Can we get a thread dedicated to European genetics both North and South without any of that esoteric bullshit? I've grown tired of all these LARPERs pushing foundless narratives. I just want a good ol' genetics thread without any of the bullshit.
Zig Forums & Genedicks
I appreciate the notion but you know full well that by mentioning esoshit you're bound to attract esoniggers. Also, let's be honest Zig Forums isn't the best place to discuss anything related to science.
Still, I'm kinda tired of all these supposed "experts" on European demographics pushing lies and complete misinformation.
don't fall for the shill post
back to leddit faggot where you get banned for even mentioning these studies.
First I will post some graphs.
Second I will post my Völkisch estimation of genetics and why its not an identity.
We believe in Blood. Paracelsus said that blood was a “condensation of light”. The Völkisch science of inheritance and the modern science of genetics describe the same fundamental aspects of Nature. They are distinct from each other in that the former relies on a priori explanations rooted “superstition” (in a very limited sense, “blood” is an approximation of the DNA, both terms describe inheritance flowing from parent to child) while the latter is a posteriori. We embrace every science insofar as it helps us multiply and gain an edge over the competitor races. There should not be any dissonance or quarreling in the mind of a Völkisch man about DNA and modern genetics. It, like the proton in the universe, is at the most fundamental level of biology. Our beliefs simply go beyond the bare and materialistic character of DNA and this is where we clash with militant atheists who absurdly reduce human existence to “strings of chemical reactions”.
Genetics must be viewed as a welcome affirmation of that which has been known to Völkisch thought for centuries now, one of the practical applications of the science deals with genes in populations. In this field one must think and see through the lens of the genepool of a race or aristocratic lineage and in so doing one is already practicing Völkisch thought in regards to inheritance. When thinking as a corpus (or Volkskörper), one is paying attention to frequencies of traits and their differential rates of reproduction. The spreading of desirable traits through the eugenic breeding of desirable people is one of the oldest Völkisch concepts, and so is the viewing of individual phenotypes as transient beings. The flow of blood (or genes) must continue and right now we are simply vehicles of flow. Through selection of vehicles we can impact the direction of the flow, but we cannot allow the flowing to stop as that would mean the extinguishing of our blood. What gives the dimension of time to blood is the incarnation of blood in living beings that have been born of one generation and then produce the next. On an unrelated note I must comment on the current use of genetics science in dissident right spaces: no, pointing to unique genes only carried/expressed by Aryans does not constitute an identity. What gives rise to our identity is a deeply rooted belief in your membership in your racial group: you cannot be without it just as it cannot be without you, especially if you fail to fulfill your duty. Men are born as soldiers and women are born as incubators and through the cooperation of these two fundamental elements of the race, the race can assert itself in the worldwide competition for resources and living space. Pointing to unique genes does not reverse demographic trends, believing in an identity, god, religion, spirituality, etc. that results in the calling to arms and successful carving out of your own space to live inside of unadulterated as a race does. A “right” is an abstraction that relies on all parties honoring it; the foreign races do not honor our “right” to exist, so it is our duty to fight for our existence.
you understand that niggers have a genetic future living in mudhuts, so go have some babies for these dumbass computers of ours to be worth anything in the future.
Thanks for the contribution friend.
A small contribution from me but it's all I have at the moment. Pic is a DNA map of Britain. It may be useful for anyone of British heritage who is trying to calculate their heritage or anyone wanting to know about the genetic make up of the Brits, for instance. British here refers to Anglo-Saxon, i.e. Germanic. The Orcadians are the most distinct genetic group with about 1/4 of their Genome being Norwegian. The Welsh have the most original Briton DNA of any group and are the second most distinct group. Cornish people have DNA that is more English than Celtic and register as English on some DNA tests. Scotland, Ireland and Wales are the true Celtic groups of Britain and are grouped together taxonomically by some scientists.
How very kike of you OP
Unknown here includes Scandinavian and Iberian, btw.
The issue isn't mentioning studies, it's that people here will cherrypick whatever suits their worldview best and anybody who says otherwise must be a jew shill.
Why can't brown haired brown skinned brown eyed Italians admit they're not uber aryans? nobody is but they seem to get the most butthurt.
