Don't give your DNA to a company!!!
Don't give your DNA to a company!!!
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Correct the jews are setting up a master database for culling analysis.They are also using the DNA to "prefect" their own and do ultra expensive goy usury funded scientific research for the purpose of gen modification and developing all kinds of weapons, treatments, and the like that will be in their hand not yours, every time you give DNA to the jews you are loading bullets in their uzis.
Oregon Genetic Research Policy and Laws allow for hospitals to automatically include your samples in anonymous or coded genetic research. Opt the fuck out.
I've taken 5. 100% white.
5? Jeez.
Why five? I figure one is too many.
and 600% retard
Kill yourself immediately.
wait what
each company uses a different database and software, therefore you get slightly unique results for each one. i did 5 to make sure I'm actually white.
so logic, wow
Holy fucking shit 92 million people were retarded enough to give their DNA to literal jews.
I hope they just eradicate Anglos thanks to you.
one is even in this thread, ask him anything.
eat shit, kike
I gave my dna to your mom
seriously dont people know this shit already esp kike companies like 23 and me?
yeah, but the desire to know your makeup is usually greater, which is why you do it anyway.
Do you get vaccinated?
what exactly do you mean? I've had a few vaccinations in my life but less than most.
Just how much of a soyboy are you if your ethnicity is "beta"?
its just autism
I was just asking before getting your thoughts on DNA vaccinations
Collecting DNA samples, categorizing them and marking each category with a percentage could potentially lead to accurate, targeted bio-warfare. Think plagues that only kill/debilitate a targeted demographic. Think genetic diseases.
100% mutt
only amerimutts have no fucking idea where their different chimera segments came from
Nutard doesn't know it's not a meme.
ALL the DNA companies.
ALL self driving vehicle software.
Drones. AI. Their power and money is such that if a new technology comes to be not through their hands they just buy it or make laws about it that benefit them, or just simply steal it.
Also they have nukes and think g-d chose them to enslave all non jews.
Fun eh?
stinking kike detected
not american
just because you know where your grandparents etc. are from doesn't mean you know you are 100% white. the only way to know is if you do a dna test.
Dear Gods, shut the fuck up already.
You could look in a mirror and breed true. Genetic data gets dropped every generation. If something breeds true, it is true. That is the real rule.
Would I be welcome in a White Nationalist society?
that's not proof of being japanese
This is some serous approach. Congratulations with the results.
aren't they like a hundred bucks each?
do you have a fetish for giving money to kikes?
you buy one then download the raw dna data for free and upload it to other sites who offer free analysis if you have the raw data.
The FBI did the hack
how fucking dumb are you? look in the mirror and save $500. my goodness.
sage because anyone on this board should know better already.
you're so dumb, you think looking in the mirror can tell you what you actually are. who needs science any more? we've got you to do all the work for us with your magic powers.
Fuck off jew we arent buying your shit tests
nice computer you've got there jamal.
Fbi DNA hacker detected
I have fears of having any amout of kike blood - I just had a blood test & I'm rh- so that's heavily European. Rh stands for rhesus monkey & those with a + have actual rhesus monkey blood. About 85 % of the globe is rhesus monkey +
The KALERGI PLAN could be about wiping out rH- bloodlines in Europe & the United States.
Found your fucking problem.
This is not farfetched at all. If I recall correctly, Israel was looking into Arab-specific viruses in the '80s and '90s. It must have been funny when they realized they're mutated Arabs themselves with some Khazar admixture and various strains of demon semen to spice things up in the 17th-century ghettos where their poison blood evolved.
You realize the 56% is the percent which are of one European nation (ethnicity). The mutts among us are German / Polish mixes etc.
The white + nigger or white + spic rate is still incredibly low.
Not sure why I'm explaining (((you))) know that already.
Anything related to pharmaceuticals and/or medicine is heavily backed by them.
It's most likely literally just a natural genetic mutation that happened along your family tree that matches a SIMILAR not exact gene in Nips.
All this < 1% shit is a giant D&C.
I would appreciate a citation, if you've got one and if you would be so kind.
To what end? No, you didn't NEED to know, your family and recent family history should suffice to see if you're a mutt and if you are 100% then evidently your family and any history you have about your family should easily indicate your heritage.
And on a separate issue, there has already been articles out about how these sites just LIE to you if they have access to any of your internet metrics and find out you're a naughty nazi, and whats more is 23andme is owned by the very sister of google's CEO, both are jewish obviously and so was this site, ya finally get the picture here bud?
Be honest, you care about what a bunch of faceless fucks from nowhere have to say about you. You've learned nothing and acted like the typical fucking lemming just to feel good about yourself and ended up taking the D&C tactics hook, line, and sinker because you're worried you're not "good enough" for some fat autists on a mayan basket-weaving enthusiasts board.
I don't care who the fuck you are, take hitler's teachings to heart and I'd appreciate your company then 90% of the people I'll come across on my trip to work. Be better.
But hey, the kikes being one step closer to mapping out the human genome and becoming actual gods that can play with our lives like putty isn't even a big deal it was gunna happen sooner or later right?
Why would anyone who knows about Kalergi and lurks here willingly pay Israeli kikes to take and store their DNA profile?
Nigger you are so fucking dumb.
Support Israel or die white goyim.
Why are there dating sites specifically for blacks, jews, muslims, etc., but not for whites?
Ah, right. Because ((())).
You're insecure that you need a test to prove you're white, so you give money and genetic data to the worst enemy of your race so they give you a paper saying you're white ?
