Now that Kampfy is gone, let's get back to enjoying OC. Post all your dankest OC in this thread. Let's get back to our roots.
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June 7, 2018 - 06:10
kek nice one OP, have a bump
June 7, 2018 - 06:12
I normally don't advocate the "A thread died for this" mentality but a thread died for this.
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June 7, 2018 - 06:18
Some anchored shit, go pee your pants somewhere else, OC is the core of Zig Forums, we can't be like reddit who only reiterate memes and jump on the bandwagon
June 7, 2018 - 06:27
Debatable. Check in a year or so.
June 7, 2018 - 06:28
What the hell are you even on about? Not making OC and acting retarded is the only thing that'll put us closer to reddit.
June 7, 2018 - 06:30
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250.78 KB, 33.11K)
June 7, 2018 - 07:51
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June 7, 2018 - 07:59
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55.48 KB, 7.32M)
June 7, 2018 - 08:07
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35.06 KB, 45.99K)
June 7, 2018 - 08:10
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54.53 KB, 173.74K)
June 7, 2018 - 08:12
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57.65 KB, 1.05M)
June 7, 2018 - 08:16
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260.26 KB, 106.1K)
June 7, 2018 - 08:22
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84.75 KB, 1.57M)
June 7, 2018 - 08:27
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June 7, 2018 - 08:30
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June 7, 2018 - 08:32
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June 7, 2018 - 08:34
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60.01 KB, 134.17K)
June 7, 2018 - 08:39
I have way too much time on my hands…
June 7, 2018 - 08:42
This is the lowesy reddit tier shit I've seen in a while. On par with Zig Forums memes.
June 7, 2018 - 14:42
Attached: Doggo_Wants_Sum_Fug.webm (640x360, 1.56M)
June 12, 2018 - 10:08
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80.11 KB, 76.23K)
June 12, 2018 - 15:37
This. What the fuck is with these faggots shitting up the place so badly in the last 48 hours?
These are literally all fucking garbage. Shit meme concepts aside, you can't even photoshop.
June 12, 2018 - 16:05
Is it too late to save this thread?
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1.13 MB, 442.44K)
June 12, 2018 - 17:41
I think this is fitting.
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90.25 KB, 26.85K)
June 12, 2018 - 18:57