What? You mean you don't appreciate the time and effort LARPers put into trying to convince Zig Forums that whites - all whites - descend from a lost tribe of Israel that went north and thus the *bible jews were white? Well OP, that is wrongthink, if I interpret the rules appropriately. You just can't appreciate this bold attempt to get Zig Forums to appreciate the bible and yearn to own the jew label. I bet you hear the phrase, We wuz jews n sheeit and roll your eyes.
*Amongst all other failures to prove their LARP is real, they can never explain the exact moment the "bible jews" became the jewsjews
Not even Italian, but what the fuck does that even mean? They're native of Europe, that's all that matters, the whole "Aryan" nonsense is bullshit pushed by kikes to imply that Hitler cared about that. As attractive as blonde hair and blue eyes are that has nothing to do with racial purity.
Also, the claim that Nordics are unquestionably the best of the European people is also laughably idiotic. As cool as their ancient history was, I can say that Italians have contributed 10x more to the greatness of Western civilization than any Nordic country.
I apologize to my LARPer overlords, please, spit on my face for not being a Blonde Blue Eyed Ultra Zionist Ubermesnch.
This. But without the Infighting angle, we should all be proud of our own ancestry and the fact that they've remained mostly untouched by outside forces. This has been proven time and time again.
This looks like a promising D&C and resource burn slide
However your colleague, (((OP))), makes it too obvious:
Give him one less shekel. And no dick sucking tonight! That'll teach him.
bloods -> blonds
Learn to spell TORfag, and prove your claim that TALKING ABOUT FUCKING GENETICS is now a Jewish psyop.
The studies are numerous and all corroborate. I don't see much cherrypicking potential here.
holy shit you need to read some books
I wonder what a "non-jewed" PCA would look like.
Lol, which books? Ones written by Jewish authors? It's based on hearsay accounts of Mein Kampf and Hitler's speeches, hoping that nobody will bother to read/listen to them without a purposely fucked up translation by the Chosen.
Your own pic proves me right, nigger.
rekt but you're wrong about the aryan stuff. that's been proven by modern and recent genomics science.
What is aryan and why does it matter? Seriously, it's Jewish propaganda.
This, the Aryan stuff is real, but it's only a part of Europe's genetic whole makeup.
indo-european. it matters because it's a significant part of our history.
educate yourself.
This, Indo-Europeans are a huge part of our genetic make-up, some people protest that those that have less Indo-European are lesser Europeans (They conveniently make an exception with certain Nordic countries, but you know why that is), and that's just wrong, as Neolithic farmers are also a big part of what makes us European.
We're talking about two different things. The scientific term, Aryan (as in proto-European) which were an ancient peoples that exist in various degrees in Europe, Asia and North Africa. That is a very important part of where we come from. But the Jewish propaganda term "Aryan" as in very fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes… and the supposed "pure Aryans" being the Nordics.
But Italians actually have more Aryan admixture than the fucking Nordics. In fact, even Syrians are more Aryan than Swedes.
Thank you for bringing that pressing matter to my attention. Did a rabbi suck your dick when you were a baby? Please describe in detail. Shill IQ is atrocious. You need to hire smarter people. You are not God's chosen. You are a God forsaken.
You didn't adress my question Shlomo, how the fuck is a genetics discussion a jewish psyop? Sage for off topic
To be fair, perhaps you are not a shill, OP. However, your threat will be (((exploited))) to its full potential.
See? Another typo :/
Did you find it? threat -> thread :)
perhaps clarify exactly what you're discussing next time.
Lanz von Liebenfels in the Ostara newsletters, Arno Rüge, Rudolf Steiner, Hans F.K. Günther, just to name a few.
you are not educated enough to participate on this forum, leave
Now you're splitting hairs by calling Germany and Britain (much more Germanic than anything else) are Nordics because of some admixture. One could then consider some Brits to be Italian or Spanish to be Celtic. Then Italy is Nordic because they are partly Germanic.
I'm talking about the historical Nordic peoples: Norway, Iceland, Denmark and Sweden.
See that's what I mean by cherry picking. Using research that is over a hundred years old because more recent studies aren't palatable. I'd argue that Cavelli-Sforza is a more up-to-date researcher in the field but since he said "race is hard to determine" he's not Zig Forums approved. Instead people cling to a guy who believed in goddamn fairies.
