Their Achilles Heel: Calling them out as ableist bigots for bullying the involuntarily celibate disabled.
This meme works because there is a huge element of truth to it. Many involuntarily celibate people have a disability, whether it be a physical or mental disability.
After trialing this tactic and memes, leftists are already at the point where they are having to clarify what their definition of "incel" means. This is no different than the leftists saying "how do you define white?" It pokes holes in their vocabulary while simultaneously holding them up to their own standards.
Many have backtracked and apologized for being ableist, usually virtue signaling about their political correctness and moral righteousness by declaring their position on the progressive stack ("I'm disabled too") or their opposition to "fascists" and "white supremacists" (exposing the fact that they are actually intent only on vilifying white males for political reasons, using the disabled as a scapegoat).
"A lot of disabled people are involuntarily celibate, are you being an ableist bigot right now?" If they respond by saying "I just mean misogynist mind sets" then you chastise them for using crude language that lumps the involuntarily celibate in with misogynists. Now each time they go to use the word "incel", they will either hesitate to do so, or will explicitly clarify what they mean by incel, thus defeating the purpose of the term.
The left now casually uses the term "incel" as a response to being called soyboys.
For those who are unaware, this term was given to them by the main stream media after the Alek Minassian false flag van attack in Toronto this April. Minassian created a facebook account to make a single post before the attack, saying he was part of the "incel uprising". The media has since then been demonizing involuntarily celibate men (particularly white ones) as being sleeper cell terrorists who want "access to women's bodies".
There are dozens of posts in the #incel hashtag per hour and very few of them are having these memes posted to them as replies. We need to be hitting these leftists hard, getting them to take the bait, and forcing them to double down or backpedal.
Hashtags: #incel #incels #incelrebellion #inceluprising #braincel (or just search for the word incel)
Strategy: Post one of the memes and shame the leftist for mocking and bullying the disabled, calling them ableist. Inform them that many disabled people are involuntarily celibate and that casting aspersions on being an incel is hateful and bigoted.
REMINDER: Be as fair and harmless in these interactions as possible. Emphasize that you're confused as to why these hit pieces came out of NOWHERE.
This has huge potential also needs more disabled niggers for maximum effect
Justin Collins
Bump. This is great.
Brayden Hall
You're on to something, but your approach is terribly wrong. It is very important not to validate leftist morality by using their -isms or -phobias. If you do this, then you are conceding the argument by acknowledging the alleged infallibility of their ideology. It's like saying "dems are the real racists", or "socialists are the real nadzees". Never, never, never do this. Never say "-ist", "-phobic","bigot", or "intolerant". Don't ever give their bullshit validation, never take it seriously, never submit.
What you have the right idea about, however, is pointing out how it is hypocritical of them to claim to stand for people that are misfortunate or disadvantaged, while simultaneously shaming and dehumanizing people that struggle to find a willing sexual partner or girlfriend, many of which have disabilities, especially mental disabilities such as autism and aspergers. Or they're simply not very good-looking, which is also not entirely within their control. Or they're obese, which the left considers a protected class.
Gavin Cox
Actual normie here. Y'all fascinate me, and I really want to help y'all but y'all don't want help??? I'm a married man, I have two kids and a stepson, and believe me, I was once at a point y'all are at, I could'nt get any sex. But y'all need to realise like I did, is that it is NOT about sex, y'all overblow that shit way out of proportion, me and my wife hardly EVER have sex and I am so happy to be with her.
Y'all need to seriously get your prioritys straight; Get out of the house, say hi to a few people, start respecting women, get a job, do well in school. Just get out of here ASAP! Also I saw alot of y'all posts about suicide, and seriously don't do it because I, and a lot of us, LOVE you, y'all need to realise that y'all important. Peace out guys, if you wanna chat just PM me, I'm free to talk sometimes if you want help.
He did have sex, lots of cripples do. What's your excuse?
Levi Wright
I disagree since we're false flagging as other leftists. The idea is to hold them up to their own standards: '"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." (Rules for Radicals)
Thus the "incel" meme becomes unusable within their own dialectic framework. Ideally other leftists will begin calling out (writing article etc.) about how the term is problematic and ableist.
Robert Davis
Just a heads up: Shills have been hitting these threads hard for days now, harder than anything I've seen in ages. Expect a lot of concern trolling, a lot of shills saying "cut this out, the left will never believe that incels are disabled, you're wasting your time, you're just mad you can't you get laid you incel!!!!"
This boys is a hardcore fucking LARP. possibly pasta
Samuel Kelly
They are sexually active though.
