"The Obama Administration is now accused of trying to give Iran secret access to the financial system of the United States. This is totally illegal. Perhaps we could get the 13 Angry Democrats to divert some of their energy to this “matter” (as Comey would call it). Investigate!"
"Our Justice Department must not let Awan & Debbie Wasserman Schultz off the hook. The Democrat I.T. scandal is a key to much of the corruption we see today. They want to make a “plea deal” to hide what is on their Server. Where is Server? Really bad!"
Hey, slow down a little. You guys are going to send poor David Brock to bankruptcy court at this rate!
William Thompson
Accused by whom? Last time someone accused Obongo of working for Iran, it was two AIPAC Jews spreading fake news (that all MSM outlets took as truth).
Awan worked for Israel. Wasserman-Schultz is literally Israeli. Rahm Emanuel, Obongo's mentor and patron in Jew-mafia owned Chicago politics, is literally a mossad agent.
Grayson Reed
Change tactics Moishe, you can't ban us anymore so this kind of shilling isn't going to cut it.
Alexander Thomas
More shit talking with no action to back it up. We've seen the same stale crap play out on his twitter again and again. Nothing is fucking happening until he gets serious and fires the Keebler elf and his kike overlord at the DoJ. Try to ban me again for being mildly critical of Trump kikefy you fucking faggot.
Blake Cook
Robert Perry
I wonder if this obsession and the exceed of stupidity reached this low that you'd actually start supporting the king nigger. It's almost same insane as actually siding Kim over Trump.
And taxpayer money goes to ZOG. How is it going to one of the last nations free from that influence any worse than it going into the pocket of Israel?
Kayden Cruz
Oh sure, I'm sure convinced and glad that the taxpayer money goes to Iran without the public ever knowing about it until now.
Ayden Hughes
You do realize obumba was as jewish as drake right? Under any form of kikery he was 100% hooknose.
Justin Allen
Ryan Scott
The entire narrative was concocted in order to hide the scandals that were going to be inevitably found out once the fucking morons in the DNC realized they were going to lose in 2016 to Trump. It was perfect, Trump had tried to normailze relations with Russia, and instead everyone in opposition to Trump accused him of collusion (without any evidence). This allowed them a way to hide any scandal of theirs, or Hillarys, or Obamas etc etc by pure deflection. This is also why nothing will get done. Trump has little to no power to upset the "swamp" because the swamp has 1/2 of US citizens convinced that he is the true traitor. They used the classic shill tactic, call your opponent a shill. Trump will complain about it on Twitter but he cant do anything about it.
Jonathan Butler
That isn't even what they're claiming, Moshe.
Colton Ramirez
Place bets now.
Jason Thompson
How is Obongo any more guilty of treason than any other shabbos goy puppet in the White House, Yael Kushner's dad included?
Camden Gray
Lol I'm actually coming at this from the angle that what you are saying is true and you still can't answer how it going to Iran is any worse than it going to the kikes. You guys have gotten seriously lazy over the last few years haven't you? Step up your shill game Solomon.
Henry Collins
Hello nigger tier intellect, a kike puppet is exactly what he should "look" like in order to defeat them.
Kayden Price
Iran and Israel both suck. The Middle East belongs to the white man.
Exactly. And they can't even deny it. The dumb fucks sit on Zig Forums, for all to see, talking about how they come here and try to be caricatures of us, or shit-post. Being a lefty they're dumber than a rock and make themselves incredibly obvious, and it's great that Zig Forums has a filter option. I tried 4chan. Fucking horrible. Couldn't filter anyone, and Zig Forums there is 80% sub-human filth.
James Foster
do conservacucks always get suckered by this jewish dog and pony show?
Michael Allen
This isn't about Iran you retard, it's about our own corrupted politicians.
Sebastian Collins
Your post is a tactical bluepill intended to run damage control against that other post which was the (unpleasant) truth. Sad.
Its exactly like here now. Kek, only Boomers and cowards use filter. Go back to reddit, pleb.
