From (((vice)))
Are smartphones always listening?
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I don't doubt it but these are numale apple fags so I'm not surprised that they are too retarded to take precautions. I'm fairly certain my LineageOS does not listen in and even if it did I do not use any normalfags apps like FB.
Yes. Fuck off back to half or eat shit and die.
Yes. If you own a smartphone, you are an utter idiot that deserves his every step tracked. Now fuck off back to cuckchan.
All smartphones always listen to you on a hardware level and all smartphones ARE ALWAYS ON and have MANDATORY automated backdoors in them.
The only smartphone you can modify to be clean and secure is the Galaxy S2.
What are the second and third pictures describing? Safe phones to use? What about the Nokia 3310, they've re-released them and I'm considering buying one.
Trying not to blogpost but I do have a story. I work on a ship and recently I was on an Atlantic crossing, with my phone on airplane mode as per usual. The home button was pressed in my pocket, triggering some fucking Google assistant program to auto-setup. Something about voice control, personal assistant, whatever. I was pissed because I didn't want it installed but whatever, I'll just uninstall it.
Later that night I check my inbox and there's an email from Google, thanking me for setting up Google Assistant. Again, I am in the middle of the ocean, no service, no wifi, airplane mode on. How the FUCK did Google know I (accidentally) set up the program? I still have no explanation.
I own one. The 4-way navigation button is a nightmare to use, because it is very easy to make accidental clicks on the centre button and select items you didn't intend to. Make sure you try a demo model before buying. For me, it severely hampers use of an otherwise decent phone, and if I'd known about it beforehand I probably wouldn't have bought it.
What about replicant on S3?
Thanks, I'll definitely keep that in mind.
Story behind the pics?
Because you can use it with Free Software only.
So doesn't that mean airplane mode isn't even real, or when your phone says there is no signal, there still is a signal?
Would like an engineer to help with this.
Most likely that when it reconnected, it immediately sent telemetry data it logged while offline to Google servers, which automatically sent you an e-mail when it scanned the log and detected a trigger event. Even if you uninstalled it afterwards, the event of installing it would have been logged.
You have to remember that the smartphone is likely still logging certain OS activity for telemetry purposes even if it's not connected to a network. Only way to stop that is to disconnect the battery.
That is useless, these phones are compromised on a hardware level.
Its the same as it is on PC mainboards with the CIA-backdoors.
Yes, and you are given special attention by bots if you go on sites like this. I'm fairly certain they use your laptop/desktop and smartphone to track where you are in relation to either, and map out your home.
AFAIK the S3 has only a FOSS userland implementation, the S2 has FOSS implementation for kernel, hardware and userland implementation. As such you can make it clean by rewritting the bootloader and changing parts for a RISC-V processor. You can run the whole thing as a proper secure access point on major networks (as long as you encrypt everything on an Ethernet level since 3G layer protection is a joke).
It might be possible to do the same thing with a S3 but I don't know, I know for certain you can do it with an S2.
Even if you don't go all the way by modifying the hardware you can properly isolate the hardware from replicant.
It's not secure, but it's still largely better. It's like going from using windows 10 to linux…
It's not gonna stop the NSA, but it's gonna stop pretty much everyone else.
It's a message board at the entry of the Russian airbase in Syria. The NCOs nails it all the "smart devices" they find.
Not so. This happened within the span of a day, and I was over 3,000 miles from nearest land. I never reconnected to anything.
I do understand, and assume, that if the phone is truly offline, it could still be recording audio/photo/video, waiting to send it first chance it gets.
Airplane mode seems to just turn off cellular service for me, but it doesn't mean the phone couldn't still transmit anyway. I don't trust it. My concern here is there physically couldn't have been signal, I was much too far from land-based networks. Unless there's some crazy satellite connection they aren't telling us about, I'm stumped.
What about the last two?
Russians Aid Assad Regime By Posting Conspiracy Theories In Message Boards
t. CNN
It might've connected through some wifi on the ship.
Still, that's obviously ignoring airplane mode.
If I had to take a guess, those are the safe models the soldiers are allowed to use.
Yes there's still a signal but massively reduced in power. Data could still be sent or received very slowly a byte at a time.
Memory goes to a story of a guy saved from a cravasse by texting his gf "goodbye" she was in a different country but managed to trigger a search and rescue which happened to find him. Obviously his phone had no signal showing but there must have been enough for a few bytes of data per minute, or you know god/miracles etc.