Aryan as it applies to natsoc(Nazi) ideology is based on the ancient Indian histories of a people known by them at the time as Aryans, who were not "white euros" at all. At the time secret societies were in fashion among the upper elite and many joined for either "spiritual" or material benefit.
So those 2 heavily influenced and shaped the German brotherhood "research" society where many elites of business and society gathered and formed the OTO(Ordo Templi Orientis) this is still like 20-30 years before Hitler. The same people creating those secret societies were also influential in there politics and eventually formed the Nazi party and because of the original groups the Nazis were part of the Aryan and mystic attributes became part of the party, at higher levels. But this all came from the pursuing of "light" through freemasonry, in the USA freemasonry was already and still is very entrenched. at that time (1890s -1930, up to the 60s) eugenics and racial purity was being pushed and practiced in the USA with sterilization of 3x criminal offenders, retards, blacks and Hispanics being sterilized and experimented on with vaccines. Hitler was the product of these groups and his philosophy was in line with them at the same time he was funded by people controlling those groups, Rockefellers, Dupont, Ford, Rothchilds (they did Ransom a Rothchild for 20 million $ I believe it was but that was a ruse to get more funding) Israel was created by the Rothchilds and royalty of England who cooperated with Hitler to export Jews to the new land, which has to do with British Zionism and the black nobility. If you want to look into that part it had to deal with the Pope and Rome
Most of everything going on is a civil war in Rome with the Caesar (pope)
The wiki on black nobility is actually pretty good
Here's a video that goes into good detail, if there's a better one then plz post it but this information is the best I've found outside of my own reading. Don't take shit answers from /pol , most are just as biased and retarded as CNN or that shit
Watch now that I've posted actual info this thread will be sunk to page 3 in a few minutes. Always happens. Especially if you start citing law that verifies constitutional rights, explaining the 14th amendment and state citizen vs US citizen
How can cromag be original Aryan?
Interesting fact about Armenians they haven’t been admixed since ancient European hunter gatherers. After the major collapse of civilizations they remained isolated.
When do you think someone will undertake the task of making sense of all of this?
They seriously need to make 3d charts where you've got the PCA dimensions on the x and y and the date of the genetic signature find on the z so that you can visualize when what spawned where. It should be pyramid shaped in my estimation since hybrids are in between the two parent racial groups on PCAs, so that as time increases, increasingly localized maximums spawn that look like a mountain range.
Probably because their area was a bit more isolated and gay to get to, low outlying resources around them probably was a barrier until ppl could bring in supplies and protection. They have hills and water so they could probably defend against anyone with a smaller army or band
That wasn't always the case. In 2015 this place had quality scientific discussion, and pre-Zig Forumsharbor Zig Forums had space elevator threads. Too bad all the normalfag cuckservatives came here and dragged their dirty feet with jonestein tier anti-scientific narratives typical of the straw opposition in America. It's actually one of the things pushed by actual cointelpro shills, to demoralize and drive away anybody with a background in the hard sciences.
You're falling into the same intellectual trap that late 19th/early 20th century European colonialists fell into, ascribing some sort of deeper meaning and manifest destiny to genetics. I get the ideological reasoning - the necessity of a mythos to bind and guide the in-group - but in practice supremacism leads to complacency and bona fide purity spiralling as opportunists use any excuse to undermine their peers and superiors to advance through the ranks, while the enemy can easily dismantle your assertions with empirical evidence.
It's a tactic that didn't work the last time around, you need to adapt if you want to succeed. Just like anybody else.
Nigga why do you think all ppl applying for citizenship to US have a biometrics reading, all blood drawn has samples sent to government genetics labs and it's categorized, all new born babies have blood sent out.
You'd need genetic data from generations that are long, long dead to get anything meaningful from such an endeavour. As it is, we can already clearly see the major divisions and can infer the topology of their family tree by following individual markers.
Regardless, if you did a 3-dimension PC plot by generation and connected parents to children you'd end up with something that looks like a bunch of wires strung out from an original loom and forming rope-like branches going more or less parallel to each other (diverging very slowly) with the occasional interconnects and offshoots.
Take your meds, feds
Stop being so damn obtuse. Obviously Cro Magnon spread across the world.