Joseph Rogers
One issue with this idea is that it assigns a level of empathy to women that they do not possess.
Tip: she misspelled aspergers as auspergers the first time she did it and is probably lying, doubling down and projecting. Projecting as anyone familiar with GG would know.
For bonus points: The cat lady is the exact female equivalent of an incel!!!!!
Show no mercy for you will be shown none in return.
Evan Parker
Y'all make me sick I wish y'all'll kill y'allselves
this has to be come kind of pasta, way too many red flags
Joshua Evans
Another angle some user came up with is to push that celibacy among the severely disabled is pushed as a positive thing (not to be stigmatized) as part of mental health campaigns.
Another potential angle is highlighting crippling mental illness being a factor as well. These memes don't have the same visceral impact, but they could be appropriate in the right situation.
All the people in these pictures probably have better sex lives that any Wizard.
Isaac Adams
I do have sympathy for the incel community. They are quite rationally responding to ugly (personality) women by doing the same thing. There are very few women who are worth the attention of a man.
Lincoln Wright
It's worth noting that the WHO has declared that inability to find a sexual partner is in fact a disability in and of itself. This could be incorporated into memes.
This strikes the wrong note and could backfire. Most incels aren't visibly disabled. I would say many just grew up a bit awkward and have poor social skills which they will outgrow in time. Others have invisible disabilities like autism, and many are minorities, do not fit the Western standard of beauty. You should appeal to lefties with themes of racism, lookism, heightism, mocking the socially disadvantaged, inclusivity and non-discrimination toward the neurodiverse.
James Edwards
Also emphasize many are not misogynist but afraid of women. They cling to their 2D and shun "3DPD" because "love-shy".
Noah Richardson
More like these would be good. (polite sage)
Aiden Anderson
As do I, in fact in enrages me that the left is so callously kicking these people while they are down to push their ideological agenda. Many anons have come forward since the start of this meme campaign to say that they are in fact physically disabled and are sick of the media and heartless leftists using them as a punching bag.
It's important to realize that the incel psyop pushed by the media is directed at White men specifically:
This means that we can push an racial D&C angle here (as mentioned by an user above). By incorporating non-whites into the memes, the leftists will potentially clarify that they are being explicitly anti-white (as many article on the subject openly are), thus exposing their deeper marxist ideological agenda.
I don't think this angle would work. Nobody cares about men's pain except when its secondary to a leftist cause. Men suffering: who cares? Gay nigger male suffering: Ahhh… there you go.
Frankly I'm with the people in this thread questioning the effectiveness of this in general. There aren't that many disabled incels and in fact if this idea were to take off, all you would get is leftists hiring prostitutes to fuck the vegetables and I would wager near all of them would agree to it if they could just get one taste of sex in their lives.
MOAR! In reality some get sex with prostitutes paid for by volcel's tax money
Colton Brooks
Wrong sweetie this angle works perfectly. Keep going OP I'm spamming all over and cuckchan /r9k/
Tyler Parker
Not a bad idea, I've been annoyed by this forced meme imaginary isis bullshit that originated from leaf land. It was conjured up and exaggerated to be yet another cheap boogieman so lefties could have something anything to counter shitskins chimping out or ackbarring. Crafted to give muh wimmin additional fluff to cry wolf about, perfect for complimenting horse shit like metoo.
Christopher Brooks
You'd be surprised, and the very fact that some are is enough to make it true that by deriding "incels" they are bullying the disabled.
If you can come up with some effective memes then go for it.
I generally agree, that's why I said it might only work in some situations. It presupposes that the left has actual sympathy behind their actions, rather than just being interested in removing power from the "privileged".
As I mentioned above, you'd be surprised, and the truth is that there are. It's also the case that mental disability is just as big a factor, something the left calls "invisible disability", and they have run similar campaigns in the past using photos of the physically disabled to represent those with mental disabilities, so this is a subtle interpretation to the memes they might take as well.
If the left acknowledges these memes and admits they want to help disabled incels get laid then we have already won. The topic of prostitution is also a huge D&C topic on the left, it's a major schism in their ranks, so this would be fantastic if they were to try to go that route.
Thans user, I was thinking we should get the actual incel communities involved with this meme campaign. Watch how many will in fact come forward to admit they are disabled, you'll be surprised.
The desire for hookup sex is utterly degenerate and considering not having it as a crippling phenomenon is in fact a proof our society is fucked in the head, and traditional virgin marriage becomes a struggle. Thots and chads are no better than niggers and gays.
Shit like this is great because it adds extra hoops to jump through during leftist mental gymnastics. They either have to submit to the idea or risk unintentionally revealing they're just bullying whoever they don't like with the latest MSM newspeak. Even if they catch on the entire thing will instil another layer of paranoia among their little social circles. Keep up the good work.
