You've officially pushed me to my limits now. You've officially driven me to the point of breaking through this shell of depression and eye rolling. You're not funny and you never will be nor do you have the capacity to be anything more than a one note character. You have done it too much and now it's dead. It's time to give up and move on. You tried the character, it didn't work, now move on and do something else but just don't make it an avatar.
Don't make it an avatar because avatars are always one note and have no character growth.
You need to expand…but you won't, will you? Because you have no acting ability. You have no humor. You can't enter the human mind like I can. I can analyze all of you so easily from merely reading a sentence and it makes me laugh. It's so easy, far too easy to read you. I'm a psychology major and have learned in the years of my study that not only is university a meme and utterly worthless but so too have I learned the ways of the terran. I'm so sick so utterly sick of these inferior minds here.
You all act like redditors. Wanting usernames and fame, I bet you'd actually like that wouldn't you? To be recognized and adored? Instead of dunking your head though you dip your toe in the water and swish around then chastely retreat because staying too long may be too much.
Great life choices guys, trying to be something your not. This is why the west is fallen. This is why I am a man among the ruins looking at you all with a shadowed and tired gaze. Are you the future or the past? If this is what we fight for then what is the point? Humanity seems more and more like a virus with all of you present.
I can read you like a book. I've done this dance a thousand times. I've redpilled literal blue pills. I've shown the light to so many and yet you still tempt me with your frivolous jokes that have no ounce of humor or characterization. You have no ability. No chameleon technique. You are simply one note. Just *dabs* or "Look at X they are funny". You are carrot top. You are Amy Schumer. You are not funny. What's funny is an acquired taste that needs a higher meta level of understanding than simple knuckledraggers drooling over a keyboard and pressing control C and control V.
How many pictures do you have on your computer? I have about two. You have endless. Endless pictures because just like a girl on instagram you must prove you exist. So you can prove that you were here but you still fear us and hope not to be bullied so you're still "technically" anonymous.
Heh, imagine if they saw who you really were. Are you afraid? I know I would be…or do I? See that's the difference between you and I.
I am beyond that grasp of a single note. I am anonymous. I am the man with a flight plan with no iintention of crashing just like 4chan and Zig Forums is supposed to be. I'm sorry you must have your feelings hurt but I'm waking you up to your own childishness. To your own fault lest you become too far gone and thus lose everything you are…jesters without an audience. Nobody is laughing but you.
Is that fair? Do you feel accomplished? Do you enjoy adding your own laughter to a chorus of immaculate beings that chant in unison about their facebook status and instagram followers? Woe is thee who would do such a thing.
We came to Zig Forums because we were better. We were older. We were the greater posters…and now look at this.
It is truly, truly a time to be alive. There is no humor in any of this topic. There is not one titter of a laugh. There is no hope for anyone. You remind me of the redditors who say "cope" to incels. You remind me of the soft squishy easy life folk who think that they are special. You don't deserve e-fame. You don't deserve anything but the label anonymous. Now rejoin the collective or face expulsion and taunting forever more.
Trump is a kike puppet. Try again. Your board lost it's charm when drumpfsperg and truthseeker left and now it's just literal spergs and retards trying and failing to emulate their styles.
Julian Cox
Carson Campbell
What the fuck is that video even about? These guys have been ostracized since their inception by the (((usual suspects))), they are trying to fix Italy, yet of course they can't go full natsoc, what do you expect would happen? Italy is still a country that's not sovereign, to reach a high ground you need small steps, if their plans do work and bring back the economic status of Italy to a livable state, they will keep pushing towards that direction, at that point (((Europe))) will dissent, and they would have to face the Italian citizen. At that point it would be forced to become true a true national socialist system.
Hunter Gonzalez
Why do you think the kikes are going to let you vote your way out of this situation? It's so fucking retarded. You really believe you are going to use the system they have had a stranglehold on for almost a hundred years to fix your problems? Get real and stop getting personally invested in obvious controlled opposition. When a real solution arrives they sure as shit aren't going to let you vote for it.
Michael Bennett
No in fact our president tried to stop the voting process, but only strenghtened the parties. These guys popped out of nowhere, none expected them to truly rise, it's not like the American case of Trump, these guys truly were nobodies for quite some time. I was like you, i've stopped voting for a long time, but this time this is a bug in our system, these guys were not supposed to win, the two opposing leftist and right parties even found common ground against these guys. So yes, i believe the voting of this year will lead towards an escalation of Italy towards an attempt to free itself from ZOG.
Robert Reyes
I haven't looked into it, if they are a golden dawn tier legit group then fair enough but I highly doubt that. What exactly are they doing outside of the political system? Do they address the attempted genocide of the native population? Do they call out world jewry and address racial issues or is it just "muh muslims"? If they actually name the jew and call out white genocide then great, if not they are controlled opposition.
Juan Lewis
Salvini did, the other is a southerner, but they both have an agreement to do what their plans were during the elections Salvini just called out Soros, and open society, and their attempt to replace Italians and europeans… One jew is still better than no jew.
Also ironically Lega is a nationalist party, while M5S is a rather socialist one, so theoretically you could call them a National Socialist coalition
Brody Jenkins
I'd have to look into it more to have an opinion but calling out a jew without mentioning his roots and how they effect his decisions is not the same as calling out jewry. My point is don't get invested in the kosher political system, grass roots genuinely pro white activism is the only way to win. You should be focused on waking up as many regular white folks as possible rather than wasting time on kosher politics.