This is list of approved phones for the Russian Military personal. For use in the non secure areas. In the secure areas everything is prohibited of course. But since 2018 smartphones are banned for military personnel even in the non secure areas. Only simple phones from the list are allowed.
Useful info for Zig Forumsommandos and guerrilla.
I am surprised simple secure phones with hardware off switches for microphones and radio transmitters are not popular offer from the phones manufactures.
Or not surprised.
It came out two years ago about the Facebook app listening all the time.
Facebook using people’s phones to listen in on what they’re saying, suggests professor
Cambridge Analytica whistleblower recently confirmed this is possible.
What if you don't have a Facebook app and don't use Siri or Google assist?
Then only Google, Apple and NSA are listening.
In that case, I hope they had good signals from certain islands and various dinner events and good audio from various people who found it necessary to use hammers to destroy their phones.
Leave it to (((vice))) to have the chutzpah to try to spin this as something harmless. You almost have to admire their dedication to being wrong all of the fucking time..
new meme
I noticed that too and kek'd
regardless of the spying capabilities i am still amazed everyone is completely fine with having the equivalent of an incendary handgrenade in their pants
They don't need to map out your home.
Are we really debating if airplane mode means no comms? Assuming airplane mode works as intended, this means phones are ok in secure areas with airplane mode, and a treasure trove of patriot act and nsa info is temporarily disabled. Come on guys.
Surely listening all the time is not possible without draining the phone battery and bumping data usage.
If a company launches that, it would be an admission that their other phones are botnet.
Apple started this with unremovable batteries, and people bought them in droves, and so it began.
Normalfag is complicit, as usual.
is there an app to detonate it somewhere?
t. Samsung Sales Dept.
A&E and Disney don't own Vice because they want to tell the truth.
This. I hope that I'm surveilled by real ABW niggers, not some alghoritm, so they must watch all this gore and perverted porn. Sometimes I type "nice" messages to them.
In that order.
If they're not bots they still don't pass the turing test which makes it even scarier
Well, it's probably in your software repository. As in, you can choose to install the program if you wish, but the installation files are already part of your OS package. So when you hit install, you aren't downloading the installer, you're just executing local file executables to install your assistant. Then when you landed it pinged google to thank you for installing more spyware.
Yeah I'm sure (((they))) would honor the customer's privacy and only record everything you say if you say "okay google".
Thank for the drop.
Is water wet? I just hope that someday the Alphabet agents intercepting all my stuff send me a thank you for putting their kids through college.
I want a robot best fren who won't spy on me.
The smallest standardized audio codec baked into the baseband of every cell phone is iLBC, which consumes 28kbps to stream audio in a phone call.
So let's say every cell phone was secretly turning on your microphone and transmitting the ambient audio around you directly to the NSA's Bluffdale data center at all times.
28kbps equals 304 megabytes per day per phone.
240 million Americans have cell phones.
304 * 240 * 365 == 2,7518,080 megabytes to record all cell phones 24/7/365.
That equal 2.75 exabytes per year.
According to (((Cisco's))) 2017 annual report on the State of the Internet, global IP traffic was 96 exabytes per month.
As you can see it is completely within the realm of possibilities that all cell phones are secretly recording everyone at all times.
For fucks sake, the cost of that bandwidth wouldn't even be a rounding error in the NSA's annual $73 BILLION Black Budget portfolio, which we know from Snowden leaking it.
It is entirely possible that NSA even built their own secret nationwide cell phone tower network to piggy back on AT&T and Verizon and T-Mo and Sprint, so that your phones skip the civilian network and just send your audio straight to the NSA.
Who the hell do you think runs all of those 100's of rogue cell towers in big cities that we see reported all the time but who's owners are mysteriously never identified?
Now consider video. What if your phone camera was also always on and secretly live streaming your fucking ass to Bluffdale?
The bandwidth for that is just a couple more zeroes added to the total tally for audio, and is still within the realm of possibility today.
Assume the worst my friends.
There's a good reason why Osama bin Laden banned all cell phone within miles of where he went starting back in 1997.
Obviously you can cut traffic down you only record sounds classified as voices.
Google might not be listening but there's a botnet in the baseband processor. You will never escape the NSA's botnet if you insist on having a cell phone.
