Black man goes undercover in the alt-right, Zig Forums BTFO
This Nigger
Needs to be
not sure what you're trying to imply OP but I'm pretty sure your post goes against it.
then why is africa a complete shithole? what about india?
why are retarded africans starving? oh wait they killed off all the white farmers.
old news; total bullshit
(((OP))) is a faggot
I just quoted him to give samples of how ridiculously retarded he is.
hardly an argument
logical fallacy, an argument isn't wrong because it's old
But nature isn't into diversity, Bluebirds wanna fly with bluebirds and redbirds wanna fly with redbirds.
But weez all be equal n sheet you hateful ignorant rednecks.
Yeah there may be many creatures in a diverse biosphere, some of similar attributes or genus. Yet you don't see shit like orangutans and gorillas getting all chummy do you?
Of fucking course not. They can tolerate each other very briefly but it quickly devolves into standard natural territorial violence. Same thing in going to happen in the West.
how will non-materialists ever recover
But at least Kamphy's gone, ammirite?
Everyone seems to have forgotten that it's summer, my dude. Happens every year.
The left only respects power. Do no fall for their tricks.
Why do amerimongrels make such a big deal out of race. Europe has only had recent non white migrant and there less racist than u fat fucks. It must be insecure faggot white fucking boy that got there fucking ass beat by a nigger and now they cry bitches about it online.
What do you mean "make such a big deal"?
Holy fuck get back to halfchan, Reddit or to the oven.
What is this "black man" you speak of? There is a nigger in your pic. I think perhaps you have yourself confused.
If we want to speak about nature, NATURALLY niggers should stay in their own AFRICAN SHITHOLE, the mere fact that we have niggers wandering around in the west is against nature.
Also if it wasn't for (((charity))) "nature" would have done its course, and niggers would be already extinct due to starving, diseases and their incapacity of create and build anything caused by their low IQ.
"Nature", it makes me laugh, that nigger doesn't have a fucking clue and he's just desperately trying to sound smarter than the low IQ subhuman he really is.
Pick one, nigger.
Yes but he's wearing a pretty shirt and has a shiny head. After a lifetime of conditioning by the electronic jew the cattle will eat it up.
Are welfare niggers whose existence in this hemisphere is totally unnatural insane enough to tell us that it's nature.
Wow, quality post kill yourself any time.
Stop giving the enemy credit.
Ayo hol up dus dat mean I can relax around blacks now, shieeeet.
Letting go of my prejudices rite now.
A homogeneous race leads into a high trust society where they can solve their own issues easily. People would solve their issues if they were led by their own people. That's why the left demands for diversity in the first place. Non-whites don't trust whites to lead them and solve their issues because they are different.
You think that it's pointless, but the left is going to reach the same conclusion as we do.
It's not fear, but disgust. If the nigger did a little research he'd know about brain structure differences that develop between 'left' and 'right'.
But he's a nigger, and a faggot.
rape box?
The alt kiker's would have been chomping at the bit to let a BASED black man join the crew. Also nature clearly cares about race because it has created people that are perfectly suited to their particular environments,it's the whole multicultural jew world order that is a man made construct.
He's trying the whole "muh old white people clinging onto their old ways" thinh but the real racially aware right has been getting plenty of fresh young blood lately so it's really him that's behind with the times.
Can any Georgians tell me what the man is saying in this second .webm?
All black men are niggers
Some niggers are ok though tbqhwy.
Lol. The irony is if that was a white guy Zig Forums would love him.
This is now the average fullpol user
Rehashing some old ones, eh?
Aren't you fellow (((anons))) glad they suppressed nigger hate for YEARS so this jiggaboo can stab you in the back and brag about it?
I know I am!
Webm please.
OP is a faggot.
To the Cult this is logical since through their hijacked Enlightenment worldview History plods inexporably forward with what they view as constant "progress." (Call them out on this post enlightenment view for lulz, they will be defensive when you point out it is a philosophical framework crafted by old white men.) So to them anything that is "old" is wrong while anything that is "new" is automatically right - whether it undergoes scrutiny or not.
How is it a shill thread?
"turn your back on mother nature everybody wants to rule the world"
I dont give a shit about mother nature, If I lose I lose fighting.
Well see user, your rhetoric doesnt prove shit, its conjecture. And even with some strong scientific backing it wont change. Its not mans nature to fly. We figured that one out. You dont think we cant figure out pure race longevity if we try. And fuck it we will try and keep trying as long as we live.
"ur gonna lose dur"
fuck you who are you, you know shit and you are shit. I dont care about your opinion. You are a poor loser. We will engineer this shit and youll be left starving and rioting in the streets. Keep posting ,cause thats all you can do.
This is your best shot at stopping the inevitable. You cant actually stop it so you are left trying to convince those that will rule over you that … "its not the best way to be , think of mother nature"
Really shitty try user, mother nature is irrelevant. All will be assimilated or destroyed. Borg empire will reign.
a nigger is telling me about natural selection when half of the selective process (killing, war) is being artificially prevented
a nigger, whose race survives solely on what it takes from productive races, is acting like he's earned a place in the future just by existing
a nigger, whose race represents the lowest common denominator of the human organism, asserts that human is worth the cost of its preservation - in spite of evidence to the contrary
a nigger whose continued existence is predicated on the restraint and good intentions of the white man, advises me to 'let go' of racial destiny
a nigger, whose race remains genetically unchanged for 100,000 years, tells me my views are outdated
fuck you nigger
Kill yourself OP
>>>Zig Forums
This exact same thread was posted last year torpedo. Most likely either /trannypol/ or jidf. Regardless this is just lazy.