Zig Forums should defend incels why exactly? Ah, so by trying to trick Zig Forums into defending "incels", you hope to lend credence to the "right-wingers are incels" meme i.e: Yeah, your tricks are transparent shlomo, maybe not to the young'uns here, but they can learn quick enough.
Landon Nelson
First they came for the incels…
Robert Carter
Why is the right so much better at being subversive than the left, which prides themselves on being "subversive"?
Jayden Fisher
This isn't subversion, it's reflection. To subvert something is to bring it down, but the Right is about building things up, not bringing them down. The Left brings things down, which is why they're subverters. They can't build jack shit.
Dylan Ortiz
Because most of the time they're being "subversive" against nonexistent boogiemen, very well illustrated in this case with the whole "incel" shit, I can't remember the last time I saw anything so blown out of proportion. GG for example was deeply slandered and twisted in their intent, but at least there was something, a movement, that was real dn tangible in the first place, the INCEL movement thing is pure hot air.
Julian Baker
The mental gymnastics that some people go through astounds me more and more every time I see them.
Nicholas Morris
I just got back from two-and-a-half hours at the gym with friends, after getting off work I run my own business, have a STEM degree, and graduated with honors. Get on my level faggot.
This has never fucking worked. The only one that had potential was calling niggers googles and jews skypes, etc, and that was to fuck with data mining and bypass racism filters. Even if this worked, so what? Libshits stop using the word "incel"? Le ebin co-opt. Beans and mudslimes are still pouring in and jews still control everything. Put your brains to something useful.
Cooper Miller
Do you know why they do that? It's because they are: PRIVILEGED to receive vagina. We can really irritate them by emphasizing how PRIVILEGED they are to be able-bodied. They consider themselves so fucking oppressed, but many are millionaires.
John Gonzalez
I am jewish billionaire who has a hobby of reading what goyim think of me, get on my level.
Hudson Brown
I don't interact with normal people. To those of you that do, please inform me, are they too stupid to see the constant hypocrisy and double-standards of the left, and their constant flip-flopping moralisms that only apply to selected groups? Please tell me they're not too stupid to see it.
Michael Sanchez
I guess the incels never heard of that. You really showed 'em who's boss.
Asher Wilson
Welp, that proper puts a nail in their little coffin, now doesn't it. OP was not a faggot today.
Sure gotta a lotta memes fired up and ready to go there OP. Associating Zig Forums with incels after the Canada attack is interesting. Your shit is contrived. When has anyone on an image board ever felt like they need to defend themselves to normal fags? If you do, get the fuck off this board
Side note, this is why user forums are so successful. If there is a leader, he can be ousted, altered, or planted. This is why ecelebs are cancer. Here only ideas reign. There are no ranks or individuals, there are only ideas. There is no embarrassment (fuck you OP) because there is no us. The moment Zig Forums gets organized IRL or embarrassed is the moment it will be subverted, because free exchange of ideas without control is dangerous to some in this world. This is why newfags need to lurk. If you post, you jump into stupid shit (like OP) that you can't see is bait, you screw up the culture. Id rather debate Zig Forums than have a newfag post. Not that im better than you, but that you fuck shit up.
David Nelson
So, that post was by a female… just fyi. Notice you'll never get a reply or anything. Intellectual women don't exist, essentially. Non-stupid ones do, but that wasn't one of those, either.
Jacob Morgan
Sounds like a faggot who sits on the bench taking selfies and reading his tweets. There's absolutely no reason at all to be spending that much time in the gym unless you're competing in something. Lying faggot. Also, poorfag, how come you can't afford your own equipment?
Bentley Wood
Most don't know what the fuck is going on, and they don't care to know either. So long as sportsball and GoT continue. They sure as fuck don't know what an incel is.
Reddit is only a step removed from mainstream (like most leftie shit, since their propagandists are the face of all media propaganda), and incel is the new big insult on there. I find it hilarious. I only started using the site to shit-post while banned on here, and preaching historically normal moral positions gets you called an "incel." They say it like it's the new big buzzword that's going to shut people down, and I just find it so fucking funny because it's not insulting at all. They're basically saying "you believer in normal family units, normal sexuality, and normal male and female biological roles in society!" I got called an incel for saying men and women have function differently on a mental level, and women are more socially inclined, and thus more prone to be affected by shaming than men. You'd think I ordered a hit on someone. The guy was dumbfounded I'd even suggest such a thing. Oh man, reddit is a fucking cesspit. The mentalities on there are so backwards and twisted. I just figured, being one step removed from mainstream social media, those positions would carry over to the masses of idiots.
