I think Catalan can be used as sort of a Turing test for bluepilled individuals. Anyone who thinks Catalan is a real language either learned all they know about it from Wikipedia or is under the influence of an agenda. Anyone who speaks Spanish can tell that Catalan is just Spanish with a silly accent and some borrowed French words. Catalonian commies separatists and linguists (who compose one of the most thoroughly pozzed fields in all of academia) treat these French loanwords as evidence that Catalan is more closely related to French than Spanish, even though Catalan and Spanish are more mutually similar than English and Scots. It's not just counter-factual, it's contrary to plain observation. Anyone who deeply believes it is sure to be bluepilled.
The Catalan Test
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fuck cucktalonia to be honest family, they are traitors
Yeah but catalan is the non gay version of spanish, you lispy faggots
I'm surprised at the lack of support for an independent Catalonia on here. These people are so far left, they hate the EU and Jews. We're far right, so we can form a coalition with these guys because we understand that it's not left v right, it's nationalism v globalism. They have different economic viewpoints, but Catalans are basically fascists.
We tend not to be in favor of 1. communists 2. things that will never happen.
Communists share our struggle and it's happened before. Molotov-Ribbentrop.
>>>Zig Forums
Kill yourself.
Holy fucking hell, commit suicide immediately.
Go drink bleach, faggot.
No one trusts a word you say.
Are they not trying to leave the €U the only way they can?
Commit suicide immediately. You're exposed.
They want to leave Spain, not the EU. They love the EU; they're communists.
Well I think historically Catalonia had a distinct national identity when it was the Kingdom of Aragon but it's been part of Spain for centuries and they're basically a regional variant of Spaniard now. The more important thing is that they tend to be leftists and an independent Catalonia would be bad for Europe since it has a Mediterranean coastline and would probably welcome migrants who would then continue to migrate to more exploitable countries in the Schengen area like Germoney, United Kaliphate and al-Svehrij.
They're claiming that Catalan is closer to Occitan, not French. There probably is some truth to the claim that Catalonia and Occitania were closer to each other than Castilian or French historically, but as above, they've been a part of Spain and France for many centuries and have assimilated to become part of those nations.
Stop with this meme
Having spent some time in Catalan, the people there are staunch nationalists (though separatist from Spain) and take great pride in their local cuisine and history. They should absolutely be supported in their independence.
Ppl just don't read so they're retarded
If anyone wants to stop being dumb I've added a pic of books you should read or listen to, this is a short list as you can see it wouldn't full but 2 shelves maybe. A lot of you are absolutely disgusting in your ignorance
Spain is a failed state, so why should we care.
Reminder the Royal Family of Spain literally controls the Ecuadorian secret police, and is the reason drugs and illegals flood through Mexico to the US.
Thanks, Spanish CNInigger.
I think you meant to say "alot". 8^)
Zig Forums is generally full of shit regarding languages, only caring about feels and politics of it rather than linguistic facts. I won't be surprised if the ridiculous idea from German Metapedia that Slavic languages don't exist becomes popular here.
You do know that Op is a member of the Spanish (((Royal))) secret police, right?
That's precisely what makes the field of linguistics as pozzed as it is. There was a famous Jewish linguist, Max Weinreich, who said "A language is a dialect with an army and a navy". Every linguist has heard that phrase at some point but very few realize the true gravity of it. The difference between Serbian and Croatian is another example. They're essentially the same language but they're considered different for reasons that are hardly more than political in nature. In mainstream linguistics, facts are rarely objective and theories don't need to be proven. I'm not saying there aren't any good linguists out there, but they're not the ones who most influence the mainstream opinion.
Man, I wish. A degree in linguistics gives you fuckall for job opportunities.
tough nuts, I got 42 dubs, and 42 is truth.
Oh, and there are fuckall opportunities, thanks to (((diversity))). Thanks, kikes, for robbing my generation!
No shit that it can be taken the other way, but all I talk about is practicality. The Slav denial thing for example is laughable because yeah, try to go to Poland and speak to them in German, they'll surely understand you because it's just a Germanic dialect. There's absolutely no reason why Germans, Dutch, Swedes, etc. have an easy time grasping English even at a low level of education while many Slavs speak utterly broken English missing articles or ignoring proper word order. And the whole etymology of the word "Slav" and the fact they'd call Germans "mute" is also based on nothing, the distinction and various conflicts between the two was just an illusion. That's the kind of shit I'm talking about.
/nupol/ are bootlickers
Surely you must be joking.
I shouldn't be surprised, but I will be surprised if this is true.
National Bolshevism is literally Stalinism, and if that's not Communism then I dunno what is
This is coming from a center left NatSoc too, not a capcuck
Right, but what does this have to do with self-determination?
The current Italian government is literally a coalition between communism and fascism.