Why aren't you faggots making a diy phone with surface-mount microphone, speakers (which are essentially microphones), and camera ?
Trrs port is most important to security, which is why newer phones and computers are doing awaty with them.
They don't need to record everything from every single device. Usually meta data
provides enough info as to when more thorough investigation is needed.
For example,
-when 2 phones go offline simultaneously and then go online again simultaneously, then the likelihood those 2 individuals just met and have a secret is high.
-One number goes offline and then another goes online (sim switching).
-Uncle Ahmed calls Afghanistan suddenly every week; then perhaps uncle Ahmed decided he wants to be famous and fuck goats in heaven.
-Keewords being heard on the mic (processed locally by the user's device) are a good way to efficiently gather intel.
-Jake scored very high on online IQ test, searches for keywords like "terrorist attacks", "explosives", watches goat-porn-in-heaven vids, visits extremist sites, uses Tor, honeypot-VPNs; well Jake must be monitored.
AI will make similar surveillance extremely effective.
other than fugging a leftist fbi stoolie
and moving to germany
and giving up on his phone project
Since AI will make it harder to hide, it's important to be clean when using the internet. That way even if they ever decide to pin something on you eg. saying retarded shit on Zig Forums like "yeah good idea lets murder people or be terrorists" to neutralize you, they can't do so easily.
Another exploit they can use (if they have access to ISP logs) is meta data from Tor usage. Eg. you start using Tor at about 6:00am every night, and at 6:05am there is only one person posting at Zig Forums for 30'. Then the moment the posting stops, you close Tor and start browsing the internet normally. Juicy meta data.
It's fucking true, I get Google ads on my phone not rooted, no computer, bigger priorities from things I talk about when it's in my pocket. I put it on airplane mode now if it's on me and not in use, assuming I need it on for something.
Because it's tapped at the network level.
Some of us have known this like forever.
I think such devices are already being developed. Be careful though, do not trust VPNs with your life (or freedom) neither free nor paid.
Yes, /thread.
a new meme for ants?
so very true
t. electrical engineer
this thread isn't about network surveillance, user, though you are correct.
it is about local surveillance, like talking in private and having your phone listen in.
i don't even have smartphone and i take these precautions*:
- remove gps chip
- remove network chip
- remove speakers
- remove microphone
- remove camera
- delete/dameage/rename relevant system files (difficult with rom phones)
- remove sim and battery after every use
- never store contact info
- never say names of people or places
- never share other personally identifiable information
+ use mic/speaker headphones for calls
+ communicate using seperate text2speech device so voice is never recorded
and i do this on a new phone in a new location for each contact, which is really ony some work friends, and they do the same.
i also never talk to anybody with a phone, smartwatch, or other computer on them.
i carry a card that explains it so i don't leak my voice upon inquiry, and i carry trrs plugs snipped from headphones and gift to them so they can start the journey to privacy in this cypherpunk distopian future we find ourselves in.
*phone needs audio port
and never use shift
There is only text file.
I don't enjoy how pre-emptively cynical I've been about this for as long as I have, but there is absolutely zero use for "secure" comms and evading this invasive shit. It's all around you and you already have a bot-generated profile that can be looked at by anyone who has access to whatever level of secure storage it's on.
Like it or not, you've been vulnerable like this for most of your life and they haven't decided to put us all in a cage yet. How you react to realizing this determines (to them) whether you are a bad actor or just a random asshole who's mildly alienated from society.
My file must make me look like a pedantic ass, but at least I never joined an IRL group.
Buddy, everything you just said as hypothetically maybe someday what-if is ALREADY HAPPENING.
NSA was already doing that shit back in 2012.
It's in this Snowden dox: COTRAVELLER
I rank that doc as a top 10 best-of Snowden leaks. (I rank probably 100 Snowden doc in my top 10, you do the math.)
COTRAVELLER already watches all cell phones 24/7 to compile a "Patterns of Life" metadossier on you and everyone.
And it's all automated. NSA just slurps in every time your spyPhone transmits a GSM beacon to the nearest cell towers every 20ms.
NSA pulls the data straight from the cell towers. In another Snowden doc it is recealed that NSA hacked 50,000 cell towers in Pakistan.
That program is called JUGGERNAUT.
There are indications that JUGGERNAUT is a global program, but for whatever reason Greenwald only leaked the one about Pakistan.
