Just thought i would inform you, if you want to debate an educated leftist that will debunk all of your racist and illogical beliefs, add me on discord @[AFed]AnTom.#3777 . Zig Forums can get a bit clustered so i would rather debate either on voice or in text form. I'll be looking forward to any brave fascists looking to lose a debate.
Dear Racists/Fascists
pick one
nice buzzword. It would be funny to hear your really gay voice though
so you dont know how to use image boards? How exactly is this "clustered"? Are you used to reddit? then stay there.
There are right wing discords debating race that left wing intellectuals like yourself should have no time finding.
These leftist ego threads are tiresome.
Yeah, sure, i have better things to do than engage a brick wall in logical debate.
Debate here or leave forever.
inb4 this thread gets ankered and is shitting up the catalog for days
Thanks Mods
Your tricks have no power here, Satan.
Always sage shit threads.
Brainwashed by kikes in the college you'll be paying kikes for until you are old or hanged by the neck.
Let me run all of this through my character profile creator real quick like for you. It is 99.9% accurate.
Beep beep fucking boop
Yep, seems right faggot.
This but unironically.
Oh leftists are educated alright. It takes a thoroughly educated mind to believe the shit they do.
Leftists tend to fall into a level of above average intelligence that lets them rationalize their batshit insane beliefs, but doesn't let them think for themselves and see the real truth. This is why there aren't many niggers outside of tokens who live in the loony leftist world, most of them just follow a natural tribal instinct.
Whaaat? Another shit thread??! Moderation now! Sage this! Saaaaage thiiiis!
You forgot to sage, anons! Gotta sage them all!
So you use buzzwords that have no meaning while then presenting the worst form of ridicule possible while looking like a fool who is Empirically, logically, and philosophically wrong.
Makes it easier for us. Seeing as all you have is grade school banter, high school snark, and a whole bunch of communist lies.
You aren't even educated. Being a leftist essentially is the equivalent of willful stupidity. A homeless nigger can have a better conversation with us than you.
Perfectly describes OP.
A thread died for this
Sage all replies in bait threads
ftfy shill
Discord literally is selling IP addresses down the cloudflare chain and you want user to "add you" and give themselves up?
Everyone fucking missed the joke.
8ch/pol/ is full of niggers and half breeds with low IQ.
Woah slow down there, we can't possibly hope to talk with the best of the best when it comes to the rick and morty fan club. I guess you win.
I'm an moron.
Are you going to somehow invalidate the last 80 years of stastical data collected regarding racial disparities in IQ, economic activity, and behavior? Are you going to provide a single example of a successful shitskin nation? Are you going to provide a single example were commies didn't destroy their nation or where fascists did despite working with shit material(ie Chile and South America in general).
Because I'd love to see a single data point, statistical or anecdotal, which supports the assertions of the left but I cannot seem to find one.
AFed is Czech Antifa, learn about your enemies new friend. No seriously its the best thing you can spend time on is to learn about who wants you dead.
Fuck off JIDF queer
Blacks seek to make an exception, and thus advance themselves.
I seek to stop this artifice, dependency, and pathology.
And you call the later racist, back the former and call it just, and claim the entire drama as correct. Of course, you stay there, in that abominable space constructed, to profit off of deliberate incorrection, incompletion, and confabulation, serially, again and again. And you do this, because you are a dependent, dependent on exploiting other dependents' dependency and amplifying it to then take a percentage cut.
Pray tell, what is your plan, cannibal, when only the parasites are left?
I'll start with a simple one
Recent genetics research has found that intelligence is genetically linked, this will means that a family that is intelligent will have intelligent children
Now from this I posit is Race not just another word for extended family
This but unironically
I want them dead as well, what now?
Not entirely accurate, actually. They just have a chance of having intelligent children. They could still get a defective downy or an average or below average IQ child. A family of fools can likewise have intelligent children, provided the mother and father both possess the necessary genetics.
Male children especially have a high chance to deviate from the norm in both directions. A high IQ isn't the only determinant for success though if the parents are trash people who mistreat their kids. Heck, some parents are intimidated by a child that's smarter than them.
Well yes that is true, genetic variance is a major thing and I'm not going to claim that every white person is a Plato or something, and really it isn't so much of a case of an average but the extraordinary that defines a people
While the Japanese on average are more intelligent than say the Italians they never had a thinker on par with Galliloe, or an Evola
But yeah back to my original point, said genes that help with genetics are typically found within a similar genetic pool, almost fitting as a perfect example would be Charles Darwin and his multiple children all of whom achieved great success
Well in a generalization I think rasism, sexist and all the dramas of our era and current times are corsed by our own stupidity and arreganse, then we turn around and bitch about how everything (all the above) needs to change and is unjust but are never willing to look at how they have aided in the problem. For example this is how people perceive each other, white people are racist to blacks, blacks are racist to whites, straights hate on gay's or bi's, then all men are grubs, assholes, wankers etc and then it's all women are whores, sluts, skanks, etc. In my opinion we all cores our own problems and we need to just let each other be if some one is gay or bi then let them what does it matter, if someone is black or white WTF does it matter they couldn't control what colour they came out at the end of the day we are all humans the same species and with the whole sexist shit I've the fuck on and grow up not all men are the above and not all women are the above, we all have our ups and downs so move on and judge each person as he or she is nothing more or less.
Well I'm glad I participated. Try again next year.
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ok i was monitoring the thread for serious replies, what do you mean ? Fascism is just extreme nationalism? The false ploy of 'fascism is nature' is completely incoherent since all throughout history examples of communist societies have existed. Humanity as a whole also operated under tribal communism for a good portion of our existence.
let's do it live on youtube so everyone in the world can see it. keen? i'll giga slam you.
Well you and I have completly different perceptions on reality
Personally I believe that humanity was a race to become the most perfect being there was, to become god if it were, but we allowed parasites to claw us down
Humanity no longer cares about becoming stronger, faster, more intellectual but rather has allowed itself to become impure and on top of that fuck over the environment because oh man my feels over these poor africans are more important than having a healthy eco system, so I'll rather than care for our planet fuck it over by giving negroids our medicine to be able to fuck more and have their population explode unsustainably"
Okay, you go relax around blacks, I'll be here not doing that.
Even niggers die from this retarded notion that blacks are to be relaxed around.
No its not, if that were the case then Stalin and Raegan would be Fascists
Fascism and ofshoots such as National Socialism is rather the political ideology that states that the way to go is to have the state focused around creating the perfect beings, so that the strongest state, it is not concerned about communism nor capitalism but rather uses tenants of either when it suits to achieve such goal
prepare for waterboarding, faggot
Explain to me why the rich German-American Jew Jacob Schiff financed the Bolshevist coup in Russia and helped Japan defeat Russia in order to prepare it for a coup. What was in it for him except for helping his Jewish cousins?
oh please, tell us more about that!
So do it here you gigantic fucking ADL faggot.
fuck off kike
Are you fucking retarded?
If you oppose racism then you almost certainly support diversity.
Diversity, as it is used by the leftists/ multicultists, means non-Whites flooding into White countries.
This leads to Whites being disenfranchised, miscegenation, and eventually the genocide of White people.
Diversity is White genocide.
If you support diversity then you support genocide.
If you oppose racism then you oppose the immune system of a people and that which will fight against genocide.
You support White genocide.
You are the villain here.
Not us.