You're thinking too much like a jew. A well crafted myth of supremacy results in resource acquisition, lebensraum, and a large amount of children.
Also if you read what I wrote you'd understand that I'm not using genetics to justify shit.
the jews tried and failed because they're too much like the Palestinians (genetically speaking)
I wasn't thinking parent/child, the time axis would be measured in centuries and we would go from archeological find to archeological find instead of from generation to generation. Would be a neat chart to look at for sure.
But have you read anything about it? Why don't you read the supreme Court of the US dredd Scott vs Sanford opinion like, heres an embed.
This will give you a feeling of the mentality of the white public at the time
Everything I said is factual and can be looked up by you. Just look at actual sources, read some books from the time or before.
Don't be a retarded parroting nigger, learn some shit from something besides memes
Show me one fucking example of this happening. The best crafted mythos to ever exist was still overpowered by sheer industrial might and resulted in the rape, occupation and spiritual destruction of the people that subscribed to it.
This is exactly what I am talking about. Idiots like you get carried away and think that if you close your eyes and wish hard enough you'll win. You shout down anybody urging prudence, caution, or proper planning and preparation as a coward and a traitor.
You think this has never happened before? Arrogant, overconfident fools have been losing otherwise easily winnable wars since time immemorial. Sure, sometimes fortune favours the bold. But it favours those who stack the cards in their favour even more. WW2 itself is an example of this - the proud Prussian warrior aristocracy thought they would carry all before them and squandered their only tentative shot at winning the war by diverting Barbarossa from its original targets in the Caucasus to Moscow.
You need to acknowledge the possibility of defeat if you are to prevent it.
What information would be gained? You'd just end up with a bunch scattered of dots roughly interpolating the path from the original divergence of human groups to the current location of of the cluster.
Hitler's Germany had a great start at solving this problem. You're acting like all is said and done already and that's not true. Also don't forget that the British Empire survived industrialization just fine and it wasn't until they trusted your tribesmen that they went down fighting on the wrong side in both world wars.
Where did I advocate that?
Battle for my race is ancestor worship in applied form.
you aren't doing that asshole.
shlomo, in your mind you just want me to think I've already lost so that I won't even try.
Neat visual representation since all the information right now is strewn across 30+ studies (of the ones since 2015).
Here are graphs with the dna samples from the last link overlayed on a map:
Massive migration from the steppe is a source for Indo-European languages in Europe
Larger image of dna spread:
Anyone got the chart showing nog accomplishment/intelligence is barely affected by upbringing/education and is still below poor whites?
Also the one showing nog genedick relation to ourselves.
PS: Please add links ITT for these charts to the normiesphere as you find them.
classic PCA attached below
Thank you.
Time to start sorting out that image folder.
just as predicted
Keep using your "progressive" jew-speak, hooknosers. It makes you easier to filter
Can we get an OP that isn't a fucking faggot to make a thread?
Lurk more.
I still think I1 is Elves/Israelites and that's why that shill posted his disinfo campaign on every board.
who makes this retarded shit up?
user the I1 Haplogroup are the Scandanavian Hunter Gatherers.
Read the study
And take a look at this language map:
Modern Scandi's are descended from something that brought agriculture to that region sometime after 2000bc.
Proto Indo Europeans?
They brought agriculture, metal, and horse riding to most of europe
While Scandinavians are heavily I1, I hesitate to assume that unadmixed I1s were the same as present day admixed (I1/R1a/R1b) Scandinavians. I am curious about the distance between I1 and R1a/R1b… Also, I am curious if I1 was among proto-Indo-European (R1a and R1b) tribes. Lots of questions.
If unadmixed I1s look like modern day Scandinavians then that suggests that the assertion that I1/Western European Hunter Gatherers were darker skinned, with dark hair and blue eyes is questionable. Moreover, that implies that blue eyes did not develop in the Caucasus, where R1a/R1bs would have been, probably. I think it is possible I1/R1a/R1b may have been rolling together and admixing for 10,000 years or more.
They are clearly Mediterranean, what were we thinking?
“Historical Nordic” people were always a tiny minority of Germanics, who are from central and eastern Europe (check Crimea Goth).
“Antique Italians”, the Romans contribute almost nothing, very little to human knowledge, achievements. Most of the technology, culture they used was borowed robbed from the Greeks. Large parts of Roman technology, metallurgy was from “cave and mud hut dwelling” Nords, the Celts.