If you hate the EU you're good enough.
If Catalan isn't a real language, neither should Portuguese be, right?
That's 95% similar to Spanish in print, regardless of the pronunciation differences.
That is one of the stupidest, gayest things I've ever read.
Yeah, next question.
hello dugin
Absolutely nothing, that's not the point.
I'm assuming you are spanish here, but as an anglo who have tried to learn both, I can assure you that they are separate, (but related) languages. I mean, catalan even has an extra character for fucks sake. (ç). Sure they are related, but we could also say that, portugese is just spanish with a silly accent and some borrow words.
Spanish is just itallian with a silly accent and some borrow words. etc.
Not only do they have their own language, they have unique sports, (castellers), instruments, songs, traditions and dances. It's a unique culture.
Catalunya appears deeply pozzed to be sure. The far left appear very much ascendant in the public domain. Part of the legacy of Franco is that anything nationalisticc is seen as fundamentally evil. However, there is a deep divide between the big, pozzed, globalist cities, and the much more conservative rural areas. I think that the catalan independence question is being used to artificially bring between these two fundamentally oppositional sides. I mean, it's divided half and half between brown communist trannie freaks, and concervative catholics who object to gay marriage and divorce.
I doubt that catalunya will ever get independance, because none of them appear willing to become martyrs for the cause. If it did gain independance though, the disparate groups would quickly divide and clash. I mean, the immigration slogan in catalunya is even worse than "Diversity is our strength." Every church and council building displays a sign (pic related) Saying "Our house is your house." Meanwhile the comonly used expression "que moro" (North African), basically means "What a nigger!".
I don't know what will happen to Catalunya, but claiming that they don't have a real language isnt a useful way to approach things.
Checked. op is a member of the Spanish (((royal))) secret police. Not even fucking joking.
Most of the great "anti-Communism" love(d) Trotksyism, so liking Bolshevism isn't that much of a stretch.
Why is (((royal))) in echoes? I thought the Spanish crown was responsible for throwing out Muslims and punishing kikes for treason.
calling hoseshit on that, I lived in catalonia for three months with a housemother who was convinced that her mother was (((holocausted))). They hate national socialists just as much we hate them
It's always like this. The kikes insert themselves through time.
If only they could implode, destroying each other completely.
Now you know how a kebab remover feels with SIX other countries claiming to have independent languages, but really being just a variant of Serbian.
Would you consider Scots a distinct language?
Oh please, other exchange an X for CH or J, just writing variants.
Yeah, you already stated that. For anyone unbiased looking at it it is clear both are just minor variants.
It is and it it is not even their own language, but borrowed from the Gallegos.
That is utter nonsense, since at the time Spanish was codified, there was no “Italian”, that is a synthetic language made up in the 19th century.
Oh my village has some quaint customs, that makes it a totally different “nation”.
Part of the demonisation of Franco is unhinged fake nationalism fuelled by the Anglos and French.
The Anglos are those who invented that fake nationalism to split Spain in the 19th century.
Franco was such a pussy that even rabid leftist have difficulties to find something to pin on him, so they just shriek persecution persecution and invent fake crimes like “kidnappings that were real in her minds”.
They are all brain washed and mentally ill.
If we had a clue (((who could be behind that))), that would be really helpful.
Not the OP, but definitely not. Scots is mostly understandable to me. It's just English with a thick accent and funny spelling and some local slang. You know every variety of English would look like a "different language" if spelled phonetically, right? And every single English speaking region anywhere has its own local slang.
Like it or not, Spain still has a certain geopolitical sway due to its cultural and economic ties with LatAm as well as with Marocco. They also punch above their weight in military matters.
No one cares outside of Spain.
Pretty much, and Spain is a third world shithole with a pitiful legacy.
Portugal was only part of Spain for 60 years due to a succession crisis whereas Catalonia was part of Spain for its whole history
Wasn't it part of Spain throughout the entire period of Roman rule? Portugal and Spain were both part of Hispania.
find/edit/replace catalan/ukranian, spanish/russian. try that for size.
in an ideal world, that is, one without zog, i'd be inclined to support continuing levels of subrace nationalism/independence, but i don't have that luxury. in today's world, i support it only where it hurts the jews the most. which means i'd support fragmentation of the us or the eu but not of the russian federation or china, etc.
as best i can read it, even though the catalans are buttlicking cucks who want to suicide by faggot rights and immigration, the issue does seem to piss off the jews in charge of the eu, so i guess that provisionally i support them.
at one point, the president of ecuador was a descendant of the borgia pope.
the franks had control of catalonia for about 400 years, starting from charlemagne and his cousin william whose saint's day is today, on the julian calendar throwing the moslems out of that region.
All spics belong in their native Africa. It's precious how many of them insist they're not Mexicans.
Best Communism is White Communism.