might be an indication of kikery.
You've sure convinced me with that impeccable fact filled rebuttal. How can I join the JIDF and be one of you, master?