Britannia has failed in luring foreigners in the country for strawberry picking. Refugees are not doing this so Ukrainians will be needed. But there are no Ukrainians coming to Britannia. Instead they travel to Finland which pays better salary to Ukrainians.
Now it is predicted more than 17% of British strawberries will be left on the farms to rot as there is no enough workforce to pick them up for sale.
British people dont want to do it because the farms dont pay well enough for this job.
The British farms still hope they can get at least Romanian workers in the absence of Ukrainians.
If the economy can't provide enough incentive for people to take up the job, maybe your work is shit and/or unnecessary.
Everyone clamor for a totally free market but start whining the instant it affects them.
Nathan Hughes
You're both wrong: the solution is Swedish backpackers like we do in Australia. Young Europeans come to Australia for what we call "Working Holiday". You get shipped to a farm for six weeks, eat the best food we have, work like a dog half the day and sleep the other half. You come out of it with the body of Zyzz and $6K cash to enjoy another 6 weeks of holiday before going back to the fatherland.
b-but I thought those pakis and indians liked to work..
Charles Lopez
If the state provides enough incentives to not work..
Jeremiah Walker
Why are we even still growing strawberries in fields?
Jackson Phillips
Cameron Cox
I'm not sure how the dole works in Bongland but I'm fairly certain the people that rely on it - chavs, niggers, muds - would not want to work even with incentives.
Nathan Reed
What the hell is this shit? Picking fruit isn't a job for foreigners, it's a job for fucking schoolchildren. Why the fuck do you think they're not supposed to be in (((school))) in the summer?
Daniel Taylor
Force the unemployed and able bodied to pick strawberries. It will do them good to escape their mole mound.
Isaac Allen
Also I'm not sure I'd want to eat strawberries picked by some Paki who took a shit on the field first and didn't wash his hands.
Logan Edwards
This. Some organizations like WWOOF even allow small businesses to get Europeans and Americans to help by volunteering. Same kind of work, just paid in amazing food and a valuable resume experience.
Samuel Brown
Bongs are fucking stupid.
Bentley King
The saddest shit is that instead of promoting sterilization of the non-whites since they won't be needed in the future due to automation, we help them breed. What's the fucking point?
Jose Hall
this also how many of those strawberries are exported instead of fed to hungry bongs ? STOP GIVING AWAY OUR RESOURCES and give us free speech
Jaxson Nelson
Same thing gets done for tree planting in Canada.
It's what Hitler wanted - shovel brigades. Young people can use their bodies, learn about agriculture, and it's fun at to hang out with other young people in farms/woods.
Brandon Carter
found the jew
Carter Martinez
The governments are against young people bonding over wholesome, productive activities such as picking fruit because it promotes an understanding of what makes them British, it encourages free thought and appreciation of natural assets. Authorities want young people to remain depressed, obsessed with social media and talent shows, apologetically (((British))) and stuck in their urban ghettos.
William Baker
what kind of stuid shill shit is this first, I referred to other brits as bongs second, burgers, frogs, and so on, all refer to themselves as such
you are just mad because THERE IS ONLY PALESTINE
Luke Jones
They could ask high school kids to do it, 2 pounds an hour and they will all do it.
David Diaz
You ever worked on a field? I don't think so. That shit is hard labor and more importantly they want you to pick 5kg/h consistently.
Carter Campbell
Strawberries are a completely worthless New World food like pretty much every other food from the New World.
Andrew Sanchez
ACKSHUALLY modern strawberries are the result of mixing large but not very tasty new world strains with small but sweet European forest strawberries.
Jacob Roberts
Are you sure you got that right? Wild strawberries around where I live are amazing, but tiny.
Good shit. It even picks them right.
Xavier Hill
Huh I could have sworn they were a cross between Euro and SA strains but apparently it's NA and SA strains:
Jose Scott
Maybe they should try PAYING ENGLISH PEOPLE TO WORK. As a teenager, I tried picking strawberries for a show up on the day job. Despite picking for quite some hours, I didn't earn enough for the bus ride home. It is their own fault for being greedy cunts.
Kick out all the rapefugees, kick out all the third world shitballs, kick out all the unskilled European immigrants. Ban unemployment, and use a minimum wage across all jobs, so that English people can and will work and reclaim their dignity. Cancerous government needs guy fawkesing.
Grayson Wilson
Pay a man to lay on his ass and not pick strawberries, and he will lay on his ass.
Pay a man less money than the next strawberry field over, and he will work for them, not you.
All this is not hard to understand. Now, in my less-wealthy region of the U.S., all they do is post a sign, "pick your own" and people come to your fields and pay you to pick the strawberries, themselves.