So NSA has all your cell to tower beacons.
COTRAVELLER analyzes the data from JUGGERNAUT.
COTRAVELLER can somehow determine what your job is based on where your phone travels. It has 16 "buckets" of job types that it classifies you as.
COTRAVELLER analyzes every phone that comes within 10ft of any other phone. So it knows everything about your family your friends your coworkers and that qt you flirt with everyday at the Google Bus stop out front of the bath house in SF.
COTRAVELLER also looks for anomalies like turning off your cell phone and then turning it back on later.
COTRAVELLER also analyzes which phones always appear together, so when you use that burner phone to send your dick pix to your mistress, you better put on a Ghila Suit and crawl out of your house on your belly for miles into a deserted forest before turning on your pussy phone.
COTRAVELLER only really kicks in if your phone leaves a 100km square radius. Because then you might be a CIA-funded terrorist.
While that is good news for us NEETs who never leave Mom's basement, it is horrifying that a Dystopian Orwellian Nightmare like COTRAVELLER exists at all.
Freedom and privacy are just gone and there ain't shit you Morlocks can do about it.
The other say Snowden even said "everyone is still powerless."
Where do we go from here? How can we win against such overwhelming power?
"Someone" has to start killing FBICIANSA personnel.
Shoot them in the streets.
One rano dead NSACIAFBI nigger will trigger a faster fucking roll back on NSA mass surveilance than 5 years and 21,000 pages of Snowden leaks.
I wish i was joking but our backs are against the wall with no way out. And shits only gone get worse unless some beautiful clever user does something Spectacular that gets everyone's attention.
They may have hundreds of billions of dollars and the most high tech gear and be untouchable in any Court.
But every Agent Smith out there who's "just doing their job" fears The Bullet just like you or me.
Agent Smith isn't immortal.
If it bleeds, we can kill it
It's obviously the list of phones allowed for personal use (they're of course still banned in all sensitives area because it's still easy to listen through them but it's not an automated and systematic process…).
You're lucky I'm feeling generous, I saved a much bigger one
If you know any other that have proper FOSS implementation on everything please do tell.
It's possible some of the chinks company do so to bypass copyright laws but as I said the only one I know that can function properly as a 3G radio with full user controlled code is a S2 with a different processor and a bit of coding work for the bootloader.
Actually mate, all that is needed is voice fingerprinting software and speech to text and those massive audio files can be cut down to a few measly bytes of text. This would make it impossible to detect on network bandwidths.
Additionally, the environment can be fingerprinted and tagged with recognition software similar to that which the app shazam uses.
dead tech elites can't design the devices the glow in the darks use to spy on you
Post National Post Privacy Society, what a time to be alive.
As other anons have pointed out, this has been known about for years, the extent of surveillance was debated but it was always going to end up being total in the end. The only thing that has changed is that it is widely being acknowledged by the base population. People haven’t “woken up” of course but rather it was time for them to be ushered into the Post Privacy society. Nuance doesn’t work with normalfags, they will have to be repeatedly told they no longer have privacy via articles such as this one, their favourite celebrities will have to drill it into their heads.
It is for this reason that I think total surveillance has been achieved. Whilst it was being implemented those who suspected had to have their reasoning discarded as conspiracy, they were “paranoid”. Now it is implemented it must be accepted as fact. Once accepted as fact the magic can start, in social engineering terms Post Privacy will be the biggest event of our history as a species.
So the CIA has hacked ALL gook mobo makers and infected all models? Seems a stretch. That means all other intelligence services are retards and or pussies. Which they aren't.
The ship has open wifi and is connected to satellite?
Speech to text on a computer requires high processing power to give low accuracy results even when speaking directly into mic. Now transplant scenario onto cell phone and revise your "Actwally mate" statement.
I wouldn't be shocked if one of the keywords which triggers those systems include most racial slurs. In the Jewnited States, your life can be turned upside down from just one nigger rant caught on a hot mic, how valuable that kompromat would be to glow in the dark agencies.
Oh and also, there is an additional ability to use facial recognition software and geo-spatial virtualisation to take videographic information and convert it to basically text. There is no bandwidth or data limit on (((three letter agency))) telemetry, and it is certainly not detectable. If you have a smartphone you should always assume it can both HEAR and SEE everything around it.