The Greeks borowed maybe half of their know-how from the Orient, what the antique Greeks had no problem to admit, in contrast of contemporary dwellers on antique Greece land.
Italy’s contribution were made in a largely Germanized medieval, post-medievial society. Yeah your “Latin” culture was formed to a large degree by Germanics, the strongest in the North wer most contributions were made. Same for all other “Latin” cultures, France the most, but Spain and Portugal as well.
Those countries earn their existence to Germanics who made them. Well, in case of Italy a high number of Semites jews, as well.
None of the Roman ruling class survived the end of the empire.
Don’t you know goyim, that contemporary borders are reflecting deeply cultural, historical and genetic divides. It is as if you didn’t read the newspaper.
Keltic history has been swept under a rug to make it look like nothing happened in Europe before Rome and Greece. You're right about the metallurgy, the big thing keeping the northerners (both the true Nords and the Kelts) back from empire was that they hadn't figured out agriculture in the way the Romans or Greeks had.
owe their existence* just to keep your english up
jews are incapable of creating by themselves, they can only parasitize
At the time of the conquest of Gaul, Rome was little more then an assembly of “mudhuts”, exaggerated, but the cultural level wasn’t so different to the Celts, who were far more sophisticated had better tech and architecture than simple “mudhuts”.
When Caesar went to conquer Gaul, he was nearly bankrupt, after that he was the richest man in Rome and could afford to finance the civil war (his enemies escaped with the state treasury).
The conquest of Gaul was one of the history biggest robberies. The gold of the Gaul wasn’t theirs because they were so inept or primitive.
The undisciplined barbars is a Roman meme. During the Punic wars the Celt made the core of the Carthaginian army, directly facing the Roman legions. That weren’t some Liberian punks, undisciplined charging a battle line. The Carthaginians losing to Romans wasn’t the fault of the Celts.
Rome became a city made out marble only later, after further conquests. At that stage Rome had to import food for it’s inhabitants.
That was a reference to jewish influence in creating the Italian state in 19th century
No, nigger, I want you to fucking understand that you're not a demigod, your genetics do not give you divine favour and other races are still a very real threat. Instead of baseless overconfidence you should make concrete plans and take deliberate action, taking the enemy into account. Whites can lose wars against shitskins, never forget this. The fact that you somehow interpret this as me telling you to "not even try" is just evidence that you're suffering cognitive dissonance.
Leave him. Do you honestly think you can reason with someone who throws buzzwords around at the slightest deviation from his insanity? This is what happens when you let in redditors unchecked and give a roach with a chip on his shoulder the banhammer.
That's right. For every Zulu there is the possibility of a Zulu Dawn.
I don't even care. Anyone retarded enough to think it's ok to go to a black doctor might deserve it.
They can have that without managing to understand the logistics of empire. Kinda gay that the Kelts never rose up to form their own empire but it was probably just too cold for it to be possible back then.
oh right
My genetics make me divine by my thinking and carrying of that notion. My race is my god and I'm part of its earthly incarnates. Of course the other races are still threats and that's what I'm here for as a male incarnation: a soldier of my genepool.
You're talking to someone that has nukes. You need to understand the nature of power.
The only one stuck in some dogmatic thought that we are way in over our heads and don't realize the threat of the foreign races is you. We know they exist, we know that they are an existential problem, lets start coming up with solutions. Stop trying to demoralize by chipping away at the new moral and religious foundations we have to build to unite the White.
$0.02 has been deposited into your account.
Yeah we literally did.
We forgot how to engage in tribal warfare. Sure, a white nation would almost always btfo anyone else in a conventional engagement, tech has widened the gap so much that it's not even a competition at this point, but that's not out fight. It's an insidious undermining of our countries, jews inducting them and poisoning our lives with their indolence.
It doesn't matter that they can't shoot, in a better world they never would've even had guns. It's a low level tribal war that we're not even fighting.
I never liked that 3rd pic, it is definitely cherrypicking on a specific timeframe with an unstated definition of significant figures or events.
I mostly disagree with the top right pic, they make their claims for a couple centuries and then extrapolate to pre-Christ years. They ignore that all technological advances is incremental and some significant events are more significant than others and enable others to happen, such as parchment, mathematics, irrigation, roads, philosophy, architecture.