Calling it now: nobody of any import will go down for this, and it'll just be used forsabre rattling at Iran. Cap this post.
Noah Williams
Wew. filtered.
Christian Adams
He did though. Cowardly Boomer-tier plebian.
Liam Jenkins
Yes, they do. Just a few months ago, two AIPAC Jews made up a story about Obongo "funding Hezbollah" or something like that. The story was 100% false, but all the MSM and cuckservative outlets repeated it as if it were verified fact.
Sebastian Howard
Jaxon Morales
Didnt even read the OP and i said this word for word out loud. including the post numbers
Jack Richardson
More like (our basketball american)
Nolan Edwards
true Zig Forumsacks post in the /meadhall/ at meguca.org/pol tbh
John Lewis
Tell your coworkers at Langley that you are wasting tax dollars on this shit.
well you have to join the freemasons and do a favor or 2 for some jews if you want a successful business in a big city, jews control it so you have to get in at as low of a cost as you can. id say a fund raiser , getting a jew out of jail, and building a synagoyg is low cost compared to stopping nafta tpp and gat possibly getting out of the un participation act
u have no strat or idea of whats happening, its not age of empires mmo
Justin Thompson
Lucas Hernandez
nigger you still shilling that shit on this board too?
Kayden Robinson
Finally Trump is talking about "consequences" for DWS.
DOESN'T MATTER IF HE IS DOING GOOD THINGS, MUH ISRAEL, WALL KISS, ETC ᴾᵃᶦᵈ ᶠᵒʳ ᵇʸ ᵗʰᵉ ᴰᴺᶜ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃ ᵇᵉᵗᵗᵉʳ ²⁰²⁰.
Connor Richardson
Landon Diaz
Joseph Gonzalez
Can't imagine Debbie going down without taking at least 50% of zog with her. She is deeply connected, threatened a DC police chief on camera like she owned him. She did seem worried about what was on the laptop.
As for the Iran tweet, hopefully it's throwing a few crumbs to Aipac and neocon fucks and nothing more. Kikes and neocons wrote the jcpoa, Obama was their puppet.
Parker Fisher
Obama is already gone. And who gives a fuck about Iran? Sage for politicking and for focusing on shit happening half a world away.
Tyler Ross
Love my president. MAGA!
Kayden Jackson
Obama's executive appointments are still in place. Undo his presidency and undo his appointments.
Are the Jews upset that Iran is trying to get their money back that the Jews confiscated over Iran's alleged role in 9/11?
Aaron Lopez
Iran has jewish puppets just like north korea did.
Iran will probably be the hardest state to free from jewish control at this point due to their hard "opposition" against Israel.
As long as Syria stabilizes with the help of russia it wont matter though.
Luke Jackson
Meh. She'll accidentally cut her own brake lines, club herself in the head numerous times and drive off the side of a cliff any day now, and for some reason she'll have every HDD, thumb drive, CD and floppy disk she ever owned in the car with her at the time of her unfortunate accident, which will all be destroyed in the fire caused by the gasoline in her all-electric vehicle.
James Green
hussein will be proven to be a Manchurian candidate, but more accurately a Teheranian candidate. The fbi failed to vet him properly, now we can see the upper level fbi was corrupt, so this is not a far fetched event. hussein will be proven to be an illegal, illegitimate president. hussein needed hillary to win in order to keep his illegal status and crimes from being exposed. He needed her to win so badly, he committed even more crimes in an attempt to get her elected. valerie jarrett and huma abadin are both muslim brotherhood plants. The iran nuclear deal was the primary purpose of the hussein presidency. hussein also ordered debbie wasserman-shultz to hire the awan clan. The awans transferred huge troves of electronic data to iran via pakistan. The awans also discovered the fact that Seth Rich was onto them. The Seth Rich robbery was not "botched" because the awans got what they were after, which was a thumb drive or thumb drives. There are many, many more facets to this story, but those are the main points. This is the biggest political scandal in the history of the world.