Kevin Gray
Damn, I got fooled. Nice catch user.
Andrew Taylor
No, it doesn't. Not unless you're an aimless meat-head whose life revolves around diet and lifting. No normal person would ever need to spend that much time in the gym to reach their most desirable fitness levels.
Weights are cheap, but the experience of shouting while you throw the dumbbells to the floor can't be replicated at home.
Your wife is cheating on you. I'm sorry, man.
David Thompson
There have been threads going on cuckchan for days making memes for this operation you insufferable faggot, nice try at depicting effort and organization as a conspiracy.
When has an user ever taken issue with trolling the left? It's almost like you don't care about the lulz and are shitting your yarmulke about this.
Zachary Price
I just noticed it's literally pasta from reddit, it's a comment from this link:
You made it sound like you were working out, when you were just sporting. When people play basketball at the gym, then don't say "I was in the gym," they say "I was playing basketball." You should say "I was climbing."
Juan Sullivan
Doesn't an hour of cardio have a negative impact on muscle gain, or strength? Seems excessive.
James Sanders
Cardio kills gains
Charles Turner
Yes, if you're going to do both on the same day you have to do one in the morning and one in the evening or you lose effectiveness of both and are just stressing your body for no gain. If you want to hit on the cardio bunnies then just stand next to the machine instead of pretending you're "doing cardio" to give you an in.
Adam James
I dont go to cuckchan because it is controlled opposition, so I wouldn't know that this is happening. Thanks for bringing that here though. If it's a good idea fine and I'm all for trolling the left, so don't take my banter wrong. This operation doesn't hit home. Here's what I see. 1. It associates Zig Forums with incels. 2. Zig Forums defends incels after the Minassian attack. 3. The memes depict incels as disabled (this chain of variables is ineffective) it doesn't work. 4. Who cares about incels? FB doesn't. I don't. No one thinks about them. 5. It's forced, incels=disabled? Might as well say left hates puppies. Post the antifa nail dog treat girl. That works.
What we will see in the future is a label of anons, imageboards, and 8ch as incels. This tactic is a global "your just neckbeards and you'll never get any pussy." A female wrote this next ploy, I guarantee it.
Lincoln Wright
I went to a climbing gym not a pitiful wall you might find at a fitness center. People only go there to climb. Does this not look like a workout?
A bodyweight workout, yes, but not what comes to mind when someone says "gym," which is basically synonymous with weight lifting.
Xavier Myers
if you are trying to cut excess body fat it works but if you are on just building muscle mass it is burning fat stores that could be used to gain mass.Its a balance because what good is a lot of muscle if you have no cardio to use it.You could be fucking huge and within a min of combat or heavy exertion and be gassed.I would rather have cardio and average muscle instead of getting over muscled.It takes very little muscle to pull a trigger and fights are not won by who has biggest muscle,they are won by being smarter not bigger.
Jose Gomez
I prefer stamina to strength as well. I plan on bulking a bit in a few months, but I like HIIT. I don't see the benefit to being big and bulky. It looks horrible, most women don't find it attractive, it's incredibly expensive, it has to be maintained etc. I just don't see the point. A fighting sport plus HIIT seems good. I don't even know if I'm going to bother with strength training. It just seems like a time and money sink.
Chase Butler
If you lift heavy, have a sedentary job, and enjoy food, LISS is great. If you have an active job and enjoy micromanaging your macros daily, you probably don't need it. I basically aim for 200g protein a day and don't calorie count, able maintain around 12% bodyfat year-round with good lifts. Avoid all of the joint pain & cortisol issues that come with HIIT, but to each their own.
Well after seeing all this workout shit off-topic, maybe you have a point. Still not too exciting for me. The best concept I can take away is forcing a leftist to define their vocabulary and poking holes in their standards.
they are really this fucking stupid. they think they are being trendy, hip, and virtue signalling by shunning wizards??? the people that have already been shut out, discarded, and labeled basement dwelling neckbeard freaks? What exactly does this do for them besides give incels more of a reason to lash out at normies and hide themselves away making themselves more destructive to themselves and others? A sexually frustrated social outcast with nothing to lose? hey, lets poke him with a stick and see what happens!
I seriously hope they keep pressing their luck until wizards start suicide bombing college campuses until they are unmentionable even more so than muslims.
Jace Sanchez
Since ancient Greece activities like running, gymnastics, and fighting disciplines were associated with gyms. Even today, gyms will have spin classes, boxing classes, pools, and even yoga classes