The anons are right to call you a retard. An insecure retard who needs validation to atest his own whiteness.
Sounds suspiciously like D&C user
the jews have full control of our medical industry in the states, and eurocucks, you're piggybacking on that kike run system even if your own isn't. you're either getting research from kikes or researching things yourself with the intent of selling it to the merchants.
they're working to control our food supply as well.
eugenics is a tool they have been known to embrace. to an extent they are doing it to us already, and it's going to ramp up soon.
don't get unnecessary vaccines goys. i laughed at vaxxers for years but a few years ago i got a flu and hpv vaccine which made my shoulder go limp for about a year. don't take opiates. only trust white anglos or maybe gooks with higher risk medical care such as surgeries.
even if you're physically fit and active be sure to request hormone level tests with your annual physical exam. this should be a normal thing you shouldn't have to ask for, but jews don't want you knowing. every insurance plan covers it because of trannies and even out of pocket it's a very cheap test. you can even do it at home by mail for under $50. if you have low t it can be easily managed and fixed, often without taking drugs. there are many more things with much greater consequences that we're being poisoned with, but this one is so easy to test for and fix that it's a shame we're letting it plague young men.
if you have a waifu my above post applies doubly; hormone imbalances are a major contributing factor in infertility and poon cancer. 1488
welcome to the club, faggot
All I see in your test is "100% abbo" because that's what you are mentally.
No, fuck off you dumb nip, anybody who gives their DNA to the kikes in exchange for some stylish infographics is a fucking nigger.
Great great grandfather was adopted, i would like to know my dna make-up, white but i have darker hair green eyes and curly facial hair, seems i would be some kind of Mediterranean mix, idk but thats why I would do the test, until i heard that 23 and me was faking results and some of these places catalog your dna to be requested by leo later, worth it? Probably not
checks out
My stupid faggot sister already did
I really want my genes analyzed for some pretty serious health problems, but I trust literally nobody to get ahold of them. Is there any way I can send in my information with a fake name, prepaid burner card, and all fake information?
All it takes is a distant relative to do it. (((They))) have all of us. Only thing that can be done is to try to change our DNA.
Stupid goy
Israel is BIGTIME into biological warfare research..This is the dawn of a whole new age of weaponry worldwide. But who will win the race?
The PNAC jews who brought us 9/11 - jews like Victoria Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan, have been talking about ethnic bioweapons for years.
Off memory wasn't that recent cold case serial killer in the US only finally caught thanks to law enforcement comparing what DNA they had from crime scenes with various databases of DNA ancestry companies and managed to narrow down the list of suspects and profile him because a relative of his had used one of these DNA ancestry services. Its now set a precedent where even if your DNA isn't in the police databases they can still (((legally))) track you down.
Dont go full retard.
Hapas take DNA test. Very disappointed they weren't 100% white.
If there was a secure, nonjewish way to do this I would be interested in knowing my genetic make up. You give someone the power to kill you if they know your DNA though
aside from the biowarfare aspect, (((they))) could use DNA from relatives to link badgoys to crimes against the (((tribe)))… should push come to shove.
It takes only one moron in your family…
No shit sherlock, welcome. They want to fix their own genetic problems, steal white markers, and destroy whites with the data.
I'm sure, yid. Very (((white))) of you.
Good luck with that.
The police in the UK are now collecting DNA from drivers and there's nothing you can do about it. (the "drugalyzer" scrapes your DNA and the cop keeps it).
Have fun having your DNA scraped by an untrained thug with a tool his filthy fingers which have been on homeless person's clothes, searching criminal's underwear and fuck knows what else have been all over.
same with 2 of my family members. Maybe I deserve to die because I am related to such retards.
Holy shit read a history book you fucking nigger. With that mix he could be born and raise din England from a line stretching back hundreds of years.
Hypothesis: If you know someone's DNA map, then you could CRISPR out a virus that specifically rips apart that person's DNA and his alone. You could deploy it as an odorless smoke in a room, and only the target would die of (((unknown causes))), with everyone else being fine.
Enjoy having your organs harvested.
Not surprising considering you bought 5 kike DNA tests.
Oh look, a Jew. Reported.
This cannot be anything than good.
It's true that if genetic modification arises, only turbojews will use it AT FIRST.
But then, after info is leaked to the goyim, the technology will slowly be adopted by regular people.
Imagine editing your sons into true ancient aryans, 2m tall without physical diseases and resistant to flu, cancer, etc.
I wus Germano Celtic warriors n' sheeeet
They wouldn't be my sons any more though. If a nigger edits his offspring's genes to the point they're genetically white blonde superhumans by replacing all his nigger DNA with white DNA, it's hardly still the same genetic line and it'd be difficult to term the child a nigger (most likely any nigger that tried it would quickly find himself unable to accept the kid as his own).
Is there any particular reason to keep any of your DNA in the kid in the case where you're already editing it haphazardly? You're already a cuck raising a kid that is only marginally your own anyway, it'd be more accurate to call it the kid of whoever the DNA donor was.
Yeah you got to be a REALLY stupid faggot to give your DNA to theses kikes.
Even if not stolen
They claim they own your DNA or some shit.
well at least they got that bit right your faggot cuck
That's what you get for not asking your parents or researching your heritage yourself.
perhaps we should be asking who is perpetrating these high profile thefts of data, rather than attacking science instead?
you fuckers are one helluva good catch for some bait and switch. Im surprised youre not all converts for the salesforce of snakeoil inc.