Thing about most current AIs is that they're basically statistical machines which are fed input X, and make output predictions for task Y trained into the neural network from data sets. Even AIs which multitask merely parallelize neural networks into modules and assign them separate tasks to learn.
Expose it to input beyond what it's trained for one any or all networks it possesses, and it'll result in gibberish output or more ideally, force a more desired output you can exploit. AIs are far from being actually intelligent enough to reason, think, memorize or imagine in a generalized manner to resolve such inconsistencies via meta-learn without catastrophic forgetting or bloat from too many redundancies.
It's not.
Anyone can build a GPS receiver, but GPS is a military technology which use is heavily restricted by US laws on military tech.
Only way any company is putting gps chips in anything sold anywhere and doesn't get sued into oblivion is to make a deal with the US directly.
Want your phone to have GPS?
You put in a backdoor for the NSA.
And that's just one way.
Want an ANSI/ISO/NIST certification to be able to sell your shit in the US?
You can only use this standard, since we're nice we're the ones giving it to you.
It's super secured, after all the top cryptographers made it. Yes the same ones that works at the NSA, why do you ask?
You don't want to use it? Sure don't.
But it means that shit is "unsafe" to use and you can sell it on US markets.
US share of electronics consumptions in international markets and profit driven designs (one model for the entire world to maximize profit) does the rest.
You bet they are. Only the paranoid survive
Call me paranoid but I haven't used my smartphone anymore ever since I called someone a kike on social media and almost instantly after pressing the send button it snapped a picture of my face with the front camera flash and everything.
Most phones do allow some sort of signal, if you put your phone into airplane mode it will still send a signal.
Also, you can still call 911 in airplane mode or without a SIM card, something with the law making all phones able to do that without the SIM.
(((Pigeon))) see's beautiful post. It aims…
…it shits. Target destroyed.
Hey lil pigeon. Did your penis grow back to unmutilated after you pressed the button? I was wondering when the retarded shills would come on this thread. Unfortunately for you, the damage is done. You can't undo it. Don't feel bad, you are lower IQ than the average Zig Forumsak. Not your fault.
What the fuck are you talking about?
On top of what other anons have said, we should also mention digital fingerprinting technology. You can check
The combination of browser type+version, OS +version, graphics card, etc etc make you usually very unique (not identifiable directly though). However when a person with that specific fingerprint uses service A and B you know they are the same person.
The general rule applies: do not incriminate yourself, don't be a juicy target. Small fish are ignored.
Links are automatically disabled here you stupid torpedo newfag.
If your wife/girlfriend is on kikebook on her phone make sure to send her the article - she won't read it - tell her Facebook and Google are listening to her via apps and browsers. If she's actually curious instead of just reactionary then start talking about the (((founders))) and (((motives))). How many kikes do you think are jerking their little cut cocks into potted plants listening to our wives and daughters use the toilet?
Derailing attempt (discuss security, ignore shills, report if needed)
The pigeon is on a shitting spree! RUN!
Ignore it. Do not fight it. Only answering to clarify what I mean
Do not open links you see on Zig Forums. They might be leading you to malware infected sites created especially for us. Check first related keywords on search engines. Usually sites that appear on the top results aren't (((pigeon))) created.
If you want to defeat omni-botnet and the dragnet, you must embrace it and push it to it's extreme in our favor. We must use the ancient war alchemies: transmuting the assets of our enemies into liabilities– into our assets.
No need to be overly paranoid. You can't avoid surveillance completely without destroying the vast majority of modern society conveniences.
You can and should improve your security though. Make surveillance against you more expensive and less effective. Also, don't give up the fight against it.
because an IT thread on a political board isn't a slide thread.
Fuck. You cuckchan faggots are annoying.
All is botnet you retarded cuckchan faggots, including this kike-book tier thread.
i call my phone a nigger-faggot all the time
solution: put a camera hole in pants pocket, light on the inside of pants fly, and give them a 24/7 stream of your dick
It's not paranoia if it's true. If anything, what we do know proves we should assume everything contains a backdoor.
Most conveniences are useless and harmful to our mental and physical health.
This seems counterproductive. On whom are they going to spend more resources to monitor: the person exposing their entire personal life or the one trying as much as possible to hide from surveillance?
Someone in the know informed me that the concept in the flick Eagle Eye is an actual tool the US government has, only it identifies your voice instead of your face.