A sort of tech tree view would be more enlightening than a non-defined number of significant people/events.
The data is misleading.
The problem is that the Yamnaya weren't a genetic isolate. The Yamnaya had farmer-like ancestry, and some northern Eurasian populations had Yamnaya like ancestry. This is why Finland have so much "Yamnaya" ancestry, despite not even being Indo-European. The Sami are found to have very high levels of "Yamnaya", in fact the Sami are found to have some of the highest levels of "Yamnaya" in the entirety of Europe. This "Yamnaya" ancestry being so high in the Sami makes it clear that the data is actually counting lappoid as Yamnaya.
The Yamnaya were R1b, and the Corded Ware were R1a. The Fins, the Scandinavians and Sami are largely I1a and Nc populations.
The truth is that the Celtic nations of the British Isles have the most direct Yamnaya ancestry, followed by the English who have a bit less due to small amounts of non-anglo-saxon continental gene input, i.e., the Normans and viking raids.
Charles Murray spends the first 80 pages of the book laying out his method and preempting criticisms. Go read Human Accomplishment before spouting such dumb shit.
stop, go read the book
Murray literally addresses this in the book and his answer is that, if he were to include all the small incremental events leading up to big revolutions, the European number of achievements would shoot through the roof. He was forced to reduce his sample size (despite having way more data) in order to give the non-whites a fighting chance of the graphs. He states that for every non-western (including Chinese/Indian/Japanese) achievement you include, you also have to include another 10 European achievements. His massaging of the data hypes up non-western achievement as much as possible without being dishonest or a blatant lie.
I hope that one day you will realize that there is a "tech tree" in Europe: scientists and geniuses are made up of genes that are unique to Whites, it seems. Where you have Whites, you have science going places (as evidenced by the "Rest of the West" category after colonial expansion).
tl;dr go read the book and quit mouthing off
also >(1) i think you're a kike anyway
I don't think thats been proven yet. We don't know what the Yamnaya are.
Your theories about Finland are stumpy and stupid because you refuse to distinguish the Sami from the Europeans (Nords and East Baltids), so I will just ignore that until you rephrase it to actually assert something that can't be misconstrued later on to fit your argument.
then again, i work in the visual arts industry and it's self evident where the talent lays, even today
The Yamnaya, on the male side, were R1b Europeans from the Eastern European Steppes. On the maternal side they were derived from local women from the European Steppes, as well as foreign brides from the Caucasus. This Caucasus ancestry is the source of the farmer-like ancestry.
The Sami have genetic ties to Europeans. Sami, Fins and Scandinavians share some kind of North Eurasian ancestry that appears Yamnaya-like in the data. This pseudo-Yamnaya ancestry exists in I1a and N1c populations. The pseudo-Yamnaya peaks in the Sami and the Lapland, but also exists in Southern Scandinavia, Finland and some Baltic people. Almost the entirety of the Sami's "Yamnaya" ancestry is probably derived from this pseudo-Yamnaya ancestry, whereas the Indo-European Scandinavians' Yamnaya ancestry is derived from a mixture of direct Yamnaya and this pseudo-Yamnaya.
Before accusing Murray of a certain bias, you should be aware that Murray wrote this book with a presumptive east Asian bias - certainly not a bias towards "nords" or anything. Murray, being fixated on IQ, thought that an examination of history would reveal that east Asians - with their 5 IQ point advantage over Whites - would have contributed far more than people thought. Murray even has two half-Asian children, probably because he thought mixing with Asians would improve the IQ of his children.
Given this, it's unlikely that the work was "cherrypicked", as it went against what he set out to prove, and he was likely somewhat disappointed with the results, but in the name of science, still published his book.
Massive migration from the steppe is a source for Indo-European languages in Europe (2015)
Here are graphs with the dna samples from the study overlayed on a map:
Larger image of dna spread from study:
A timeline of the ancient dna groups from this study:
What this study shows, among other things, is that the modern European people (not Arabs or Africans) are still a mix of the WHG, EHG, and ENF groups, and have been for ~7,000 years.
All Europeans are R and/or I haplogroups
J1 is "Aryan/Persian" and J2 is "Arab/Bedouin".