Me? My wife plants and picks strawberries in our garden, I just eat them. She also cans them as Jam. I'm not much for fruit or berries, anyway, but when I eat them, it's always my own stuff, grown on my own property, without pesticides or any other such nonsense.
Burger, here. We have the small, very sweet strawberries growing wild in every empty field around. We just call them "wild strawberries." I used to graze on them, right from the fields, when I was a kid. Wasteful rabbits would take one bite from them, and leave the rest hanging there.
That's a good point. Strawberries are a luxury food and nobody needs to have them year-round. A family can easily grow plenty of strawberries for themselves.
Justin Ortiz
Bite me, Jew.
Bentley Torres
Since I was thirteen, it is NOT hard. You put on some galoshes. Pick up a bucket for the strawberries, the smaller the better because you don't want the lowest bunch squished from weight on top. Then you spread your legs in an A-shape with the row of berries between, bend over, and pick. Get a sore back the first few days, but after that your back is swole enough to take it.
The place I was at paid by the bucket filled. Some people walked away with $15/hr, some people walked away with $5 for an hours work. No one complained, the low earners either got better or left to find work that fit their talents. But then again I wasn't in a shitty ass country that prevented people from earning a dime.
I also picked blackberries and worms out of the ground for fishermen.
Plant 17% less strawberries next time, or get a contract instead of HURR IMA PRODUCE SOMETHING AT A HUGE QUANTITY AND EXPECT EVERYONE TO JUST GRAB IT DURRR
Caleb Smith
This. My first job (at 12) was picking strawberries, and I got 15 cents a quart. Most of the jobs I did when entering the workforce were farm jobs.
Brody Hernandez
In that excuse my assumption. It's not the norm for my generation so I assume it's the same for most posters here. The 5kg thing is the average here in Germany. We got the same problem with a lack of field hands.
Joshua Murphy
Right now the brits have replaced most of the poles and other eu8 countries with romanians and bulgarians. Once those two sources of workers are gone too they are fucked beyond hope.
Aaron Scott
Poles didn't even show up to pick German asparagus. It's happening.
Carter Jenkins
Dominic Rodriguez
As I Britbong who just got made redundant, where do I sign up?
Cooper Thompson
So minimum wage hikes are fucking things up? Certainly didn't see that happening. Communism and mass starvation here we come.
Hunter Gonzalez
Are there agricultural programs in the UK to help promote farming and livestock skills for the next generation? I assume the urban schools wouldn't have them but what about the smaller towns that are still rural?
Christopher Cooper
Ha ha ha, if only westerners knew how bad things really are.
Christopher Hernandez
The farms don't want to pay the minimum wage, the British people who could do the work for minimum wage won't do the work because doing 2 weeks work will stop your benefits (possibly for months) and fuck you right up. Even if you weren't on benefits chances are the taxman will cause you problems because you can't just run off home with your money. Furthermore there is invariably no public transport to these farms. There's a lot of reasons, and they all are mistakes of the government and the EU. Spain has exactly the same problem, the fruit was rotting on the ground so lots of farmers sold up to Europeans wanting to retire to Spain or build villas for other Europeans to buy.
Joshua Foster
Pay decent wages instead of relying on slave labour. Fuck sake, how many thousand years have we been dealing with this very issue?
Elijah Bell
seriously, did you log on from facebook after being retweeted about a hip new joint Fucking pathetic
Benjamin Rogers
Haven't you seen the signs "White British need not apply".
Lincoln Green
Unfortunately it's basically considered tard-tier work if you're not an immigrant.
Luke Gonzalez
Why not pay more?
Juan Peterson
I seriously doubt that, this isnt the great depression, and these kids could just go and be a server somewhere or babysit to get way more than that without having to sit in the sun for hours.
Jonathan Cox
Because then it's cheaper to import robot-picked strawberries from Spain. Like the rest of the world, the Bongs that can afford local would rather reduce their food security for the sake of cheapness, and those who can't probably don't eat fruit anyway.
Isaac Green
i used to live near strawberry fields. Pick your own. I was a kid, so used to eat as much as, or more, than we took away. good memories.
Asher Wright
this is always my argument to libniggers the real answer is mechanize your farms, but cheap asses dont have a reason to if they can get away with paying paco 5 bucks an hour. in the shortrun, hire teens. they used to actually hire tons of teens for seasonal farm work in the US. it was one of our pasttimes. kids would get out of school early in fall to go work on farms and make cash.
Wyatt Morales
Thanks (((globalisation))) and (((free trade))).
Chase Wilson
I believe I said, "bite me Jew?" You're fucking worthless, and there's been oldfags on Zig Forums for over a decade, some grew up with it.
Back to reddit, newfag.