The left is equally obsessed with race, the bottom of the barrel will always be filled with the most absurdities. You know what else is man-made? Thinking one side is smarter than the other, completely devoid of any intelligible thought that bridges all realpolitik contemplation into one understanding.
I'm sure that's what people getting raped believe too. To not be attached to these issues and feeding off of it in the fashion we do, sure, you have the merit. Maybe. Maybe not.
The pure ideal that a view is outdated unless it is some obscure religious fanaticism in-of-itself is a product of you yourself having "echo chambers", fucking nig doesn't even try to tread the proposed territories he was shared with the people he infiltrated. Or perhaps he would like his people to continue wallowing in filth for eternity, unless he believes in superior niggitry and reparations.
Not that he explores anything that was offered to him in his time, and dances around the topic, it is good to see that "curiosity" got the better of peoples, even if they aren't as smart as they believe capable.
One of these is not like the other~
These far-leftists really shouldn't go there for their own good.
So says the 7 foot tall mega dong musclechode ape-man.
Nature ONLY cares about genetics you fucking ape man, in fact nature loves creatures like you, you are just to stupid to understand it.
But it does not matter if you are right or wrong, you could just submit lesser races with your PHYSICAL might? don't you Ape-man?
Well said!
It has potential to be a good thread with people explaining why he is wrong though. It's not like some nigger spouting anti nature garbage is going to persuade anybody here to change their opinion, it's just a chance for people to hear arguments against this guy's points and possibly learn something.
Says a faggot who screams "RACIST!" everytime things don't go his way.
Are you kike shills still trying that one?
Insecure? No we are not insecure, in fact we are SURE of the fact that niggers are a fucking disease that holds back white people's society from any kind of progress.
now kill yourself >>>/suicide/
i don't understand if these people are retarded or evil. most likely both.
to me the thing to be learned about cargo cults is not that niggers are able to make but an unbelievably shitty, non working, replica of a plane.
as of now, i too lack the skills and the knowledge to do it.
what really shows is how deeply rooted in envy all nigger things are.
i mean, in these cases you can't even blame jewish influence.
still has to go back to Apefreaka
Halfway through the post i thought you were referring to the nigger lol
amerimongrels don't exist.
any of u faggots ever read the Dred Scott v. Sandford US supreme court case? its why theres a 14th amendment, if you argue about race politics but dont know what that case is or what the 14th amendment is you are just talking shit so hard that ur asshole is envious of ur mouth
there are state constitutions and the US constitution
because usa is set up like the UN, civil rights law is the US gov(un) making law that governs the united states of america(washington, montana, new york, florida ect) by providing benefits for all US citizens (food stamps, boon boxes) social security, tax deductions, paying for leeches that are becoming citizens for the benefits (that you only need to pay tax for if youre registered as US citizen)
everyone should stop signing their kids up for social security, make sure they are citizens of the state they live in, NOT RESIDENTS. and try to get rid of US citizenship if you can, a lot of debt will make it hard.
Nobody can be this retarded.
Why do niggers have such trouble with understanding basic ideas that they parrot out?
So that means in term of pure logic and the best for survival we have to judge off of achievements that progressed the humanity that lived in the harshest environments.
1. Niggers never created anything on the most fertile land of the world , While Whites created everything coming from the least hospitable areas considered practically otherworldly. Coons never created their own system of government like human rights for example is a European concept, clothes, farms, houses, medicines and refuse to abolish slavery.
2.Niggers have the weakest genes with retardation, hereditary diseases very prevalent and the weakest immune systems, coons have the least adaptable features their skin only works well in sunny in environments instead they get skin cancer. They purposefully spread deadly diseases like aids, ebola.
3.Niggers are the ugliest race which shows their women have terrible sexual selection, most likely to racemix and in so weak family units. Shitskins have always been known to commit bestiality, cannibalism along with pedophilia as a natural state for them.
4.Niggers given everything to have their own working society and they decide to genocide each other instead showing they have no cooperation, compassion, and in so no long term peace.
5.Niggers when introduced in to successful societies don't adapt they act like typical shitskin subhuman monkeys and endanger the altruistic peaceful natives.
Since I just hit a few of the main points of niggers in society. It shows logically for the best of humanity niggers shouldn't be in White societies at all and be used in geographic sectioned parks in Africa as labor with White overlords. Going by the line of thinking the talking ape is claiming to subscribe to.
Including the other races for the best of humanity if the World had to be run on a global scale in a rigid hierarchy without extinction of the lower non-white races:
All Juden eliminated sent to mental institutions.
1. God Class: Whites would be in charge of everything as in any leadership or power position no matter how small you must be White. Warriors, police units are all going to be White and all Elite units. Otherwise Doctors and any noteworthy jobs that have a effect on society are going to be done by Whites.
2.Servant Class: East Asians at their best are a hive of insect people. So any busy work that takes some basic brainpower like servants, lower engineering positions, bug testers, pencil pushers, mechanics, plumbers.
3.Labor Class: SE Asians, Mestizo would be used for large building projects, fruit pickers, cleaning positions, toll booth operator.
4. Slave/Subhuman Class: Niggers, Flips(Filipinos) would be used as if cattle and be kept in sectioned off park zoos isolated from humanity. So they would be used for new weapon testing as targets and government science projects. Hunting practice. Grueling labor work like pickaxe rock crushers.
They're They're lad. Take it easy now, we'll all get their together.
Actually nigger, it's the black apes that jump up and down about race. We were content to free the niggerbeast from slavery and go on living our lives, but the insecure black dog can never stop whining and must be exterminated because of it. Sad! but not really
Move over purity spiral, meet the degeneracy spiral.