Jackson Cook
Iran is controlled opposition: the country. Fuck all semites.
Jonathan Diaz
Yup, he even went so far as pardoning himself as he left office. Why else would Trump be bringing up pardoning himself? Like with the wiretapping, Trump will be proven right again and the media will eat their words.
Angel Barnes
Jose Nelson
I am disappointed.
Ryder Martin
Shut the fuck up. Nobody is buying your terrible reverse psychology.
Robert Green
Prove him wrong. How many decades has Israel been on the verge of war with Iran now? Or how many decades they've been on the veege of nuclear capability? Who installed the muslim fundamentalist regime in Iran?
Evan Myers
Cringe worthy. Stay on your containment board, you dumb zionist faggot.
That's what I thought. No semite is worthy of trust.
Luke Edwards
This guy gets it.
Kayden Stewart
Prove me wrong
Nathan James
So why is Iran helping Syria and Hezbollah?
Jacob Evans
I think Obama just had his head so far up his ass that he thought Iran was evil and actually thought they needed appeasement to stop bad things; also he felt sorry for them. Iran simply looked at Pakistan and saw all the free money they were getting and thought, 'Hey we should try that as well!'
Grayson Barnes
Iran was forced to commit after the fall of ISIS and on account that Assad is still alive, thanks to Trump.
Aaron Lewis
I like the way you think. Please elaborate. I already figured that pulling out of the Iran deal and moving the embassy now makes the word hate Israel and move towards Iran, Russia, etc But why was Iran helping Assad in the first place? Simply to bolster their rhetoric to fight against Sunni extremists?
Joseph Murphy
Oh shit I figured it out. Israel uses Iran as an excuse to bomb Syria! It's the same reason kikes support Hamas! They just need a reason to drop bombs.
Xavier Adams
The guy who gave Gaddafi to jews and funded sunni backed "moderate rebels" against Assad was a Tehranian candidate? You need to take your hasbara back to cuckpol.
Which also had the blessings of jews. Bibi kvetches because kikes like to play both sides. Iran was complying as per EU, perhaps they now go for the nukes without looking like a bad actor to the rest of the world, which would be great because fuck kikes. It would be real 44d chess by Trump.
You have to understand the history of fundamentalist Iran and Syria. Assads father always kept them at arms reach as did Assad. Once ISIS and freedom fighters showed up on the scence Assad had no choice but to allow Iran to get their foot in the door, just another moment for Israel to kvetch about the horrors and evil of Assad and why he must go.
Brody Fisher
Iran has been funding Hezbollah for decadeds, and Syria is the main conduit for that funding. idk why there is anything to explain
Chase Martinez
Cool story Schlomo
Grayson Flores
Actually read what's being replied to you idiot. Apparently Iran is helping the Jews. How are they helping the Jews by helping Syria and Hezbollah? Apparently they were forced to help Syria because of Trump! Good luck sticking to that remark of idk why there is anything to explain
Isaiah Watson
Yeah how long was Imkikeys ban on you? He's dead now
Robert Torres
An international, jewish sex cult that brands hollywood stars and porn actresses was exposed like ONE FUCKING WEEK AGO.
These 'people' are pushing so hard to keep what little they have left it is only the ignorance of our People that keeps things hidden at this point. And that is changing quickly.
But this was not to you mr Kike, but to the casual observer. You will be hanging from a lampshade before the decade is up. Everyone reading this will witness dead jews ornamenting their streets in their lifetimes.
Stop posting those Jewish aut-kike frogs. It's been dead for over two years now.
Levi Jackson
Let the Muslims continue enjoying their conservative culture. Save the nukes for Chicago, Detroit, Balitmore, and Nigger York, you fuckin traitor.
Henry Parker
That's an old one.
Mason Russell
(((who))) 'helped' the ((Irgun Warriors))) and the (((Stern Gang))) occupy and invade the Holy Land(Palestine)???!! … gee.. (((who))) could it possibly be???