John Morales great place to find what you're talking about. Had a buddy work in northern Norway for 3 months building up a derelict island lighthouse / weather station into a couple's retreat / honeymoon destination. Woman bought it with that business plan in mind, but needed able bodies to do the work. They were paid in the food they grew right there on the island and the experience & resume boost. Pic related.
Granted, it's all a bit ideological. It pretty much only functioned because everyone there was white and wanted to work.
The problem also comes from the super markets. They want the lowest possible prices so the farmers are struggling to get by. They have no money to invest in future technology because they have no money. There's like 2-3 super markets in the UK and all of them are penny pinching jew types who want farmers to get less for their product than it costs to grow them. It's insane but that's how it is.
Jackson Wright
Machine costs 1/4 million dollars. Farmer doesn't have 1/4 million dollars. Farmer borrows 1/4 million dollars. Things start off well, but then…. The machine breaks so he has to extend his loan for the repairs and then wouldn't you know it the (((supermarket chain))) says they can get strawberries for half the price from paco who also got a machine. And the the (((bank))) repossesses the farmland that it always wanted, and the previously protected greenbelt suddenly is the perfect spot for a new housing development.
Adrian Mitchell
It's not even types if you check the history. Tesco was originally TEScohen the jew called it that so he could re-use a tea shipping companies boxes. Marks and Spencer the same, and I have no doubt Sainsbury's ASDA Waitrose and Morrisons have similar roots. Want a new store there? Sure thing Lord Sainsbury. Want to build a supermarket in an illegal Israeli settlement? No problem Waitrose. Sunday trading (((laws))) a pain for you? Just make new ones.
Easton Walker
This a perennial bullshit propaganda story.
Yeah, some crops rot in the fields every year. It's an unavoidable part of agriculture, not a disaster caused by faulty economic policy. You can hire people to search out every last strawberry on a plant or every grape on a vine, but like anything, there are diminishing returns. The first pass through the fields picks the easiest and most obvious fruits, and each subsequent pass is less and less productive. At a certain point, the profitable thing to do is just stop and leave the rest to rot. This will happen every year to some extent no matter how many foreign helots you import. Add to this the fact that almost every year the weather conditions will favor some crops more than farmers expected at planting, creating an oversupply of those crops and lowering their price, and you will see that almost every year a significant part of some crop will be left to rot in the fields. It's a good image, and it looks very wasteful and stupid to normalcattle, but it's a simply a lie that it's anything out-of-the-ordinary or that it means we need hordes of additional turd-worlders to bid down our goddamned wages.
Lying journalists once again prove themselves to be enemies of the people.
There is no fucking way anyone is getting paid $1,000 a week to pick fruit or plant trees, even taking Aussie monopoly money value in to consideration.
Easton Hill
6 weeks work either USD or Euro (even better) being 6k surpasses any burgerflipping job in the US by triple to quadruple assuming you don't live in commiefornia and can't pay the rent for your industrial revolution sized apartment for 200k a month.
Daniel Jackson
This When I read this was also the immediate thought that I had, if they were paying $1k/week they would have all the domestic labor they could handle.
Adrian Harris
you fucking bongs never learned the lesson that Americans tried to teach you?
Lead and rope is what you need to force (((them))) to give you free speech.
Sadly both of those are banned for you. So good luck.
Matthew Butler
that is my point, you would have a fucking line of Mexicans down the block for a job making $6k in 6 weeks, there is no way!
Noah Adams
Well that's the point the farms aren't paying that much, additionally farms are out of the way so you now need to pay to get there and back again. The work isn't permanent either so now you have stopped looking for employment for sort term gains when you could just find something else which pays more and is more convenient/longer lasting.
Dominic Gonzalez
Boring boring boring dull old pathetic faggot. You'll never fit in, you are a fucking brain dead piece of shit and should hang yourself and leave your house on fire while your fat cunt wife is sleeping.
Bentley Taylor
Are you some communist?
They used the exact same wording, down to the percentage, in Germany for their propaganda. Totally authentic $$You want strawberry? We need nigger goy$$
Some years ago an inquisitive journalist asked asparagus farmer in Germany how they did it before fall of the wall and cheap east-European labour. Local people, older schoolchildren, women – but they were more expensive and the women asked for a leave to prepare lunch
Dylan Bennett
I just worked it out and if it's $6000 dollary-doos then it's a bit more money for working a slightly higher than minimum wage job if you're working 8 hours a day and 7 days a week I've got no clue how long farming work hours are so I'm going with 8. Granted this is the UK but it's only about £100 more overall for 6 weeks worth of work.
Adam Morris
So did Britain get left out of the Industrial Revolution?