Here is a map of YDNA to show:
Here is another graphic with three different and more recent studies (2017) that show the same thing and with timelines:
Timeline of European History
200,000 BCE:
In the Paleolithic period, the Neanderthal Man enters the Iberian Peninsula.
40,000 BCE:
The first large settlement of Europa by modern humans, nomadic hunter-gathereres coming from the steppes of Central Asia, characterized by the M173 mutation in the Y chromosome, defining them as haplogroup R population. When the Ice Age reached its maximum extent, these modern humans took refuge in Southern Europe, namely in Iberia, and in the steppes of Siberia.
30,000 BCE:
Modern humans make way into the Iberian Peninsula, coming from southern France. Here, this genetically homogenous population (characterized by the M173 mutation in the Y chromosome), will develop the M343 mutation, giving rise to the R1b haplogroup, still dominant in modern Portuguese and Spanish populations.
10,000 BCE:
The populations sheltered in Iberia, descendants of the Cro-Magnon, given the deglaciation, migrate and recolonize all of Western Europe, thus spreading the R1b haplogroup populations (still dominant, in variant degrees, from Iberia to Scandinavia).
5,000 BCE:
The nomadic hunter-gathereres of the R haplogroup (characterized by the M173 mutation in the Y chromosome) that had taken refuge during the Last Ice Age in the steppes of Siberia (and had developed the M17 mutation, originating the R1a Haplogroup), give rise to the Proto-Indo-European cultures.
1,000 BCE:
First wave of migrations into Iberia of the Urnfield culture (Oestrimni, speakers of the Proto-Celtic language).
Here is a sample of modern Turkic dna:
And a map of that dna:
And the distribution of the Turkic languages:
And the theorised Altaic language map relating the Turkic and Uralic languages:
Greater Gaul when?
The maternal genetic make-up of the Iberian Peninsula between the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age. Scientific Reports (2017):
Ancient DNA reveals prehistoric gene-flow from Siberia in the complex human population history of North East Europe. PLoS Genetics (2013):
You're new to it right? J2 is PIE. I/J split approximately 40k years ago.
who /i2bull/ here?
What is Rococo ?
What is Flemish Painting ?
What are the Urnfield, Hallstatt, and La Tène cultures ?
Other than da Vinci, Caravaggio, and Columbo, I can't think of a mediterranean artist of any real significance. Mostly copycats. Maybe Raphael and Michelangelo, or Gaudí.
Stop talking.
Thanks for the (nazi). We don't know what NS is. I know it's depressing that a foreign conqueror created your entire civilisation pajeet but the debate has been settled.
It's ~20k years ago.
I don't agree.
The YCC system structure is quite flawed.
It's all logically implausible.
But the idea that all humans come from Africa and there were not other types of human-like hominids elsewhere is retarded. Especially whith the gaps in the system where they project their "WE WUZ" bias as a bridge to fill the gaps. For example, haplogroup CT has never been found, which is a interesting given it is the source of the supposed link between Africans and West Eurasians.
What is more likely, is that haplogroup A (Ancient Africans) was mixed given its highest modern frequencies are in mulato looking people, e.g., Khoisan and Namaqua.
yeah thats pretty sound stuff. Right about where we are.
its a juggling act no question though. Trying to do the same thing he criticizes all the marxist authors of in the first few pages ("books that downplay Western accomplishment" and "emphasize non-Western accomplishment"), he settles on a criterion that up-plays non-white achievement. I'm glad that he admitted that for every non-white achievement you add, another 10 White ones flood in.
Do not forget the legendary Arno Breker.
Holy shit, there's so much wrong with this post, I don't know where to start. Maybe with the fact that Rococo was started in France, and don't go telling me now that the French are all Germanics too. Not to mention that you're conveniently forgetting movements like the Renaissance which was created in Italy, not to mention, the number of artists you've listed are minuscule compared to the real number of artists from southern Europe. Such as Greco, Velazquez, Goya, Dalí, Miró, Picasso, etc.
And another thing, you fucking disgust you piece of shit, stop with the fucking "We Wuz" Garbage, stop stealing credit from other people's just to feel better about yourself, stick to your own fucking history and leave everyone else alone, you fucking cultural LEECH. You disgust me.