Jonathan Stewart
Christopher Barnes
Colour me surprised
Austin Garcia
Good, this is what they wanted by importing brown people who cannot support a civilization on their own home turf. This will only get worse.
Elijah Brooks
Bongs don't have this? I know it doesn't really solve the problem entirely, but it's a start
Landon Morgan
Farms need to be automated and farmers need to be exterminated. All farmers are traitors.
Aaron Watson
well the first and obvious answer is free market at work bitch, revalue what you are doing and your price points
but strawberries are pretty much a luxury product at this point and i wonder who even buys them all, all processed foods like ice cream use chemicals for strawberry taste and if you got to the local soymarket in the average urban ghetto they charge the equivalent of a good steak for 5 strawberries, which retard buys that? when i moved out of the city and could afford my house i just planted a variety of berries that produce fruit spring to autumn, it is not like you even have to do any real work some weeding and just picking up the berries
anyways pics related is how they pick strawberries in firstworld nations which great bongistan is apparently not, it colour selects and packages automaticly in closed of greenhouses, yield per m² of land is amazing, doens't even need much pesticides or anything
You have no fucking idea, why do you think east europeans pick fruit in Finland. You get paid by amount you collect and some make absolute killing.
Xavier Green
those greenhouses cost a mint
how about this: 1) be right guy that owns land 2) be in country with great climat 3) be in country that uses technology for powerful military not because people are too lazy to pick strawberries 4)plant seeds 5)pay nothing for electricity because the sun is not taxed 6)pick strawberries gaining much desire fresh air , sun , and exercise 7) sell strawberreies and make more profit than loser is shitty climate that has to build a wearhouse to make strawberries and is too lazy to pick berries
Too fucking lazy to pick berries folks.
I know a certain type of people that think be lazy and not having to work is a good thing.
Caleb Sullivan
Holy shit, Britain's vast strawberry crop will be left to rot in the fields this year. I guess we'd better reach out to lots of hostile Muslim countries full of terrorists and inbred subhumans and ask them to come rape our 12-year-old girls until mixed babies fall out of them. It's a small price to pay for fresh strawberries. I mean, which would you rather have – a society full of illiterate demi-niggers where everything's on fire and you have a delicious strawberry shortcake, or a peaceful white society where frozen strawberries have to be imported from California? I think the survivors in that world would envy the dead!
We don't pay properly for food. Crop production is labour intensive. People like cheap food when food isn't really as cheap as we sell it.
Caleb Hughes
Can't you read? It's a peaceful white society where *SEVENTEEN PERCENT* of strawberries have to be imported. Not all strawberries, 83 percent of them are fine. Just seventeen percent.
Think of the seventeen percent user! What a small price to pay!
Eli Allen
why arent britbongs using robots yet?
stop using cheap labor for your shit.
Caleb Lopez
gerfag here, had a nice long chat with my asparagus/strawberry/potato-farmer the other day. Told me he drove 300km to pick up some Romanians because their money wasn't enough for the last leg of the trip and they stopped showing up to work 3 weeks before their contract ended because they made enough money. He also said that the Polish at least honored the contracts albeit they were also sluggish at work. Now they don't come anymore because they prosper thanks to our EU money.
Brandon Cooper
^ This.
There ie enough shitskins in Britbongistan to do this work but why arentvthey doing it? Are the libtards wrong?
Nolan Reed
Jonathan Powell
Feels good man I guess that farmer will have to increase wages, or rent robots, or pick his own food
Thomas Long
That's fucking stupid. A reduction in benefits would be enough. Or better yet, have seasonal labor have its own laws regarding welfare.
Jack Howard
This is the same story everywhere…
Lincoln Myers
17% doesn't seem like that much. I'd think you'd expect that many to go waste, just from insects and spoiling.
Zachary Mitchell
More like
Carson Martin
More like there isn't sufficient demand to pay for the supply at reasonable rates. Don't allw cheapniggers to work, the supply will contract, the prices will rise and properly paid workers or automation will become viable.
Abundant cheap labour is the bane of both living standards (see Malthus) and technological progress (why there was no chance of industrialization in ancient Rome)
Nathan Morgan
When you complain about lack of unskilled workers - it means the pay is so low it isnt worth it.
Juan Powell
They're not even trying any more.
Benjamin Wood
they arent even serious anymore and just say some shit then ship in more niggers
Julian Powell
Andrew Cox
Yes and no. Wasting food like this is inevitable in the current yiddish economic system, but it does not make any actual sense. In the bygone when whites had diminishing crops that weren't worth the labor costs, they would turn their chickens, pigs, goats, etc into the fields. They would transform that good food into more good food, not let it rot on the vine. Of course you can say monoculture farming produces all this waste and yawn, but the white response is "monoculture is wasteful jewish bullshit."